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Stelco Holdings Reports Third Quarter 2019 Results

Canadian steel maker Stelco Holdings Inc announced financial results of the company for the three months ended September 30, 2019. Mr David Cheney, Stelco Holdings' CEO, said “I am pleased to report that we were able to increase our shipments by 20%, quarter-over-quarter, including a 31% increase in our sales of cold-rolled and coated sheet products. This is validation from our customers that our capital investment to install state-of-the-art batch annealing and tempering capabilities was what the market demanded. We expect to grow our cold-rolled and coated shipments, including galvanized, to further diversify our product mix and increase sales of value-added products. Looking forward, demand from our customers remains strong and we affirm our expectation to ship approximately 1.3 million tons over the second half of the year."

Q3 2019 revenue decreased CAD 144 million, or 23%, from CAD 619 million in Q3 2018 to CAD 475 million in Q3 2019, primarily due to a 28% decrease in average selling price for steel and a CAD 31 million decrease in non-steel sales, partly offset by a 12% increase in steel shipping volumes.

The average selling price of steel products decreased from CAD 980/nt in Q3 2018 to CAD 704/nt in Q3 2019, due largely to decreases in market prices for flat steel products.

Shipping volumes increased 68 thousand nt, from 586 thousand nt in Q3 2018 to 654 thousand nt in Q3 2019 reflecting strong demand in Q3 2019 and to lower sales in Q3 2018, due in part to an extended hot strip mill outage in the prior year quarter.

Net income for the quarter of nil decreased by CAD 125 million, or 100%, from CAD 125 million in Q3 2018, primarily due to lower gross profit of CAD 133 million, CAD 2 million decrease in finance and other income, partly offset by lower selling, general and administrative expenses of CAD 4 million, CAD 3 million in lower finance costs and CAD 2 million decrease in restructuring costs.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Staalfabrikant Tata Steel gaat 3000 banen schrappen in Europa

De Europese tak van staalfabrikant Tata Steel schrapt 3000 banen, waarvan mogelijk meer dan de helft in Nederland. Dit bevestigt het moederconcern van Tata Steel in een persbericht.

Vorige maand lekte al een memo uit dat het concern £150 mln (€175 mln) aan personeelskosten wil bezuinigen. De Centrale ondernemingsraad (cor) van Tata Steel Nederland vertaalde dit toen naar een verlies van 2500 banen. Dit aantal blijkt nu hoger te liggen. Ook is bekendgemaakt dat het in tweederde van de gevallen om kantoorbanen gaat.

Het banenverlies is onderdeel van het 'transformatieprogramma' dat het concern deze week presenteert aan de Europese ondernemingsraden. Het plan wordt uitgedacht onder leiding van de Europese ceo Henrik Adam. Hij bevestigde dit bedrag vorige week in een interview met het FD, maar wilde niet ingaan op verdere details.

Er werken nu nog 21.000 mensen bij Tata Steel Europe, waarvan ongeveer 9000 bij de voormalige Koninklijke Hoogovens in IJmuiden. Het bedrijf heeft in Nederland ook vestigingen in onder meer Maastricht, Oosterhout, Nieuwegein en Moerdijk. Het is nog onduidelijk waar de banen zullen verdwijnen en om welke functies het gaat.

Dreigende stakingen
De betrokken voorzien een machtsstrijd tussen Tata Steel Nederland en de top van de Europese holding. Na de eerste saneringsberichten vreesden de vakbonden en de cor dat IJmuiden disproportioneel hard zou worden geraakt. Volgens de cor moet Nederland de verliezen van het Verenigd Koninkrijk opvangen en is dit 'onacceptabel'. 'Het uitgangspunt blijft dat Nederlandse werknemers niet de tol gaan betalen voor dit beleid', valt te lezen in de waarschuwing die vorige week werd verstuurd naar de Tata-top.

Ceo Adam stelde daartegenover dat Nederland nooit een euro heeft betaald om verliezen af te dekken in het VK. Ook zegt hij dat IJmuiden niet meer de toonaangevende positie heeft van weleer. Over de oorzaken van de achteruitgang wil hij deze week in gesprek met de vertegenwoordigers.

Door het programma wil de staalfabrikant groeien naar een jaarwinst in maart 2021 van £750 mln. Alleen dan kan de producent in zijn ogen de benodigde investeringen doen om een financieel houdbare toekomst te garanderen. In de afgelopen zes maanden behaalde Tata Steel Europe een bedrijfsresultaat (ebitda) van slechts £25 mln.

De cor liet vorige week al weten dat zij zich 'duidelijk gaan verzetten als de leiding van Tata Steel Europe met plannen komt die ten koste gaan van banen bij Tata Steel in Nederland'.

Vakbond FNV zei eerder bereid te zijn om stakingen te organiseren. De vakbond heeft veel leden heeft onder de Tata-medewerkers. Volgens FNV gaat het transformatieplan uit van een 'sociaal plan met de vakbonden', in plaats van het bestaande werkgelegenheidspact. 'Wij zien daar geen aanleiding toe' schreef FNV. 'De noodzaak voor een dergelijk grote reorganisatie in Nederland is niet aan de orde.'

Tata Steel Nederland heeft in 2016 een nieuw werkgelegenheidspact gesloten met de vakbonden. Dit pact, dat loopt tot 2021, stelt dat bezuinigingen worden opgevangen met natuurlijk verloop. Gedwongen ontslagen zijn uitgesloten. Door de overeenkomst worden werknemers die bij een reorganisatie of overname boventallig worden bemiddeld naar een andere functie.
De Nederlandse divisie heeft nog een aparte raad van commissarissen. Die kan de plannen tegenhouden als er te veel werkgelegenheid of productie verdwijnt. Al zullen de commissarissen ook oog moeten houden voor het gehele Europese bedrijf.
'Arcelor schort tijdspad sluiting Ilva op'

Gepubliceerd op 18 nov 2019 om 21:57 | Views: 1.736

ArcelorMittal 18 nov
14,66 -0,49 (-3,25%)

TARENTE (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - ArcelorMittal schort de geplande sluiting van zijn Ilva-staalfabriek in de Zuid-Italiaanse stad Tarente tot nader order op. Dat meldden de vakbonden.

Het overboord gooien van het uitgestippelde tijdspad zou te maken hebben met een juridisch proces in Milaan, waar later deze maand een hoorzitting dient. Eerder meldde het in Amsterdam genoteerde concern nog van plan te zijn om de fabriek op 15 januari dicht te doen.

De laatste tijd is er veel gedoe rond de Ilva-fabriek. Eerder deze maand maakte ArcelorMittal bekend de fabriek terug te willen geven aan Italië. Het intrekken van bescherming tegen milieuclaims rond de Ilva-fabriek was daar de reden voor, liet het bedrijf weten.

De Italiaanse regering zou nu overwegen de Ilva-fabriek te redden met een overbruggingskrediet als ArcelorMittal definitief afziet van de overname. De lening zou 700 miljoen tot 800 miljoen euro bedragen. Dit moet de failliete fabriek draaiende houden terwijl curatoren er weer de controle overnemen.
ArcelorMittal schort sluiting Ilva op - media

14,664 0,00 0,00 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft de sluiting van de Italiaanse fabriek Ilva vooralsnog opgeschort. Dit schreef het Italiaanse persbureau Ansa.

De staalreus zou dit de vakbonden hebben meegedeeld. De bonden reageerden positief, maar benadrukten dat dit slechts een eerste stap is en dat snel handelen noodzakelijk is.

Vorige week meldde ArcelorMittal dat het Ilva op 15 januari wil sluiten.

Op 27 november is volgens Ansa een nieuwe hoorzitting gepland.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Inval bij ArcelorMittal in Taranto - media

14,92 0,256 1,75 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Italiaanse Guardia di Finanza heeft invallen gedaan bij ArcelorMittal in Taranto, waar de Ilva-fabriek staat. Dit meldde persbureau Ansa dinsdag.

Er zouden documenten in beslag zijn genomen die betrekking hebben op Ilva. Dit zou volgens Ansa zijn gebeurd na klachten van oud-commissarissen van Ilva.

ArcelorMittal heeft recent besloten te willen afzien van de overname en zei de fabriek medio januari te zullen sluiten. Eerder vandaag meldden Italiaanse media dat dit besluit tot sluiting is opgeschort.

Het aandeel ArcelorMittal steeg dinsdagmiddag 1,7 procent tot 14,91 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Tata Steel Europe to cut 3000 Jobs

Tata Steel outlined proposals for a transformation program in Europe. It said “The program is needed to ensure the business can thrive despite severe market headwinds which have led to a sharp decline in profitability. At the same time, it aims to secure the foundation for investments required to accelerate innovation and the company’s journey towards carbon-neutral steelmaking. The plans include a proposed new way of working to boost productivity and reduce bureaucracy as well as a focus on increasing sales of higher-value steel products and solutions.”

The program is focused on four areas to improve financial performance

Increasing sales of higher-value steels by improving product mix and customer focus

Efficiency gains by optimizing production processes, supported by the application of big data and advanced analytics

Lowering employment costs, leading to an estimated reduction in employee numbers of up to 3,000 across Tata Steel Europe’s operations, about two-thirds of which are expected to be white collar roles

Reduction of procurement costs through smarter sourcing and strengthening cooperation with companies within the Tata Steel group

Through its proposed transformation program, Tata Steel Europe is initially targeting a positive cash flow by the end of its financial year ending March 2021. It is also aiming for an EBITDA margin of around 10% throughout the market cycle. Based on full year 2019 revenue figures, this would equate to GBP 750 million in EBITDA. With improved earnings and cash flows, Tata Steel Europe will be a financially self-sustaining business able to invest in asset reliability and improvements while also servicing its financial obligations to its lenders and shareholders.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tokyo Steel Rolls Over Steel Prices for Sales in December

Japan’s top electric-arc furnace steelmaker Tokyo Steel Manufacturing Co Ltd will keep all steel product prices unchanged in December as it took too long to trim high stocks of steel sheets at home. For December, prices for steel bars, including rebar, will remain at JPY 62,000 yen (USD 568) a tonne, while its H beams will stay at JPY 83,000 a tonne.

The steelmaker kept all steel product prices steady in November.

Source : Reuters
Iranian Steel Exports in 7 Months Hit 4 Million Tonne Mark

Exports of steel by ten major producers in Iran hit 4.049 million tonnes in the first seven months of the current Iranian calendar year ie during March 21-October 22, up 8% YoY. Esfahan’s Mobarakeh Steel Company exported 885,397 tonnes of steel, showing a 23% increase as compared to the same period last year.

Iran’s deputy industry, mining and trade minister Mr Jafar Sarqini said “Industry ministry is planning to increase the exports of steel products to 12 million tonnes by the end of the current year till March 19, 2020. The value of the exports is expected to reach USD 9 billion by the yearend.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Dongkuk Steel Reports Q3 Results

South Korea's third-largest steelmaker Dongkuk Steel Mill Co said that its net losses widened in the third quarter from a year earlier due to losses from equity ties with a struggling Brazilian plant. Net loss for the July-September quarter deepened to KWR 60.1 billion (USD 51 million) from KWR 8.3 billion a year earlier. Sales dropped 4.7% YoY to reach KWR 1.4 trillion in the third quarter on a consolidated basis, but operating profit increased 7.7% YoY to KWR 56.7 billion.

Dongkuk Steel said losses from its equity ties with Companhia Siderurgica do Pecem steel mill in Brazil dragged down its third-quarter bottom line. CSP posted an operating loss of 19.8 billion won in the third quarter due to a slump in its slab business. Dongkuk Steel owns a 30-percent stake in CSP.

In the first nine months, Dongkuk Steel's losses amounted to KWR 38.8 billion. Sales reached KWR 4.3 trillion, while its operating profit was tallied at KWR 184.2 billion.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
JSPL Update on Mining Business in South Africa

Jindal Steel & Power announced that its South African subsidiary Jindal Mining SA has turned around and reported cash profits in the recently completed quarter ending September 2019 from South Africa. Jindal Mining SA had entered into Voluntary Business Rescue in April-May 2019. With a view to protect the interests of various stakeholders and with a long term vision of turning it profitable & sustainable, the company had taken the strategic decision to take the Business Rescue route.

As part of the BR, the company engaged with stakeholders to restructure the liabilities, both Operational and Financial, to make the business profitable in the long run. The operations at JMSA are now stable and ramping up well and are out of the Business Rescue process. JSPL will be looking to monetize this anthracite coal asset as part of its International Portfolio Rationalization Plan.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
US DoC Opens AD and CVD Probe on Imports of Forged Steel Fittings from India and Korea

The US Department of Commerce has announced the initiation of new antidumping duty and countervailing duty investigations to determine whether forged steel fittings from India and Korea are being dumped in the United States and to find if producers in India are receiving unfair subsidies. The alleged dumping margins range from 45.31 to 198.38 percent for Korea and 52.48 to 293.40 for India. These investigations were initiated based on petitions filed by Bonney Forge Corporation (Mount Union, PA) and the United Steel, Paper and Forestry, Rubber, Manufacturing, Energy, Allied Industrial and Service Workers International Union.

If Commerce makes affirmative findings in these investigations, and if the US International Trade Commission determines that dumped and/or unfairly subsidized US imports of forged steel fittings from India and/or Korea are causing injury to the US industry, Commerce will impose duties on those imports in the amount of dumping and/or unfair subsidization found to exist.

In 2018, imports of forged steel fittings from India and Korea were valued at an estimated USD 92.6 million and USD 67.6 million, respectively.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
MMK’s Program to add USD 686 Million to EBITDA

Implementation of Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works investment strategy from 2015-2025 should add USD 686 million to the Company’s EBITDA per year. This was announced by MMK’s top management team at the company’s Capital Markets Day held in London on Friday, 15 November 2019. Successful development of MMK’s production facilities and the launch of new innovative and import-substituting products have allowed the company to become the leader in Russia in terms of HVA products output. At the same time, thanks to its conservative financial policy, the company has been able to generate stable cash flow paid out to shareholders as dividends on a regular basis.

MMK’s strategy is focused on sustainable development principles which reflect a balance between improvement in operational and financial performance and social responsibility along with environmental protection.

A key strategic priority of MMK is to improve the environmental situation in Magnitogorsk. Since 2000, the Company has reduced its impact on the city’s air by half, while reducing discharge of pollutants into water fivefold. The implementation of its environmental initiatives should allow MMK to reduce its air emissions and discharge of water pollutants by an additional 20% and 70%, respectively, by 2025.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Devki Steel to Invest in Roofing Steel Plant Near Nairobi in Kenya

Forbes reported that Kenyan steel and cement tycoon Mr Narendra Raval is investing USD 110 million in constructing a new roofing sheet manufacturing plant in Lukenya, outside Nairobi. Devki Group plans to fund the construction of the new manufacturing plant with its cash reserves and loans from Citibank and Barclays Bank. Mr Raval is currently seeking approval for the planned factory from the National Environment Management Authority. The upcoming factory will employ more than 700 people when it is completed in 2021 and will serve the East African region.

Mr Raval’s Devki Group has annual revenues of more than USD 600 million and produces steel products, roofing sheets and cement among other things.

Source : Forbes
Qatar Steel receives Global HSE Excellence Award

Qatar Steel received the Health, Safety and Environment Excellence Award for 2018-2019 from the World Steel Association in recognition of the Company’s performance to ongoing commitment to preservation of HSE in the plant. Mr Mohammed bin Nasser Al Hajri, MD & CEO of Qatar Steel, said “Receiving this award reflects our efforts in applying and adopting the best practices in our operational processes, and our ongoing commitment to safe operation while preserving the environment and complying with the health and safety standards, making Qatar Steel more sustainable. Caring for employees and the environment is one of our values in Qatar Steel. Continued efforts to consolidate, select and integrate the best practice in HSE protection are part of the work towards realising the Company’s strategic objectives, which include rationalisation of consumption and reduction of carbon emissions.”

He added “The nomination of Qatar Steel for this award was based on several many outstanding initiatives. The most important of which relates to the care for the human workforce, and adopting a policy of involving the workforce in taking the decisions related to health and safety, which has helped realised our vision that safety comes first.”

Source : The Peninsula
Vallourec Reports Q3 and 9 Months Results

World leader in premium tubular solutions Vallourec announced its results for the third quarter and first nine months of 2019. Mr Philippe Crouzet, Chairman of the Management Board, said “Vallourec delivered another set of improving results in the third quarter, with a strong year on year EBITDA increase and a positive free cash flow, demonstrating the solidity of the ongoing recovery of the Group. The continued commitment of the teams to deploy the Transformation plan over the last years enabled Vallourec to regain competitiveness and to take advantage of the EA-MEA Oil & Gas markets rebound, as illustrated by the recent major contract won with ADNOC. In North America, the slowdown in drilling activity reflecting continuing operators' cash discipline is amplified by inventories' adjustment by distributors, leading to lower deliveries and prices expected in the last quarter, the impact of which we intend to mitigate thanks to the flexibility of our industrial operations. In Brazil, a pick-up in our O&G deliveries for offshore projects is expected in the latter part of the year, and should accelerate in 2020, driven by a significant increase in exploration drilling in deep off-shore fields. In this context, we reiterate our target of a strong increase in EBITDA in 2019 with the EBITDA generation achieved in the first semester confirmed in the second one, the current slowdown in the North American Oil and Gas market being counterbalanced by an overall good level of activity in the Group's other markets, and higher savings in H2. Vallourec's teams remain firmly focused on cash discipline and we target free cash flow for the last quarter to be positive.”

Third quarter 2019
Revenue: EUR 1,060 million, up 10% year-on-year (+7% at constant exchange rates)
EBITDA: EUR 84 million, versus EUR 43 million in Q3 2018

9M 2019 consolidated results
EBITDA reached EUR 253 million, improving by UR 192 million year on year
Net loss, Group share, has been reduced by EUR 172 million, amounting to (EUR 227) million, compared to (EUR 399) million for the first nine months of 2018.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Nucor Rebar Mill to Open in Missouri by December End

North Carolina based Nucor is building a USD 400 million steel rebar manufacturing plant in west-central Missouri’s Sedalia. It’s being built near Highway 65, and will be the anchor tenant of Sedalia’s new rail industrial park. Missouri’s State Department of Economic Development Director Mr Rob Dixon told media the Nucor plant is scheduled to open on December 27 or 28. The steel rebar manufacturing plant is one of the largest projects Missouri has landed in the past decade.

Sedalia-Pettis County economic development executive director Jessica Craig told that about 2,500 people have applied for 250 jobs, primarily steelworker positions. She says about 160 have already been hired, and some of them are driving from as far away as Columbia and Kansas City.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Emirates Steel Inks MoU with Abu Dhabi University for Degree in Metallurgical Engineering

Emirates Steel has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Abu Dhabi University to develop courses and research on the metals and steel sector. The MoU will see collaboration on the development of a Bachelor’s program in metallurgy, alongside on-job training at Emirates Steel, and is designed to further the future of the national metals industry. The agreement will see the two entities collaborate on the development of a Bachelor’s Degree in Metallurgical Engineering, alongside Emirates Steel providing support for research grants into metallurgic studies at ADU.

Emirates Steel will also sponsor students at ADU through the creation of a scholarship program, as well as welcoming ADU students to tour Emirates Steel’s facilities at the company’s headquarters in Abu Dhabi. Distinguished students will also be given further training at Emirates Steel and be automatically enrolled in the steel manufacturer’s recruitment programs. Emirates Steel will also collaborate in the provision of technical training through the Abu Dhabi Knowledge Group, the learning, development and consulting arm of ADU.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Supreme Court Bars Pakistan Government from Selling PSM Land

Pakistan’s Supreme Court, while hearing a petition concerning a shortage of funds to pay provident funds and gratuities to former Pakistan Steel Mills, has barred the government from selling land owned by PSM to generate funds to do so. A two-member bench, headed by Justice Gulzar Ahmed, said "Pakistan Steel Mills output is zero. It has been ruined by the responsible people to fill their own pockets. Pakistan Steel Mills was once a huge institution. Hundreds of steel mills operated with the help of PSM. Land cannot be sold as it belongs to the people.”

The case had been presented to the apex court by the Ministry of Production. The deputy advocate general, who was representing the government, told the court that PSM did not have sufficient funds to pay salaries and provident funds to employees. He said "We are selling the land in order to pay outstanding dues.”

Source : The Dawn
ArcelorMittal geeft schuldpapier uit

14,77 0,106 0,72 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal heeft anderhalf miljard euro opgehaald met de uitgifte van twee obligaties. Dat maakte het staalconcern dinsdag nabeurs bekend.

De eerste transactie is een obligatielening ter waarde van 750 miljoen euro met een looptijd tot 19 mei 2023 en een couponrente van 1,00 procent.

De tweede is een lening die loopt tot 19 november 2025 met een couponrente van 1,75 procent en een bedrag van eveneens 750 miljoen euro.

De uitgifte werd dinsdag afgerond. De opgehaalde middelen zullen onder andere worden gebruikt voor herfinanciering van schulden en algemene doeleinden.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
ArcelorMittal announces the issuance of €750,000,000 1.000 per cent. notes due 19 May 2023 and €750,000,000 1.750 per cent. notes due 19 November 2025 under its €10,000,000,000 EMTN Programme

ArcelorMittal announces the issuance of €750,000,000 1.000 per cent. notes due 19 May 2023 and €750,000,000 1.750 per cent. notes due 19 November 2025 under its €10,000,000,000 EMTN Programme
19 November 2019 – 17:15 CET

ArcelorMittal announces the issuance of €750,000,000 1.000 per cent. notes due 19 May 2023 (the “2023 Notes”) and €750,000,000 1.750 per cent. notes due 19 November 2025 (the “2025 Notes” and together with the 2023 Notes, the “Notes”).

The issuance closed today. The Notes were issued under ArcelorMittal’s €10,000,000,000 wholesale Euro Medium Term Notes Programme.

The proceeds of the issuance will be used for general corporate purposes including refinancing of existing indebtedness.

Important note: This press release does not, and shall not, in any circumstances constitute a public offering by ArcelorMittal of the Notes nor an invitation to the public in connection with any offer. No communication and no information in respect of the issuance of the Notes may be distributed to the public in any jurisdiction where a registration or approval is required. No steps have been or will be taken in any jurisdiction where such steps would be required. The offering or purchase of the Notes may be subject to specific legal or regulatory restrictions in certain jurisdictions. ArcelorMittal takes no responsibility for any violation of any such restrictions by any person.

This press release is an advertisement and not a prospectus within the meaning of Directive 2003/71/EC of the European Parliament and the Council of November 4th, 2003 (as amended and supplemented from time to time, including by Directive 2010/73/EU and any relevant implementing measures in any member State of the European Economic Area (the "Member States")) (the "Prospectus Directive").
The base prospectus of the €10 billion wholesale Euro Medium Term Note Programme of ArcelorMittal dated as of 29 May 2019 and the supplements to the base prospectus dated 21 June 2019, 30 September 2019 and 12 November 2019 which together constitute a base prospectus (the “Base Prospectus”) and the final terms prepared by the Issuer in connection with the issuance of the Notes have been prepared on the basis that any offer of Notes in any Member State of the European Economic Area (each, a "Relevant Member State") will be made pursuant to an exemption under the Prospectus Directive, as implemented in that Relevant Member State, from the requirement to publish a prospectus for offers of the Notes.
In any Relevant Member State that has implemented the Prospectus Directive, this communication is only addressed to and directed at qualified investors in that Member State within the meaning of the Prospectus Directive.
Accordingly, any person making or intending to make an offer in that Relevant Member State of the Notes may only do so in circumstances in which no obligation arises for the Issuer or the joint lead managers acting in connection with the issuance of the Notes to publish a prospectus pursuant to Article 3 of the Prospectus Directive or supplement a prospectus pursuant to Article 16 of the Prospectus Directive, in each case, in relation to such offer. The Issuer and the joint lead managers acting in connection with the issuance of the Notes have not authorized the making of any offer of Notes in any other circumstances. The Base Prospectus and the final terms referred to above have been filed with the Commission de Surveillance du Secteur Financier of Luxembourg and the Luxembourg Stock Exchange, respectively.

This press release is not an invitation nor is it intended to be an inducement to engage in investment activity for the purpose of Section 21 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 of the United Kingdom (the "FSMA"). This press release is only being distributed to and is only directed at (i) persons who are outside the United Kingdom; (ii) persons who are investment professionals falling within the meaning of Article 19(5) of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 (Financial Promotion) Order 2005 (as amended) of the United Kingdom (the "Financial Promotion Order"); or (iii) high net worth entities, and other persons to whom it may lawfully be communicated, falling within Article 49(2)(a) to (d) of the Financial Promotion Order (all such persons together being referred to as "Relevant Persons"). Any Notes will only be available to, and any invitation, offer, agreement to subscribe, purchase or otherwise acquire such Notes, or inducement to engage in any investment activity included within this press release is available only to Relevant Persons and will be engaged in only with Relevant Persons. Anyone other than a Relevant Person must not act or rely on this press release or any of its contents.

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