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J&J neemt 18$ belang in Crucell voor 301mln

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[Modbreak IEX]: Gelieve niet op de forums te vloeken, bericht is bij dezen verwijderd.]

flosz schreef:

[quote=ron banged]

This is where you get to put up some arcane post that supposedly proves some point.

Fuck you very very much!

flosz schreef:

[quote=ron banged]

This is where you get to put up some arcane post that supposedly proves some point.

Fuck you very very much!
Why don't you write to Oya and ask for an explanation as to why Brus keeps making these deals where he can't release any details...its pissing everybody off. Especially now when he is selling off large chunks of the company. Wyeth...biggest deal ever...but no recognizable revenue. J+J, biggest deal ever...with no revenue...for what is probably a couple of years. J+J is not going to pay Crucell large milestones for what is achieved by funding by the NIH. So it will be years before J+J deal gives us any income...same as Wyeth.

If a deal is good you brag about it, if you are embarrassed you say..."I don't want to talk about it" and walk away. Brus hung his head shame. Listen to the mocking tone the analyst took when asking Brus to explain "substantial". We all know that in the Brus lexicon, he can mean this to be anything over 100 euro.

ron banged schreef:

[quote=ron banged]

This is where you get to put up some arcane post that supposedly proves some point.

Fuck you very very much!
Why don't you write to Oya and ask for an explanation as to why Brus keeps making these deals where he can't release any details...its pissing everybody off. Especially now when he is selling off large chunks of the company. Wyeth...biggest deal ever...but no recognizable revenue. J+J, biggest deal ever...with no revenue...for what is probably a couple of years. J+J is not going to pay Crucell large milestones for what is achieved by funding by the NIH. So it will be years before J+J deal gives us any income...same as Wyeth.

If a deal is good you brag about it, if you are embarrassed you say..."I don't want to talk about it" and walk away. Brus hung his head shame. Listen to the mocking tone the analyst took when asking Brus to explain "substantial". We all know that in the Brus lexicon, he can mean this to be anything over 100 euro.
please stop this bullshit! Now we know your opinion. We read it a hundred times...You are repeating yourself.
please stop this bullshit! Now we know your opinion. We read it a hundred times...You are repeating yourself.

But what we don't know is the details of the deal that gave away 18% of the company. Rabo wants to know, SNS wants to know and so does Tony from the Analyst call yesterday.
Maak als de bliksem zijn ware identiteit bekend zodat dit spelletje voorgoed gedaan is.
Sir Piet

ron banged schreef:

[quote=ron banged]

This is where you get to put up some arcane post that supposedly proves some point.

Fuck you very very much!
Why don't you write to Oya and ask for an explanation as to why Brus keeps making these deals where he can't release any details...its pissing everybody off. Especially now when he is selling off large chunks of the company. Wyeth...biggest deal ever...but no recognizable revenue. J+J, biggest deal ever...with no revenue...for what is probably a couple of years. J+J is not going to pay Crucell large milestones for what is achieved by funding by the NIH. So it will be years before J+J deal gives us any income...same as Wyeth.

If a deal is good you brag about it, if you are embarrassed you say..."I don't want to talk about it" and walk away. Brus hung his head shame. Listen to the mocking tone the analyst took when asking Brus to explain "substantial". We all know that in the Brus lexicon, he can mean this to be anything over 100 euro.
Sorry this is not rabbit talk but parrot talk. You are now in options too hee.

ron banged schreef:

Crucell (Verkopen), gaat samenwerken met Johnson & Johnson
Crucell (Verkopen), heeft met Johnson & Johnson een samenwerkingsovereenkomst gesloten. De Amerikaanse farmaceut neemt een belang van 18% en maakt het daarmee voor andere partijen moeilijker om Crucell over te nemen. Johnson & Johnson mag het belang alleen uitbreiden wanneer Crucell daarvoor toestemming geeft.
Johnson & Johnson grootste aandeelhouder
Biotechbedrijf Crucell gaat samen met het Amerikaanse Johnson & Johnson (J&J) werken aan de ontwikkeling van antilichamen en griepvaccins. Als onderdeel van de overeenkomst investeert J&J voor ruim EUR 300 miljoen in 14.6 miljoen nieuw uit te geven aandelen Crucell. Dit komt overeen met een belang van 18% in Crucell, waardoor J&J in een klap de grootste aandeelhouder is. J&J waardeert Crucell daarmee op EUR 20.67 per aandeel.
Samenwerking past binnen ontwikkelingen in de sector
Rondom Crucell gonst het al jaren van de fusie- en overnamegeruchten. Niet verwonderlijk, want de productpijplijn kan een mooie aanvulling zijn voor de grote farmaceuten die de komende jaren een deel van hun inkomsten zien verdampen wanneer kaskrakers van patent gaan. Binnen de sector hebben we het afgelopen jaar dan ook diverse overnames gezien, waarbij de grotere spelers zich versterken met innovatieve biotechbedrijven. In januari leek het er even op dat Wyeth met Crucell aan de haal ging, maar die gesprekken ketsten af nadat eerstgenoemde zelf overgenomen werd door Pfizer.
Door het belang dat J&J in Crucell neemt, wordt het voor andere kapers een stuk moeilijker om toe te slaan omdat ze nu ook rekening moeten houden met een aandeelhouder van formaat. Wel heeft Crucell afgesproken dat J&J het belang de komende drie jaar alleen mag uitbreiden wanneer het hiervoor toestemming geeft. Hiermee geeft Crucell aan dat ze een bepaalde mate van autonomie in hun bedrijfsvoering op prijs stellen. Een volledige overname is mogelijk, maar Crucell heeft dus nog drie jaar de tijd om dit tegen te houden.
Ons advies is Verkopen. De deal is interessant maar de inkomsten van de onderneming leunen nog altijd erg zwaar op een product (Quinvaxem), waarvan Unicef tot nu toe de enige grote afnemer is. Wij vinden dit een risicofactor. Crucell heeft weliswaar interessante producten in de pijplijn, maar er is nog altijd grote onzekerheid over de potentiele inkomsten die hieruit gehaald kunnen worden.
Publicatiedatum: 28-09-2009 12:40

Goed blijven volgen hoor die analisten.....

Hard to piss off Rabo, but Crucell has managed to do it. They mouth off about how they are throwing off free cash, how they are profitable, yada, yada, yada. Then they sell 18% of the company because they need the cash. Hey Rabo...feel used? Welcome to the club.

They give up 18% of the company for an unexplained reason. Now Brus is mouthing in the press about how they "now have the cash". WTF.

No Details, No Details, No Details-It's Brus looking into our eyes again and saying "Trust Me".
No offense Ronald, but these Super Secret deals by the company of Eternal Promise are getting old.
How many "Biggest Deals Ever" can you make, only to have absolutely no revenue to show for it. Stop voting yourselves milions of options, and stop giving away the company.
Wat ik Brus heb horen zeggen is dat de deal Flumab double digit aan royalties (dat betekent voor degene die geen engels begrijpen royalties vanaf 10%) en several hundred aan milistones (vertaald vanuit het engels meer dan 200 miljoen aan milestones)oplevert.
Hoezo geen details?
Sir Piet
Ik weet het al, Ron Viebacher. Ik zei al eerder het is een slechte week voor sanofi met deze wereld deal van J&J en crucell.
hij mag hier toch wel zijn verhaal kwijt? ik ben long (al vanaf een paar euro) en ik vind zijn posts beter dan de meeste cheerleaders hier.

ron banged schreef:

please stop this bullshit! Now we know your opinion. We read it a hundred times...You are repeating yourself.

But what we don't know is the details of the deal that gave away 18% of the company. Rabo wants to know, SNS wants to know and so does Tony from the Analyst call yesterday.
Andere mening ok, kritiek ok, maar dit is gewoon ernstig hulpbehoevend.

Modbreak schreef:

[Modbreak IEX]: Gelieve niet op de forums te vloeken, bericht is bij dezen verwijderd.]
Fuck you very much.
Stel je niet zo aan, dit is gewoon de titel van een song.

Als dit eventueel allemaal te veel voor je is stel ik voor de reutels van The Banger/ ron_w_banged_hermione_first maar eens te fileren

tobuyornotobuy schreef:

hij mag hier toch wel zijn verhaal kwijt? ik ben long (al vanaf een paar euro) en ik vind zijn posts beter dan de meeste cheerleaders hier.
Je bent wel laat lid geworden van deze club dan.

tobuyornotobuy schreef:

hij mag hier toch wel zijn verhaal kwijt? ik ben long (al vanaf een paar euro) en ik vind zijn posts beter dan de meeste cheerleaders hier.
Alias veranderingen
Datum Alias
28 sep 09 tobuyornotobuy

En wie was je voorheen?

Zodat wij ook met kennis van zake zouden kunnen oordelen?

tobuyornotobuy schreef:

ik vind zijn posts beter dan de meeste cheerleaders hier.
Ik dus niet en na:
but Crucell has sucked Donkey dick...and Vical, Novavax and Sinovac keep hitting multi-year highs while Brus sucks donkey penises.

They screwed the pooch

They suck eggs

They bit the big one

So perseazes...shut the F**k up until Crucell actually hits a new paid lackey, toadie and mouthpiece of Crucell.

komt het nooooooooit meer goed tussen mijzelf en madam.

Transciption from the Analyst Call from yesterday

Tony Campbell-Ronald, I am going to come back to the first question. I'm stupid, I don't understand what substantial is. Substantial, when we talk about it 100 million euros, 200, 300, 400?
I mean, I don't understand why it should be such a big secret here.

Ronald:It is not a big secret(?!)

Tony(frustrated)-Well, give us a range then.

Ronald: well, you know, In this industry, for things that are exciting,royalties are always double digit,you know that,and we can settle for that. you know, for things that are tapping into markets that are over two to three billion,you also know, you know that the payments associated with those programs will be substantial, and for us these are the biggest deals we have ever done. And I,I,I,I can just say, you know, it is hundreds of millions of euros.

Now a short commentary on this exchange.
First Brus knows he doesn't want to tell him any specifics, and he stumbles around with his usual Brus boilerplate platitudes. He gives us two things...double digits for royalties. Double digits? Crucell has spent the last year and a half telling us of how they were screwed over by Sanofi..they only got 10%...and they never going to do a deal like that again. So again...what is it? 10% are stumbling around like that is exactly what it is. The second part(hudreds of millions of euros) was not about royalties or was simply about the potential value of the deal. Well shit...the Sanofi deal, when it was first signed, could have been said to have a potential value of "hundreds of millions" of euros. You have noticed Crucell talks about the value of the QV contracts, not on a yearly basis, but on the life of the product. "Quinvaxems sales now at 800 million dollars"...over seven years. So QV deal is worth "hundreds of millions of euros".

Brus----embarrassed, gave the Analyst nothing of any value, and the Analyst let it go. Tony Campbell asked the only questions that meant anything...and Brus bullshitted both questions.

Those two questions were

What are you going to do with the money?

Maybe I'm stupid, but I don't know what substantial means. I don't understand, why does it have to be such a big secret?

Listen to the CC

ron banged schreef:

Transciption from the Analyst Call from yesterday

Tony Campbell-Ronald, I am going to come back to the first question. I'm stupid, I don't understand what substantial is. Substantial, when we talk about it 100 million euros, 200, 300, 400?
I mean, I don't understand why it should be such a big secret here.

Ronald:It is not a big secret(?!)

Tony(frustrated)-Well, give us a range then.

Ronald: well, you know, In this industry, for things that are exciting,royalties are always double digit,you know that,and we can settle for that. you know, for things that are tapping into markets that are over two to three billion,you also know, you know that the payments associated with those programs will be substantial, and for us these are the biggest deals we have ever done. And I,I,I,I can just say, you know, it is hundreds of millions of euros.

Listen to the CC
Waar Ron ophoudt met de transcript zal ik 'm hier even aanvullen:

op 04:34 (van de Q&A) zegt Tony nadat hij Brus de uitspraak over "hundreds of millions euros" heeft ontlokt:

"That's helpfull! Thank you!


ron banged schreef:

What are you going to do with the money?
He answered this one quit clear: Buying another company.

You may not agree with this answer, or with its effects on the pps, but there was no bullshit in this answer. Listen to the CC.

z0n0p schreef:

[quote=ron banged]
Transciption from the Analyst Call from yesterday

Tony Campbell-Ronald, I am going to come back to the first question. I'm stupid, I don't understand what substantial is. Substantial, when we talk about it 100 million euros, 200, 300, 400?
I mean, I don't understand why it should be such a big secret here.

Ronald:It is not a big secret(?!)

Tony(frustrated)-Well, give us a range then.

Ronald: well, you know, In this industry, for things that are exciting,royalties are always double digit,you know that,and we can settle for that. you know, for things that are tapping into markets that are over two to three billion,you also know, you know that the payments associated with those programs will be substantial, and for us these are the biggest deals we have ever done. And I,I,I,I can just say, you know, it is hundreds of millions of euros.

Listen to the CC

Waar Ron ophoudt met de transcript zal ik 'm hier even aanvullen:

op 04:34 (van de Q&A) zegt Tony nadat hij Brus de uitspraak over "hundreds of millions euros" heeft ontlokt:

"That's helpfull! Thank you!

"That's helpfull! Thank you!

That was his sarcastic, "I give up" statement
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