Calendar schreef op 22 mei 2023 21:28:
Ik heb de diverse projecten aan de hand van de call voor mezelf op volgorde gezet.
Project Time line Remark
silicon metal restarting and operating 1 furnace in March q1 The financial impact of the care and maintenance program does not significantly impact AMG's overall projected 2023 financial results
catalyst recycling facility in Zanesville, Ohio meltshop targeting full production capacity q2 Call 6 May. The last week, we were running at full capacity.
The lithium concentrate expansion project in AMG Brazil q3 Slated to temporarily shut production in Q3 to integrate our expansion
hydroxide refinery commissioning first 20,000-ton module q4
Shell AMG Recycling B.V. conversion of gasification ash into V205 q4 Not a part of EBITDA guidance
The lithium concentrate expansion project in AMG Brazil q4 Running at full production
V205, production in Nuremberg q4 Commissioning and production are expected to begin at the end of 2023.