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Gedeputeerde Noord-Holland weg om falend toezicht bij Tata Steel IJmuiden

De Noord-Hollandse gedeputeerde Adnan Tekin treedt onmiddellijk af vanwege de milieuperikelen rondom Tata Steel in IJmuiden. Dat heeft de provincie Noord-Holland dinsdag bekendgemaakt. Tekin heeft zijn ontslag ingediend bij de commissaris van de Koning Arthur van Dijk. 'De bewoners verdienen een bestuurder die met een frisse blik dit ingewikkelde dossier verder brengt', zo motiveerde de bestuurder van PvdA-huize zijn besluit.

Het ontslag komt een week nadat toezichthouder, de Omgevingsdienst Noordzeekanaalgebied, had toegezegd strenger te zullen gaan kijken naar de vergunningen van Tata Steel na een reeks milieu-incidenten en klachten van omwonenden.

Tekin had mobiliteit, leefbaarheid, gezondheid en milieu, luchtvaart en Schiphol in zijn portefeuille. Uit dien hoofde was hij de afgelopen drie jaar ook verantwoordelijk voor Tata Steel in IJmuiden. 'Ik heb de afgelopen periode geprobeerd een goede balans te vinden tussen de volksgezondheid van de omwonenden en het economisch belang van Tata', aldus Tekin in een toelichting. 'Na drie jaar hard werken in dit dossier, bleek recent weer dat de samenwerking met de controlerende en toezichthoudende instanties niet bracht wat daarvan verwacht mocht worden.'

'Tata Steel is een heftig en zwaar dossier', zegt fractievoorzitter Lars Voskuil van de PvdA in Noord-Holland. 'Adnan heeft zwaar ingezet op volksgezondheid. Maar iedere keer als hij dacht dat er weer grip was op een bepaald milieudossier, kwam er weer iets anders op.'

Het staalbedrijf staat dit jaar in de schijnwerpers vanwege de uitstoot van gevaarlijke stoffen waardoor omwonenden gezondheidsrisico's lopen. Rijkswaterstaat heeft staalfabrikant Tata Steel de afgelopen jaren toegestaan het zeer giftige cyanide in het oppervlaktewater te lozen. De hoeveelheden overschreden de normen die zijn vastgelegd Europese richtlijnen, zo onthulde de Volkskrant afgelopen weekeinde. Tata Steel heeft ontkend dat het niet aan de Europese regelgeving voldoet.

Vorige week bleek ook dat Tata Steel IJmuiden veel meer sinter uitstoot dan toegestaan. Sinter is bewerkt ijzererts, dat onder hoge temperatuur wordt gemaakt en daarna wordt gekoeld met koude lucht. Die, inmiddels verwarmde, lucht wordt voor een deel opgevangen en opnieuw gebruikt, de rest gaat naar de buitenlucht. In die luchtstroom zit stof en zware metalen waaronder lood.

Omwonenden in Wijk aan Zee hebben meermaals ook geklaagd over zogeheten grafietregens, afkomstig van Harsco, dat ruwijzerafval van Tata Steel verwerkt. De milieuproblemen bij Tata Steel komen bovenop een reorganisatie van het bedrijf waarbij 1600 mensen hun baan dreigen te verliezen.

PvdA-fractievoorzitter Voskuil stelt dat de problemen van vorige week met de uitstoot van sinter uiteindelijk voor Tekin de druppel waren bij zijn besluit om te vertrekken als gedeputeerde. 'We hebben er niet goed vat op. Dat moet veranderen, voor de omgeving, maar ook voor het bedrijf. Voor Tata Steel is dit ook niet goed, nu er een grote reorganisatie dreigt.'

Tekin begon zijn politieke loopbaan in 2011 als lid van de Provinciale Staten namens de PvdA. Vier jaar later hij vicevoorzitter van de fractie. Tot aan zijn benoeming tot gedeputeerde in december 2016 was hij beleidsadviseur Werk en Inkomen voor de gemeente Amsterdam.
SME Demand Higher Pay Out of Their Essar Steel Dues

Times of India reported that small and medium enterprises, who have formed an organization called Operational Creditors Association (Essar Steel), have pressed their demand that the committee of creditors for Essar Steel revise the distribution pattern to ensure full payment to them and have also threatened to stop supplying their demands are not met. In a letter to the government, they wrote “CoC has done injustice to us and kept only 2.5% of the amount in the Resolution Plan. Some 1,500 SMEs will be affected if CoC does not revise its decision. There will be job losses. INR 1,000 crore lent by Indian banks are likely to become NPA as SMEs will not be able to repay their loans.”

The association claimed that all the CoC decisions were taken by only financial creditors. They said “Not even a single member from operational creditors was given a place on the committee. So, our viewpoint for distribution is not taken into consideration anywhere.”

The association suggested that profit earned during resolution process be shared with operational creditors who have kept up supply.

Source : Times of India
SAIL Malvika Steel in Amethi Turns Idle - CAG

IANS reported that the latest report of official auditor Comptroller and Auditor General presented in Parliament has highlighted the fact that Steel Authority of India Ltd 's acquisition of the Uttar Pradesh based Malvika Steel turned idle investment soon after and the PSU lost its entire investment of INR 366 crore made to revive the sick entity. CAG has said SAIL acquired plant and machinery for INR 44.35 crore but all of it became idle and scrap. A committee constituted to recommend the utilisation and disposal of these idle assets found in November 2015 that most of the items were lying idle since 1998 and were scrap in nature and not fit for revival for any of the units. The condition of the materials was deteriorating with the passage of time and there was a dense growth of bushes all around. Further, there may have been loss of material due to theft.

The Committee further recommended that the items may be put up to the Apex committee for declaring them idle assets.

In 2009, SAIL acquired the assets of erstwhile Malvika Steel Limited, closed since 1998, consisting of 739.65 acre land and plant & machineries for INR 226.67 crore. It invested INR 93.75 crore to convert the facility to a steel processing unit. CAG has noted that SAIL management installed a TMT bar mill, Crash Barrier mill and GC mill but failed to start production from the Steel Processing unit even after lapse of three to eight years from their installation. The TMT bar mill though completed in October 2014 was no operationalised because funds, raw materials and equipment required to start production were not provided.

Source : IANS
KIOCL to Explore 9 Manganese and Iron Ore Blocks in Karnataka

Public sector undertaking KIOCL has entered into a pact with Karnataka Government’s Department of Mines & Geology for mineral exploration in nine manganese and iron ore blocks in the state at an estimated cost of INR 81.53 crore.

KIOCL Limited, formerly known as Kudremukh Iron Ore Co Ltd, is a company under the steel ministry. The company has experience in operating iron ore mining, beneficiation and iron-oxide pelletisation in the country. It has 3.5 million tonne per annum iron ore pellet plant

Source : Strategic Research Institute
JSW Steel Reports November Production Numbers

JSW Steel has reported crude steel production of 1.290 million tonnes for November 2019. It said “The Blast Furnaces, which was temporarily shut down in October, 2019 due to slowdown in Auto demand has recommenced operations in the last week of November, 2019.”

The break-up of production,
Zie pdf

Source : Strategic Research Institute
voestalpine Tubulars Commissions SMS Group Crimping Press

Kindberg Styria Austria based voestalpine Tubulars has commissioned a three-die crimping press supplied by SMS group. The new press, which replaces a predecessor model supplied by SMS group back in 1998, will assure voestalpine Tubulars an increase in plant availability and higher yield. With the new press, the company will be able to further optimize crimping geometries and reduce set-up times. The entire crimping cycle, performed in combination with the associated auxiliary equipment, has been reduced to just 17 seconds.

Thanks to the modern hydraulics and control systems, and the three-way-controlled hydraulic cylinders, the new crimping press in operation at voestalpine Tubulars carries out the crimping centrically at very short cycle times. During this process, no shear stress is being induced into the material and there is no buckle formation in between the crimping dies. This will result in a substantial improvement in the crimping shapes of the wide range of very different hollow geometries.

Crimping is a process that forms metal plate into a dish without reducing the thickness of the plate. The new crimping press is part of the CPE (Cross Piercing Elongating) line on which voestalpine Tubulars manufactures high-grade tubular products for a broad application range.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Severstal to supply the energy industry with Valvitalia Pipeline

Russian steel giant Severstal and Italian company Valvitalia have signed a distribution agreement for Severstal to supply Valvitalia products and solutions to its customers in the energy industry. Partnering with the global leader in TPA production will enable Severstal to provide its customers with a comprehensive offer based on the experience, competencies and expertise of both companies. Valvitalia products are certified in accordance with all necessary international standards API and ISO. Valves and other products have already been supplied to major energy projects, including Yamal LNG, Sakhalin-2 and South Stream, amongst others.

Valvitalia is a group of companies engaged in the design, production and supply of TPA and parts for the energy industry, as well as naval and civil fleets. The Company’s main products, installed in 109 Countries, are valves, actuators, fittings, flanges, insulating joints, measurement systems, and systems for the filtration and regulation of liquids and gas.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
GMS Market Commentary on Shipbreaking in Week 49 - December Respite

The final month of the year has provided some much needed respite and emerging positivity to an industry that has witnessed its fair shareof crises and declines this year. Over USD 100/LDT has been lost on vessel prices at the lowest points seen this year and thankfully, December has finally seen some optimism surface on levels once again as both supply and demand ramp up ahead of the pivotal low Sulphur regulations that are set to be introduced from January 2020. As it stands, after some damaging losses experienced over the last few months, local steel plate prices in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh and even Turkey of late have been inching up, in addition to the currencies in India, Pakistan and Turkey that have started to stabilize, after some rather turbulent moments experienced through the year.

Indeed, it will be interesting to see if Pakistan gets back into the buying after well over a year on the sidelines, as nearly all domestic recycling yards are still deprived of any meaningful tonnage. Perhaps as a result of which, demand seems to finally be emerging, as local offerings are now becoming competitive with both India and Bangladesh.

At the far end, Turkish fundamentals and vessel pricing have remained unchanged for a few weeks now, with little to report in terms of material change for a market that's been struggling through a famishing shortage of tonnage that has exasperated Aliaga Recyclers.

Overall, in the subcontinent markets, there remain very few Buyers open to take in the largest vessels on offer, given that banks across the subcontinent have become far more restrictive on the size and USD amounts they are willing to sanction on new LCs.

On a side note, this week, it has been disappointing to note the arrival of a high-profile Panamax container that was sold for strictly HKC green recycling, has now been delivered to a non-HKC green yard in Bangladesh - once again proving that Ship Owners should be wary about who they commit their 'as is' green tonnage to and that going with the most experienced / trustworthy players to ensure compliance is far more paramount than aiming for the last few Dallars on the table.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Eurasian Economic Commission imposes Anti-dumping Duty on Galvanized Steel from China

Executive Committee of the Eurasian Economic Commission last week imposed anti-dumping duties on galvanized steel products originating in China and Ukraine. According to the results of the investigation, the Eurasian Economic Commission made a final decision on anti-dumping and decided to impose an anti-dumping duty of 17% on China Angang Co Ltd, 15.2% on Shandong Dongye Metal Technology Development Co Ltd, 17% on Xinjiang Bayi Iron and Steel Co Ltd, 12.69% on China East Ayike Plate Co Ltd. An anti-dumping duty of 14.93% was levied on China Shandong Port China Iron and Steel Co Ltd, Gansu Jiugang Hongxing Iron and Steel Co Ltd, and Dalian Posco Steel Co Ltd, and an anti-dumping duty of 17% was levied on other Chinese producers. It also secided to impose an anti-dumping duty of 23.9 per cent on Ukraine's Mariupur-Ilyich Metallurgical and other producers. The anti-dumping duty is valid for five years and the relevant decision will take effect in 30 days' time.

Eurasian Economic Commission has launched an anti-dumping investigation into galvanized steel products originating in China and Ukraine on the application of stakeholders such as Magnitogelsk Iron and Steel Company of Russia and New Lipezk Iron and Steel Company

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Labour Party Blueprint to Revive UK Steel Industry

The Mirror reported that UK’s Labour Party is unveiling a blueprint to revive the fragile sector including a GBP 1b million injection into boosting steel recycling by creating new plants in three UK regions. Shadow Business Secretary, Rebecca Long-Bailey MP said “Unlike the Conservatives, Labour will not sit idly by while the steel industry comes under siege.”

Labour’s manifesto to save the industry includes a GBP 1 billion injection into boosting steel recycling by creating new plants in Workington, Cumbria; Redcar, Teesside; and Corby, Northants. The move will create 3,300 jobs and help curb the amount of scrap steel the UK sends abroad.

Labour also vowed to slash electricity prices for the industry.

Source : The Mirror
Hoa Phat Entry to Change Vietnam’s Domestic Steel Market Structure

KIS Vietnam Securities Corporation said that Hoa Pha Group’s Dung Quat project will increase steel supply, leading to change market shares of steel firms on the Vietnam’s domestic market creating increased competition among rival steel providers. According to KIS's estimates, Hòa Phát will supply 3.88 million tonnes of steel by 2020, leading to its market share at 35 per cent.

A similar situation will happen for flat steel products in the second phase when the Dung Quat project markets its hot-rolled coil steel. When the second phase is completed midway through next year, it has a capacity of 2 million tonnes of HRC per year.

Source : Vietnam News
ThyssenKrupp grijpt in bij liftentak

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ThyssenKrupp wil zijn liftendivisie beter laten presteren in aanloop naar de voorgenomen afsplitsing van deze tak door een verkoop of beursgang. Dit bleek op de beleggersdag van het Duitse conglomeraat.

Het bedrijf wil de marges en omzet verbeteren door een optimalisatie van de productie en het overzichtelijker maken van de portefeuille van de tak. Ook wordt de administratie ervan aangepakt. Voor de komende drie jaar wordt gemikt op een besparing van 80 miljoen euro.

Voor het gebroken boekjaar 2021 moet de aangepaste marge naar 11,5 procent tot 13 procent zijn opgelopen. Over het afgelopen boekjaar, dat eindigde op 30 september van dit jaar, lag deze marge nipt boven de 11 procent.

De aangepaste omzet moet voor de jaren 2020 en 2021 groeien met 1 tot 5 procent, rekening houdend met wisselkoerseffecten.

Over de toekomst van de liftendivisie neemt ThyssenKrupp in het eerste kwartaal van komend kalenderjaar een besluit.

De koers van het aandeel ThyssenKrupp sloot dinsdag 1,0 procent lager op 11,36 euro.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright 2019 Dow Jones & Company, Inc All rights reserved.
ArcelorMittal 'top pick' bij Morgan Stanley

Gepubliceerd op 12 dec 2019 om 08:55 | Views: 0

ArcelorMittal 11 dec
15,78 0,00 (0,00%)

Morgan Stanley 11 dec
49,45 -0,22 (-0,44%)

AMSTERDAM (AFN) - ArcelorMittal mag op een zogeheten 'top pick'-lijst van Morgan Stanley. Het staalbedrijf doet het samen met branchegenoten als Anglo American de komende tijd beter dan andere metaalconcerns en mijnbouwers, aldus de kenners.

De analisten verwachten in het eerste kwartaal van volgend jaar positieve koersuitslagen voor onder meer ArcelorMittal. Een belangrijke voorwaarde is dat ijzerertsprijzen op het huidige niveau blijven.

Morgan Stanley houdt verder aan zijn overweight-advies voor ArcelorMittal met een koersdoel van 21,30 euro per aandeel. ArcelorMittal sloot woensdag op 15,78 euro.
Thyssenkrupp beboet voor prijsafspraken

ThyssenKrupp AG
11,40 0,005 0,04 % Frankfurter Wertpapierbörse (Xetra)
Voestalpine AG
24,38 -0,12 -0,49 % Wiener Börse

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Thyssenkrupp en twee andere Duitse staalfabrikanten hebben een boete van 646 miljoen euro gekregen voor prijsafspraken voor quarto plaatstaal. Dat maakte het Duitse Bundeskartellamt donderdag bekend.

De twee andere staalfabrikanten zijn Ilsenburger Grobblech en Voestalpine Grobblech. Ook drie personen die verantwoordelijk waren voor het uitwisselen van informatie en het afstemmen van prijsopslagen voor quarto staalplaten in Duitsland werden beboet.

De gewalste quarto platen worden gebruikt bij de bouw van bruggen, gebouwen, schepen en ketels. De afspraken golden niet voor roest-, zuur- en hittewerend plaatstaal.

De afspraken betroffen aanvullende tarieven voor bepaalde kwaliteitskenmerken zoals extra kracht of stijfheid en ook voor diensten zoals ultrasonische tests van het materiaal. De fabrikanten spraken met elkaar af alleen te concurreren op de basisprijs van het staal en dus niet op de aanvullende tarieven, die voor de hele sector gelijk waren.

De onrechtmatige afspraken waren van kracht tussen medio 2002 en juni 2016. Op de laatste datum kwam een eind aan het kartel toen Thyssenkrupp een nieuwe prijslijst met een afwijkende tariefopbouw bekendmaakte.

Een vierde staalfabrikant, Dillinger Hüttenwerke, bracht de kartelafspraken aan het licht en werd vrijgesteld van boetes.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Lagere staalprijzen drukken resultaat staalproducent Nucor

$ 57,88 -0,26 -0,45 % NYSE

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Het Amerikaanse staalbedrijf Nucor verwacht dat het in het vierde kwartaal een winst tussen de 0,25 dollar tot 0,30 dollar per aandeel zal realiseren. Dat maakte het bedrijf donderdagmiddag bekend.

De winst per aandeel die Nucor verwacht ligt lager dan de winst die het bedrijf in het derde kwartaal van dit jaar behaalde. Deze kwam toen uit op 0,90 dollar. Ook lag de winst per aandeel in het vierde kwartaal van vorig jaar met 2,07 dollar flink hoger.

De lagere staal prijzen zullen een negatieve impact hebben op het resultaat in het vierde kwartaal, maar Nucor zag gedurende het kwartaal de prijzen wel weer aantrekken.

"We verwachten dat in 2020 de resultaten voor de staalfabrieken aan zullen trekken door de hogere prijzen en door het gebruikelijke seizoenspatroon", aldus Nucor.

Het aandeel Nucor noteerde donderdag 0,5 procent hoger op 58,38 dollar per aandeel.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
ArcelorMittal Suspends Production at Hunedoara Steel Plant in Romania

Romanian media reported that ArcelorMittal's Long Products division has temporarily halted production at its steel mill in Romania's Hunedoara country since December 1st due to high gas and power prices and unfavourable market conditions. ArcelorMittal said "The prices of electricity and natural gas have increased significantly for industrial users in Romania in recent years, and are significantly higher than in other European countries with important operators in the steel production, such as France and Germany. As European steelmakers are struggling to compete due to high levels of imported steel and weak domestic demand, the Hunedoara plant, which operates with an electric arc furnace, with energy thus representing a major cost is no longer able to compete in the market."

ArcelorMittal purchased the plant in Hunedoara in 2003 and has since invested EUR 115 million to improve it technically and environmentally. The steel works employs 640 and has 200 contractors. Employees were asked to take their remaining paid annual leave. For the days after that the company put workers on technical leave.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal welcomes the European Commission’s Green Deal

Following the publication of the European Commission’s Green Deal, Mr Geert Van Poelvoorde, CEO ArcelorMittal Europe Flat Products, said “Europe’s commitment to reduce its carbon emissions to be net-zero should be applauded and we commend the leadership of Mrs von der Leyen and her team. However, the Green Deal will only work if there is full-scale transformation and support for industries. The climate challenge is unprecedented, and bold action is therefore needed. Achieving our ambition of being carbon neutral by 2050 is a major challenge, but with the right political framework - allowing European steelmakers to remain competitive while the steel industry moves to carbon-neutral steelmaking - we’re convinced it’s achievable. The proposal for a carbon border adjustment, which effectively puts a carbon price on imports, recognizes that every country needs to play its part in reducing global CO2 emissions. By preventing steel production moving to countries where carbon emissions legislation is less strict, and where carbon emissions are therefore higher, means we put a stop to carbon leakage. This is exactly the type of action that is needed.”

While support for a carbon border adjustment has been growing in recent months, ArcelorMittal was one of the first companies to support a proposed carbon border adjustment and backs the European Commission’s proposals for a EUR 35 billion ‘just transition’ fund, to invest in research, innovation and green technology.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
European Green Deal sets out map to make Europe Climate-Neutral Continent by 2050

The European Commission has presented The European Green Deal, a roadmap for making the EU's economy sustainable by turning climate and environmental challenges into opportunities across all policy areas and making the transition just and inclusive for all. President Ursula von der Leyen said: ‘The European Green Deal is our new growth strategy for a growth that gives back more than it takes away. It shows how to transform our way of living and working, of producing and consuming so that we live healthier and make our businesses innovative. We can all be involved in the transition and we can all benefit from the opportunities. We will help our economy to be a global leader by moving first and moving fast. We are determined to succeed for the sake of this planet and life on it – for Europe's natural heritage, for biodiversity, for our forests and our seas. By showing the rest of the world how to be sustainable and competitive, we can convince other countries to move with us.'

The European Green Deal provides a roadmap with actions to boost the efficient use of resources by moving to a clean, circular economy and stop climate change, revert biodiversity loss and cut pollution. It outlines investments needed and financing tools available, and explains how to ensure a just and inclusive transition.

The European Green Deal covers all sectors of the economy, notably transport, energy, agriculture, buildings, and industries such as steel, cement, ICT, textiles and chemicals.

To set into legislation the political ambition of being the world's first climate neutral continent by 2050, the Commission will present within 100 days the first ‘European Climate Law'. To reach our climate and environmental ambition, the Commission will also present the Biodiversity Strategy for 2030, the new Industrial Strategy and Circular Economy Action Plan, the Farm to Fork Strategy for sustainable food and proposals for pollution-free Europe. Work will immediately start for upping Europe's 2030 emissions targets, setting a realistic path to the 2050 goal.

Meeting the objectives of the European Green Deal will require significant investment. Achieving the current 2030 climate and energy targets is estimated to require €260 billion of additional annual investment, representing about 1.5% of 2018 GDP. This investment will need the mobilisation ofthe public and private sectors. The Commission will present in early 2020 a Sustainable Europe Investment Plan to help meet investment needs. At least 25% of the EU's long-term budget should be dedicated to climate action, and the European Investment Bank, Europe's climate bank, will provide further support. For the private sector to contribute to financing the green transition, the Commission will present a Green Financing Strategy in 2020.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
EUROFER Welcomes Green Deal

The European Steel Association welcomed ambition behind the package and notes the inclusion of sections on supporting zero-carbon steelmaking processes and on carbon border adjustment. EUROFER Director General Mr Axel Eggert said “We welcome the aims of the European Green Deal. In charting a series of sectoral and specific policy plans, it is clear policymakers take seriously the need to transition to a carbon-neutral future with industry, rather than without it. It is now of utmost importance to develop a regulatory framework that creates markets for CO2-neutral products: these have significantly higher production costs, for example because of the use of highly-priced hydrogen instead of coking coal in the steelmaking process. Policymakers must establish, jointly with us, how green steel can compete against carbon-intense, low-cost steel imports that have a significantly higher CO2 footprint than EU-made steel.”

He added “The EU seeks to make Europe the first carbon-neutral continent by 2050, which is a high ambition. The steel industry is already working on a range of low and carbon-neutral solutions that could lead to reductions in CO2 emissions from steelmaking by up to 95% in 2050 under an optimum regulatory framework. It is why a partnership on clean steel, as well as other means to ensure the steel industry remains competitive even as it becomes carbon-lean, is so essential.”

The European steel industry directly employs 330,000 people, with a further 2.4 million indirectly relying on the sector. The transition to carbon-lean steelmaking will annually require 400 TWh of electricity, of which 234 TWh for the production of 5.5 million tonnes hydrogen. EU policymakers must ensure a market exists for this ‘green’ steel, which may cost 35-100% more to produce than it does with the highly optimised processes currently in use.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
POSCO joins forces with China’s HBIS in high-end auto steel

South Korea's largest steel company POSCO has agreed in principle to set up a joint venture with Chinese steel manufacturer HBIS Group Co Ltd to develop, produce and sell high-end steel products for the automobile industry. The new joint venture is expected to be based in Tangshan in China's northern Hebei province, near HBIS's Laoting cold rolling steel plant, and will focus on developing high-end steel products for the local automotive market, The two companies signed a memorandum of understanding earlier this month following a series of discussions held in the first half of 2019, but details such as scale of the project and investment requirements have yet to be finalised.

The partnership will help provide POSCO with greater access to Chinese automakers in the world's largest vehicle market, while HBIS will benefit from the South Korean steelmaker's technological capabilities in making high-end steel required by leading global automakers.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
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