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New dawn

sander1988 schreef op 5 april 2011 20:22:

Shell krijgt Sell advies van Benchmark.
Benchmark Co. geeft het advies op basis van "relatieve waardering".

Er is een correctie geweest, net zoals van de indexen, waarbij Shell nu weer naar boven tendeert. Er is tot nu aan toe niet veel te merken van verkoopdruk a.g.v. van deze analisten.

Vergelijk je RDS met de AEX hier op IEX, dan zul je zien dat RDS nog steeds een meerprestatie t.o.v. AEX levert.

De ramp met de kernenergiecentrale zal veel politici, die aan hun kiezers denken, mogelijk doen laten besluiten om nu bv gasgestookte centrales te laten bouwen. Ook is het IPCC rapport over klimaatverandering a.g.v. kooldioxyde, allesbehalve geloofwaardig. En wie tussen twee kwaden moet kiezen....
Shell's proposed gas flare venture in Iraq could become a game-changer in MENA
5 April 2011
Datamonitor News and Comment
© 2011 Datamonitor Ltd. All rights reserved

In a move aimed at closing the $12.5bn agreement for the capture of flared gas at Iraq's southern oilfields, Royal Dutch Shell and the national government have agreed to let the country's State Oil Marketing Organization handle gas exports. The expected benefits for the institutions involved in the venture should boost confidence in flared gas operations across the Middle East and North Africa.

Shell, Mitsubishi, and the state-owned South Gas Company of Iraq have gained government approval for the creation of a joint venture (JV) called Basra Gas Company to capture associated natural gas produced at fields near the oil hub of Basra, including Rumaila. The firms have respective shares in the venture of 44%, 5%, and 51%. It is hoped that this development will allow the stakeholders to close the deal in the near future.

Datamonitor's Global Oil and Gas Analyzer (GOGA) estimates Iraq's proven gas reserves at 3,150 billion cubic meters (bcm), the 10th largest in the world. According to GOGA, only one third of the total gas produced in the country is reinjected into the oilfields to boost production, and the
remainder is burnt off. Iraq, the fourth-largest gas-flaring nation worldwide, flares off an estimated 8bcm of gas annually at its oilfields.

The nation has suffered a severe lack of electricity, resulting in blackouts, since the US imposed sanctions in 2003. The proposed deal is significant for the government, since the volume of flared gas available, if captured, would be able to generate enough electricity to end the country's power crisis. The revenue generated through this may also be used to help to revive Iraq's poor infrastructure for the processing and transportation of gas. Capturing this gas is likely to allow the JV partners to receive tradable carbon credits under the relevant UN program.

In 2009, around 145bcm of gas was flared worldwide, not only wasting a valuable clean energy resource but also exacerbating climate change by emitting carbon dioxide. This volume is equivalent to a third of the EU's gas consumption, or a quarter of the US's. The Middle East and North Africa (MENA), the world's second-largest gas-flaring region, accounts for around 39bcm of flared gas annually. This is more than a quarter of the global total.

The perceived benefits for the parties involved in the proposed agreement are likely to increase the confidence of MENA countries in utilizing their oilfields' flared gas to boost power generation
capacities, for industrial use, and to improve domestic gas transportation infrastructure. Utilizing flared gas will also help the region and the deal's stakeholders to achieve the objectives of
mitigating climate change and generating other environmental benefits.

The involvement of many of the countries in the MENA region creates an excellent opportunity for oil majors like Shell, Exxon, and TOTAL to capture the gas from existing oil fields as a quicker way to
supply the fuel than developing gas fields from scratch. However, the onus will be on the governments of the MENA nations to create a favorable environment and formulate lucrative policies to attract stakeholders and ensure the productive outcome of such proposals.

Shell en Cosan ronden gesprekken over vorming jv Raizen af

Door Paolo Winterstein

Van Dow Jones Newswires

SAO PAOLO (Dow Jones)--Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA.LN) en Cosan Industria e Comercio sa (CSAN3.BR), een Braziliaanse suiker- en ethanolgroep, hebben gesprekken over de vorming van hun ethanol joint venture Raizen afgerond, melden beide bedrijven donderdag.

De twee bedrijven hebben de onderhandeling over de details van hun overeenkomst beeindigd en verwachten de formele vorming van het nieuwe bedrijf aan het eind van de eerste helft van dit jaar af te ronden, nadat Shell de kapitaalstructuur heeft gereorganiseerd om daarmee activiteiten apart te houden die niet in de Raizen venture thuishoren, zegt Cosan in een formele kennisgeving.

Volgens de kennisgeving zijn de bedrijven overeengekomen dat Cosan de retail van suiker apart houdt van de ethanol venture. Daarnaast hebben de bedrijven een wisselkoers vastgesteld van 1,6287 Braziliaanse reais per Amerikaanse dollar, welke van toepassing is voor betalingen aan Shell en investeringen door Cosan. De venture moet nog beoordeeld worden door de Braziliaanse mededingingsautoriteit Cade.

Raizen, vorig jaar door de bedrijven opgericht voor de productie van ethanol en verkoop bij de 4.500 verkooppunten van Raizen in Brazilie, zal een impuls geven aan de verwerkingscapaciteit van suikerriet tot 100 miljoen metrische ton per jaar, ten opzichte van de huidige 60 miljoen ton, stelde Raizen's chief executive Vasco Dias in februari. De verwachting is dat de productie van ethanol in de komende vijf jaar zal verdubbelen tot vijf miljard liter per jaar, voegde Dias daar aan toe. Raizen produceert op dit moment ongeveer 2,2 miljard liter per jaar.

Door Paolo Winterstein, bewerkt door Elco van Groningen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200;

Ongelofelijk met hoeveel dingen Shell tegelijk bezig is. Perfect getimed ook. We zouden het verdienen DE favoriet binnen de oliesector te zijn.
New dawn

lgnatius schreef op 7 april 2011 18:47:

Ongelofelijk met hoeveel dingen Shell tegelijk bezig is. Perfect getimed ook. We zouden het verdienen DE favoriet binnen de oliesector te zijn.
Ze kunnen ook met allerlei dingen tegelijk bezig zijn, het is een van de grootse bedrijven ter wereld. Vroeger hadden ze ook nog Billiton erbij.
Ik begrijp niet goed waarom ze dat ooit hebben verkocht. Maar er zal wel een reden voor zijn geweest.
Shell, Gazprom CEO's bespreken uitwisseling bezittingen volgende week

MOSKOU (Dow Jones)--Energiegiganten Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA.LN) en OAO Gazprom (GAZP.RS) zullen volgende week een mogelijke uitwisseling van bezittingen bespreken, maakt Gazprom vrijdag bekend.

Peter Voser, chief executive officer van Shell, en Alexei Miller, chief executive van Gazprom, zullen een potentiele uitwisseling van bezittingen bespreken, zegt Pavel Oderov, hoofd van Gazprom's international business department.

Aan de hand van een memorandum van overeenstemming, door beide partijen vorig jaar ondertekend, zullen Voser en Miller over "potentieel interessante buitenlandse bezittingen voor Gazprom en potentieel interessante bezittingen voor Shell in Rusland bespreken", zegt Oderov.

Door Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen, bewerkt door Elco van Groningen; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst; +31-20-5715200;

Shell tekent deal twv $101 mln in Nigeria
11 april 2011, 20:05 uur | DJ
LAGOS (AFP)--Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA) heeft in Nigeria een overeenkomst ondertekend ter waarde van $101 mln voor een gaspijplijn-project, meldt het Brits-Nederlandse concern maandag.

Het project wordt aangekondigd op een moment dat de Nigeriaanse overheid naar mogelijkheden kijkt om zijn enorme natuurlijke reserves verder te benutten.

Het contract met Saipem Contracting Nigeria Limited is voor de aanleg en exploitatie van een 42 kilometer lange pijplijn om gas te verzamelen, dat momenteel wordt afgefakkeld, voor gebruik in de binnenlandse markt.

Vanwege een gebrek aan infrastructuur in het West-Afrikaanse land om het gas te verwerken wordt een groot deel van het aardgas tot dusver afgefakkeld, ofwel afgebrand.

De overheid wil daarentegen de productie van elektriciteit met gas gestookte energiecentrales in het land stimuleren, alsmede de uitvoer ervan naar het buitenland.

De Nigeriaanse president Goodluck Jonathan sprak reeds over dit voornemen als onderdeel van zijn campagne in de aanloop naar de verkiezingen aanstaande zaterdag.

"Dit is een uiterst belangrijk project voor Shell, gezien ons voornemen om het routinematig affakkelen van gas te stoppen en onze leidende positie op de binnenlandse gasmarkt verder te consolideren", aldus Mutiu Sunmonu, algemeen directeur Shell in Nigeria.

(Dit artikel werd eerder gepubliceerd in het Engels door Agence France Presse en werd vertaald in het Nederlands door Dow Jones Nieuwdienst)

Door Patrick Buis; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst +31-20-571-52-01;

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

Shell en Gazprom spreken over samenwerking

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Royal Dutch Shell plc (RDSA) en OAO Gazprom (GAZP.RS) hebben dinsdag in Moskou gesproken over mogelijke samenwerking tussen de twee olieproducenten in Rusland en buiten Europa, meldt het Russische concern dinsdag in een verklaring.

Peter Voser, chief executive officer van Shell, en Alexei Miller, chief executive van Gazprom, spraken over de uitvoering van gemeenschappelijke projecten in West-Siberie en in Oost-Rusland", meldt Gazprom.

Daarnaast spraken de twee concerns over mogelijke samenwerking in Europa en Rusland op het gebied van de verwerking en distributie van olieproducten en werd tevens gesproken over een mogelijke deelname van Gazprom in Shells productie- en exploratie-activiteiten in andere delen van de wereld, aldus Gazprom.

Vorig jaar tekenden de twee partijen een memorandum van overeenstemming om tot een wereldwijde strategische samenwerking te komen.

De twee concerns zijn reeds partners in het Siberische Sakhalin-2 project in het Oosten van het land.

Door Jacob Gronholt-Pedersen; Dit bericht is bewerkt door Patrick Buis, Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst +31-20-571-52-01;

Shell hervat bevoorrading pompen Tamoil
Gepubliceerd op 14 apr 2011 om 11:17 | Views: 229

RIDDERKERK (AFN) - Oliemaatschappij Shell hervat per direct de bevoorrading van negen pompstations van benzinemaatschappij Tamoil. De twee hebben daartoe overeenstemming bereikt. Dat heeft een woordvoerder van Shell donderdag gezegd.

Shell schortte de levering twee weken geleden op om, naar eigen zeggen, te voldoen aan EU-sancties tegen Libië. Dat land is eigenaar van Tamoil. De brandstofleverancier spande een kort geding aan tegen Shell omdat het niet op de sanctielijst stond en derhalve vond dat Shell de levering niet mocht staken.

Tamoil heeft Shell er naar eigen zeggen van weten te overtuigen dat Tamoil een Nederlands bedrijf is met een Nederlands management. ,,Het enige dat we gedaan hebben om Shells zorgen weg te nemen is het laten controleren van ons betalingsverkeer door KPMG. Zo kunnen we aantonen dat we geen geldstromen hebben naar bedrijven of personen die op de sanctielijst staan'', aldus directeur Peter Etman van Tamoil.


Shell zei donderdag dat ,,het ons voldoende is gebleken dat we met de levering aan Tamoil niet in strijd handelen met de sancties.''

De rechter gaf de twee bedrijven in eerste instantie een week de tijd om een oplossing te vinden voor het conflict. Later volgde nog een week uitstel. Nu overeenstemming bereikt is, vervalt het kort geding.
UPDATE: Shell, PetroChina Target Gladstone LNG Late 2016-Source
12 April 2011 02:07
Dow Jones Energy Service
(c) 2011 Dow Jones & Company, Inc.

(Adds details on project from graph 5.)

By Ross Kelly


PERTH (Dow Jones)--Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSB.LN) and PetroChina Co. (PTR) hope to complete their multibillion gas export terminal in Australia's Queensland state late in 2016 after officially approving the development next year, a person familiar with the matter said Tuesday.

The companies are targeting a final investment decision in late 2012 or early the following year with construction to take a further four years, the person said.

International oil companies are developing liquefied natural gas, or LNG, projects in Australia as governments in both developed and developing countries move away from burning as much coal and oil.
Liquefied natural gas, or LNG, which is natural gas supercooled to liquid form and exported around the world on tankers, is less emissions-intensive than other fossil fuels and cheaper to produce than renewable energy such as solar power.

Analysts say that a global shift away from nuclear power in response to the atomic plant crisis unfolding in Japan could spur extra demand for LNG in Australia.

Approving Gladstone project late next year would put Shell and PetroChina almost two years behind three rival LNG developments at the port in Queensland. All four are attempting to export gas trapped in coal seams for the first time on a large scale. Other giant LNG terminals are slated for Australia's west coast and analysts have warned that projects with later development schedules could struggle to find LNG customers as the market potentially becomes over-supplied.

BG Group PLC. (BG.LN) and a joint venture including Santos Ltd. (STO.AU) and Total SA (TOT) recently approved construction of their US$15 billion and US$16 billion terminals at Gladstone and a venture between ConocoPhillips (COP) and Origin Energy Ltd. (ORG.AU) expects to approve its venture later this year.

Shell and PetroChina have already agreed to sell LNG to PetroChina so they already sown up a buyer. A decision to follow a few years behind other projects at Gladstone could also ease cost pressures
triggered by potential skill shortages because Shell's peak construction period won't directly clash with rivals.

A spokeswoman for the Shell and PetroChina joint venture, known as Arrow Energy, confirmed that the companies are aiming to approve the project late next year or early in 2013.

An environmental impact statement will be submitted to lawmakers late this year or early next year, the person familiar with the matter said. Australia has more than 100 million metric tons of annual
LNG production capacity under construction or on the drawing board, of which just 45 million tons has been committed to buyers, according to calculations by Dow Jones Newswires.

-by Ross Kelly, Dow Jones Newswires; 612-8272-4692; [ 04-12-11 0207ET ]
UPDATE 1-Gazprom, Shell mull foreign projects, more LNG
12 April 2011 09:27
(c) 2011 Reuters Limited

* Gazprom eyeing Shell oil and gas projects outside Russia

* Companies mull increasing LNG gas supplies to Japan

* More LNG sales require investments in production facility

MOSCOW, April 12 (Reuters) - Russia's Gazprom is talking to Shell about joining the Anglo-Dutch major's foreign oil and gas projects and sending more liquefied natural gas from the companies' Far-East Sakhalin venture to Japan.

"While discussing the situation on global energy markets, both sides considered the issue of increasing LNG supplies to Japan from the Sakhalin-2 project as the fastest way to stabilise power supply for its consumers," Gazprom said on Tuesday in a statement.

After a devastating earthquake in March damaged Japan's nuclear power industry that generates 30 percent of its electricity, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin ordered an acceleration of the
Sakhalin's gas projects to provide for Japan's future energy demand.

But the only way for Gazprom and Shell to send, on a regular basis, more LNG to Japan would be to increase the project's liquefaction capacity and invest in construction of a third production facility, a prospect that Shell has been talking to Gazprom about for some time.

Sakhalin-2, in which Shell owns 27 percent and Japan's Mitsui and Mitsubishi Corp also have stakes, has cost an estimated $22 billion and operates at a full capacity, producing an annual 10 million tonnes of the super-cool liquid gas.

All off this output is booked under long-term contracts by mostly east Asian countries.

Shell would not comment on whether talks with Gazprom on joining Shell's foreign projects were linked to the discussions on increasing LNG shipments to Japan.

"The main objective of the talks was to discuss the implementation of the global cooperation protocol signed last November, which included projects in Western Siberia and the Far East," Shell's press spokesman in Russia told Reuters.

Click here to read an interview with Shell's Russia head. [ID:nLDE72M222]

(Reporting and writing by Jessica Bachman; editing by James Jukwey)

Shell and Gazprom hold Japan gas talks
By Rowena Mason
13 April 2011
© 2011 Telegraph Group Limited, London

ROYAL Dutch Shell has cemented its partnership with Gazprom by discussing asset swaps and how to increase shipments of gas to Japan, where the Fukushima nuclear disaster has caused an energy shortage.

PeterVoser, Shell chief executive, flew to Moscow for meetings with Alexey Miller, the head of Gazprom, where they talked about deals related to Siberia and Asia.

"While discussing the situation on global energy markets, both sides considered the issue of increasing LNG [liquefied natural gas] supplies to Japan from the Sakhalin-2 project as the fastest way to stabilise power supply for its consumers," a Gazprom spokesman said.

Shell revealed last year that it would let Gazprom share some of its projects abroad if it is allowed to help develop the third and fourth stages of the lucrative Sakhalin island in Russia. Deals could even take the form of asset swaps, as Gazprom seeks to increase its presence on the
international stage. Sakhalin is thought to contain reserves of more than 14bn barrels of oil equivalent.

Yesterday's talks appeared to continue a remarkable turnaround in historically strained relations between Shell and Russia.

It was four years since Russia forced Shell to cede control of its $22bn (£14bn) Siberian field, Sakhalin-2, to Gazprom, but it appears that cordial relations have been re-established.

The Anglo-Dutch oil giant was forced to sell down its 55pc stake in Sakhalin-2 to Gazprom in 2006 in a powerful display of Russian resource nationalism.

Indirect shell nieuws. Aardgas is in hoog volume getransporteerd, om te consumeren?

Gasunie transporteert recordvolume aardgas
Donderdag 21 april 2011 10:52

GRONINGEN (ANP) - De Gasunie heeft in 2010 een recordhoeveelheid aardgas getransporteerd. Het bedrijf transporteerde in totaal ruim 135 miljard kuub: bijna 111 miljard in Nederland en ruim 24 miljard in Duitsland. In 2009 bedroeg de totale hoeveelheid 124 miljard kuub. Dat blijkt uit het donderdag gepubliceerde jaarverslag van het gasinfrastructuurbedrijf.

De Gasunie schrijft het record onder meer toe aan de lage temperaturen in januari en december. ,,Daarnaast zien we een trend dat de vraag naar gastransport gedurende het hele jaar hoog blijft'', aldus topman Paul van Gelder van de Gasunie.

Was er vroeger sprake van een echte zomerdip, tegenwoordig wordt er ook in de zomermaanden veel gas getransporteerd, onder meer naar bergingen. ,,Hierdoor wordt duidelijk dat Nederland zijn positie als gasrotonde waarmaakt.''

Advance notice of 1st quarter 2011 results and interim dividend announcement
At 07.00 BST (08.00 CEST and 02.00 EDT) on Thursday 28 April, 2011 Royal Dutch Shell plc will release its first quarter results and first quarter interim dividend announcement for 2011.

These announcements will be available on

Two live audio webcasts will be hosted on Thursday April 28, 2011.

Media audio webcast
Simon Henry, Chief Financial Officer of Royal Dutch Shell will host a live audio webcast of the 2011 first quarter results on Thursday April 28, 2011 at 10:00 BST (11:00 CEST / 05:00 EDT).
Register for the media audio webcast - opens in new window

Analyst audio webcast
Simon Henry, Chief Financial Officer of Royal Dutch Shell will host a live audio webcast of the 2011 first quarter results on Thursday April 28, 2011 at 13:30 BST (14:30 CEST / 08:30 EDT).
INTERVIEW-Iraq legal obstacles delay $12 bln Shell gas deal
25 April 2011 08:25
Reuters News
(c) 2011 Reuters Limited

* Laws prevent transfer of facilities, exports of gas

* SOMO to handle exports, buyers to be agreed with partners

By Ahmed Rasheed

BAGHDAD, April 25 (Reuters) - Legal hurdles have delayed Iraq's $12 billion deal with Royal Dutch Shell and Mitsubishi to capture flared gas, but agreement on a final draft contract may be only a few weeks away, a senior Iraqi oil official said.

"I cannot give a timeframe for when we will finish it," Deputy Oil Minister Ahmed al-Shamma said on Monday. "I expect by the end of next week we will be very close to settling these issues and reaching agreement on a final draft deal in order to refer it to the cabinet."

Officials had expected months ago to formalise the Shell deal, first agreed in 2008.

Shamma said the lack of modern oil and gas laws was standing in the way of the deal, which would help Iraq capture some of the 700 million cubic feet of natural gas now flared at its oilfields every day.

Iraq needs to capture flared gas to fuel electricity generation. Eight years after the U.S.-led invasion that toppled Saddam Hussein, Iraqis receive only a few hours of power a day from the national grid and the shortage has been a key complaint at recent nationwide protests.

The transfer of ownership of oil and gas facilities to the joint venture and the export of produced gas are among the major sticking points, Shamma told Reuters.

"The lack of legislation and the current, valid laws are standing as a hurdle to reaching a final deal with Shell and Mitsubishi . This is the major issue which has delayed the Shell gas deal," he said.

Under a deal, Shell would capture associated natural gas at oilfields near the southern hub of Basra, including Rumaila, Iraq's workhorse.

Shamma said current law prevents Iraq from transferring ownership of facilities to the three-party joint venture and from exporting gas.

"Now we are discussing a mechanism, and I think it will be agreed by all parties including Shell, that SOMO (State Oil Marketing Organisation) will be responsible for exporting the gas for the benefit of the joint venture," he said.

"But the marketing process -- and I mean selecting the beneficiaries or the buyers -- should be done in consensus between SOMO and the newly established joint venture."

He said a key meeting would be held next week by lawyers for the parties to "reach an agreement on the final draft deal".

Separately, Abdul-Mahdy al-Ameedi, head of the oil ministry's licensing and contracting office, said he expected Iraq's cabinet to approve deals for the Siba and Mansuriyah gas fields this week or next.

Ameedi also told reporters the ministry expected to sign an initial agreement for the Akkas gas field next month.

Iraq auctioned the three fields last October in its third bidding round since the 2003 invasion.

(Additional reporting by Muhanad Mohammed; Writing by Jim Loney)

Browse gas project hits more headwinds

RESOURCES: Woodside Petroleum's plans to build the $30 billion Browse liquefied natural gas project on Western Australia's Kimberley coast has run into more trouble after renewed opposition from environmentalists and indigenous landowners.

On Thursday, traditional owners stormed out of a meeting with officials over the government's plans to compulsory acquire land at James Price Point, north of Broome, to build the gas processing hub.

That followed debate on Wednesday at the company's annual meeting in Perth, where Woodside chairman Michael Chaney and outgoing chief executive Don Voelte were both forced to deny speculation that plans to approve the contentious project by 2012 were running behind schedule.

As environmentalists protested outside the meeting, Mr Voelte described as ``garbage'' suggestions that community opposition was delaying the project.

Woodside's senior vice-president for Browse, Michael Hession, also pointed out that those in favour of the project ``tend to be more silent . . . you hear a lot more from the vocal opposition''.

The 2012 deadline for a final investment decision was set by federal Resources Minister Martin Ferguson in 2009 in return for granting Woodside and its Browse LNG partners -- BP, Shell, BHP Billiton and Chevron -- retention leases over the Browse Basin permits.

Kimberley indigenous groups are due to meet early next month to decide whether to enter into a native title agreement that would pave the way for the Browse gas plant.

But the government has been accused by Frank Parriman, a representative for the traditional owners group, of using ```dirty'' tactics by pursuing the compulsory acquisition before the meeting.

Anne Nolan, the head of the WA Department of State Development, wrote to traditional owners informing them the government had lodged an application for compulsory acquisition with the National Native Title Tribunal.

In the letter, Ms Nolan said this was to ensure that the government had access to the land by December.

Mr Parriman said the state government's actions on the eve of final negotiations were ``outrageous'' and had betrayed any claims that they were working in good faith with traditional owners.

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