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Shell vindt olieveld voor kust Brunei
Gepubliceerd: vandaag 10:05

DEN HAAG (AFN) - Een dochterbedrijf van olieconcern Shell heeft een olieveld gevonden voor de kust van Brunei. Dit maakte Brunei Shell Petroleum (BSP) maandag bekend.

Het olieveld ligt ongeveer 100 kilometer uit de kust van het sultanaat. De waterdiepte is daar circa 1000 meter. Het bedrijf gaat de komende tijd meer onderzoek doen om te kijken hoeveel olie er gewonnen kan worden uit het veld.

Shell is voor de helft eigenaar van BSP. De andere helft is in handen van de overheid van Brunei.
Shell CEO: goede vooruitgang bij besprekingen gasproject Irak

LONDEN (Dow Jones)--Oliemaatschappij Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSB.LN) houdt vertrouwen in de goede afloop van de besprekingen over een joint venture ter waarde van $12 miljard voor de winning van gas bij de olieproductie in Irak, meldt Shell chief executive Peter Voser dinsdag.

De overeenkomst met South Gas Co uit Irak en Mitsubishi Corp (MSBHY) uit Japan voorziet in gaswinning op olievelden bij Basra, waaronder Rumaila.

Shell bereikte begin 2010 overeenkomsten met de regering van Irak voor de productie van olie in verschillende grote olievelden in Zuid-Irak, maar een reeks juridische en politieke geschillen heeft de start van de productie belemmerd.

"We hebben goede vooruitgang geboekt, zij het wat langzamer dan voorzien", zei Voser, eraan toevoegend dat het proces zich in het stadium van het nemen van noodzakelijke parlementaire hordes bevindt.

De CEO maakte geen concrete tijdsaanduiding of andere details over de start van de productie bekend.

Irak heeft een voorraad natuurlijk gas van 112,6 biljoen kubieke voet, maar produceert slechts 1,6 miljard kubieke voet per dag, waarvan de helft nu wordt afgefakkeld.

- Alexis Flynn; Dow Jones Newswires; +44 207842 9357; (Hassan Hafidh in Baghdad droeg bij aan dit bericht.)

Shell: beloning CEO 62% hoger door betere prestaties

LONDEN (Dow Jones)--Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA) meldt dinsdag dat de gecombineerde beloning van chief executive Peter Voser in 2010 met 62% is gestegen tot EUR5,36 miljoen doordat de prestaties van het bedrijf verbeterden.

Het basissalaris van Voser steeg met 3,3% ten opzichte van een jaar eerder tot EUR1,5 miljoen. Het grootste deel van de hogere vergoeding komt echter door een jaarlijkse bonus, die meer dan verdubbelde tot EUR3,75 miljoen.

Vosers bonus steeg omdat verschillende maatstaven - zoals kasstroom, olie- en gasproductie, raffinageprestaties en veiligheid - ruim boven de doelstellingen lagen, stelt Shell in het jaarverslag.

De CEO kreeg ook 182.174 aandelen A in Shell onder het langetermijn stimuleringsplan. Dit was circa driekwart van het maximum onder het schema, omdat Shell tweede staat in zijn groep van sectorgenoten gebaseerd op totaal aandeelhoudersrendement.

Shell botste twee jaar geleden met aandeelhouders toen het beloningscomite gebruik maakte van zijn discretionaire bevoegdheden om aandelen toe te kennen aan bestuurders toen het langetermijn plan voorschreef dat ze niets zouden moeten krijgen. Van dergelijke bevoegdheden was dit jaar geen sprake, aldus Shell.

Door James Herron, Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

Shell CEO: bedrijf staat klaar Japan te helpen

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA) staat klaar om Japan te helpen in zijn brandstofbehoefte nu de energieinfrastructuur van het land is beschadigd door de zware aardbeving en tsunami van vorige week, zegt chief executive Peter Voser dinsdag.

Het bedrijf treft voorbereidingen om Japan te helpen met zijn brandstofbehoefte, aldus Voser.

Shell is in gesprek met de Japanse overheid en is van plan zo veel mogelijk LNG-vrachten te sturen, zegt de CEO.

Door Alexis Flynn, Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

Shell diverting LNG to Japan to help offset energy supply drop; lifts oil output targets
AP Business Writer
648 words
15 March 2011
11:49 Associated Press Newswires APRS English
(c) 2011. The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved.

AMSTERDAM (AP) - Royal Dutch Shell PLC said Tuesday it plans to divert liquefied natural gas and fuel oil to Japan to help replace energy sources damaged in last week's earthquake and tsunami.

Shell, Europe's largest publicly listed oil company, also said it planned to boost its oil production to 3.7 million barrels per day by 2014, with CEO Peter Voser vowing that a "wave of new production" will continue.

Voser said Shell's refining assets in Japan were not damaged in Friday's disaster but it was too early to say how much assistance the government wants and Shell can give. Major LNG companies need to cooperate on rerouting planned shipments and it is not clear how much capacity in Japan can be used to generate electricity from LNG.

The country may in the meantime use fuel oil or crude oil power plants that are only slightly damaged. Voser said LNG diversions could lead to price increases in Europe in the short term.

Shell is not planning for scenarios in which global demand or prices for oil and gas decline on a long-term basis. Growing populations, improving living standards and a lag in investment mean that energy prices are still headed up, Voser said.

Shell's new output target compared with production in 2010 of just 3.34 million barrels of oil and equivalents, which was up from 3.14 million in 2009 thanks to heavy investments in places such as Russia's Sakhalin Island and offshore Qatar, both LNG projects.

Voser said Shell had made mistakes around the turn of the century, when it was pumping more than 4 million barrels of oil per day, not so much because of the major accounting scandal it suffered -- in which managers were caught overestimating proven reserves -- but instead because executives at the time hadn't spent enough on new capacity.
He warned an oil company can cut costs too far and enter a shrinking phase with limited investment and financing options. That won't happen on his watch, he told reporters during an exposition on the company's strategic plans for the coming year and beyond.

"We're 'back' now, and I can tell you we are not going back to where we were 10 years ago," he said.

Shell's annual report released Tuesday said the company added more to proved reserves than it pumped in 2010, and now has more than 14 billion barrels of proved reserves -- enough for an estimated 11 years of operations.

Voser said the company plans $100 billion in capital spending in 2011-2014 to continue growing.

The company cited a list of 20 projects under construction and another 30 under consideration that will take it through 2020.

Chief Financial Officer Simon Henry gave a quick breakdown of some planned investments, including $5 billion into heavy oil projects in places like Canada and Oman, $12 billion in "tight" gas and
oil exploration in the U.S. and Brazil, and $20 billion each into deep water development projects and integrated gas facilities.

The company is planning for oil prices of $60-$80 -- well below current rates -- and said the company would be able to support investment plans of $25-$27 billion per year and still maintain $10 billion in annual dividend payouts with oil at $50 per barrel.

In February Shell reported full year 2010 net profit of $20.1 billion, up from $12.5 billion in 2009, as production rose, inventory values increased, and refining operations improved.

Voser said the company plans to cut $1 billion in costs from its "downstream," or refining and chemicals operations this year, though employment will remain about flat companywide at around 93,000, after 7,000 jobs were cut last year.

Shell, Cosan plan to double output at ethanol venture
Jeb Blount,Jeb Blount
376 words
15 February 2011 (c) 2011 McGraw-Hill, Inc.

Rio de Janeiro—Cosan and Shell said February 14 that Raizen, their Brazilian-based biofuel joint
venture, will more than double output of ethanol to 5 billion liters (1.32 billion gallons) annually by the end of 2014.

The expansion of the venture, which was given the name Raizen at a ceremony February 14 in Sao Paulo, comes as Shell and Cosan merge their Brazilian sugar, petroleum products and biofuel operations, a process expected to be completed by mid-year, Vasco Dias, Raizen's chief executive, told reporters during a conference call.

"We were born big and want to be bigger still," Dias said. "We want to be known globally for excellence in development, production and trading of sustainable energy."

Raizen, 50% owned by Shell and 50% by Cosan, already has 2.2 billion liters of annual ethanol production, Reais 50 billion ($29.2 billion) of sales, 40,000 employees, 4,500 Brazilian service stations and 23 sugarcane, ethanol and sugar mills, Dias said.

The company also will buy ethanol from third parties and use its transportation assets to move it and sell it on world markets. It expects to trade as much as 10 billion liters of ethanol in five years.

"By the size of its operations, Raizen will help consolidate ethanol, a sustainable, clean and renewable energy source, on a worldwide level and strengthen the position of Brazil in the international biofuel trade," Dias said.

Some of that will be traded in Brazil where it currently operates Esso and Shell brand service stations, and some will be exported, Dias said.

The Esso, Cosan and Shell brands are being consolidated into a single Raizen-brand service station chain. Shell and Cosan also are dealing with a Brazilian antitrust agency recommendation that Shell sell its aviation fuel business in Brazil as a condition of allowing Cosan and Shell to team up as Raizen.

Raizen expects to nearly double sugarcane crushing capacity to 100 million mt/year from 62 million mt/year now and more than double electricity generation from its ethanol plants using cogeneration
based on sugarcane bagasse to 1,300 MW from 600 MW, Dias said.
UPDATE: Shell targets 12% oil, gas output growth by 2014
736 words 15 March 2011
Platts Commodity News
Copyright 2011. Platts. All Rights Reserved.

Shell said Tuesday its oil and gas production will grow by almost 12% over the next four years, confirming a raft of long-awaited mega-projects are on track to transform the major's flagging upstream performance.

In an annual strategy update, Shell said it expects oil and gas output to reach 3.7 million b/d of oil equivalent in 2014 with an existing resource base of 10 billion boe able to support upstream growth to 2020.

The new target, which follows a 2012 goal of 3.5 million boe/d given a year earlier, is in line with previous guidance of 2%-3% average annual upstream growth rates.

Europe's biggest oil company increased production for the first time in seven years in 2010 and saw a $10 billion, or 40%, improvement in operating cash flow underpinned by the new output, lower costs
and a major downstream restructuring program.

As a wave of major gas-focused projects come on stream, the company confirmed it expects cash flow from operations to increase by around 50% from 2009 to 2012 at $60/barrel oil prices and by over 80% with $80/b oil.

Shell this year expects new production growth from the start-up of the world's largest gas-to-liquids facility in Qatar and new oil sands upgrading capacity in Canada this year.

"We have made good progress in 2010. Our profitability is improving, and we are on track for our growth targets," CEO Peter Voser said in a statement. "There is more to come from Shell."

Downstream, Shell flagged a new target for a further $1 billion in cost savings over the next two years after cutting more than $2.5 billion of downstream costs in 2009 and 2010.

The strategy update did little to inspire investors, however, with few incremental targets to guidance given over the previous months.

Shell's shares on Tuesday outperformed its oil market peers in London despite falling by up to 2.8%, reflecting lower global oil prices. By 16:00 GMT, the shares were trading 0.9% lower at GBP21.05/share, compared to a 2% fall on the Stoxx European oil and gas index.


In its strategy update, Shell said its goal of growing output to 2020 is supported by a potential 30 new projects with some 10 billion barrels of oil equivalent resources able to produce over 1 million boe/d.

Shell also confirmed its upstream production target of 3.5 million boe/d for 2012, adding it has 20 new upstream projects under construction set to add over 800,000 boe/d of new output.

Shell confirmed a capital investment target of $25 billion-$27 billion/year for 2011-14 as it develops its portfolio of tight gas, deep water, LNG and traditional resources.

On cost savings, Shell said it sees "further scope for multi-billion dollar underlying cost reductions" in 2011-12 through continuous improvement programs such as staff cuts, shedding backoffice overheads and other corporate functions with "off-shored" service centers. Shell slashed its operating costs by some $2 billion in 2009, achieved primarily through shedding 5,000 employees worldwide, as part of a major restructuring program to streamline the group.

Downstream, Shell said the bulk of its 2010-12 downstream asset sales have been completed, with transactions since end-2009 reducing refining capacity by over 700,000 b/d, cutting its marketing footprint, and generating $4.7 billion of disposals proceeds.

Shell said any further selloff of refining assets would "not substantially alter capacity" and be additional to the $1 billion in downstream cost savings expected this year.

Shell also confirmed a previous estimates that asset sales proceeds could reach $5 billion in 2011, including $2 billion from deals announced in 2010. Shell has already since agreed the sale of its Stanlow refinery in the UK, African downstream business and some onshore Nigerian blocks, making up the majority of the remaining $3 billion of asset sales expected this year.

On reserves, Shell said it booked proved reserves additions of 1.37 billion boe in 2010, reflecting a reserve replacement ratio of 110% for the year. Excluding the effect of oil price movements, organic reserves replacement was 133%, Shell said.

Robert Perkins,
Gepubliceerd: vandaag 12:58

TOKIO (AFN) - Vier raffinaderijen van het Japanse oliebedrijf Showa Shell Sekiyu draaien weer op volle toeren om te voorkomen dat er een tekort aan olie ontstaat als gevolg van de aardbeving in het Aziatische land. Dat heeft het concern vrijdag bekendgemaakt.

Het Japanse oliebedrijf is voor 35 procent in handen van Royal Dutch Shell. Het Saudische Aramco heeft een belang van 15 procent in Showa Shell Sekiyu.

De vier raffinaderijen van het Japanse concern zijn goed voor een productie van 655.000 vaten olie per dag.
Shell stuurt extra ladingen LNG naar Japan
Gepubliceerd op 18 mrt 2011 om 16:17 | Views: 0

LONDEN (AFN) - Oliemaatschappij Shell werkt aan extra bevoorradingen van vloeibaar aardgas (LNG) aan Japan om het land te helpen met zijn energiebehoefte. Dat maakte Shell vrijdag bekend.

Volgens Shell werden in de afgelopen 24 uur twee verschepingen LNG vanuit Brunei in Tokio gelost. Het concern verwacht de komende dagen vanuit andere locaties nog meer ladingen LNG naar het door natuurrampen getroffen land te sturen.
Shell voert extra LNG-verschepingen naar Japan uit

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA) heeft vorige week acht extra verschepingen met vloeibaar aardgas (LNG) naar Japan uitgevoerd, zegt een vertegenwoordiger van het bedrijf dinsdag.

Twee van deze verschepingen kwamen van het Russische eiland Sakhalin en zes vanuit Brunei, zegt Shell's hoofd LNG Upstream International De La Rey Venter, op de Gastech-conferentie in Amsterdam.

Ventner stelt erbij dat er "meer dan genoeg" voorraad is voor aanvullende extra verschepingen naar Japan, maar dat deze vanwege de huidige "beperkte flexibiliteit" over drie maanden beschikbaar komen.

de nucleaire crisis in Japan zal de vraag naar LNG op korte termijn waarschijnlijk doen toenemen, omdat de derde economie van de wereld alternatieve energiebronnen zoekt. Op lange termijn kan de vraag verder stijgen als andere landen hun afhankelijkheid van nucleaire energie heroverwegen.

- Door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31 20 571 5201;

Irak komt met rapport over gascontract Shell
Gepubliceerd op 22 mrt 2011 om 15:35 | Views: 96

BAGDAD (AFN) - Het Iraakse ministerie van Olie presenteert volgende week een rapport over het gascontract dat het land sloot met Shell en Mitsubishi. Dat heeft minister Abdul-Kareem Luaibi van het departement dinsdag gezegd.

Het rapport wordt opgesteld in opdracht van het energiecomité van het Iraakse kabinet. Shell en Mitsubishi onderhandelen al ruim twee jaar over de opdracht om gas af te vangen. Daarmee is 12 miljard dollar gemoeid.

Nu gaat er dagelijks bijna 20 miljoen kubieke meter gas verloren door het af te fakkelen. Door het gas af te vangen hoopt het land wat te doen aan het verschil tussen vraag en aanbod. De vraag is twee keer zo hoog als het aanbod.
Royal Dutch Shell receives U.S. approval to drill three new exploratory wells in the Gulf of Mexico:

eee schreef:

Shell Wants 30% Stake in CNOOC’s Huizhou Refinery Project:
hoe komt het toch als shell iedere keer met relatief goed nieuws komt dit zo weinig impact heeft op de koers?
moet nu toch wel weer naar de 26E gaan de komende 2 weken neem ik aan.
UPDATE: Shell: Eerste aardgas vloeit naar Pearl fabriek

(Update van eerder gepubliceerd bericht 'Shell: Eerste aardgas vloeit naar Pearl fabriek' om extra informatie toe te voegen in paragraaf 3, 4 en 5)

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Het eerste aardgas van offshore velden is op woensdag bij Royal Dutch Shell's (RDSB.LN) Pearl fabriek in Qatar binnengekomen om van gas omgezet te worden in vloeibare brandstoffen en smeermiddelen, meldt het bedrijf in een persbericht.

Pearl is Shell's meest kostbare op zichzelf staande project en kost het bedrijf tussen de $18 miljard en $19 miljard. De verwachting is dat de fabriek een belangrijke bron van inkomsten zal zijn voor Shell zodra de fabriek later dit jaar brandstof zal gaan produceren.

Onderdelen van de Pearl fabriek, welke aardgas om zal zetten in 120.000 vaten gecondenseerd en vloeibaar aardgas per dag, en 140.000 vaten hoge kwaliteit transport brandstoffen en smeermiddelen per dag, zullen geleidelijk opgestart worden in de komende maanden, zegt Shell.

Omdat het project uitblinkt in zowel schaal als technologische toepassingen houden analisten de geleidelijk opstart nauwlettend in de gaten om te zien of alles volgens plan verloopt.

"Vandaag is een belangrijke mijlpaal in het Pearl GTL project, en we bevinden ons op een duidelijke weg richting het omzetten van gas in vloeibare toepassingen", zegt Shell's bestuursvoorzitter Peter Voser in een verklaring.

Shell, die de Pearl fabriek ontwikkeld heeft in samenwerking met staatsbedrijf Qatar Petroleum, "heeft offshore aardgasbronnen aangeboord zodat het eerste gas door de onderzeese pijpleiding naar de grote GTL fabriek op het land kan vloeien", aldus Shell in het persbericht.

Omstreeks 12.40 uur noteert Shell 0,3% hoger op EUR25,25, terwijl de AEX 0,5% wint.

Door Elco van Groningen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200;

Tamoil zonder producten Shell en BP
Gepubliceerd op 23 mrt 2011 om 11:10 | Views: 534

Shell stuurt extra ladingen LNG naar Japan
RIDDERKERK (AFN) - De door Libië gecontroleerde benzinemaatschappij Tamoil wordt niet langer bevoorraad door Shell en BP. Beide olieconcerns zeiden woensdag aan EU-sancties te voldoen door overeenkomsten met bedrijven die in handen zijn van het Noord-Afrikaanse land op te schorten.

Shell leverde tot voor kort benzineproducten aan negen pompstations die het eigen logo voeren, maar die door Tamoil worden geëxploiteerd. BP voorzag Tamoil, dat 155 tankstations heeft in Nederland, van smeerolie.

Tamoil heeft raffinaderijen in Italië, Duitsland en Zwitserland en exploiteert in totaal circa drieduizend benzinestations in diezelfde landen, Nederland en Spanje.


Shell schortte vorige maand exploratieactiviteiten in Libië op vanwege de destijds ontluikende burgeroorlog. De rechten voor de zoektocht naar olie en gas werden verkregen van het Libische regime, maar volgens een zegsman staat dat los van de beslissing inzake Tamoil. ,,Bij exploratie leveren we geen goederen aan de staat. We zouden er een ethische discussie over kunnen voeren, maar ik ga er verder niet op in.''

Directeur Peter Etman van Tamoil verwacht het geschil binnen een paar dagen te kunnen oplossen. ,,BP werd in Duitsland door de rechter verplicht de leveringen aan Tamoil te hervatten omdat we niet op de sanctielijst staan.'' Het Nederlandse ministerie van Financiën bevestigde dat. Etman verwacht ook een gunstige uitkomst van een kort geding tegen Shell en BP. De zegsman van Shell zei dat ook Shell vertrouwen heeft in de gang naar de rechtbank.

Het gebrek

Tamoil vangt het gebrek aan Shells benzine op met de eigen voorraad 'Premium Euro'. ,,Daarmee zijn we wel duurder uit, maar we laten automobilisten niet in de kou staan'', aldus Etman.

De Tamoil-directeur toonde ondanks het geschil begrip voor het besluit van Shell. ,,Zij zullen hun redenen hebben om niet meer te leveren, maar nu moeten we er als volwassen mensen over praten. Van paniek is bij ons in ieder geval geen sprake.''
CORRECTED - (OFFICIAL)UPDATE 2-Shell sees Athabasca expansion complete in Q2
21 March 2011 17:53
Reuters News LBA English
(c) 2011 Reuters Limited

(Shell corrects earlier statement about project currently producing synthetic crude in bullet points and second paragraph)

* Oil sands expansion fully operational in Q2

(Adds details and comments. In U.S. dollars unless noted.)

CALGARY, Alberta, March 21 (Reuters) - Royal Dutch Shell Plc's 100,000 barrel per day expansion of its Athabasca Oil Sands Project in northern Alberta will be fully ramped up in the second quarter, the head of the company's Canadian unit said on Monday.

Lorraine Mitchelmore, president of Shell Canada, said the expansion will boost output at the mining and upgrading project to 255,000 bpd when complete.

"In Q2 we'll be up and running at 255,000 barrels per day," Mitchelmore told Reuters.

Shell has a 60 percent stake in the project, while Chevron Corp and Marathon Oil Corp each have a 20 percent interest.

Shell began production from its expanded mining facilities in September and has been ramping up after completing work on its Scotford upgrader to handle the additional volume.

The cost of the project was last pegged at $14.3 billion.

(Reporting by Scott Haggett; editing by Peter Galloway)
Shell 'all but gives away' Stanlow oil refinery to Essar for $350m
David Robertson
22 March 2011 The Times English
© 2011 Times Newspapers Ltd. All rights reserved

Essar Energy will clinch the purchase of the Stanlow oil refinery from Shell within days.

The sale of the $350 million facility near Liverpool will mean that four of Britain's eight refineries have changed ownership within a couple of years, with a further two up for sale.

The Times has also learnt that Esso has put a package of about 50 garage forecourts up for sale as changes in the petroleum market reach the high street.

The sector is facing an upheaval because the traditional oil "majors", such as BP and Shell, are scaling back their refining operations in Western markets. Petrol consumption is shrinking in many countries, including Britain, and the cost of maintaining old refineries is rising. Analysts believe that Britain's refineries could be reduced to five within five years as more companies pull out.

The large oil producers see better refining opportunities in fast-growing Eastern markets and have been selling their assets to second-tier producers.

Essar said that it expected to complete the purchase of Stanlow within ten days. The Indian energy company, which listed in London last year, said that the purchase was an opportunity to gain a 15 per cent share in the UK market.

An industry insider said: "When you consider the inventory included in the price, Shell is almost giving Stanlow away, they want out so much." It has taken Shell about 18 months to find a buyer for Stanlow, which processes 220,000 barrels of oil a day and employs 800 people.

Prashant Ruia, the deputy chairman of Essar, said: "We believe we are getting Stanlow at a competitive price. The UK is not a growing market but, as the second-biggest refiner in the country, it will be a survivor."

Chevron agreed this month to sell its refinery at Pembroke in West Wales to Valero for about $2 billion (£1.2 billion). Ineos sold a 50 per cent stake in Grangemouth to PetroChina last year, while BP sold Coryton in Essex to PetroPlus in 2007. Total's Lindsay refinery and Murphy Oil's
facility at Milford Haven remain for sale.

The big oil companies have also begun to sell their garage forecourts as they come under pressure from supermarkets and independent suppliers. Total wants to sell about 800 branded petrol stations in a deal that could be worth £300 million. It is in discussions with several potential buyers.

It has emerged that Esso, which is owned by ExxonMobil, has begun the process of selling its forecourts in Scotland, the North of England and North Wales. The deal could be worth £25 million.

The confirmation that Essar was close to completing the purchase of Stanlow came as the company released its first set of financial results as a London-listed stock. Revenues rose by 42 per cent to $10 billion and pre-tax profits increased by 28 per cent to $365.5 million.

The company plans to spend $12 billion developing power plants and oil, gas and coal assets as it builds a portfolio to feed India's rapidly growing energy requirements.

About one third of its new power ? Shares in Rockhopper rose by a third yesterday after the Falkland Islands oil explorer said that it had found a "significant reservoir". The company said that its Sea Lion prospect was likely to prove commercially viable, raising hopes that the
Falklands might experience an oil boom. Exploration in the region has been disappointing, with Desire Petroleum forced to abandon drilling last year after failing to find oil. Shares in Rockhopper rose 71¼p to 288¼p, valuing the company at £743 million.

capacity was scheduled to come on stream this year, but Essar said that some of these projects would be delayed. This sent the company's share price down 34.6p, or 7.28 per cent, to 440.4p.

Mr Ruia said: "Even if there have been questions over our delays this year, our performance is still pretty good, given the complexity of what we are doing. I guess the stock market just did not like that delay."

Essar raised $1.8 billion when it listed last year and is a constituent of the FTSE 100.

Big players leave the game Analysis David Robertson There is a revolution going on at petrol stations across Britain — and it has nothing to do with the wrath of drivers confronted with ever higher fuel prices.

The traditional system of refining, distributing and retailing petrol is breaking down and within a few years is likely to be swept away entirely.

When there was plenty of oil coming out of the North Sea, it made sense for the oil majors to capture as much of the value chain as possible. They drilled, refined and distributed their own oil and their brands were high street staples.

But in recent years, demand for petrol has fallen as vehicles have become more efficient and drivers have switched to diesel. At the same time, less oil is coming out of the North Sea, removing much of the industrial logic for having a large number of UK refineries.

As a result, refining margins have collapsed while the cost of maintaining these enormous and ageing plants has risen.

Four of Britain's eight refineries have already changed hands, with BP, Shell and Chevron leaving the market entirely. Total and Murphy Oil also want out and there are rumours that ConocoPhilips may be trying to offload its Humber refinery.

But, given the low margins, shrinking market and high overheads, why would anybody want to buy these old refineries? According to senior industry insiders, the reason is price. The oil giants are so desperate to get out that they have slashed the price of these facilities. This should allow new entrants such as Essar Energy, which is buying Shell's Stanlow refinery, to eke out a small degree of profitability from the facilities.

Unfortunately, none of these structural changes to the petroleum market are likely to result in significantly lower prices at the pump any time soon.$115.38 Price of Brent crude yesterday, a rise of $1.45, or 1.3%

The Stanlow refinery near Liverpool processes 220,000 barrels of oil a day
Shell Considers $2 Billion Oilsands Debottleneck, West Coast LNG Plant
By Lynda Harrison
22 March 2011
The Daily Oil Bulletin English
(c)2011 copyright Junewarren-Nickle’s Energy Group. All rights reserved

Now that the Scotford expansion is nearly complete, the next focus at Royal Dutch Shell plc's Athabasca Oil Sands Project (AOSP) is optimization and debottlenecking.

Shell is aiming for a 2011 final investment decision on a $2 billion (all figures in U.S. dollars) debottlenecking project at the AOSP which will add 35,000 bbls per day with a net present value break-even of around $45 per bbl, or about $30 less than a full expansion. The company expects to do a series of these debottlenecking projects over the next decade. The AOSP is 60 per cent owned by Shell, the operator.

The majority of new production at the Athabasca Oil Sands Project is now going through the Scotford upgrader and probably by the second quarter the 100,000 bbls-per day expansion and addition of a third processing train will be up and running, bringing output to 255,000 bbls per day, said Lorraine Mitchelmore, Shell Canada Ltd.'s president and country chair.

"We've been going through this process since September," Mitchelmore told reporters following a celebration marking the company's 100th anniversary in Canada (DOB, March 21, 2011). She declined to provide the upgrader's current capacity.

The new Jackpine mine is being combined with output from the previously existing Muskeg River Mine, both feeding the expanded Scotford upgrader. Once it is fully onstream, oilsands mining will be about four per cent of Shell's worldwide oil and gas production.

Shell is also looking into carbon capture and storage for the AOSP, in a project called Quest, which could capture and store some one million tonnes of carbon dioxide per year, and plans to make the final investment decision in 2012 (DOB, Dec. 1, 2010).

Mitchelmore said Shell Canada is considering a liquefied natural gas (LNG) plant at Prince Rupert on the west coast. "We're always looking at opportunities and of course the gas market has really changed over the last few years with shale gas and so for us the opportunity to export - and we're the world's largest LNG producer -- so of course we'd be looking at that."

Simon Henry, Royal Dutch Shell's chief financial analysts, told analysts in London, England last week the company made good progress on tight gas in North America in 2010.

Shell increased its resource potential by some 20 tcf in 2010, by drilling acreage and through new deals, and grew production by 21 per cent.

It has some seven billion bbls of oil equivalent of potential resources, with 12,000 drilling locations over 2.2 million acres of core contiguous positions.

All this has been put together with a series of farm-ins, joint ventures and small acquisitions, at a competitive entry cost of 40 cents per mcf, or less than $3 per BOE, said Henry.

Over the next four years, Shell expects to invest up to $5 billion in heavy oil, at least $12 billion in each of tight gas and global explorations and around $20 billion each in traditional upstream, in deep water projects and in integrated gas.

Mitchelmore told reporters Canada needs a national approach to its energy policy to position it in the global marketplace. "This is about wealth creation and taking what Canada has as its competitive advantage and turning it into an economic advantage for the future," she told
reporters, adding Canada has the resources and a deep commitment to the environment.

"You bring these two together and really create a framework that allows us to compete internationally. That is what this is about."

She said Shell is taking this message to all Canadians, including producers, end users, First
Nations, government and regulators, starting with an "educated dialogue."

According to Mitchelmore, customers are demanding energy with a reduced carbon footprint so Canada needs to put a price on carbon.

"I can't say what a fair price on carbon would be because there are so many factors involved in that," she said. "What we need to do, though, is provide affordable energy. We need to think about innovation and technology. You put a price on carbon right now, it's going to make energy too expensive so you need to then bring in innovation and technology to incent companies to innovate.
That's why I say it's quite complicated."

Shell Canada internally prices carbon because it believes there will be a carbon price in the future but does not know what that price will be.

Being in Canada for 100 years, Shell expects future energy production will be less carbon intensive than it is today so Canada needs to position itself now, said Mitchelmore.

"To be a 100-year-old company you have to adapt. To be a country that sets itself for the future, it's about adaption. We have one of the best regulatory systems in the world, but it needs adaption to what's the future and that's what it's about. It's about adapting to the future."

Shell Canada had its beginnings in this country with the establishment on March 21, 1911 of the Longue Pointe Bunkering Plant and gasoline tankage facility in Montreal. It had six employees and capital of $50,000, worth about $1 million today.

It opened its first service station in Canada in 1925 on Montreal's Sherbrooke Street.

Shell had many firsts: in 1919 it fuelled the first west to east trans-Atlantic flight, from Newfoundland to Ireland. In 1953 it became the first Canadian oil company to produce chemicals from petroleum and in 1958 it introduced the first tunnel car washes to Canada. In 1968, it was
the first major oil company to open self-serve gas stations in Canada and in 1970 it was the fist Canadian company to remove lead from gasoline.
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