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Tata Steel Europe schrapt banen in Nederland

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Tata Steel Europe schrapt 1.600 banen bij zijn Nederlandse vestiging in Velsen. Dit maakte het staalbedrijf woensdag bekend zonder financiële details te vermelden.

Tata Steel Europe voerde woensdag aan de arbeidskosten te willen verlagen, waartoe het bedrijf zijn totaal aantal arbeidsplaatsen met 3.000 reduceert. Daarvan vallen er dus 1.600 in IJmuiden en verder 1.000 in het Verenigd Koninkrijk en 350 elders.

“Verandering zorgt voor onzekerheid, maar we kunnen het ons niet veroorloven als bedrijf om stil te staan. De wereld om ons heen verandert snel en we moeten ons aanpassen”, zei Henrik Adam, CEO Tata Steel in Europa.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
ArcelorMittal Duisburg Launches New Warehouse for Wire Rods

After just seven months of construction, steel producer ArcelorMittal Duisburg put the new Coillager hall in Ruhrort into operation this week, eight weeks earlier than planned. ArcelorMittal invested 5.8 million euros in hall construction in order to further strengthen the Ruhrort location for the future. The new hall, with a total area of around 12,500 square meters, 182.5 meters by 69 meters, and a height of 17 meters, has more than enough space to accommodate around 10,000 tonnes of wire rod coils for storage before shipment. In the course of the new building, the surrounding infrastructure was also adapted to the requirements: 4,500 square meters of streets and squares for access were built, old parking lots relocated, new ones created and a shipping office built.

The state-of-the-art storage facility also has energy-efficient lighting with more than 200 LED lights, which is significantly more energy efficient than the old hall at Hochfeld.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
SAIL Adopts - Do More with Less - for Cost Control

Steel Authority of India Limited has launched a new cost control drive in all its plants and units. SAIL Chairman Mr Anil Kumar Chaudhary has given renewed thrust on aggressive cost control in the Company. The cost control measures not only bring out the best and improve efficiency but also give a lasting competitive advantage. All the plants and units of the company are working on a mission mode to reduce the cost of production with the guiding principle DO MORE WITH LESS. To ensure larger employee engagement and involvement in this endeavour, a series of workshops are being organized in all the Plants and Units of the Company. The focus of these workshops is to evolve action plans for improving operations and operational efficiency through enhanced production and better techno-economic performances, better utilization of raw materials and enhancing revenue generation through other means.

As a part of the initiative, executives from different units have been grouped into cross-functional teams. The teams are formulating strategies by focusing on the technical levers so as to improve the techno-economic parameters and other cost related aspects across the Organization.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
China's Finished Steel Output Crosses 1 Billion Tonne Mark in January to October - NDRC

National Development and Reform Commission announced the performance of Chinese steel industry in January to October 2019. According to the National Bureau of Statistics, from January to October, the national output of pig iron, crude steel and finished steel was 675.18 million tonnes, 829.22 million tonnes and 1.01 billion tonnes respectively, up 5.4 per cent, 7.4 per cent and 9.8 per cent respectively over the same period last year. Steel exports continued to decline. According to the General Administration of Customs, during January to October, the country exported 55.087 million tonnes of steel, down 5.8 percent from the same period last year. Steel prices fluctuated in a narrow range. China's steel composite price index averaged 108.15 points in October, down 0.43 points, or 0.4 percent, from a month earlier, according to the China Iron and Steel Industry Association. After entering the third quarter, China's steel composite price index showed narrow fluctuations, falling to 104.34 points at the end of October, down 1.7% from the previous quarter and 14.3% from the same period last year.

NDRC said “Affected by the changes in market demand, steel prices fluctuate in a narrow range, and the overall efficiency of iron and steel enterprises is significantly lower than that of the same period last year. The basic operation of the iron and steel industry from January to October is as follows.

Steel stocks continue to fall back. After rising to 14.02 million tonnes in the third quarter, the social inventory of five kinds of steel (thread steel, wire rod, hot rolled coil, cold rolled coil, medium and heavy plate) in major cities across the country continued to fall back to 12.56 million tonnes at the end of October, down 5.6 percent from the previous month.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Lawyers See Basis for Possible ArcelorMittal Ilva Deal

After a Milan court adjourned a hearing in a legal challenge against ArcelorMittal's move to rescind the contract to take over the former ILVA group and its troubled Taranto plant, Ilva commissioners lawyer Enrico Castellani and ArcelorMittal lawyer Ferdinando Emanuele said that "There is the basis for negotiations that can lead to an agreement

Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte met ArcelorMittal managers on Friday and said they had agreed to delay the Milan hearing on condition that ompany kept Ilva operational during the talks. Last week ArcelorMittal suspended the procedure to turn off the altoforno 2 furnace at the Taranto plant, pending a ruling in Milan about whether the French-Indian multinational's withdrawal plan is legal.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Tata Steel Europe Starts Talks with European Works Council

Tata Steel Europe has engaged with its European Works Council to discuss further details of proposals for a transformation programme designed to safeguard its long term future. It aims to build a financially strong and sustainable European business, able to make the investments required to accelerate innovation and the company’s journey towards carbon-neutral steelmaking. During the meeting, which marked the official start of the employee consultation process with the European Works Council, Tata Steel Europe shared initial proposals about its transformation programme as outlined on 18 November. Tata Steel Europe intends to lower employment costs. This is expected to lead to an estimated reduction in employee numbers of up to 3,000, about two-thirds of which would be management and office-based roles. Up to 1,600 are expected in the Netherlands, 1,000 in the UK and 350 elsewhere in the world.

Tata Steel agreed with the EWC on a forward process and will meet again in the coming weeks to discuss further details.

The programme is focused on four areas to improve financial performance
Increasing sales of higher-value steels by improving product mix and customer focus
Efficiency gains by optimising production processes, supported by the application of big data and advanced analytics
Lowering employment costs, leading to an estimated reduction in employee numbers of up to 3,000 across Tata Steel Europe’s operations, about two-thirds of which are expected to be management and office-based roles
Reduction of procurement costs through smarter sourcing and strengthening cooperation with companies within the Tata Steel group.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
AP Government Selects New Location for Kadapa Steel Plant

The Andhra Pradesh Cabinet has approved a proposal to go ahead with the construction of a steel plant in Kadapa after the iron ore linkage has been finalised with the NMDC. Minister Perni Nani said “More than 3,000 acres land has been identified in the Jammalamadugu mandal of the district and the foundation stone would be laid on December 26.”

He said “We have chosen a place with suitable rail and road connectivity, and other advantages. NMDC will supply the iron ore. We mean business.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Refillable Stainless Steel Kegs from China and Germany Retard US Industry – US ITC

The United States International Trade Commission has determined that the establishment of a US industry is materially retarded by reason of imports of refillable stainless steel kegs from China and Germany that the US Department of Commerce has determined are sold in the United States at less than fair value and subsidized by the government of China. As a result of the USITC’s affirmative determinations, Commerce will issue antidumping duty orders on imports of this product from China and Germany and a countervailing duty order on imports of this product from China. The Commission also made a negative finding concerning critical circumstances with regard to imports of this product from China. As a result, imports of refillable stainless steel kegs from China will not be subject to retroactive antidumping and countervailing duties.

Refillable stainless steel kegs are cylindrically shaped containers made from stainless steel and designed to hold, transport and dispense beer, wine and other liquids. These kegs are compatible with a 'D Sankey' extractor for dispensing, cleaning, and refilling; have a nominal liquid volume capacity of 10 liters or more

Status of Proceedings:
1. Type of investigation: Final phase antidumping duty and countervailing duty investigations.
2. Petitioners: American Keg Company LLC, Pottstown, PA.
3. USITC Institution Date: September 20, 2018.
4. USITC Hearing Date: August 14, 2019.
5. USITC Vote Date: November 22, 2019.
6. USITC Notification to Commerce Date: December 9, 2019.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
US Could Slap Tariffs to on Vietnam to Curb Chinese Origin Steel Imports

VN Express reported that experts believe Vietnam is importing more steel than it can consume, mainly from China, increasing the risk of origin fraud. In the current scenario, the likelihood is high of steel being relabelled and exported to evade taxes, they say, adding that this poses a serious problem for the export sector as a whole. Economist Le Mr Dang Doanh said "4.46 million tonnes certainly exceeds what the domestic market can consume. If the US finds out that some of it has been imported, relabelled as made in Vietnam goods, and exported, it could prove disastrous for our economy. Such a discovery could lead to the US deciding to slap tariffs on steel exports from Vietnam, causing serious damage to the domestic steel industry, and could then look to do the same with Vietnam’s other export items.”

In July, the US slapped anti-dumping duties of up to 456 percent on some steel products imported from Vietnam, which it alleged were produced overseas.

Source : VN Express
China 20 Metallurgical Group starts Construction of HSM for Indonesia New Asia International

As per media reports, China 20 Metallurgical Group has started construction of a 1.5 million tonnes steel rolling mill complex for Indonesia New Asia International. The project is located in the Shidu Azuo Industrial Park in Surabaya City in East Java Province. The project includes the construction of a 1.5 million tonnes 1100 mm hot rolled strip production line, a 800000 tonnes 1050 mm acid continuous rolling production line and 4 hot dip galvanizing lines with a total capacity of 700000 tonnes,

China 20 Metallurgical Group is supporting engineering design, equipment and material procurement and supply, engineering construction, equipment installation, equipment commissioning, quality warranty, etc.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
GMS Market Commentary on Shipbuilding in in India in Week 47

On the local fundamentals front, even though the Indian Rupee continues to trade dangerously close to the INR 72 mark against the US Dollar, the Indian market has seen some steady improvements in local steel plate prices for another week, as levels improved by about USD 6/Ton. Unfortunately, this was simply not enough to tempt Cash Buyers away from a flying Bangladeshi market, where levels jumped over the USD 400/Ton mark.

For now, the only possibilities for Alang Buyers remain vessels intended for HKC green recycling and any specialist / offshore units opening up in the region, as when Chattogram gets on a roll, they often jump significantly on price, not giving their competition much of an opportunity to compete.

It was therefore no surprise to see the geographically well suited, Karadeniz controlled tug, KARADENIZ POWERSHIP RAGIP BEY (1,470 LDT) as the only sale for the week, which was concluded at rather healthy USD 415/LT LDT. The country of build (i.e. USA) and the resultant powerful machinery on board meant that this has expectantly achieved an above market level.

Market Sales Reported

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Moody's Changes Algoma Steel's B3 Outlook to Negative

Moody's Investors Service has revised the rating outlook for Algoma Steel Inc. to negative from stable. At the same time, Moody's affirmed Algoma's B3 corporate family rating, B3-PD probability of default rating, and B3 senior secured term loan rating. Moody's VP and Senior Analyst Jamie Koutsoukis said “The negative outlook reflects continued weak debt protection metrics because of lower steel prices, and the expectation that the company will be cash flow consumptive.”

Outlook Actions:
..Issuer: Algoma Steel Inc.
....Outlook, Changed To Negative From Stable

..Issuer: Algoma Steel Inc.
.... Probability of Default Rating, Affirmed B3-PD
.... Corporate Family Rating, Affirmed B3
....Senior Secured Bank Credit Facility, Affirmed B3 (LGD3 to LGD4)

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Het massa-ontslag bij Tata Steel is bevestigd: maar waar de banen verdwijnen is onduidelijk
Hete staalplaten gaan door een pers bij de fabriek van Tata in IJmuiden.
Foto: Reuters (zie bijlage)

De Europese tak van Tata Steel heeft woensdagavond bevestigd dat het in Nederland 1600 banen wil schrappen. Bij twee derde van de banen gaat het om kantoor- en managementfuncties.

Wat dit betekent voor de positie van IJmuiden is nog onduidelijk: Tata Steel Nederland (TSN) weet niet welke functies worden geraakt door de sanering. De organisatie zegt enkel op hoofdlijnen te zijn bijgepraat. 'Wij hebben nog geen inhoudelijk plan gezien', zegt een TSN-woordvoerder. 'Het is voor ons ook niet duidelijk waar het getal van 1600 banen op is gebaseerd. Ook de consequenties voor de mensen en de organisatie in Nederland zijn niet duidelijk.'

In Nederland werken 11.000 mensen bij het staalconcern, waarvan 9000 bij de vestiging in IJmuiden. Diverse bronnen melden dat in het Dudok Huis, het hoofdkantoor in IJmuiden, tussen de 1500 tot 1750 mensen werken. Maar ook in de fabrieken werkt staf, zoals bij HR, de veiligheidsorganisaties en bij de kraamkamer van het bedrijf: de Research & Development-afdeling. Tata Steel heeft in Nederland ook locaties in Maastricht, Oosterhout, Nieuwegein, IJsselstein, Zwijndrecht en Moerdijk.

Onderbouwing van het plan
Het is de vraag of er een gedetailleerde onderbouwing van het saneringsplan is. De Europese Ondernemingsraad noemde woensdagmiddag al het 'transformatieprogramma', waar de bezuiniging onderdeel van is, erg mager. Het directiecomité komt over twee weken met een gedetailleerder plan.

De vakbond FNV Metaal noemt het een 'raadsel' hoe Tata de huidige bezuinigingen wil doorvoeren. 'Het werk kan niet met nog minder mensen gedaan worden’, stelde FNV-bestuurder Aad In ’t Veld. De vakbond wil 'knokken' voor het behoud van banen en zegt geen gedwongen ontslagen te zullen accepteren. Er is eerder een werkgelegenheidspact gesloten waardoor tot 1 oktober 2026 geen medewerkers van Tata Steel IJmuiden gedwongen worden ontslagen. De vakbond heeft op 10 december overleg met de leden.

Ten tijde van de fusiegesprekken met het Duitse ThyssenKrupp, krap twee jaar geleden, was er ook sprake van het schrappen van duizenden banen. Toen vreesde de vakbond met name voor kantoorbanen, zoals bij de IT-afdeling en de salarisadministratie, waarvan de werkzaamheden zouden worden uitbesteed aan lagelonenlanden. Een betrokkene zegt dat de sanering nu ook in deze hoek moet worden gezocht.

Het bedrijf schrapt ook in Engeland 1000 banen en 350 banen 'elders in de wereld'. Tata Steel Europe heeft namelijk werknemers in Duitsland, België, Frankrijk en de Verenigde Staten. Tata Steel Europe wil op dit moment geen verdere details delen over het banenverlies.
ArcelorMittal wil leningen aflossen

Gepubliceerd op 29 nov 2019 om 10:42 | Views: 92

ArcelorMittal 10:32
15,62 +0,02 (+0,13%)

LUXEMBURG (AFN) - ArcelorMittal wil voor 1,1 miljard euro aan obligaties vervroegd aflossen. Dat maakte het staalconcern bekend.

Het gaat om 600 miljoen euro aan leningen met een looptijd tot juli 2020 en voor 500 miljoen euro aan obligaties die lopen tot april 2021.
ArcelorMittal lost opnieuw vervroegd af

15,606 0,002 0,01 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal is van plan om twee leningen die aflopen 6 juli 2020 en 9 april 2021 vervroegd af te lossen. Dit meldde de staalproducent vrijdag.

Het gaat om een lening met een rente van 2,875 procent waaronder momenteel nog 600 miljoen euro uitstaat en een lening met een rente van 3,0 procent waar nog 500 miljoen euro onder uitstaat.

Eerder deze week meldde ArcelorMittal al dat het van plan is om een lening die afloopt op 1 maart 2021 ook vervroegd af te lossen.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Flood forces Blast Furnace Shutdown at US Steel Gary Plant

US Steel's Gary Works steel mill was partly flooded after a big water pipe, being used to bring in water from Lake Michigan to cool equipment, broke forcing the steelmaker to shut down its blast furnaces and steel-making operations. Steelworkers have been working to assess the extent of the damage and ascertain what repairs are needed.

US Steel spokeswoman M Amanda Malkowski said the steelmaker is trying to correct the situation, which may have resulted in a discharge into Lake Michigan. She said “We have reported a service water leak that caused flooding at our Gary Works facility near our blast furnace operations. Our blast furnaces remain shut down, as the issue is investigated. We have observed discoloration at the outfall. We are working with IDEM and have notified other appropriate agencies, as well as downstream users. Additional sampling is ongoing. We are working to resolve this issue, with safety and environmental performance as our top priority."

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EU to Probe Chinese HDG Imports for AD circumvention

The European Commission has started an investigation concerning a possible circumvention of anti-dumping duties on imports of coated steel products from China. EC said “The Commission has at its disposal sufficient evidence that the existing anti-dumping measures on imports of the product concerned originating in the People’s Republic of China are being circumvented by slight modifications of the product concerned. Chinese suppliers are changing characteristics of their products by applying a thin oil coating, by slightly increasing the content of carbon, aluminium, or other elements, or by changing the coating from simple zinc or aluminium to zinc-magnesium-aluminium coating.”

The EC has also started the procedure of registration of the subject products to be able to impose measures retroactively should the fact of circumvention is proved.

The investigation must be concluded within the nine months starting from November 26. Consequently, registration will expire nine months after November 26

The Chinese quota for the auto grade HDG products, category 4b in the quota system, is exhausted very quickly, partially because Chinese producers are sending HDG products, which are actually not destined for the automotive applications, under category 4b to avoid the AD.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Handan Declares Level II Smog Control Measures

China’s Hebei Province’s major steelmaking hub Handan has issued an orange alert for heavy air pollution for three days starting from 12:00 CST November 28. In Wu’an, a prefecture level city under Handan, the level II smog-control measures will also be implemented between 12:00 CST November 28 and 12:00 CST December 1

Under the second-highest pollution warning in China's four-tier system, polluting enterprises including steel mills are required to cut or suspend production, and heavy-duty trucks with lower emission standards are banned from the road.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
NLMK Launches Upgraded Basic Oxygen Furnace No 2

NLMK Lipetsk has relaunched its Basic Oxygen Furnace No 2 with a capacity of over 3 million tonnes per year, following an overhaul. The launch of a new dust and gas collection system in line with Best Available Techniques was tied in with the relaunch of the BOF. The project will also enable the use of BOF gas for energy generation at a new Recovery Cogeneration Plant planned for construction at NLMK Lipetsk. The replacement of BOF-2 is the first stage in a large-scale overhaul of NLMK Lipetsk steelmaking operations. The next stage is scheduled to begin in May 2020, and will cover the overhaul of a similar capacity BOF-3. Total investment in the overhaul of the two BOFs, gas treatment equipment and infrastructure will exceed 26 billion rubles.

Steelmaking capacity upgrades will enable a 15% increase in the productivity of the shop, to 10 million tonnes of steel per year. More efficient gas treatment equipment will capture 99.9% of dust emissions, which is in line with best global practices.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Gerdau Buys SILAT Steel Mill in Brazil

Brazilian steelmaker Gerdau SA has agreed to purchase Siderurgica Latino Americana SA in north-eastern Brazil from Spain’s Hierros Anon SA for USD 110.8 million. SILAT is located near the city of Fortaleza and has an installed production capacity of 600,000 tonnes per year. The deal involved buying 96.35% of Silat from Spain's Hierros Añon and Gallega de Mallas/

Silat is focused on the civil construction market, producing rebar, welded mesh, steel mesh and lattice. The company was established in Ceará in 2012 and the project also foresaw in a second stage the production of 700 thousand tons per year of laminated sheets for use in the naval industry, wind towers, white line and automotive, according to Ceará government data.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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