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Relief therapeutics Holding

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Mr Mathers schreef op 1 september 2020 17:51:


... dat is een 35% stijging en dit ga je maar 1x mee maken?? wat een onzin.

Vooraleer je iemand "onzin" naar het hoofd slingert kan je beter het hele verhaal kennen! Echt zo spijtig dat mensen op forum maar zo graag direct een ander veroordelen voor dommerik of onbekwaam.
Zittenblijvertje zat er al van in het begin in met een nog groter pak aandelen dan nu en dat van een koers van veel lager dan 0,38 … waarbij je van een minimum 3 digit % stijging kan spreken. Die 35% plus die er nu is, is peanuts in vergelijking met de vorige stijging.

Mr Mathers schreef op 1 september 2020 17:51:


... dat is een 35% stijging en dit ga je maar 1x mee maken?? wat een onzin.

Mijn eerste aankoop was 430.00 stuks op 0,032 en verkoop op 0,17 , daarna nog een keer 195 000 op gemiddeld 0,21 en verkoop op 0,65 tel uit je winst , en dit gebeurde allemaal binnen 1 week . Helaas nog geen baas gevonden die mij dit als salaris geeft
Belegger 86
dat zijn mooie getallen. En dan te bedenken dat er nu nog flink wat potentieel inzit.
Heb ook al aardig wat winsr genomen maar begint toch te jeuken om nog een mooie partij in te slaan.
Voorspellingen van DD van een ander forum:

Here are my short-term price targets for RLFTF:

RLFTF is a highly speculative, extremely risky, one-trick pony biotech stock. Ignoring the OTC status, and sub $1 stock price, most Wall St. funds cannot invest in these kinds of companies.

Current share count is 2.534b with 695m warrants outstanding. These warrants were not exercised, as I and others have said. They were posted on 8/29 due to uplisting. Strike prices are 0.01 - 0.04CHF; guaranteed to get exercised. Therefore, diluted share count is 3.3b and current market cap at $0.60 is exactly $2b. Very hard to justify a much higher price without clinical results. Many drugs have shown great initial results, but failed clinical trials, so hedge funds are skeptical. Wall St. would rather buy at $2-$5 and make a lower risk 100% return, than speculate at $0.60. Further dilution is also imminent: raise capital, RSU’s, etc. But I will use 3.3b shares for now. Side note: TSLA has diluted shareholders by 50% since 2012, but it still keeps going up a lot.

1. Worst case – it is not very effective. 90% crash and zero chance of cashing out above $0.10.
2. Bad case – somewhat effective vs. placebo. More trials are needed, while other drugs start hitting the market, as well as somewhat effective vaccines. We may see a slow bleed 50%-90% loss in price. Many things can still go wrong.
Now the optimistic scenario, where the drug proves to be super effective and possibly the best possible therapeutic for covid:
3. Interim results are great and company applies for EUA. I expect some FOMO to $2-3 range, and then settle back to $1.50 or $5b market cap; which is fair based on uncertainty of timing, pricing, distribution, licensing, etc.
4. EUA granted – I expect fair value to be in the $10b-$15b ($3-$5 stock) range if there is nothing else remotely as effective. Company can set pricing (probably $3k-$10k per treatment) and start selling. There is still uncertainty around production, distribution, etc. so hard to justify higher value.
5. Full FDA approval and Silver Bullet Covid killer - $20b+ market cap. Might see fair value of $5-$10 per share. Can always see the price overshoot up to $20, but should correct back to $10. $20 would be good time to take profits, if we still don’t know anything on how effective inhaler may be. Economies can slowly reopen and people will stop dying if we can produce it fast enough. Value is trillions of dollars to the world economy, so $20b is minimum market cap I can justify without saying it is severely undervalued.
6. Inhaler proves to be the silver bullet for early symptoms and turns covid in to a cold, with very few people getting severely or critically ill. I.e. end game. Can easily justify $35b-$70b ($10-$20 per share) market cap, and who knows how high FOMO takes us.
7. Company starts clinical trials for Asthma, COPD, sarcoidosis, pulmonary fibrosis, hypertension, maybe even cancer, etc. Potential to become next insulin, which has $30b in annual sales without many patents protecting it (i.e. generic sales). In this scenario, we can see $100b+ market cap and $30/share will be cheap.
This is all just wild speculation on my part, as there are so many uncertainties, and unknown unknowns. These are kind of pie in the blue sky scenarios above, but not impossible. Here is how I got to my valuation:

1. I am assuming that Relief pays to manufacture the drug, while Relief reaps the biggest rewards. This may not be the case, but I am hopeful they come up with a way. E.g. after FDA approval, take pre-paid pre-orders from highest bidders. Then use the money to pay big pharma to produce it for them. If they charge $5k per course, and pay $1k for production, then that is a great 80% gross margin. Everybody wins. If they treat 1m patients per year, that is $5b in sales, which gets us to $20b+ market cap easy.
2. If inhaler comes along, and they sell 100m a year for $100, then that is $10b in annual sales. It will cannibalize the IV treatment, but doesn’t matter. That is how you get to $50b market cap.
3. Asthma can see additional sales of hundreds of millions of inhalers per year alone.
4. I still believe that NeuroRX and Relief are great merger partners.
Above valuations assume best case scenarios. If RLF-100 is as good as we think it is, then I honestly don’t think there is much room for other therapeutics. RLF-100 is possibly the safest, most effective, cheapest, and easiest to produce therapeutic. In this best case scenario, it is hard for me to justify approving and prescribing other drugs, unless they are needed as a backup in case RLF-100 doesn’t work on everyone (very possible).
I plan on holding this stock for a very long time. It could be the beginning of a major medical breakthrough for many indications outside of covid. I will continue following Relief to see if my investment thesis changes. But for the time being, I plan on holding for 5-10 years the vast majority of my shares.
Bradykinin storm instead of a Cytokine storm

Very interesting stuff coming out about a new hypothesis that it is actually a Bradykinin storm instead of a Cytokine storm. That has the implications to mean drugs like Leronlimab treating the Cytokine storm may not be treating the right thing. So what does this mean to RLF-100 .... NOTHING! The Bradykinin storm hypothesis if correct is still being caused by Covid hijacking the ACE2 receptors. So RLF protecting the ACE2 receptors STILL is the best bet. Pretty much all other drugs treat Covid downstream of the problem. Like Javitt has said all these other drugs are like sponges cleaning up the spilled milk. RLF-100 is the only drug keeping the milk from being spilled in the first place. Seeing things like this just reinforces my belief that in the end it will be proven that RLF-100 stopping Covid from jump at the ACE2 receptors will prove to be by and large the best way to combat Covid no matter how many other drugs are out there. If anyone comes across another drug that protects the ACE2 receptors like ours, let me know. Until then RLF-100 is just scientifically the best way to combat Covid imo.
A closer look at the Bradykinin hypothesis
Happy Hypoxia: Why Covid-19 Can Cause Lung Damage Even Without Symptoms

Testing the limits of health systems around the world, Covid-19 has served the global citizenry an unexpected dose of societal disarray. In addition to causing the typical respiratory symptoms, it has been shown to affect the brain and heart – with patients documented to suffer from heart attacks, strokes and other bizarre neurological symptoms.

In part, its evolution into a threat of pandemic proportions is attributed to its ability to remain undetected with relatively long incubation times, therein driving pre-symptomatic spread. Furthermore, the variance in its clinical symptoms results in some infected individuals showing no typical signs of infection despite being contagious, further compromising our ability to effectively reduce contagion.

As thunderstruck as the scientific community has been by its unusual range of end-organ effects and its ability to spread without symptoms, its arguably most peculiar characteristic is its ability to cause lung damage without symptoms, a clinical state somewhat irreverently deemed ‘happy hypoxia’.
Coronavirus' damage on the lungs

Medical doctor shares an image of a coronavirus (COVID-19) patient's lung X-ray and virus' damage on ... [+] Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
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Covid-19 can run, but it can also hide

As a primarily respiratory virus, Covid-19 compromises the ability of our lungs to acquire oxygen, producing hypoxia – a harmful biological state where cells lack sufficient levels of our most immediate source of vitality, oxygen. Despite the direct impairment of lung function by this virus, it has also demonstrated the ability to conceal this effect, generating respiratory damage in the absence of respiratory symptoms.

Quite surreptitiously, patients experience silent lung damage. Such patients are not alerted to the seek the requisite clinical care, and are plagued by low oxygen levels despite a deceptively healthy appearance: hence the oxymoronic “happy hypoxia”.

Our bodies are designed to respond to harm with appropriate protective signals warning us to remove or eliminate threat. The sharp pain one experiences on accidental contact with a hot object alerts us to quickly withdraw as an act of self-preservation. The utility of this response is deepened by the fact that individuals who are unable to feel pain often experience early mortality, succumbing to a spectrum of unnoticed physical injuries.

Reminiscent of a faulty sensor that fails to indicate an overheating engine, Covid-19 infection may produce a clinical state where patients exhibit low oxygen levels but continue to breathe normally with no apparent compromise. They do not experience shortness of breath and appear free of any symptoms or signs that can point towards coronavirus infection until the subterfuge has reached its limit and complete, rapid and sometimes fatal decompensation occurs. What we don’t know can indeed hurt us.
Young man with oxygen mask looking sad and worried at hospital bed

Young man with oxygen mask with Covid-19 after decompensating clinical status getty

We do not know what causes happy hypoxia

Many theories have been proposed to describe the mechanism of happy hypoxia in patients with Covid-19. Some attribute this phenomenon to a purported differential effect on the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide. Ostensibly, this may produce a relative preservation of the lungs’ ability to excrete carbon dioxide despite falling oxygen levels. Relatively normal carbon dioxide levels may reduce the drive to increase our breathing rate, despite low oxygen levels, thus preventing the indicative and informative sensation of shortness of breath.

Other theories attribute the loss of hypoxia sensitivity to slow and steady lung damage resulting in gradual desensitization of our typical sensor systems, similar to that which occurs at high altitudes. Others purport that happy hypoxia is the physiological counterpart to the immunological deceptiveness that the virus has been shown to display, wherein it produces proteins that delay our usual immune response to a noxious antigen.

Ultimately, we experience lung damage as the virus secretly reproduces and we are none the wiser. When the immune system does respond, it goes into physiological overdrive, and may ultimately suffocate the very cells it is trying to save. When Covid-19 emerges from its hiding place, the consequences can be fatal.

We must leverage technology & ensure early detection to mitigate against the consequences of happy hypoxia

Thermal imaging technology, thought to be developed by Hungarian physicist Kálmán Tihanyi for British anti-aircraft defense following World War I, finds its primary utility in identifying threat in low-visibility environments. It has revolutionized our ability to detect and respond to hidden hazards in hostile physical environments. In like manner, we must consider a system by which detection of Covid-19 can be implemented despite its subterfuge, so that we can appropriately manage both the risks of deterioration and contagion.

If we are concerned about the dissociation of symptoms of low oxygen levels from a low oxygen level per se, perhaps we need to expand our scope of risk assessment and screening beyond the former, and consider directly measuring the latter. The ideal tool would be a noninvasive, painless and easily usable test that measures oxygen levels in the blood, and can indicate levels of tissue oxygenation regardless of symptoms. Fortunately, such a tool exists, and is considered rather commonplace to the healthcare industry: pulse oximetry. Given its affordability, accessibility and easy usability, it may find utility as an additional screening tool to remove this clinical blind-spot.
Doctor using pulse oximeter to check oxygen saturation of a person tracking coronavirus symptoms

Close-up shot of doctor using finger pulse oximeter to check oxygen saturation and heart rate of a ... [+] getty

The clinical behavior of Covid-19 continues to challenge our understanding of respiratory viruses and we must adapt to constantly changing clinical considerations with a rapidly expanding evidence base. It is hoped that the progressive deepening of our understanding of this infection will bolster our ability to effectively navigate future health crises. Armed with this knowledge, when humanity faces the highly anticipated second wave of this virus and Covid-19 again runs amok, we must ensure that it is not able to hide.

De Zwitserse farmagroep Roche brengt eind deze maand een Covid19-test op de markt die na 15 minuten al een resultaat geeft.

De antigeentest zal eerst beschikbaar zijn in landen die het Europese CE-label erkennen.

Voor de lancering in de Verenigde Staten plant de Zwitserse farmagigant een spoedprocedure bij de geneesmiddelenwaakhond FDA.

Roche lanceert de test in een partnerschap met het Zuid-Koreaanse bedrijf SD Biosensor.

simidoc schreef op 2 september 2020 08:02:

De Zwitserse farmagroep Roche brengt eind deze maand een Covid19-test op de markt die na 15 minuten al een resultaat geeft.

De antigeentest zal eerst beschikbaar zijn in landen die het Europese CE-label erkennen.

Voor de lancering in de Verenigde Staten plant de Zwitserse farmagigant een spoedprocedure bij de geneesmiddelenwaakhond FDA.

Roche lanceert de test in een partnerschap met het Zuid-Koreaanse bedrijf SD Biosensor.

Als je voor een antibodytestkit wilt gaan in de States dan zou ik voor Qualigen therapeutics gaan. Ze zijn in afwachting van fda approval, die waarschijnlijk ergens deze maand komt. Ze hebben ook een mooie lage float en nog andere mooie dingen in hun pipeline

Zittenblijvertje schreef op 1 september 2020 13:20:

Ooit in het verleden me wel eens bang laten maken door dat minkukel op een paard , heeft me veel geld gekost . Als ik nu een post van hem zie ga ik direct door naar de volgende . Ze zouden een persoonlijke block erop moeten zetten dat je zelf iemand kan blokkeren van wie je geen berichten wil zien
Je kan een ander wel de schuld geven, maar je hebt de keuze toch nog altijd zelf gemaakt(of keek je in zijn loop?). Het is altijd makkelijk een ander de schuld te geven. Volgende keer misschien een betere DD maken P.s ik moet dat geval wat zich een ridder noemt ook niet.

maikel85 schreef op 31 augustus 2020 13:11:

Veel weerstand momenteel. Straks als US opengaat kunnen we het beter inschatten denk ik. Maar zal niet lang duren met de line-up van nieuws/aankondigingen.

-start inhaled version
-peer reviewed uitslag 21personen
-bekendmaking samenwerking grote pharmas
-fda nieuws/approval(beetje optimistisch)

Totdat er echt nieuws is, vooral over FDA keuring, is het hier saai. Aandeel voor daghandel en winstnemers.
Ik vond deze link via het Yahoo-forum:

Onder het kopje analyst rating wordt een gemiddeld koersdoel van 82,00 gegeven. Waarschijnlijk geen waarde aan hechten, maar op zijn minst leuk om over te dromen.
Mister Blues,

Dank voor je postings. Je hebt mij een speciale ochtend bezorgd, met bovenstaand zinnetje in één van je postings hierboven:

Very interesting stuff coming out about a new hypothesis that it is actually a Bradykinin storm instead of a Cytokine storm.....

Jeugdnostalgie: Méér dan vijftig jaar geleden moest een een studiewerkje schrijven voor het vak fysiologie als onderdeel van mijn candidaatsexamen. En dat handelde over.....BRADYKININE !

Meer dan een halve eeuw zijn er verlopen en eigenlijk heb ik mij vaker afgevraagd dat ik daarna eigenlijk maar heel weinig in mijn loopbaan over Bradykinine verder heb gehoord. En toch toen zo in moeten verdiepen in oude wijze fysiologieboeken. Ik heb het dikke boek nog.

En dan kom jij vandaag....... Ik denk dat ik het nog eens ga proberen terug te vinden.


simidoc schreef op 1 september 2020 13:48:

[...]Minkukel op een paard.Leuk!
De zwarte onheilsprofeet.
Dat moet wel Sinterklaas met zwarte Piet zijn.......!!!
Dit hieronder is zojuist gepubliceerd, ik weet niet of het ook echt het nieuws is dat we gisteren al hadden verwacht omtrent de studie.
This is brand new study on clinical trials website posted today. This is a study planned in Switzerland for the PREVENTION of COVID.
Inhaled Aviptadil for the Prevention of COVID-19 Related ARDS - Full Text View.
Er staat een voltooiingsdatum onder van december 2021. Weet iemand of dit kan kloppen? Of hebben we hier helaas een stukje fakenieuws te pakken.
Linkje naar de nieuwe studie:

December 2021 lijkt mij inderdaad wat aan de lange kant. Maar misschien gewoon better safe than sorry.

taskforce schreef op 2 september 2020 14:58:

Er staat een voltooiingsdatum onder van december 2021. Weet iemand of dit kan kloppen? Of hebben we hier helaas een stukje fakenieuws te pakken.
Dit word vaker gedaan, soms zetten ze ruimer qua datum en word het eerder afgerond.
weet iemand of er nog nieuws is over Searcy de brandweerman? Al meerdere dagen zie ik niets meer passeren op de Facebook pagina.

Beso schreef op 2 september 2020 16:24:

weet iemand of er nog nieuws is over Searcy de brandweerman? Al meerdere dagen zie ik niets meer passeren op de Facebook pagina.
Laatste paar updates vanaf maandag en dinsdag. Vandaag nog geen update geweest.

Update: 8/31 PM
X-rays from earlier today still showed pneumonia present but also showed some improved aeration. Vent is still in APRV mode with a setting of 50%. ECMO is still 100%. Labs and other vitals looking good and holding their own.

Update: 8/31 PM
X-rays from earlier today still showed pneumonia being present but also showed improved aeration. Vent is still in APRV mode with a setting of 50%. ECMO is still 100%. Backed off paralytics for a few hours today which is reason for ABG to not look as good. Tommy was over-breathing the machine which told them he was still mentally “there”. Nurse said it was a very good sign. Labs and other vitals looking good and holding their own.

Update: 9/1 AM
No X-rays today. Vent in APRV mode and currently set at 50%. ECMO is still 100%. Labs are all within normal range. Mean blood pressure is a little lower than what they would like it to be but just monitoring for now. Still retaining quite a bit of fluid so exploring various options to help reduce fluid balance.
Keep the prayers coming! ??

Update: 9/1 PM
X-rays today showed no significant change. Vent still in APRV and set at 50%. ECMO is 100%. Slight “hiccup” in blood pressure (dropped a little) so gave one round of meds as a precaution. No longer on the meds and looks good. He did receive one unit of blood the afternoon as his hemoglobin count dropped below the doctor’s preference. All other labs look great.
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