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Shell to open Indonesia fuel station in retail lead
Wed Oct 19, 2005 9:38 AM BST

JAKARTA, Oct 19 (Reuters) - Shell <RDSa.L><RDSb.L> will open its first petrol pump station in Indonesia next month, leading the way for the private sector and foreign firms to gain a foothold in the retail market, the company said on Wednesday.

Jakarta gave Shell, BP Plc <BP.L>, Malaysia's Petronas [PETR.UL] and five Indonesian firms temporary licences last year, paving the way for them to directly import fuel and sell to local customers, after revoking state oil firm Pertamina's monopoly.

"We are currently finalising construction of the pump station in West Java. We plan to open it next month," Wally Saleh, Shell Indonesia's spokesman said, adding that the company plans to boost its retail investments and will build more pump stations.

The first station will sell high-octane gasoline at market prices, he told Reuters.

Oil companies are eager for a stake in the retail market in Indonesia, the world's fourth-most populous nation, but will have to compete against Pertamina's subsidised prices for the most popular low-grade fuels.

Shell is also negotiating with Jakarta to sell low-grade fuels at the subsidised rates, Salleh said, adding the company wants the government to set very clear rules for the sale of state-controlled fuels.

Indonesia nearly doubled gasoline prices, increased diesel by 105 percent, and almost trebled kerosene prices this month in an effort to curb the debilitating effect of subsidies on its budget and rupiah currency.

Despite the increases, fuel rates in Indonesia are still among the lowest in Asia.

Pertamina said Indonesia would consume 64.8 million kilolitres (407.5 million barrels) of oil products in 2005, including 59.3 million kl (373 million barrels) under subsidies.

Oil products consumption in 2006 is seen at 65.6 million kl (413 million barrels), including 41.5 million kl (261 million barrels) under subsidy. (1 kl=6.289 barrel)
Shell starts seismic survey in Libya

By OGJ editors
HOUSTON, Oct. 19 -- Shell Exploration & Production GMBH began a land seismic survey in the coastal Sirte basin near Marsa Al-Brega and hopes to start exploratory drilling in late 2006-early 2007.

A long-term agreement Shell signed in May 2003 with National Oil Corp. gave the company gas exploration rights on five onshore blocks totaling 20,000 sq km. Shell plans to invest at least $187 million in exploration, starting with acquisition of 2D and 3D seismic data.

Under another segment of the agreement, Shell will invest $105-450 million to rejuvenate and upgrade in phases the Marsa Al-Brega LNG plant on the Gulf of Sidra coast and eventually hike plant output to 3.2 million tonnes/year from 0.7 tonnes/year. Preparations for the rejuvenation are on schedule, Shell said.

Shell and NOC will jointly develop a new liquefaction plant if enough gas becomes available. NOC affiliate Sirte Oil & Gas Production & Manufacturing Co. operates the plant with gas from the Sirte basin
Shell-Angebot für Encana "strategisch sinnvoll"

Als "strategisch enorm sinnvollen Schritt" lobt Tom Ellacott von Wood Mackenzie das Übernahmeangebot von Royal Dutch Shell für die kanadische Encana. Im Vergleich zu Exxon Mobil und BP sei Shell bei US-Erdgas bislang unterrepräsentiert. Jedoch werde eine Übernahme das Unternehmen nicht billig kommen.

LONDON (SHARECAST) - Oil major Royal Dutch Shell was upgraded to 'equal-weight' from 'underweight' at Lehman Brothers as the broker cited valuation grounds.

Lehman also set a price target of 1,930p on Royal Dutch Shell.

EnCana-Aktien profitieren von Gerüchten um Shell-Kaufinteresse

TORONTO (Dow Jones)--Die Aktien der EnCana Corp haben am Mittwoch an den Börsen Toronto und New York mit deutlichen Kursgewinnen von Übernahmespekulationen profitiert. Marktteilnehmer verweisen auf Gerüchte, wonach die Royal Dutch Shell plc die EnCana Corp übernehmen könnte. Ein Sprecher von Royal Dutch Shell wollte die Marktspekulationen in London nicht kommentieren. EnCana-Director Michael N. Chernoff sagte, er wisse nichts über eine geplante Übernahme seines Unternehmens durch Royal Dutch Shell. EnCana ist das größte Erdgasunternehmen Kanadas. Einige Branchenbeobachter halten eine Übernahme von EnCana nicht für abwegig. Während Shell der weltweite Marktführer bei der Erdgas-Produktion sei, führe EnCana in Nordamerika. Der kanadische Konzern hat nach Daten der Ross Smith Energy Group im vergangenen Jahr mehr Erdgas produziert als jedes anderes Unternehmen auf dem Kontinent.

Im zweiten Quartal setzte EnCana 3,2 Mrd Kubikfuß Gas am Tag ab und damit 6%mehr als im Vorjahreszeitraum. EnCana entstand 2002 mit Kauf der Alberta Energy Co durch die Energy Corp. EnCana würde gut zu den Vermögenswerten von Shell in Nordamerika passen, sagte ein Analyst. Shell besitzt in Nordamerika Öl- und Gasförderungen, unter anderem mit einer Ölsand-Mine in Alberta. Shell habe bereits versucht in Nordamerika einen Gasproduzenten zur Erhöhung ihrer eigenen Reserven in dem Gebiet zu übernehmen. 2001 hatte Shell 1,9 Mrd USD für die Barrett Resources geboten, wurde aber von der Williams Cos überboten.


Shell President Sees Tight Gas, Heating Oil Supplies In Winter

Wednesday October 19, 6:09 PM EDT

HOUSTON -(Dow Jones)- In the wake of damage from hurricanes Katrina and Rita, inventories of both natural gas and heating oil may be under strain this winter, Shell Oil Co. President John Hofmeister said Wednesday.

The country will face tightness in both heating oil and natural gas supply, he said during a speech to leaders from the city and industry, sponsored by the Greater Houston Partnership. Since March, Hofmeister has served as president of Shell Oil Co., the American affiliate of Royal Dutch Shell PLC (RDSB.LN).

Pipeline damage limited natural gas production and storage, while refineries have turned their focus to on-road fuels, rather than heating oil, he said.

"It's going to take months, not weeks, to repair those pipelines," he said, discussing the natural gas conduits incapacitated by the storm.

With 28% of U.S. refining capacity initially taken off line after the passage of both hurricanes, refineries continuing to operate focused on producing diesel and gasoline, rather than heating oil, he said.

Four refineries remain completely shut in the wake of the hurricanes, while six are currently restarting, and 10 have restarted.

"We've been humbled by these storms, but we're pulling through," he said, explaining that despite disruptions in the supply chain, fuel continued to be available.

-By Jessica Resnick-Ault, Dow Jones Newswires; 713-547-9208; jessica.resnick-

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

Presse: Shell will kanadischen Ölkonzern EnCana übernehmen

MONTREAL (dpa-AFX) - Der niederländisch-britische Mineralölkonzern Royal Dutch Shell will einem Pressebericht zufolge den größten kanadischen Erdöl- und Erdgasproduzenten EnCana übernehmen. Shell habe in einem ersten Anlauf bereits 65 US-Dollar je Aktie geboten, berichtete die kanadische Tageszeitung "The Globe and Mail" am Donnerstag ohne Angabe von Quellen. Dieses Angebot sei aber von EnCana als zu niedrig abgelehnt worden.

In Branchenkreisen hieß es, das ursprüngliche Angebot habe auf 62 US-Dollar je Aktie gelautet. Shell bereitet dem Bericht zufolge nun eine neue Offerte vor, die bei mehr als 70 US-Dollar je Aktie liegen soll. Eine solche Summe werde in der Branche als sehr hoch betrachtet, falls sie sich nur auf die von EnCana ausgewiesenen Erdölreserven beziehe. Andererseits gehe das Unternehmen davon aus, seine Reserven binnen fünf Jahren um mehr als 150 Prozent steigern zu können./jmp/FX/jb/hi

Shell's Hofmeister discusses innovation's importance

Offshore staff

(Houston)- According to John Hofmeister, President and Country Chair for Shell Oil in the U.S., although Shell and others have been "humbled by these storms," their planned initiatives will not be cancelled but merely delayed. Hofmeister addressed a large group of energy industry professionals at a luncheon in Houston recently.

While the severe damage and, in some cases disappearance, of offshore rigs in the aftermath of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita have been major setbacks for the industry, pipeline damage in GoM will take "months, not weeks" to repair, he said. This will inevitably hinder natural gas storage and manufacture of home heating oil for the upcoming winter months. Innovation and investment in the future are keys in getting the infrastructure back on its feet and preventing serious disruptions like this in the future, Hofmeister said.

Hofmeister stressed that innovation comes not only from technology, but also from marketing and sales initiatives across the whole spectrum of their product line. Technological innovations have come in the form of producing oil and gas from deepwater, high-pressure, high-temperature reservoirs. Further offshore innovations and investment in these types of assets will be necessary as the demand for energy continues to increase, he said. While he acknowledged that oil companies are making record profits (Shell recorded $110 billion in revenue in the U.S. alone in 2004), they are also turning some of this back into record investments
RPT - Shell wins Espirito Santo oilfield licenses off coast of Brazil

Article layout: raw
(Repeating to show Espirito Santo field is off coast of Brazil)

LONDON (AFX) - Royal Dutch Shell PLC said it acquired the permits to search for oil and gas in the Espirito Santo basin offshore Brazil.

It won the licenses under the government's seventh bid round.

Shell said it will operate block ESM 438, with a 100 pct stake, and partner with Brazil's state-owned oil company Petrobras, which will operate blocks ESM 411, 436 and 437.

It also acquired the permit for SM 518, a deepwater area in Santos.

EnCana weet niets van vermeende interesse Shell

CALGARY (Dow Jones) - EnCana Corp is zich niet bewust van enig overnamebod van Shell, noch voert het bedrijf gesprekken daarover.
Dit meldt het Canadese olieconcern naar aanleiding van geruchten over vermeende interesse van Royal Dutch Shell. EnCana zegt in een persbericht dat het bedrijf onafhankelijkheid ziet als beste manier om de langetermijninvestering van aandeelhouders te waarborgen.
Het bedrijf is drieënhalf jaar geleden ontstaan na de fusie van Alberta Energy en PanCanadian Energy. Het bedrijf zegt een marktwaarde te hebben van 50 miljard dollar. Woensdag steeg het aandeel 10 procent als gevolg van marktgeruchten over een op handen zijnd bod door Royal Dutch Shell.

Shell Brasil Ltda acquires interests in five blocks offshore Brazil
by: OilOnline
Monday, October 24, 2005

Shell Brasil Ltda has announced that it has acquired interests in five blocks offshore Brazil.

The exploration acreage was acquired through the company's successful participation in Brazil's seventh bid round. The blocks are located in shallow water areas of the Espírito Santo Basin. Shell will operate block ESM 438, with a 100% share, and partner with Brazil's national oil company Petrobras who will operate blocks ESM 411, 436 and 437. Shell was also successful in acquiring alone one deepwater area in Santos, block SM 518.
Shell Canada reports higher 3rd-qtr earnings
Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:22 PM BST

CALGARY, Alberta, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Third-quarter profit at Shell Canada Ltd. <SHC.TO>, the country's No. 2 oil producer and refiner, reported slightly higher third-quarter earnings, it said on Tuesday.

Shell Canada, which is majority owned by oil major Royal Dutch Shell Plc <RDSa.L>, earned C$457 million, or 55 Canadian cents a share, up from year-earlier C$451 million, or 55 Canadian cents a share.

($1=$1.18 Canadian)

mellow gold schreef:

Shell Canada reports higher 3rd-qtr earnings
Tue Oct 25, 2005 8:22 PM BST

CALGARY, Alberta, Oct 25 (Reuters) - Third-quarter profit at Shell Canada Ltd. <SHC.TO>, the country's No. 2 oil producer and refiner, reported slightly higher third-quarter earnings, it said on Tuesday.

Shell Canada, which is majority owned by oil major Royal Dutch Shell Plc <RDSa.L>, earned C$457 million, or 55 Canadian cents a share, up from year-earlier C$451 million, or 55 Canadian cents a share.

($1=$1.18 Canadian)

Shell took an $83-million charge to earnings due to the strong appreciation in its share price during the quarter and third-quarter results included favourable after-tax benefits related to prior year tax adjustments of $41 million in 2005 and $55 million in 2004.

"Both the exploration and production and oilsands businesses delivered higher operational earnings in the third quarter," president and CEO Clive Mather said in a statement.

"In exploration and production, results from the basin-centred gas drilling program have been encouraging and we will continue to invest in this significant growth area. Oilsands achieved its second straight quarter of production above the design rate and added to its land base in the Athabasca region."

Earnings at Shell's oil products division fell to $81 million in the quarter from $114 million in the same period of 2004, primarily due to maintenance shutdowns at its Montreal East and Edmonton-area Scotford refineries.

Shares in Shell Canada (TSX:SHC) gained 17 cents to $34.80 in afternoon trading on the Toronto Stock Exchange.

© The Canadian Press 2005
Winststijging verwacht voor Shell

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones) - De kwartaalwinst van olieconcern Shell zal volgens analisten 13% hoger liggen dan in hetzelfde kwartaal een jaar eerder. Het gaat hier om de zogenoemde ’winst tegen constante voorraadkosten’.
Dat is de gemiddelde verwachting van vijf analisten. Shell publiceert donderdag voorbeurs de kwartaalcijfers. De verwachting van de analisten verwacht loopt uiteen van 4,8 miljard dollar tot 5,48 miljard dollar. De cijfers zijn exclusief boekwinsten op de verkoop van belangen in Gasunie, Intergen en Basell.
De winst zal hoger uitkomen door de sterk gestegen olieprijs, maar Shell had wel last van de negatieve effecten van de orkanen in de Golf van Mexico, en van dalende winsten bij de chemietak.
Het aandeel Shell noteerde woensdagmiddag omstreeks 15.05 uur 1,1% hoger op 24,90 euro, de AEX-index won 0,2%.
'Winstgroei Shell geremd door orkaanschade'

AMSTERDAM (ANP) - De kwartaalresultaten van Royal Dutch Shell zullen donderdag naar verwachting hoger uitvallen door de hoge olie- en gasprijzen. De olieprijs lag in vergelijkig met het derde kwartaal vorig jaar gemiddeld 49 procent hoger.

Door de schade die orkanen aan de Amerikaanse olieproductie hebben toegebracht zal het echter geen recordwinst worden.
Door Reuters geraadpleegde analisten houden rekening met winsstijging van 16 procent tot 5,12 miljard dollar in vergelijking met het derde kwartaal vorig jaar (4,41 miljard dollar). In het tweede kwartaal verdiende de Nederlands-Britse oliemaatschappij nog 5,17 miljard dollar op basis van actuele kosten (CCS).

De orkanen Katrina en Rita teisterde de afgelopen maanden de olierijke Golf van Mexico en de raffinaderijen aan de Amerikaanse zuidkust. De olie- en gaswinning in deze regio is een van de meest winstgevende activiteiten van de Nederlands-Britse oliemaatschappij. Naar verwachting zal de Amerikaanse olieproductie pas volgend jaar weer volledig hersteld zijn. Analisten van de Rabobank houden rekening met een 6 procent lagere productie als gevolg van de orkanen.


In het derde kwartaal waren Shells raffinaderijen niet alleen doelwit van orkanen. De raffinaderijen in het Zuid-Hollandse Pernis kregen in juli te kampen met een grote stroomstoring. Het raffinageproces werd hierdoor langdurig verstoord. Daartegenover staat dat Shell goed verdiend heeft aan de toegenomen vraag naar raffinagecapaciteit. Dit zorgde in Europa en met name in Azië, waar de vraag naar benzines sterk is opgelopen, voor fors hogere marges op raffinage.

Publicatiedatum: 26 oktober 2005
Auteur: ANP

edmonton news

EnCana's Morgan says Shell takeover rumours just that

(CBC) - EnCana president Gwyn Morgan refuted rumours of a takeover Tuesday, as he announced he will be stepping down at the end of the year, ending a run that saw him build the largest independent oil and gas company in the world.

"I guess if we really thought that, I would stay on and fight," Morgan, 59, said of speculation that Royal Dutch Shell has been ready to launch a takeover bid. "But the fact is, that's just a ridiculous rumour.

"We have never, ever heard anything material from any of the large companies about purchasing EnCana, and have no reason to think we will."

Richard Moorman, an engineering analyst with Ross Smith Energy Group, says Royal Dutch Shell is the only large company that would both be interested and could afford the takeover - and that the rumours have been persistent.

"They do have operations in common in new areas," he said. "Shell certainly needs the kind of assets that EnCana has."

EnCana was created in early 2002 when Morgan merged his Alberta Energy Company with PanCanadian, and is now North America's largest natural gas producer with a market capitalization of almost $50 billion, the second highest in the country after the Royal Bank.

EnCana made almost $800 million US in its second quarter of 2005, triple its profit in the same period the year before.

Moorman says the company has been successful with difficult explorations.

Morgan "chose to make the most of North America, he did that very well, and it paid off," Moorman said. "EnCana is actually one of the best positioned companies for future growth that we come across in our studies."

Morgan says it is now time to move on, after marking 30 years in the province's oil and gas industry this month.

"What we want to do next is move into another phase of our life and enjoy the building of that phase in a different way," Morgan said, adding he and his wife Pat discussed their future during time on Vancouver Island over the summer. "You can see the period of company building for me, her certainly, has been long and challenging, interesting and rewarding."

Morgan will stay on a executive vice-chairman for 2006, working mainly in an advisory capacity to Randall Eresman, the company's chief operating officer who will step into the CEO's shoes.

Eresman, a petroleum engineering graduate from the University of Wyoming, joined the Alberta Energy Company in 1980. He was appointed chief operating officer of EnCana soon after its creation.

© the CBC, 2005

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