Just Eat Takeaway « Terug naar discussie overzicht

Just Eat Takeaway 2022!!!!!!!!


Forza schreef op 13 augustus 2022 10:38:

Ik probeer hier af en toe wat zinvolle informatie te vinden. Je moet echter door een hele reeks bitchfights heen zien te worstelen.
Wat doen de moderators hier eigenlijk?
Dat ben ik helemaal met jou eens. Zit hier ook voor nuttige informatie. Gelukkig zitten hier genoeg forumleden die zich goed verdiepen in de materie. Maar helaas ook forumleden die niets toevoegen en alleen maar lollig willen zijn en de boel frustreren. Sommigen worden geschorst en komen onder tig andere aliassen weer terug. Sommigen kunnen gewoon hun gang blijven gaan en andere forumleden stigmatiseren en insinueren van alles. Dat is jammer. Eigenlijk moet je ze doodzwijgen. Maar dan verandert er ook niks. Iedereen moet hier een plek kunnen krijgen maar dan wel met serieuze onderbouwde informatie. Je mag vinden van het aandeel JET wat je wil maar als je als topman een bedrijf hebt opgebouwd met 20.000 werknemers wereldwijd dan vind ik dat een mooie prestatie. Een bedrijf dat in een groeimarkt zit waar geïnvesteerd moet worden en de winstgevendheid pas na de consolidatie gaat optreden. Massa is kassa. Dat is ook altijd kenbaar gemaakt. Visie overwint echter altijd. Kwestie van geduld. Azijnzeikers blijf je altijd houden. Mensen die zich nergens in verdiepen en maar wat roepen zonder enige onderbouwing of kennis van zaken. Daarom mooi dat op dit forum gelukkige meerdere personen rondlopen die dat wel doen. Hulde. De rest nemen we maar voor lief.

vlug schreef op 13 augustus 2022 10:55:

[...]Dat ben ik helemaal met jou eens. Zit hier ook voor nuttige informatie. Gelukkig zitten hier genoeg forumleden die zich goed verdiepen in de materie. Maar helaas ook forumleden die niets toevoegen en alleen maar lollig willen zijn en de boel frustreren. Sommigen worden geschorst en komen onder tig andere aliassen weer terug. Sommigen kunnen gewoon hun gang blijven gaan en andere forumleden stigmatiseren en insinueren van alles. Dat is jammer. Eigenlijk moet je ze doodzwijgen. Maar dan verandert er ook niks. Iedereen moet hier een plek kunnen krijgen maar dan wel met serieuze onderbouwde informatie. Je mag vinden van het aandeel JET wat je wil maar als je als topman een bedrijf hebt opgebouwd met 20.000 werknemers wereldwijd dan vind ik dat een mooie prestatie. Een bedrijf dat in een groeimarkt zit waar geïnvesteerd moet worden en de winstgevendheid pas na de consolidatie gaat optreden. Massa is kassa. Dat is ook altijd kenbaar gemaakt. Visie overwint echter altijd. Kwestie van geduld. Azijnzeikers blijf je altijd houden. Mensen die zich nergens in verdiepen en maar wat roepen zonder enige onderbouwing of kennis van zaken. Daarom mooi dat op dit forum gelukkige meerdere personen rondlopen die dat wel doen. Hulde. De rest nemen we maar voor lief.
Goed zo Vlug!
Pedro Ines Kuilen
“Baillie Gifford meldt iets kleiner stemrecht in Just Eat Takeaway
Zaterdag 13 Augustus 2022 | Bron: ABM Financial News
(ABM FN-Dow Jones) Baillie Gifford heeft een kleiner stemrecht in Just Eat Takeaway gemeld. Dit bleek uit een melding in het kader van de Wet op het financieel toezicht, gedateerd op 10 augustus 2022.

Baillie Gifford meldde een stemrecht van 2,87 procent, zonder kapitaalbelang.

Op 29 maart dit jaar meldde Baillie Gifford een stemrecht van 3,00 procent, toen ook zonder kapitaalbelang.“

Pedro Ines Kuilen (5100+) schreef op 13 augustus 2022 00:06:

Dit is redelijk positief nieuws denk ik zo voor JET (king in uk)!!
“De Britse economie is voor het eerst sinds het begin van de coronacrisis gekrompen. In het tweede kwartaal van dit jaar kromp de economie 0,1 procent ten opzichte van de eerste drie maanden.“

Ps jacht ligt momenteel in panama!!
Het jacht ligt wegens belasting ontduiken en witwassen nog steeds aan de ketting zeker.
Ik had deze week voorgesteld om jou te negeren, en ik merkte dat velen er zich aan hielden, maar ik ga nu zelf toch maar even buiten mijn boekje.
Voorlopig vind ik je antwoord(en) te triest voor woorden, eerst iedereen uitnodigen en dan pas zeggen dat we naar Panama moeten komen.
Zolang je niet met bewijzen komt met een foto van je jacht, en een overzicht van jouw jet aandelen met gak geloof ik nog minder in tuinkabouters dan ik al deed voorkomen.

Prettig weekend allemaal en geniet van de zon.
Pedro Ines Kuilen

its all in the game schreef op 13 augustus 2022 12:29:


Het jacht ligt wegens belasting ontduiken en witwassen nog steeds aan de ketting zeker.
Ik had deze week voorgesteld om jou te negeren, en ik merkte dat velen er zich aan hielden, maar ik ga nu zelf toch maar even buiten mijn boekje.
Voorlopig vind ik je antwoord(en) te triest voor woorden, eerst iedereen uitnodigen en dan pas zeggen dat we naar Panama moeten komen.
Zolang je niet met bewijzen komt met een foto van je jacht, en een overzicht van jouw jet aandelen met gak geloof ik nog minder in tuinkabouters dan ik al deed voorkomen.

Prettig weekend allemaal en geniet van de zon.
Haha ge-wel-dig al die sociale regels van jou!!! Ik denk inderdaad dat het beter is om lekker te genieten van het heerlijke weer in nl! Bij mij is het donker en koud (buenos aires) en daarom ga ik even alle artikelen lezen die Denker en Seva hebben gepost!! Ik ben verder van plan om de verschillen tussen de cijfers van deliveroo, Doordash en Jet uitrekenen, zodra het helemaal af is dan post ik het voor jullie hier!
Federal judge blocks nationwide settlement with Grubhub, orders further negotiations

By MICHAEL KARLIK michael.karlik@coloradopolitics.com Aug 12, 2022 Updated 5 hrs ago

A federal judge has blocked a proposed nationwide settlement between food delivery service Grubhub and restaurants frustrated about their inclusion on Grubhub's platform without their consent.

Although Grubhub reached an agreement last year with attorneys for Denver-based Freshcraft that would give restaurants greater control over whether and how they are listed on Grubhub, U.S. District Court Judge Regina M. Rodriguez ordered the parties last month to keep talking.

On July 28, Rodriguez issued an order allowing two other restaurants — who are also suing Grubhub in federal court in Illinois — to intervene in the Colorado lawsuit. Although she noted Freshcraft's case came first, the proposed settlement expands the number of restaurants that would be included beyond Freshcraft's original lawsuit to now encompass the plaintiffs in the Illinois case. Although the claims in the two lawsuits are largely similar, the Freshcraft settlement would not force Grubhub to distribute its profits to injured restaurants — something the Illinois lawsuit is seeking.

"Therefore, the proposed settlement agreement does not warrant preliminary approval until the parties have addressed this issue," Rodriguez wrote.

Freshcraft and Grubhub accused the intervening restaurants of misunderstanding the settlement, and of seeking to disrupt the case by waiting until the last minute to get involved. Meanwhile, the plaintiffs in the Illinois lawsuit — Lynn Scott, LLC of Durham, N.C. and The Farmer's Wife restaurant in Sebastopol, Calif. — claimed Freshcraft's negotiations did not go far enough for the now-hundreds of thousands of restaurants covered under the potential settlement.

"Here, most restaurants would receive nothing under the settlement: no money, no notice, no ability to exclude themselves from the settlement, and no right to ever sue to stop Grubhub’s ongoing use of their trademark," the intervening restaurants wrote to the court.

The common thread between both sets of litigation is the desire of restaurant owners to maintain control over their image and their customer experience, something they surrender when Grubhub unilaterally lists businesses on its delivery platform. The lawsuits also allege Grubhub provides deceptive information to customers about menus and whether restaurants are even taking orders.

Beyond that, the objectives begin to diverge.

Freshcraft filed a proposed class action lawsuit in May 2020, accusing Grubhub of using the COVID-19 pandemic to capitalize on an increase in food delivery orders while creating "landing pages" for restaurants that never consented to having Grubhub carry out their deliveries. In particular, Freshcraft was concerned that its landing page on Grubhub said the restaurant was "closed" or "not taking online orders," which was untrue.

Freshcraft sued for false advertising under the federal Lanham Act on behalf of all restaurants whose landing pages on Grubhub contained false information. The restaurant argued Grubhub's deceptive advertising made it less likely customers would order from restaurants wrongly identified as being closed.

Five months later, Lynn Scott, LLC and The Farmer's Wife filed suit in the Northern District of Illinois, where Grubhub is headquartered. They also alleged a violation of the Lanham Act, but under the provision governing trademark infringement. Restaurants have many legitimate reasons for avoiding delivery orders placed through Grubhub, the plaintiffs argued, including the desire to disassociate themselves from any problems Grubhub itself causes.

Customers "continue to believe Grubhub is working cooperatively with the restaurants on its platform to provide accurate, reliable, and timely service," the lawsuit alleged. But the "poor service that Grubhub provides while using restaurants’ names and logos hurts the restaurants’ reputations."

In contrast with Freshcraft, the Illinois plaintiffs sought to bar Grubhub from including restaurants on its delivery platform unless there was an agreement, and for Grubhub to "disgorge all profits" it earned through the unauthorized use of restaurant names and logos

By early 2021, several developments had occurred in both cases. In Colorado, Freshcraft and Grubhub had engaged a mediator to work toward a settlement and reached an agreement. The class of affected businesses no longer included just those with false information on their landing pages, but all restaurants and food service businesses listed on Grubhub.

According to the agreement, Grubhub would create a process for businesses to request updates to their menus and hours or to remove themselves from Grubhub altogether. Grubhub would also refrain from saying restaurants were "not accepting online orders," and would provide answers on its website about how businesses can make requests to the company.

Around the same time, the judge handling the Illinois case temporarily paused the proceedings at Grubhub's request, based on developments in Colorado.

"Although we cannot conclude that the two actions are duplicative of one another, there is sufficient overlap," noted U.S. District Court Senior Judge Marvin E. Aspen in March 2021.

Lynn Scott, LLC and The Farmer's Wife then moved to intervene in Freshcraft's case after learning the settlement now would cover them and an estimated 150,000 restaurants they represented through their Illinois lawsuit. Lawyers for the intervening plaintiffs called the proposed settlement a "sham" with terms "highly favorable to Grubhub." They submitted statements from more than two dozen restaurant owners objecting to the terms of the agreement.

"I understand that the settlement in this case would allow Grubhub to continue to list restaurants on its platform without consent unless the restaurant claims ownership of that listing and requests to be removed," wrote Danny Curry of White Pine Pizza 2 in Tennessee. "I am trying to run a business and have too many irons in the fire to have to police Grubhub, especially during a pandemic."

Freshcraft shot back that the Illinois plaintiffs' real problem with the settlement was that their lawyers are "not the party responsible for achieving the result." Grubhub also criticized the restaurants' intervention, arguing that nothing would stop any company from suing Grubhub for money. Instead, the settlement reportedly would do what the Illinois plaintiffs requested: require Grubhub to stop listing some restaurants while allowing those who desire to remain connected to the platform to keep their listings.

But Rodriguez did not interpret the Freshcraft settlement as giving the Illinois plaintiffs what they wanted. She believed the agreement would "likely" prohibit the plaintiffs and the other 150,000 restaurants they purported to represent from staking any claim to Grubhub's profits. Consequently, Rodriguez declined to give her tentative approval to the settlement until the parties addressed that issue.

Steven M. Tindall, a California-based attorney representing Lynn Scott, LLC and The Farmer's Wife, said that aside from excluding his clients' monetary claims against Grubhub, the settlement would permit Grubhub to continue using restaurants' names and logos impermissibly until the companies opted out. Even then, he added, the settlement did not guarantee Grubhub would remove restaurants from its platform.

"You shouldn't settle claims that you have not investigated," Tindall said. "It's suspicious when, immediately after we filed our case or shortly after that, without any formal discovery, (Freshcraft and Grubhub) immediately announce that they settled it."

Since Rodriguez's order, the Illinois plaintiffs have sought to resume proceedings in that case, a request that Grubhub opposes. If there is tentative court approval of the Freshcraft settlement, the next step is a "fairness hearing" in which members of the plaintiff class may object. A judge will subsequently determine whether the settlement is reasonable.

Attorneys for Freshcraft and Grubhub did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The case is CO Craft, LLC v. Grubhub, Inc.

Pedro Ines Kuilen

LL schreef op 13 augustus 2022 13:03:

Federal judge blocks nationwide settlement with Grubhub, orders further negotiations

By MICHAEL KARLIK michael.karlik@coloradopolitics.com Aug 12, 2022 Updated 5 hrs ago

A federal judge has blocked a proposed nationwide settlement between food delivery service Grubhub and restaurants frustrated about their inclusion on Grubhub's platform without their consent.

Although Grubhub reached an agreement last year with attorneys for Denver-based Freshcraft that would give restaurants greater control over whether and how they are listed on Grubhub, U.S. District Court Judge Regina M. Rodriguez ordered the parties last month to keep talking.

On July 28, Rodriguez issued an order allowing two other restaurants — who are also suing Grubhub in federal court in Illinois — to intervene in the Colorado lawsuit. Although she noted Freshcraft's case came first, the proposed settlement expands the number of restaurants that would be included beyond Freshcraft's original lawsuit to now encompass the plaintiffs in the Illinois case. Although the claims in the two lawsuits are largely similar, the Freshcraft settlement would not force Grubhub to distribute its profits to injured restaurants — something the Illinois lawsuit is seeking.

"Therefore, the proposed settlement agreement does not warrant preliminary approval until the parties have addressed this issue," Rodriguez wrote.

Freshcraft and Grubhub accused the intervening restaurants of misunderstanding the settlement, and of seeking to disrupt the case by waiting until the last minute to get involved. Meanwhile, the plaintiffs in the Illinois lawsuit — Lynn Scott, LLC of Durham, N.C. and The Farmer's Wife restaurant in Sebastopol, Calif. — claimed Freshcraft's negotiations did not go far enough for the now-hundreds of thousands of restaurants covered under the potential settlement.

"Here, most restaurants would receive nothing under the settlement: no money, no notice, no ability to exclude themselves from the settlement, and no right to ever sue to stop Grubhub’s ongoing use of their trademark," the intervening restaurants wrote to the court.

The common thread between both sets of litigation is the desire of restaurant owners to maintain control over their image and their customer experience, something they surrender when Grubhub unilaterally lists businesses on its delivery platform. The lawsuits also allege Grubhub provides deceptive information to customers about menus and whether restaurants are even taking orders.

Beyond that, the objectives begin to diverge.

Freshcraft filed a proposed class action lawsuit in May 2020, accusing Grubhub of using the COVID-19 pandemic to capitalize on an increase in food delivery orders while creating "landing pages" for restaurants that never consented to having Grubhub carry out their deliveries. In particular, Freshcraft was concerned that its landing page on Grubhub said the restaurant was "closed" or "not taking online orders," which was untrue.

Freshcraft sued for false advertising under the federal Lanham Act on behalf of all restaurants whose landing pages on Grubhub contained false information. The restaurant argued Grubhub's deceptive advertising made it less likely customers would order from restaurants wrongly identified as being closed.

Five months later, Lynn Scott, LLC and The Farmer's Wife filed suit in the Northern District of Illinois, where Grubhub is headquartered. They also alleged a violation of the Lanham Act, but under the provision governing trademark infringement. Restaurants have many legitimate reasons for avoiding delivery orders placed through Grubhub, the plaintiffs argued, including the desire to disassociate themselves from any problems Grubhub itself causes.

Customers "continue to believe Grubhub is working cooperatively with the restaurants on its platform to provide accurate, reliable, and timely service," the lawsuit alleged. But the "poor service that Grubhub provides while using restaurants’ names and logos hurts the restaurants’ reputations."

In contrast with Freshcraft, the Illinois plaintiffs sought to bar Grubhub from including restaurants on its delivery platform unless there was an agreement, and for Grubhub to "disgorge all profits" it earned through the unauthorized use of restaurant names and logos
Is dit nu positief of negatief voor JET???

Pedro Ines Kuilen (5100+) schreef op 13 augustus 2022 13:22:

[...]Is dit nu positief of negatief voor JET???
Als zelfs jij het antwoord niet weet, hoe moeten wij dat dan weten.....???

its all in the game schreef op 13 augustus 2022 12:29:


Het jacht ligt wegens belasting ontduiken en witwassen nog steeds aan de ketting zeker.
Ik had deze week voorgesteld om jou te negeren, en ik merkte dat velen er zich aan hielden, maar ik ga nu zelf toch maar even buiten mijn boekje.
Voorlopig vind ik je antwoord(en) te triest voor woorden, eerst iedereen uitnodigen en dan pas zeggen dat we naar Panama moeten komen.
Zolang je niet met bewijzen komt met een foto van je jacht, en een overzicht van jouw jet aandelen met gak geloof ik nog minder in tuinkabouters dan ik al deed voorkomen.

Prettig weekend allemaal en geniet van de zon.
geloof ik nog minder in tuinkabouters dan ik al deed voorkomen.


DeZwarteRidder schreef op 13 augustus 2022 13:25:


Als zelfs jij het antwoord niet weet, hoe moeten wij dat dan weten.....???
Abtje voor jou!!!
Pedro Ines Kuilen

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 13 augustus 2022 13:25:


Als zelfs jij het antwoord niet weet, hoe moeten wij dat dan weten.....???
Abtje verdiend!! Omdat ik wel zelf al een idee heb maar graag wil toetsen aan de meningen van anderen, zo simpel is dat!!

UpandDown schreef op 13 augustus 2022 13:39:


geloof ik nog minder in tuinkabouters dan ik al deed voorkomen.


LL schreef op 13 augustus 2022 13:03:


Deel de volgende keer dan direct het linkje in plaats van een heel artikel te kopiëren en te plakken.
Pedro Ines Kuilen

Buy and Sell schreef op 13 augustus 2022 14:34:


Deel de volgende keer dan direct het linkje in plaats van een heel artikel te kopiëren en te plakken.
Heel de tekst is veel fijner dan een linkje!!
Pedro Ines Kuilen

LL schreef op 13 augustus 2022 13:03:


By early 2021, several developments had occurred in both cases. In Colorado, Freshcraft and Grubhub had engaged a mediator to work toward a settlement and reached an agreement. The class of affected businesses no longer included just those with false information on their landing pages, but all restaurants and food service businesses listed on Grubhub.

According to the agreement, Grubhub would create a process for businesses to request updates to their menus and hours or to remove themselves from Grubhub altogether. Grubhub would also refrain from saying restaurants were "not accepting online orders," and would provide answers on its website about how businesses can make requests to the company.

Around the same time, the judge handling the Illinois case temporarily paused the proceedings at Grubhub's request, based on developments in Colorado.

"Although we cannot conclude that the two actions are duplicative of one another, there is sufficient overlap," noted U.S. District Court Senior Judge Marvin E. Aspen in March 2021.

Lynn Scott, LLC and The Farmer's Wife then moved to intervene in Freshcraft's case after learning the settlement now would cover them and an estimated 150,000 restaurants they represented through their Illinois lawsuit. Lawyers for the intervening plaintiffs called the proposed settlement a "sham" with terms "highly favorable to Grubhub." They submitted statements from more than two dozen restaurant owners objecting to the terms of the agreement.

"I understand that the settlement in this case would allow Grubhub to continue to list restaurants on its platform without consent unless the restaurant claims ownership of that listing and requests to be removed," wrote Danny Curry of White Pine Pizza 2 in Tennessee. "I am trying to run a business and have too many irons in the fire to have to police Grubhub, especially during a pandemic."

Freshcraft shot back that the Illinois plaintiffs' real problem with the settlement was that their lawyers are "not the party responsible for achieving the result." Grubhub also criticized the restaurants' intervention, arguing that nothing would stop any company from suing Grubhub for money. Instead, the settlement reportedly would do what the Illinois plaintiffs requested: require Grubhub to stop listing some restaurants while allowing those who desire to remain connected to the platform to keep their listings.

But Rodriguez did not interpret the Freshcraft settlement as giving the Illinois plaintiffs what they wanted. She believed the agreement would "likely" prohibit the plaintiffs and the other 150,000 restaurants they purported to represent from staking any claim to Grubhub's profits. Consequently, Rodriguez declined to give her tentative approval to the settlement until the parties addressed that issue.

Steven M. Tindall, a California-based attorney representing Lynn Scott, LLC and The Farmer's Wife, said that aside from excluding his clients' monetary claims against Grubhub, the settlement would permit Grubhub to continue using restaurants' names and logos impermissibly until the companies opted out. Even then, he added, the settlement did not guarantee Grubhub would remove restaurants from its platform.

"You shouldn't settle claims that you have not investigated," Tindall said. "It's suspicious when, immediately after we filed our case or shortly after that, without any formal discovery, (Freshcraft and Grubhub) immediately announce that they settled it."

Since Rodriguez's order, the Illinois plaintiffs have sought to resume proceedings in that case, a request that Grubhub opposes. If there is tentative court approval of the Freshcraft settlement, the next step is a "fairness hearing" in which members of the plaintiff class may object. A judge will subsequently determine whether the settlement is reasonable.

Attorneys for Freshcraft and Grubhub did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

The case is CO Craft, LLC v. Grubhub, Inc.

Mijn eerste conclusie is dat de restauranteigenaartjes uit Colorado niet goed de overeenkomst hebben gelezen of ze zijn juridisch niet voldoende onderlegd voor een ondernemer!! En nu komen ze er achter wat precies hun plichten zijn nadat ze wel de vruchten ervan hebben geplukt en protesteren ze een beetje!! Ik vind dat zeer zwak van ze!!!
Die 3 miljard afschrijving op GrubHub was voor schikkingen of krijgen we daar een aparte emmissie voor? Schikkingen in the USA zijn niet mals..
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