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TMK Announces 3Q and 9M 2019 IFRS Results

world’s leading producers of tubular products for the oil and gas industry PAO TMK announced its interim consolidated IFRS financial results for the third quarter of 2019 and nine months ended September 30, 2019. Mr Igor Korytko, CEO of TMK, said “TMK delivered a solid year on year performance at the Russian division in the nine months of 2019, driven by high demand for OCTG, up 9% YoY, and a further improvement in the product mix towards a higher share of high-tech products. This translated into a 21% increase in the division’s adjusted EBITDA and stronger margins at 16% in 9M 2019, up 2 pp YoY. The Group’s overall 9M 2019 performance was constrained by ongoing softness in the North American market and a challenging market environment in Europe.”

9M 2019 Highlights
9M Revenue down 4% YoY at USD 3,667 million. Russian division’s 9M Revenue up 4% YoY at USD 2,719 million
9M Adjusted EBITDA down 3% YoY at USD 508 million, Russian division’s 9M Adjusted EBITDA up 21% YoY at USD 438 million
Adjusted EBITDA margin at 14% in 9M 2019, Russian division’s adjusted EBITDA margin at 16% in 9M 2019

In October, TMK and Saudi Arabian Oil Company signed a memorandum of understanding, which provides for the development of cooperation in prospective areas for both companies.

In October, TMK supplied a second batch of casing pipes with a threaded connection TMK UP PF to Sakhalin Energy Investment Company Ltd for the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas project. The pipe column was successfully launched from the Molikpak platform at the Piltun-Astokhskoye field in the Sea of Okhotsk, with the involvement of TMK specialists. The order was fulfilled under the long-term renewable contract for the supply of premium tubular oil products.

Outlook - In Russia, TMK expects pipe consumption by domestic oil and gas companies to remain stable in 2019. The increased complexity of hydrocarbon production projects in Russia is expected to result in increased demand for high tech products. TMK anticipates EBITDA at the Russian division to increase for the full-year 2019, supported by an increase in pipe shipments, with the EBITDA margin to be slightly above the level of full-year 2018. In North America, the market situation is most likely to remain challenging due to oil, gas and steel price volatility, a slowdown in drilling activity and operators focusing on capital discipline, all of which resulting in lower pipe demand and pressure on prices. In Europe, a challenging market environment and pricing pressure are most likely to remain until the end of the year. This could put pressure on seamless industrial pipe shipments at the European division in the fourth quarter.

Voor cijfers, zie pdf.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EEPC Slams New Steel Import Rules

Engineering exporters had opposed the recent government notification on mandatory registration for steel imports as this would raise the price of steel. The EEPC has approached the commerce ministry seeking a modification of the notification. In a letter to commerce and industry minister Mr Piyush Goyal, EEPC India chairman Mr Ravi Sehgal has flagged concerns regarding the DGFT notification which mandated compulsory registration for the import of most of the steel products.

The government has decided to extend the time period for registration under the Steel Import Monitoring System. DGFT said “One-time relaxation till November 20, 2019, for obtaining SIMS registration is notified.”

The trade body has, so far, not notified the effective date from when the new norms would become effective.

In September, the government had made it mandatory for traders to register themselves with SIMS to import 215 iron and steel products from November 21.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
AK Steel Purchases USD 615 Million in Pension Obligations from MassMutual

AK Steel has purchased a group annuity contract from Massachusetts Mutual Life Insurance Company to transfer approximately USD 615 million of its pension obligations. This annuity contract permanently transfers the responsibility to pay pension benefit obligations of about USD 615 million for approximately 4,250 retirees from the company’s pension plan to MassMutual. There will be no change to the pension benefits for any plan participant as a result of this action. The transaction was funded entirely with pension plan assets. As a result of this transaction, the company expects to record a non-cash pension settlement charge of approximately USD 25 million in the fourth quarter of 2019.

Beginning March 1, 2020, MassMutual will begin making benefit payments along with providing ongoing administrative services to the specific plan participants. Retirees and beneficiaries covered by this transaction will receive personalized information with further details and answers to frequently asked questions before March 1.

With this transaction, AK Steel has completed transfers of approximately USD 1.1 billion in pension obligations in aggregate, representing nearly 20,000 retirees, to highly-rated annuity providers since 2016. Making these changes reduces financial risks to the company and lowers administrative costs while enabling the company to continue to meet pension commitments to all of its retirees.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
US ITC Imposes Anti Dumping Duty on Steel Threaded Rod Imports from Thailand

The United States International Trade Commission has determined that a US industry is materially injured by reason of imports of carbon and alloy steel threaded rod from Thailand that the US Department of Commerce has determined are sold in the United States at less than fair value. As a result of the USITC’s affirmative determination, Commerce will issue an antidumping duty order on imports of this product from Thailand. The Commission also made a negative finding concerning critical circumstances with regard to imports of this product from Thailand. As a result, imports of carbon and alloy steel threaded rod from Thailand will not be subject to retroactive antidumping duties.

Product Description: Threaded rod is generally threaded along its entire length and is produced from low carbon, medium carbon, or alloy steel wire rod or bar. It is used primarily in commercial construction to suspend electrical conduits; pipes for plumbing; heating, ventilation and air-conditioning ductwork and sprinkler systems for fire protection, among other applications. Threaded rod can also be used as a headless screw in general fastener applications or for bolting together pipe joints.

Status of Proceedings:
Type of investigation: Final phase antidumping duty investigation.
Petitioner: Vulcan Threaded Products Inc, Pelham, Alabama.
USITC Institution Date: Thursday, February 21, 2019.
USITC Hearing Date: Tuesday, October 15, 2019.
USITC Vote Date: Friday, November 15, 2019.
USITC Notification to Commerce Date: Thursday, December 5, 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in Bangladesh in Week 46 - Turning

The turnover from a previously beleaguered Bangladeshi market was the most eye-opening this week, with End Buyers seemingly reluctant to obey guidelines from the BSBA and offer prices in the region of USD 350/LT LDT, especially after the sharp declines observed on steel plate prices over the last few weeks. As a result, several market sales came to light and Bangladesh now appears to be filling up with tonnage at increasing numbers once again albeit with smaller / mid range LDT units that banks are more comfortable opening L/Cs on. It is however, worth issuing some caution as this market had recently turned rather swiftly and given this week’s performance, there is the danger that Bangladesh will start to fill up and subsequently become over-saturated once again, especially in light of the increased supply of tonnage that is now being introduced for sale.

Finally, on the sales front, the 1983 built China Meratus owned container vessel MARINA STAR I (5,473 LDT) managed to fetch a rather healthy USD 345/LT LDT (given her size), basis an ‘as is’ Singapore delivery, with about 150 Tons of bunkers ROB at the time of delivery.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Boete Duitse autobouwers voor staalkartel

Gepubliceerd op 21 nov 2019 om 12:55 | Views: 1.456

BONN (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - Volkswagen, BMW en Daimler moeten samen zo'n 100 miljoen euro betalen wegens het vormen van een verboden staalkartel. De autobouwers kwamen een schikking overeen met de Duitse kartelwaakhond Bundeskartellamt.

De drie bedrijven kwamen tussen 2004 en 2013 twee keer per jaar bijeen met staalfabrikanten, smederijen en toeleveranciers aan de staalsector. Daar hebben ze volgens de toezichthouder informatie uitgewisseld over staalprijzen. Omdat de gesprekken gezamenlijk werden gevoerd, en niet een-op-een, was er geen sprake van prijsconcurrentie, aldus het Bundeskartellamt.

Staal is een belangrijk product voor de auto-industrie. Gemiddeld is in elke auto zeker 900 kilo staal verwerkt. Het kartel onderhandelde over de staalaankoop die nodig was voor auto-onderdelen als krukassen en stuurstangen.

De autofabrikanten erkenden de feiten in de zaak en werkten mee aan het onderzoek. Dat nam de mededingingsautoriteit mee in de berekening van de boetes. De hoogte van de boetes is niet definitief. De autofabrikanten kunnen nog in hoger beroep gaan.
ThyssenKrupp ziet verliezen oplopen en keert geen dividend uit

Het kwakkelende Duitse industrieconcern ThyssenKruppTKA€11,67-13,62% gaat dit jaar geen dividend uitkeren aan zijn aandeelhouders. Het concern, dat onder meer staal, liften en onderzeeërs maakt, heeft in het fiscale jaar 2018/2019 (dat eind september eindigde) de verliezen zien oplopen van €62 mln tot €304 mln.
In het fiscale jaar 2019/2020, het huidige gebroken boekjaar, zullen de verliezen nog verder stijgen, maakte het industrieel conglomeraat donderdag bekend. Op de beurs van Frankfurt verloor het concern ruim 14%. Ceo Martina Merz waarschuwde dat het nog wel twee tot drie jaar kan duren voordat het bedrijf weer gezond zal zijn en alle reorganisaties en herstructureringen zijn afgerond.

Dan komt er ook een afgeslankt concern te staan dat diverse onderdelen zal hebben afgestoten of verkocht. Een van de eerste prioriteiten is de verkoop van de winstgevende liftendivisie, waar circa 50.000 mensen werken en waar veel interesse voor is. De (gehele) liftendivisie zou circa €15 mrd waard zijn.

Een aantal private equity-concerns en diverse branchegenoten, waaronder het Finse Kone en het Japanse Hitachi hebben serieuze interesse. Een gedeeltelijke beursgang van de divisie is ook nog altijd een optie. In het eerste kwartaal van volgend jaar moet er meer duidelijkheid ontstaan.

ThyssenKrupp, met circa 160.000 werknemers, verkeert al jaren in crisis. Het concern heeft last van de malaise in de auto-industrie, stijgende prijzen voor grondstoffen en van de import van buitenlands staal. Maar het conglomeraat wordt ook verweten log te ogen en weinig efficiënt te opereren. Het Duitse concern heeft enkele winstwaarschuwingen achter de rug.

Fusie met Tata verboden
De Europese Commissie verbood eerder dit jaar een fusie tussen Tata Steel Europe, waaronder IJmuiden, en ThyssenKrupp tot een nieuw Europees staalbedrijf. Toenmalig topman Guido Kerkhoff verweet Brussel daarmee de deuren wijd te openen voor goedkoop staal uit China.

Kerkhoff werd in oktober als (tijdelijk) bestuursvoorzitter opgevolgd door Martine Merz, die al president-commissaris was. Kerkhoff wilde het conglomeraat opsplitsen maar veranderde van mening toen Brussel de fusie met Tata verbood. Ook Kerkhoffs voorganger Heinrich Hiesinger vertrok vanwege een conflict over een mogelijke fusie met Tata Steel.

Gesprekken met aandeelhouders, managers en werknemers hebben haar de overtuiging gegeven dat er veel moet veranderen bij ThyssenKrupp, zei Merz donderdag. 'Op veel gebieden blijven we ver achter bij onze ambities.'

Geplande ontslagen
Het tempo van al eerder aangekondigde herstructureringsmaatregelen moet volgens Merz worden opgevoerd. Duitse media concludeerden donderdag dan ook dat er bij ThyssenKrupp meer ontslagen zullen vallen dan de geplande 6.000.
Vergeet niet dat arcelor mittal ook UTTAM GALVA heeft ingekocht door de schulden over te nemen, daar kan ook synergie voordelen gehaald worden door de overname van ESSSAR STEEL van de BRON tot het EINDPRODUCT.
Protest at ArcelorMittal Saldanha Steel Plant over Closure

About 50 people picketed outside the Saldanha Steel plant on Thursday, to protest against the phased closing down of the plant by ArcelorMittal South Africa. Sammy Claassen, a member of the South African Social and Economic Development Forum, which organised the picket, said “This is bad news for the West Coast and South Africa. We need steel manufacturers that produce quality steel. A thousand people will lose their jobs because of this and that means thousands of families will be affected. Another thing about this whole closure is that the community was not consulted about it. Saldanha Steel came into existence because of the Saldanha community, but now, when decisions like these are being made, the community is shut out. The people at the top are having meetings behind closed doors.”

He said the community first heard about the closure through media reports and did not even know the reasons for the closure. He said “If they are working at a loss or struggling to sustain the plant as the media says, then why don’t they ask help from government? Why doesn’t government intervene? If a big company like this closes down, it affects small, medium and micro enterprises and entrepreneurs, who are providing jobs.”

Source : Ground Up
MMK and Deloitte Compiles Portfolio of Business Projects for Digitalisation

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works together with Deloitte has produced a list of MMK’s future digital transformation projects, to be completed by 2025. A thorough selection process resulted in a list of 110 projects in 18 areas of the company’s core business. These will form the basis of MMK’s overall digitalization strategy. The Deloitte methodology allowed not only to balance digital development between the redistributions in the value chain, but also to provide a systematic increase in technological maturity between functional areas. Among the selected projects for digitalisation are various programs aimed at improving labour efficiency and at strengthening positions in priority markets. Overall, digitalisation will affect all strategic areas of MMK.

MMK plans to build a new ecosystem of interaction with consumers. It should simplify and speed up order placement, make tracking the completion of a task easier, and should ensure control over mutual settlements and joint planning of actions. To do this, MMK plans to use the latest version of the ORACLE OeBS accounting system and the adapted scheduling system for the production of Ausferr OKPP AS.

Essentially, the fundamental vision is the implementation of projects that will reduce the consumption of material and energy resources and increase the yield of metal suitable from the first processing, while also increasing the efficiency of operations in general. Optimisation of the use of iron ore and its useful components begins with the identification of the chemical composition of the raw materials when they are delivered from suppliers, and the selection of appropriate technological operating modes of the equipment. The use of machine vision and the automation of sampling and research of samples should increase the rate of identification of process deviations, significantly reduce overheads and allow MMK to recycle rejected products at most stages.

There will be repair services which will also help to increase overall efficiency by introducing predictive analytics projects, mobile workplaces for repair personnel, and integrated planning tools to assess the impact of changes to the original repair schedules. The quality and efficiency of general repair work will be further enhanced through intelligent management of spare parts, and by 3D printing some particularly critical items.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Ind-Ra revises SAIL outlook to negative from stable

India Ratings and Research has revised its outlook for Steel Authority of India Limited said that to negative from stable while affirming its long-term issuer rating at IND AA minus. The outlook revision reflects a sharper-than-expected increase in SAIL's leverage risks for the current financial year and the uncertainty around financial deleveraging in FY21 to levels commensurate with the rating guidelines. These risks have emanated owing to weakening of operating performance as reflected in the EBITDA deterioration during H1 FY20, resulting from subdued market demand and inventory pile up. Ind-Ra expects margins to firm up in FI2 FY20 due to a fall in input prices and inventory normalization, resulting from growth in demand.

IndRa said that it will monitor recovery in profitability along with other measures in progress at SAIL to improve its operations and prevent deterioration in its financial risk profile.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
SCHMOLZ + BICKENBACH Settles With German Federal Cartel Office

Global leader in special long steel SCHMOLZ + BICKENBACH has reached an out-of-court agreement with the German Federal Cartel Office regarding investigations on suspected anti-trust practices. The parties have agreed on a fine of EUR 12.3 million. SCHMOLZ + BICKENBACH accepts the fine.

The agreement is subject to the execution of the planned share capital increase to be approved by the extraordinary general meeting on December 2, 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Weaker Global Economic Dynamic Weigh on ThyssenKrupp Earnings

In the past fiscal year thyssenkrupp achieved slight growth in a difficult economic environment. Order intake and sales both rose to EUR 42.0 billion, up 1 percent year-on-year. The capital goods businesses made a major contribution to this growth overall. In the materials businesses, on the other hand, growth was slowed by the increasingly weaker global economy, the substantial slowdown in the automotive sector and continued high import pressure on steel. This was accompanied by a massive rise in raw material prices. These factors also impacted operating earnings particularly in the auto components and materials businesses. The Group's adjusted EBIT of EUR 802 million as compared to previous year figure of EUR 1.4 billion. thyssenkrupp CEO Ms Martina Merz said "The performance of many of our businesses is not satisfying. This is also due to the fact that necessary structural improvements and restructuring measures were not implemented with the necessary consequence. We will now tackle this swiftly and systematically.”

Against this background, the newly formed Executive Board has set itself four clear priorities and is focusing on the performance topic, the Elevator transaction, the future viability of the steel business and the further development of the organization. The company's primary objective continues to be increasing the performance of its businesses. Numerous measures are already underway in all areas.

Steel Europe's business performance was influenced in particular at the beginning of the past fiscal year by special factors - especially the historic low tide of the Rhine and the new WLTP emissions test, which caused temporary production losses in the auto industry. As the year progressed, the business was also hit by the overall slowdown in market momentum, in particular due to a noticeable drop in demand from the automotive industry. Order intake and sales were down on the previous year. In addition to the significant decline in shipments, drastically higher raw material costs, especially for iron ore, and negative exchange rate effects also had an impact.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tenova gets FAC for Acid Regeneration Plant from Hoa Sen Group in Vietnam

Vietnamese steel producer Hoa Sen Group has issued the Final Acceptance Certificate for Acid Regeneration Plant at their new plant in Binh Dinh in Vietnam, which will operate in accordance with stringent European environmental regulatory standards. This project, the fourth supplied by Tenova for this client, is underlining the excellent cooperation between the two parties along with the performance and reliability of Tenova. The incorporated BLUEdriven Flex Capacity provides Hoa Sen high production flexibility and the plant is able to operate in a range of +50% to -20% of the design capacity. This design allows the client to increase the pickling capacity without consideration of a further investment in the acid regeneration. The BLUEdriven Emission Control & ZEROWaste process reduces operation costs while simultaneously optimizing the emissions to achieve international standards.

The installed Pelletizing Hardening System is giving the client the possibility to supply the hardened Oxide Pellets to steel makers while the high grade Oxide powder can, in parallel, be supplied to the market on a demand basis. The availability of the ARP is optimized thanks to the new secured remote platform for predictive maintenance as well as a locally implemented wireless HMI system for operators and maintenance staff in the field.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Indian Steel Forging Industry Cuts 30% Production

Association of Indian Forging Industry recently expressed concern about the lack of demand with respect to fresh orders from the automotive sector. AIFI said that with the ripple down effect of slumping automobile sales, the forging industry is facing the heat with a sharp decline in demand which has resulted in substantial production cuts to the tune of 25 to 30%. AIFI president Mr S Muralishankar said that “The recent slew of festivals saw few car manufacturers reporting a decent increase in sales at the retail level. As a result, we witnessed inventory clearance at the dealer level. The production and demand at the manufacturing level haven’t seen any upward movement because of which the forging and auto-component sector continue to reel under the Auto slowdown."

He added that "Currently, there is a huge inventory build-up due to poor demand and to curb this many forging units have been making proportionate cuts in terms of working hours and production.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Indian Steel Industry in Deep Crisis - CGS CIMB Securities

According to a CGS CIMB Securities report, the Indian steel sector is in a deep crisis. It said "At the current spot steel prices, even the most efficient companies in the sector in India are in a crisis. The sector's financial health is important to the banking system too as the proportion of steel in industry credit is 10 percent. Steel sector and the ecosystem is a huge employment generator and GDP contributor too. So, the government can’t ignore the crisis for long in our view. The government has been pro-actively addressing stress in various sectors of the economy and we believe steel sector will not be an exception. In the worst case of no government intervention, we expect this crisis to self-correct as the invisible hand of the market to comes into play.”

The report suggested that “The minimum import prices imposed in 2016 on steel are redundant now and the current basic customs duty of 12.5 percent is ineffective as it is not applicable to free trade agreement nations which are exploiting the situation. Thus, there is a need to review the MIP and FTAs and fix the anomalies. Anti-Dumping Duty will have to increase by USD 100 to USD 580 per tonne for hot rolled coils after adjusting for the increase in global raw material prices. Fixing price anomalies will result in higher prices and lower imports into India. Pricing tailwind will help boost EBITDA per tonne, while lower imports will drive market share of domestic companies, both of which will result in higher profits and return ratios.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
BMW, Daimler and Volkswagen Fined for Anticompetitive Practices in Purchase of Steel

German competition body Bundeskartellamt has imposed fines totalling around 100 million euros on Bayerische Motoren Werke AG, Daimler AG and Volkswagen AG for anticompetitive practices in the purchase of long steel products. Bundeskartellamt president Mr Andreas Mundt said “Between 2004 and the end of 2013 representatives of BMW, Daimler and Volkswagen regularly met twice a year with steel manufacturers, forging companies and large systems suppliers and exchanged information on uniform surcharges for the purchase of long steel products. Scrap and alloy surcharges account for a substantial part of the purchase prices for long steel. Insofar as the surcharges were no longer negotiated individually with the suppliers as a consequence of these talks, price competition between the companies on these price components was eliminated.”

It said “In their production processes the car manufacturers use many parts which are made from long steel including crankshafts, connecting rods, camshafts, gear wheels and steering rods. These components are either purchased from forging companies or are produced by the car manufacturers themselves in their own forges. For this purpose, long steel is purchased beforehand as a raw material. Long steel is usually sold by the steel manufacturers or forging companies based on a certain price model. This consists of a basic price and scraps and alloy surcharges. During the period of infringement the surcharges, which fluctuated according to amount, accounted on average for approximately a third of the end price of engineering steel, which is the main type of long steel concerned here. The purchase costs of long steel account for less than one percent of the total costs of a car. In contrast to the basic prices, the surcharges were traditionally not negotiated but calculated according to sector-wide uniform formulas and added to the basic price as separate price components. In 2003 and 2004 the steel manufacturers unilaterally made certain changes to the surcharge calculation, in some cases under the threat of refusal to supply. As a reaction to this the discussions between the car and steel manufacturers and forging companies were taken up under the umbrella of the German association for steel and metal processing (. In the talks the representatives of the car manufacturers ensured one another that they would adopt the changes introduced by the steel manufacturers and continue to adhere to the established practice of uniformly calculated price surcharges. They did so at any rate until January 2016.”

It added “The companies acknowledged the facts as established by the Bundeskartellamt and agreed to a settlement. This was taken into account by the Bundeskartellamt when calculating the fines as well as the fact that the car manufacturers had cooperated with the authority throughout the proceeding.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
MMK and Deloitte Compiles Portfolio of Business Projects for Digitalisation

Magnitogorsk Iron and Steel Works together with Deloitte has produced a list of MMK’s future digital transformation projects, to be completed by 2025. A thorough selection process resulted in a list of 110 projects in 18 areas of the company’s core business. These will form the basis of MMK’s overall digitalization strategy. The Deloitte methodology allowed not only to balance digital development between the redistributions in the value chain, but also to provide a systematic increase in technological maturity between functional areas. Among the selected projects for digitalisation are various programs aimed at improving labour efficiency and at strengthening positions in priority markets. Overall, digitalisation will affect all strategic areas of MMK.

MMK plans to build a new ecosystem of interaction with consumers. It should simplify and speed up order placement, make tracking the completion of a task easier, and should ensure control over mutual settlements and joint planning of actions. To do this, MMK plans to use the latest version of the ORACLE OeBS accounting system and the adapted scheduling system for the production of Ausferr OKPP AS.

Essentially, the fundamental vision is the implementation of projects that will reduce the consumption of material and energy resources and increase the yield of metal suitable from the first processing, while also increasing the efficiency of operations in general. Optimisation of the use of iron ore and its useful components begins with the identification of the chemical composition of the raw materials when they are delivered from suppliers, and the selection of appropriate technological operating modes of the equipment. The use of machine vision and the automation of sampling and research of samples should increase the rate of identification of process deviations, significantly reduce overheads and allow MMK to recycle rejected products at most stages.

There will be repair services which will also help to increase overall efficiency by introducing predictive analytics projects, mobile workplaces for repair personnel, and integrated planning tools to assess the impact of changes to the original repair schedules. The quality and efficiency of general repair work will be further enhanced through intelligent management of spare parts, and by 3D printing some particularly critical items.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Europese Commissie opent onderzoek naar dumpen Chinees roestvrij staal

27,61 -0,15 -0,54 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De Europese Commissie heeft besloten om een onderzoek te starten omdat Chinees roestvrij staal mogelijk toch is gedumpt, ondanks Europese antidumpingmaatregelen. Dit stond dinsdag vermeld in het officiële publicatieblad van de Europese Unie.

Volgens de Commissie heeft het voldoende bewijsmateriaal om aan te tonen dat Chinese producenten kleine aanpassingen hebben gedaan aan hun producten om zo de antidumpingmaatregelen te omzeilen.

Europa heeft sinds februari 2018 maatregelen tegen Chinees staal ingevoerd.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
ArcelorMittal investeert in duurzaamheidsprogramma

15,698 -0,146 -0,92 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal gaat een duurzaamheidsprogramma uitrollen voor platstaalproducten in Europa. Dit maakte de staalreus dinsdagochtend bekend.

"Met het twaalf maanden durende programma kan elke productielocatie aantonen dat de productieprocessen voldoen aan strikt gedefinieerde normen", aldus ArcelorMittal.

De productielocaties zullen worden bekeken door een derde partij samen met een onafhankelijk comité die vervolgens de beslissing neemt ten aanzien van een duurzaamheidscertificering.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
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