Shareholder meetings
OCI N.V. (the Company) invites its shareholders to the Extraordinary General Meeting of Shareholders (the Extraordinary General Meeting), to be held on Thursday 19 September 2024 at Hotel Park Centraal Amsterdam, Stadhouderskade 25, 1071 ZD Amsterdam, the Netherlands.
Number of votes
The number of votes that can be cast at the Extraordinary General Meeting (based on information available on 22 August 2024) is 211,181,037. This equals the number of issued shares (211,357,989) minus the shares that have been repurchased by the Company (176,952). The Company may not cast votes for shares that it holds in its own share capital.
>> Dan kan je mooi uitrekenen met hoeveel % jij met je aandelen daar eventjes een hoop positieve invloed kunt uitoefenen.