Vandaag WADE rapport uitgekomen, over verwachte hoeveel acres dat geplant gaat worden met, mais; soja en graan. Ferts lijken aardig goed op dit rapport te reageren. Wat ik her en der lees: (op seeking alpha)
"WASDE report is out. Mr. Beeks was right again. Corn production way below estimates and previous number. Ditto soybeans. Ending stocks down at 9 year lows. More to come, but corn and soybeans will go up. Should take CVR with."
"It was probably the last WASDE report. Yes, worldwide wheat stocks are at all time lows. But wheat plantings in US are way above expectations, so that is depressing wheat prices now. However, see my other post about wheat plantings in exceptional drought areas that seem to have been done just to collect the insurance, with little expectation (by the farmers) of actually harvesting any wheat."
"Wheat production/stocks in US were well below expectations, but worldwide they were higher (Russia, Australia). But the pricing problem for wheat today is the huge increase in winter wheat plantings this Fall. This wheat all needed nitrogen fertilizer, so this is probably why there were reports of record ammonia applications in the Plains a couple of months ago."
"Question for any farmers here. When winter wheat is planted, what percentage of the needed nitrogen fertilizer is applied? I assume that some is applied in the Spring as well, but I really don't know.
Wheat prices fell significantly recently when it was reported that 1.2MM more acres were planted with wheat than expected. However, I have since learned that the crop insurance was so high for wheat that farmers planted in dusty dry acres, not expecting crops to grow, but just to get the insurance money. I'm wondering if that had to fertilizer in order to collect on the insurance."