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Fluor & NuScale Power Poised for UAMPS Carbon Free Power Project

Fluor Corporation announced that Utah Associated Municipal Power Systems was awarded a funding vehicle that could provide up to USD 1.355 billion by the US Department of Energy for NuScale Power’s first prospective small modular nuclear reactor project. Fluor is poised to assist UAMPS and NuScale in bringing the world’s first clean energy, carbon-free SMR project to commercialization. Fluor and NuScale are working with UAMPS in the development of the Carbon Free Power Project, a 720-megawatt plant in Idaho using 12 NuScale SMRs, which once completed, will provide reliable, cost competitive, base load, carbon-free electricity to UAMPS member participants.

Also, with the US International Development Finance Corporation’s recent approval for potentially financing global carbon-free nuclear energy projects, both Fluor and NuScale’s global footprint and expertise is vital for countries needing new carbon-free base load energy. In addition to the UAMPS project, potential opportunities include stakeholders in the United Kingdom, Canada, central and eastern Europe, southeast and central Asia, Africa and the Middle East. Over the past two years, NuScale has initiated memoranda of understanding with several domestic and international entities to explore the potential deployment of NuScale carbon-free small modular reactor power plants.

In addition to previously announced strategic partners and investors in NuScale, both Fluor and NuScale continue to engage with potential customers, capital investors, manufacturers and other supply chain partners for NuScale SMR deployment efforts.

Power Start-Up Underway at New Power Unit 6 of Leningrad NPP

The power start-up at the Leningrad NPP Unit 6, containing ROSATOM’s flagship Generation III+ VVER-1200 reactor, has begun following the green light from Russia’s watchdog Rostekhnadzor. Power start-up comprises a complex series of stages over the course of which reactor’s power is gradually increased from 1% to 35-40%. That power level generates sufficient energy to turn on the turbogenerator, which, when connected to the grid, then begins producing electricity – a milestone scheduled for this autumn.

The commissioning of Leningrad NPP Unit 6 began on 19 July 2020, when the first assembly with fresh nuclear fuel was loaded into the reactor core prompting the unit’s physical launch. During physical start-up, nuclear scientists successfully brought the reactor to a power level of about 1% and confirmed that the unit’s physical characteristics comply with those stipulated in its design. The scientists also evaluated the efficiency and reliability of the reactor’s security systems and safety interlocks.

The Unit 6 is expected to enter commercial operation in 2021. It will replace Leningrad NPP Unit 2 equipped with RBMK-1000 reactor, which has successfully operated for 45 years.

Bechtel Team Selected for Advanced Nuclear Reactor Demonstration Project

A team led by TerraPower, which includes Bechtel as its partner for plant design, licensing, procurement, and construction, will receive matching funds from the US Department of Energy to build a demonstration advanced nuclear power plant, the Department announced this week. The team will receive USD 80 million in funding for fiscal year 2020 under the Advanced Reactor Demonstration Program, with a goal to build an operational plant in five to seven years. The plant would be based on the Natrium system, featuring an advanced, cost-competitive sodium fast reactor paired with an innovative molten salt energy storage system based on those used in solar thermal generation.

The Natrium design is affordable and capable of adapting to changes in daily electricity demands driven by solar and wind energy fluctuations. It also separates nuclear and non-nuclear facilities and systems within the plant footprint, simplifying the licensing process and lowering construction costs.

ROSATOM Completes Development of New VVER-440 Fuel for Hungary’s Paks NPP

NPPTVEL Fuel Company of ROSATOM has completed the project of development and validation of the new nuclear fuel modification for the VVER-440 reactors operated at Paks NPP in Hungary. The full package of documents is handed over to the Hungarian customer for further licensing of the new fuel by the national nuclear power regulator. The first fuel assemblies have passed acceptance testing at the Elemash Machine-building plant, a fuel fabrication facility of TVEL Fuel Company of ROSATOM in Elektrostal in Moscow region. The new modification of VVER-440 second generation fuel would optimize the hydro-uranium ratio in the reactor core, enabling to increase the efficiency of fuel usage and advance the economic performance of the power plant operation.

The project of development and validation of the new fuel has been accomplished with participation of a number of Russian nuclear industry enterprises, such as OKB Gidropress (a part of Rosatom machine-building division Atomenergomash), Bochvar Institute (material science research facility of TVEL Fuel Company), Elemash Machine-building plant and Kurchatov Institute national research center. At the site of OKB Gidropress research and experiment facility, the new fuel passed a range of hydraulic, longevity and vibration tests.

The first consignment of the modified fuel will be delivered to Paks NPP in 2020. The engineering contract between TVEL JSC and MVM Paks Ltd. for development of the new VVER-440 fuel was signed in late 2017.

Belarus NPP Gets Permit for Power Start Up of Unit 1

On October 23, 2020 the Board of the Ministry for Emergency situations of the Republic of Belarus, based on the resolution of the State Regulatory Authority of the Republic of Belarus, agreed to amend the licenses of the State enterprise "Belorussian NPP" and JSC ASE EC, allowing to start works based on the stage-wise program for power start-up of Unit 1. Stage-wise program of the power start-up involves a gradual rise of the reactor power from 1% to 50% and connection of the Unit to the grid at a power level of 40% and dynamic testing at a power level of 50%. Activities performed based on stage-wise program for power start up shall be finished by December, 2020.

Belarus NPP Unit 1 commissioning started on 7th August, 2020 when the first fuel assembly with fresh fuel was placed into the reactor pressure vessel. On October 11, at the stage of physical start-up, the reactor was brought to the minimum controlled power level, less than 1% of the rated power. In total, more than 50 physical measurements were performed during the physical start-up stage, which confirmed that the nuclear and physical characteristics of the reactor comply with design parameters.

One More Batch of Equipment for Kudankulam NPP Shipped to India

On November 13, the MV Janis vessel set course for India carrying equipment for Kudankulam NPP Units 3 and 4. This is the twentieth consignment for the NPP & the cargo volume is 7100 cubic.meters. The cargo that is being shipped for Unit 3 includes polar crane equipment - crane rail, anchor rods and loading device. The equipment being shipped for Unit 4 includes thermal insulation, hydroaccumulator and supporting elements of passive emergency core cooling system, housings and air locks of passive heat removal system and bus ducts. For both Units 3 and 4, the vessel took aboard transportation air lock equipment, pumps, sealed penetrations, valves, pipelines, hydraulic sluice of the fuel pool. The equipment will arrive in India in December 2020.

Power units No 3 and 4 are the second stage of Kudankulam NPP constructed under AES-92 design with VVER-1000 (V-412) reactor type. The technical solutions implemented in Kudankulam design characterize further evolutionary development of NPPs with high power VVER reactors and transition to creation of a new, reliable, safe and feasible power unit. New power units of Kudankulam NPP comply with the most up-to-date safety requirements of IAEA. The developer - the technical customer of the facility - is Nuclear Power Corporation of India. The general designer and supplier of equipment is ASE EC JSC.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
TENEX Continues Supplies of Enriched Uranium to Spain

ROSATOM’s TENEX and Enusa Industrias Avanzadas SA SME have extended the current contract for enriched uranium supply. TENEX has been providing ENUSA with enriched uranium product for nuclear fuel manufacture for Spanish nuclear power plants since 1975. The current long-term contact signed in 2002 is being successfully delivered and regularly renewed. The parties have recently extended it until 2027. Thus, TENEX will remain one of the leading suppliers of enriched uranium for the Spanish nuclear power industry in the long term.

TENEX, Joint-Stock Company is one of the world's leading suppliers of nuclear fuel cycle products. For almost 60 years, TENEX has been representing the Russian atomic industry in the global market sustaining its impeccable reputation of a reliable supplier. The customers include over 40 companies from different regions of the world.

Enusa Industrias Avanzadas provides fuel to nuclear power plants. The Company offers fuel services of fresh and irradiated fuel handling, inspection, repair, and acts as a support for the nuclear power plants.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Core Catcher Vessel Installed at Akkuyu NPP Unit 2

Installation of the core catcher vessel into design position has been completed in the Reactor Building of Power Unit 2 of the Akkuyu NPP. The height of the core catcher shell is 5.8 metres, diameter 6.1 metres, weight 169 tonnes. The vessel being the main part of the core catcher is a tank, which, in case of an emergency, will securely hold core melt within the sealed volume of the Reactor Building and prevent it from leaking in the environment. It is partially filled with a special material, which allows stopping chain reaction immediately and keeping core melt stable.

The next important stage in construction of Unit 2 reactor building will be installation of the first tier of inner containment into design position.

Cantilever truss shall provide protection of core catcher vessel and communications in hypothetical case of core melt-down. It is also designed for arrangement of communication lines - water supply, steam discharge, pass-through of communications for measurement instrumentation. Cantilever truss structure also provides special corridors for "catcher" inspection.

By virtue of the core catcher Akkuyu NPP shall be protected from any severe accidents. Previously, a similar "core catcher" has been installed at Akkuyu NPP Unit 1. These devices are used in modern nuclear power plants of Russian design with generation "3+" VVER-1200 nuclear reactors. The core catcher has maximum safety characteristics: increased seismic resistance, hydrodynamic and shock strength, flood protection and simplified installation technology.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Installation Time Reduced for Foundation Pit at Rooppur NPP

Engineering Division specialists have applied the Russian Sheet-Pile Walls, abbreviated as RShS in Russian, technology in constructing foundation pit retaining structures for water intake structures and for the feed pump station at the Rooppur NPP construction site in Bangadesh.

Russian Sheet-Pile Walls are a construction kit featuring a ready-made range of standard solutions based on sheet piles with beams as reinforcing members. Other technical solutions for foundation pit retaining structures like, for instance, a slurry-wall technology, were unsuitable for the Rooppur NPP construction site due to the complex hydrogeological conditions. That is why the Technology Transfer Center of the Engineering Division proposed that an RShS technology, selected and added to the industry-wide Database of Best Available Technologies, be implemented at the Rooppur NPP.

As compared to similar sheet-pile structures like, for instance, tubular sheet piles (abbreviated as TSh in Russian), the RShS technology boasts such advantages as a simplified assembly process at the construction site and high stability at low costs. It takes less time to drive piles for RShS in comparison with TSh which is a great advantage in the context of constructing an NPP. Thanks to the RShS high stacking density, logistics costs can be reduced. This solution allows you to reduce the installation time for retaining structures to a value of up to twice as low, and to cut the costs of works and materials by about 30%.

With a view to successfully implementing the said technology, the TTC has formed a technological alliance involving Aquatic JSC, GK Profil Ltd. and Orgenergostroy Institute JSC and interacting with the Nizhny Novgorod Design Institute, a branch office of the Atomenergoproekt JSC, for design issues. Such a formation has made it possible to unite experience and competencies of the members by creating a continuous process chain ranging from the design to the implementation.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Rosatom Submits Hanhikivi-1 NPP Design to Fennovoima Oy

ROSATOM’s RAOS Project Oy, the plant supplier of Hanhikivi-1 NPP, has submitted the Basic Design Stage 1 documentation package containing technical solutions description to Fennovoima Oy, the NPP Customer. The package has been reviewed by Fennovoima’s specialists and conditionally accepted for further work. The Basic Design Stage 1 package comprises the main stages of documentation development for the creation of the NPP design. In accordance with the EPC contract, the submitted package includes description of such key areas as conceptual and functional NPP design, 3D model, NPP systems and buildings design.

The newly submitted design documentation provides the basis for the Preliminary Safety Analysis Report, which shall be reviewed and accepted by the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority before the construction license is granted by the Finnish government.

Consisting of 15 batches, PSAR is the main document of the license application. It presents a detailed description of all safety-related aspects: NPP site selection, basic design and technical solutions, safety measures, as well as the results of design validations from a safety point of view.

To date, five PSAR batches have already been submitted by the Customer to STUK for review. The goal of RAOS Project is to deliver two more batches of documents to Fennovoima before the end of this year and to complete the Preliminary Safety Analyses Report in spring 2021.

STUK requirements in terms of the detailing level of documents at licensing stage are higher if compared to most other countries. This high level of detail at the construction license stage provides advantages for further project stages, avoiding delays and saving the need for works to be re-designed after the actual construction started.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ROSATOM & Framatome ink Pact for Hanhikivi-1 NPP

Framatome GmbH and Rusatom Automated Control Systems JSC, a subsidiary of ROSATOM, signed a contract to provide technical support in design and integration of instrumentation and control system for the Hanhikivi-1 Nuclear Power Plant in Finland. Under the terms of the contract, Framatome will provide consulting support for I&C system integration and design in the NPP construction project based on VVER-1200 reactor. The role of RASU JSC is to review design documentation and to be I&C technical leader and integrator for Hanhikivi-1 NPP.

In October 2019, CONCERN TITAN-2 JSC signed a contract for the supply of the main I&C with a Framatome-Siemens consortium. The first priority task under this contract was to develop documentation necessary for the NPP licensing.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Vattenfall Ringhals 1 Nuclear Reactor Shuts Down

The nuclear power plant, Ringhals 1, was shut down as planned on New Year’s Eve. After nearly 45 years of power operation, the nuclear fuel will now be removed from the reactor, after which the plant will be prepared for decommissioning. Ringhals 1 was put into commercial service on 1 January 1976 and at the time of its final shutdown was estimated to have delivered 220 terawatt hours of electricity, which corresponds to the whole of Gothenburg’s consumption of electricity during the same period.

Even though both Ringhals 1 and 2 have now been shut down, electricity generation at Ringhals continues with the Ringhals 3 and 4 reactors. These reactors have been equipped with independent core cooling, an investment of SEK 900 million and a regulatory requirement to continue operations after the turn of the year. Ringhals 3 and 4 provide approximately 12 percent of the country’s electricity generation, previously the four reactors combined answered for around 20 percent of Swedish electricity generation.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Belarus NPP Power Unit 1 Operatiing at 100% Capacity

The first power unit of Belarus NPP of the newest III+ generation with VVER-1200 reactor was for the first time brought to rated power level on January 12. Start-up operations at Belarus NPP power unit 1 of III+ generation with VVER-1200 reactor started on August 7, 2020, when the first fresh fuel assemblies were loaded into the reactor core. On October 11, 2020, the reactor was brought to minimum controlled power level (less than 1% of the rated power). On November 3, 2020, the power unit was connected to the unified power grid of Republic of Belarus. On December 22, trial operation of the power unit commenced.

Belarus NPP having two VVER-1200 reactors with the total capacity of 2400 MW is being constructed in Ostrovets in Belarus. The Russian III+ generation design that is fully compliant with the international standards and the International Atomic Energy Agency safety recommendations, was selected for the first NPP in Belarus.

Belarus NPP Unit 1 has become the first Gen III+ unit in operation built abroad based on the Russian technologies. Currently, three power units of similar type are successfully operating in Russia, including two units at Novovoronezh NPP and one unit at Leningrad NPP. On January 3, 2021, the fourth power unit of +II generation - Unit 6 of Leningrad NPP, was brought to 100% power level.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Nuclear Power Exceeds 20% in Energy Mix of Russia in 2020

A share of nuclear power plants in the energy mix of Russia was 20.28% in 2020. In 2019, this indicator was 19.04%. In the National Grid of Russia their share has increased up to 20.58% against 19.3% in 2019, exclusive of electricity generation by Bilibino NPP and floating nuclear power plant which operate in the isolated energy system. It has already been mentioned that the nuclear power plants of Russia finished 2020 with the absolute record for the mere existence of the Russian nuclear power, which was achieved only in 1988, in the Soviet Union times. They generated 215.746 bln kWh of electricity. The FAS balance was met by 103.92% with the planned 207.614 bln kWh.

In 2020 FNPP was commissioned in Chukotka and new Leningrad NPP-6 with VVER-1200 was connected to the EES grid.

Today, for a total, 11 operating nuclear power plant of Russia run 37 power units of total installed capacity of about 29.4 GW. In 2021, Leningrad NPP-6 with VVER-1200 reactor is prepared for commissioning.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
Robot Tested at Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant

A unique robot assigned with the task of performing diagnostics and repair of the wall lining and bottom of the cooling ponds of VVER-1200 reactor-enabled units was tested at the Leningrad NPP. The robotics device was constructed specifically for servicing new types of nuclear power plants. Additional operations like draining water from the pool or unloading fuel in order to operate the NPP are no longer required, unlike the current way of NPP operation. The distinguishing feature of the robot is its versatility: it looks for potential leaks, determines their coordinates, cleans up the defective surface and performs plating of the surface by welding. Its repair modules are equipped with swivel brackets. This allows for work in any hard-to-reach areas of the pool, for example, in the corners.

The device was tested at a special stand, where experts simulated the entire chain of operations it needs to perform. The robot is ready for operation in the storage pools of Leningrad NPP Units 5 and 6.

The spent fuel pool is a reinforced concrete structure with a metal cladding filled with water with boric acid. The storage cassettes with spent nuclear fuel are stored for several years until heat dissipates and radioactivity levels decrease.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
De kern van kernenergie
Kernenergie is in Nederland een beladen onderwerp. Maar zo nu en dan popt het omhoog. Tijd om de plussen en minnen op een rij te zetten.

In deze editie van de rubriek Duurzaam Dilemma van ASN Bank kijken we kritisch naar de plussen en minnen van deze energiesoort en haar plek in de energiemix.

We schrijven niet vaak over kernenergie, omdat het met slechts één werkende kerncentrale (die in het Zeeuwse Borssele) voor de meeste lezers waarschijnlijk een ver-van-mijn-fornuis-show is. In de herfst kwam dit onderwerp weer wat dichterbij toen Minister Wiebes bekendmaakte dat hij kernenergie wel degelijk als een ‘serieuze optie’ ziet in de toekomstige ‘energiemix’.

Hoe werkt kernenergie eigenlijk?
Voor alle lezers die niet vooraan zaten in het natuurkundelokaal eerst nog even een korte uitleg. Een kerncentrale maakt met stoom stroom. De vrijkomende stoom laat turbines met een dynamo draaien en die genereren elektriciteit. En hoe ontstaat die stoom? Niet door verbranding (zoals in een klassieke energiecentrale op steenkool) maar door atoomsplitsing.

Nog even terug naar de kern: wat is een atoom? Dat zijn de piepkleine ‘legosteentjes’ waar mensen en dieren, maar ook tafels en zware metalen uit bestaan. In 1934 ontdekte Enrico Fermi, een Italiaanse uitvinder, dat het zware metaal uranium zeer geschikt was om energie mee op te wekken. Een wereldoorlog en wat jaren verder werd in 1956 in Engeland de eerste kerncentrale geopend. Ruim 60 jaar later zitten we nu ongeveer 440 kerncentrales in circa 30 landen actief.

Kernenergie: de plussen
Bij het opwekken van kernenergie komt geen CO2 vrij. De grondstoffen uranium en in de toekomst wellicht thorium zijn nog volop aanwezig. En voor kernenergie is relatief weinig vierkante meters nodig. Dus geen grote windparken op zee of zonneparken op land.

En de veiligheid dan? Na de kernrampen in Harrisburg (1979), Tsjernobyl (1986) en Fukushima (2011) hebben ingenieurs hard gewerkt aan het verbeteren van de veiligheid. Volgens ontwerpers is de kans op een zeer ernstig ongeluk met de huidige veel moderner kerncentrales nu eens in de miljoen jaar.

In elektriciteitsscenario’s voor Europa wordt kernenergie vaak genoemd. Naast zon en wind en overige bronnen als biomassa en gascentrales met CO2-opslag. Als uitgangspunt van deze scenario’s geldt dat de energiebron betaalbaar moet zijn en geen CO2 uitstoot.

Van traditionele windmolen tot moderne kernreactor. Foto: Boudewijn Huysmans via Unsplash

Kernenergie: de minnen
Het prijskaartje van een nieuwe kerncentrale bedraagt zo’n € 10 miljard. Maar dit bedrag kan makkelijk veel hoger uitvallen. Dat bleek bij de bouw van nieuwe kerncentrales in Finland en Engeland.

Wie gaat dit financieren, is de grote vraag. Banken zitten niet te wachten op dit soort langlopende, financieel lastig voorspelbare projecten. Energieproducenten zijn voor het merendeel in buitenlandse handen en staan ook niet te springen. En de staat? De grote vraag is of de Nederlandse overheid financieel wil bijspringen.

Wist je dat een kerncentrale pas rendabel is als er meer dan 90% van de capaciteit wordt benut? Nederland focust zich de afgelopen jaren vooral op wind- en zonne-energie en bij deze energievormen is vooral aanvullende elektriciteit nodig. Voor als er geen zon of wind is.

Protest bij de kerncentrale in het Zeeuwse Borssele

Een kernramp heeft grote gevolgen in geld en oppervlakte. In 2011 lekte een Japanse kernreactor in Fukushima (Japan) radioactief materiaal nadat een Tsunami de centrale had platgelegd. Een groot gebied moest worden ontruimd en 10 jaar later is gebied van 370 km2 (zo groot als onze 5 Waddeneilanden) nog steeds verboden terrein. Het opruimen van de schade vindt nog steeds plaats en gaat een geschatte 1000 miljard dollar kosten, de prijs van 100 nieuwe kerncentrales.

Ook een bekend bezwaar is het kernafval dat kernenergie met zich meebrengt. Opslag van kernafval diep onder de grond zal technisch best mogelijk zijn maar is het ook veilig? Het hoogactieve afval blijft wel meer dan 100.000 jaar lang gevaarlijk. Is het fair om dat voor talloze generaties na ons te beslissen?

Tot slot is de verwachting dat duurzame energietechnieken als zon, wind, waterkracht en geothermie de komende tien jaar nóg goedkoper gaan worden en dat ook de opslag van elektra uit die bronnen haalbaar en betaalbaar wordt. Hebben we die dure kerncentrale dan nog wel nodig?

Tot slot
Heb jij een mening over kernenergie? Bij ASN Bank volgen we de ontwikkelingen op de voet en zien we kernenergie niet als een duurzame oplossing. Investeren in kernenergie doen we dus niet.

Lees het uitgebreide artikel op asnbank.nl inclusief het standpunt van ASN Bank.
Bekijk de video (ca. 6 min) met uitleg van Piet Sprengers, onze kernenergiespecialist.
Benieuwd naar het grotere geheel, 'de energiemix'? In dit heldere overzicht vind je op welke hernieuwbare energiebronnen Nederland inzet.

Voor meer en video, zie link:

Waarom kunnen we ons kernafval niet de ruimte in schieten. Van een kerncentrale komt niet meer als een zeecontainer vol radioactief afval. Lang niet meer zoveel als vroeger. Schiet het in een raket naar de zon zou ik zeggen, dat is een grote kernreactor op zichzelf. Jammer dat mensen zich zo stuk staren op fouten van vroeger. Kijk eens de serie chernobyl zou ik zeggen, als je ziet wat daar aan vooraf allemaal fout ging dan snap je dat dit tegenwoordig toch niet meer gebeurd.

Duitse energiereus RWE eist schadevergoeding van de Nederlandse staat omdat die het opwekken van elektriciteit met behulp van steenkool wil verbieden. Het bedrijf zegt daardoor 1,4 miljard euro schade te lijden


Eerst bouwen met subsidies, de kosten doorrekenen aan de klant, de winsten binnentrekken, en dan de kosten aan de staat geven !


Doen ze met kernenergie ook !

ROSATOM Starts Manufacturing Equipment for Xudapu NPP of China

ROSATOM machine-building division AEM Technology’s Volgodonsk branch has started manufacturing essential equipment for Xudapu NPP Unit 3. AEM-technology will manufacture and deliver two Generation III+ VVER-1200 reactor facilities, two sets of steam generators, reactor coolant pump set, main circulation piping bodies and two pressurizers. The total weight of the items will be about 6,000 tons. Currently, the blanks of the steam generator and reactor vessel shells have passed the incoming inspection, and the production has been started. Machining of each 92-ton shell of the nozzle area of the reactor vessel is carried out for 15 days. At the same time, preparation for anti-corrosive overlaying of the shell of the reactor core is performed. Machining of the steam generator shells, each weighing 37 tons, is carried out for 6 days. Upon the completion of machining of 16 blanks, manufacturing of the steam generator vessels will commence.

The reactor is equipment of the first safety class. It is a vertical cylindrical vessel with an elliptical head, inside of which there are internals that confine the core. At the top, the reactor is tightly closed with the cover with drives of mechanisms and reactor regulating and protecting components installed on it, and nozzles for outputting cables of the in-reactor control sensors. The steam generator is a heat exchanger that is part of a steam-generating unit. It is an item of the first safety class. The diameter of the item is more than 4 meters, its length is about 14 meters, and its weight is 340 tons. Four steam generators are manufactured for each NPP power unit.

Xudapu NPP is located in Liaoning Province, PRC. Units 3&4 are constructed according to the “NPP-2006” project and comply with the modern IAEA safety requirements. The design and construction of the facility is carried out by the ROSATOM engineering division.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
PIK Neutron Reactor Put into Energy Operation Mode

PIK neutron reactor was put into power operation at the National Research Center Kurchatov Institute in St Petersburg Institute of Nuclear Physics on February 8, the Day of Russian Science. The unique features of neutron radiation make it a universal method for interdisciplinary research in biology, materials science, medicine, the study of archaeological artefacts, etc. Neutron scattering techniques are already used in many areas of natural science, but their use in the adatomic studies and high molecular weight structures in biology, biophysics and condensed matter physics is one of the most dynamically developing. Thus, a neutron source gives science in any country a unique research tool. A mega-installation such as a neutron or synchrotron light source is designed not just for a single institute, but also for the joint use of all scientists from Russian and foreign scientific centers.

The Russian government made a decision to create an International Center for Neutron Research in the field of nuclear physics, medicine, materials science, nanobiotechnologies at the site of the Kurchatov Institute. Some of the experimental stations are being created jointly with German colleagues. The commissioning of the PIK research reactor complex will provide a significant increase in Russia’s share in the world markets for the provision of high-tech services for the use of neutron and nuclear methods in the development of new materials, products and technologies, including for biomedicine. The new complex will make it possible to carry out large-scale neutron research not only by scientists from Russia and the CIS countries, but also from other foreign countries. In today’s scientific landscape of Russia, the commissioning of the PIK reactor will further strengthen our country’s leading position in the field of megascience.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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