"" Hier financering die T&ETransport & Environment acknowledges support from the following institutions in 2021.
Transport & Environment is a non-profit organisation receiving funding in the present financial year from the Climate Imperative Foundation, The European Climate Foundation, Schwab Charitable Fund, the European Commission, Quadrature Climate Foundation, The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation, amongst other organisations.
T&E supports transparency and democracy in decision-making on all levels of society. For more information, see the Green 10 position paper on lobbying in the EU.
> € 1,000,000
Climate Imperative Foundation
European Climate Foundation
Schwab Charitable Fund
€ 500,000 < € 1,000,000
European Commission
Quadrature Climate Foundation
The Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
€ 250,000 < € 500,000
Breakthrough Energy
ClimateWorks Foundation
Hewlett Foundation
KR Foundation
National Philantropic Trust
Oak Foundation
Rockefeller Brothers Fund
€ 100,000 < € 250,000
German Ministry for Environment
Packard Foundation
Stiftung Mercator
The New Venture Fund
The Sunrise Project Australia
€ 25,000 < € 100,000
FIA Foundation
Seas at Risk
Swiss Philanthropy Foundation
<€ 25,000
T&E members and support fees
Stichting BirdLife Europe
Transport for London
For more information, please take a look at our annual reports.
European Union Transparency Register
You can find out more details about who we are, and who funds our work in our submission to the EU Transparency Register. Our registration number is 58744833263-19.
European Federation for Transport and Environment AISBL"
Hetis wel een goede werkverschaffer als je kijkt naar al die managers en policymedewerkers. Hebben we hier niet te maken met een soort onderzoek op bestelling door de EU commissie en de heer Schaben consorten? Allemaal natuurlijk zoveel mogelijk buiten directe democratische controle.
Waarom meld je de achtergrond van deze instelling niet. Door wie of wat wordt het wetenschappelijke gehalte van deze milieulobbyclub getoetst . Is dat alom universitair erkende milieu-expert ene EU commissaris Timmermans?
Groet, Jonas