ketchup schreef op 4 februari 2022 18:14:
hier even een snelle samenvatting uit de rapporten ( 3 in totaal , ook dat is echt zuinig aan het worden , de meest nemen niet eens meer de moeite nog serieus te analyseren ) ... verder valt ook op dat er eerder een outcome van de cijfer presentatie als informatie komt dan een aanbeveling ( men is dus duidelijker voorzichtiger aan het worden en dat heeft te maken met de slechte resultaten / adviezen ) voor het kopen of verkopen van het aandeel
" recovery takes longer than expected "
event : publication 4Q21 results
outcome: Negative
- significant miss on FY22 guidance ( lower EBIT, better FCF)
- Automotive reported revenue of 47m was 20% less than cons and came in 21% lower YoY from a relative weak AQ20 ( - 14% ToY)
Reported revenue was impacted by total contract value adjustments due to supply chain constraints concerning car production
Automotive operational revenue which includes def revenue came in at 71m euro down 17% YoY
- Enterprise records small beat : revenue of 44m euro was 4% higher vs 4Q20
Increase was driven by higher revenues from existing customers
- consumer revenues up 3% YoY
revenue can in at 25m which was 45% higher than cons
- Gross margin down 40bps YoY
Gross margin came in at 81,8% , -140 bps vs cons
Margin contracted 40 bps YoY
- Opex was 5% higher than expected at 130 mio euro, hover it was a 40% decrease vs 4Q20
the YoY decrease is attributable to lower amortization costs ( Tele Atlas databases was fully amortized in 2020 )
_ FCF above street expectations
As of 4Q21 def rev was 441m vs 433m as of 3Q21 ( 404m in FY 2020)
The increase was driven by increased deferrals in Automotive and Enterprise , which were partly offset by release of def rev in consumer
- Strong cash position - net cash at 356m euro
- YE21 Automotive backlog of 1.9bn euro
Slightly below expectations
The strongest order intake in years but this was negatively impacted by revisions of expected production volumes which more or less explains the gap
when a new deal is signed TT adds the future revenue to the order book. In reality this is not straightforward as at signing of the contract only the price per license/car is agreed
The volumes are determined by actual production volumes over time 5 TT gets paid when the car is produced)
To get to the order book number TT takes the expected volumes as provided by the OEM, in reality this cud be different, if future volumes go up/down TT will revalue the order book to reflect this
FY22 guidance well below expectations
- location tech broadly flat
Enterprise will be negatively impacted from 4Q22 onward due to renewal from a major client that will use less data from TT going forward
The company also indicated that FCF will be C; negative by 5% of sales, sighting extra investments in further automation of mapmaking platform and application layer
FY23 guidance also a bit below expectations
TT guides for revenues between 500-550m, 7% growth at midpoint vs FY22 guidance , driven by increase in Automotive operational revenue
Location Technology revenue is expected in the range of 425-475 m +12?5% YoY
Opex is likely to decrease a bit vs 2022 as TT expects to make a big step in map automation over the course of 2022
Higher revenues an cost-efficiency gains are expected to lead to piste FCF at least of 5% of sales
Ok, dan ook nog de nodige tabellen
all in all een horror presentatie , hence the stock kakt 16% onderuit
.. maar BUY deze afstraffing ... en dat is niet vanwege de cijfers, maar dat is vanwege de enorme waarde van TT's asset, want ze staan nu nog op grote voorsprong versus de rest en daar gaat toch linksom of rechtsom op gekapitaliseerd worden
iedereen moet doen wat zijn portemonnaie kan dragen en hoeveel hij of zij wenst te riskeren, dus doe je eigen analyse
voor mij is het duidelijk
hoop dat we volgende week nog verder onderuit zakken, ik til TT naar 5% weging
next buying level voor mij 6,50 daarna 6 euro
het was een afgrijselijke presentatie ... maar het is wel een koopopportuniteit mi e nogmaals niet vanwege de cijfers
maar TT is echt een hapklare brok @ 550 mio ondernemingswaarde
hap hap hap
gd wknd