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RWE & Equinor Join Hands for Energy Security & Hydrogen

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Equinor & RWE have agreed on a strategic energy partnership between their companies. The agreement includes large scale projects that will contribute to the European energy supply as well as to the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy in Germany and the EU. In addition, the partnership will strengthen the long-term security of supply of a decarbonised European power sector. The investments are contingent on the construction of a hydrogen pipeline between Norway and Germany and a German hydrogen downstream infrastructure. In anticipation of this infrastructure, Equinor and RWE propose a series of investments that would be major building blocks for European hydrogen supply and its utilization in the power sector from 2030 onwards.

Equinor has the ambition to invest in clean hydrogen to Europe projects with an initial 2 gigawatt (GW) of low-carbon (blue) hydrogen production capacity in Norway by 2030 and up to 10 gigawatts by 2038. These facilities are to feed into a pipeline to Germany, which is currently being assessed by Gassco, Equinor and third parties. Provided this pipeline is in place, Equinor will transport the blue hydrogen, which RWE will purchase and use in hydrogen-ready gas plants.

In addition to this, RWE and Equinor will collaborate in projects aimed at generating green hydrogen. Offshore wind energy is by far the most effective form of renewable power generation. Combined with electrolysers it will play an important role for the ramp-up of the hydrogen economy. In this context RWE and Equinor are planning to jointly explore possibilities for offshore production of renewable hydrogen in Norway, Germany and countries adjacent to the proposed hydrogen pipeline. Both companies are already engaged in developing AquaSector – a project in the North Sea aimed at creating a 300 MW offshore wind farm connected to offshore electrolysers that produce green hydrogen.

RWE and Equinor also plan to jointly invest in flexible hydrogen-ready gas-fired power plants in Germany with a total capacity of 3 gigawatts by 2030. Hydrogen-ready gas-fired power plants are based on technology that is available at scale to balance the fluctuating electricity generated from renewables and electricity demand.
India Unveils National Green Hydrogen Mission

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

After the Indian Government’s Cabinet approved the National Green Hydrogen Mission, India’sUnion Minister of Power and New & Renewable Energy Mr RK Singh while chairingan interaction with stakeholders informed the stakeholders that “The Mission will make India a leading producer and supplier of Green Hydrogen in the world. The Mission would result in attractive investment and business opportunities for the industry, contribute significantly to India’s efforts for decarbonization and energy independence, and also create opportunities for employment and economic development.”

The Minister further stated that the Mission will drive the development of the Green Hydrogen ecosystem in the country through an array of measures towards demand creation, strengthening the supply side while working on regulatory framework, technology and innovation to enhance affordability of green hydrogen.

The Mission targets setting up of at least 5 Million Metric Tonne per annum of green hydrogen capacity with an associated renewable energy capacity of about 125 GW by 2030. The targeted production capacity will bring over ?8 lakh crore in total investments and will result in creation of over 6 lakh clean jobs.

It was also informed that the Mission will support pilot projects in other hard-to-abate sectors like steel, long-range heavy-duty mobility, shipping, energy storage etc. for replacing fossil fuels and fossil fuel-based feedstocks with Green Hydrogen and its derivatives. The Mission will also support R&D projects and develop a robust framework for Regulations, Standards and Certification.
Vopak Focuses on Hydrogen Imports in Rotterdam with Hydrogenious

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
9 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Tank storage company Vopak and German Hydrogen Company Hydrogenious are starting a joint venture in the storage, transport and supply of hydrogen via hydrogen carrier benzyltoluene. Through LOHC Logistix, the companies are committing to building a plant in Rotterdam that can initially decouple 1.5 tonnes of hydrogen per day from this carrier.

No final decision on the investment has been made yet. This will first require, among other things, the licensing process to be completed successfully. Both parent companies have, however, committed financially to the project. In June 2022, Vopak announced that it would invest €1bn in new energy and sustainable commodities until 2030. LOHC Logistix’s ambition is to ‘take hydrogen logistics to the next level’. It does so based on the LOHC technology developed by Hydrogenious.

LOHCs (liquid organic hydrogen carriers) facilitate the transport and storage of hydrogen by binding it to a chemical compound, a hydrogen carrier such as a paste or oil. Without such a carrier, the transport of hydrogen would require a temperature of minus 253 degree Celsius. By comparison, for LNG (liquefied natural gas) this is minus 160 degree Celsius. In addition, storing hydrogen without a carrier requires tanks that can withstand extremely high pressures. When using an LOHC, this is not necessary.
Associated British Ports Trials Hydrogen Terminal Tractor in UK

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
10 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Associated British Ports is the first UK port operator to trial a hydrogen fuelled tractor in its container terminal at the Port of Immingham. The Terberg hydrogen terminal tractor has been tested at the UK’s largest port by volume of tonnage, alongside a mobile hydrogen filling station provided by Air Products. The project has been collaboration between ABP, Terberg, Air Products and the Offshore Renewable Energy Catapult.

This demonstration is a key activity in the bid to decarbonise port operations, and an important step in the creation, delivery, and use of hydrogen at the Port of Immingham. Alongside this, HII is developing market, technology, and economic assessments of hydrogen technologies to support the larger UK industry with H2 adoption.

This joint pilot project received funding from ORE Catapult through Innovate UK’s Hydrogen Innovation Initiative, following funding of initial feasibility from the Department for Transport’s Clean Maritime Demonstration Competition.

AB Ports have been a long-term customer for Terberg Special Vehicles and have operated a fleet of YT 4x2 and RT 4x4 tractors over the years in their mixed role environments. This is an exciting opportunity to explore this new groundbreaking technology in a dynamic real-world scenario.”
Indian Railways to Roll Out Hydrogen Trains for Heritage Routes

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
10 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Indias Railway Minister Mr Ashwini Vaishnaw announvced that Indian Railway will roll out hydrogen-powered trains on its narrow gauge heritage routes by December 2023, making them completely green. Indian Railways' heritage routes, which primarily run on diesel are -- Darjeeling Himalayan Railway, Nilgiri Mountain Railway, Kalka Shimla Railway, Matheran Hill Railway, Kangra Valley, Bilmora Waghai and Marwar-Devgarh Madriya. All are narrow gauge.

As a pilot project, Indian Railway is manufacturing a prototype of hydrogen fuel-based train at the Northern Railway workshop. It would be test-run on the Sonipat-Jind section in Haryana.

Worldwide, there is a bid to replace diesel-powered locomotives with hydrogen-propelled engines wherever full electrification is difficult or too expensive as it offers an emission-free, quiet alternative that can be economically competitive.
Nederland waterstofland: honderden uitvindingen hier gedaan

Updated 3 uur geleden
Vandaag, 00:01

AMSTERDAM - Waterstof is de schoonste energiedrager, maar nog is nog jaren van massale invoering verwijderd. In Nederland worden na Duitsland en Frankrijk wel de meeste nieuwe patenten voor de ontwikkeling van die technologie zonder uitstoot vastgelegd.

Deze ’groene’ variant van waterstof, gemaakt uit energie van wind- en zonneparken, is echter nog jaren van massale invoering verwijderd. Maar de waterstof gemaakt met gas zorgt als energiedrager al voor een opmars van toepassingen, ook voor nieuwe typen auto’s en grote transportsystemen, stellen het Europees Octrooibureau (EOB) en het Internationaal Energieagentschap (IEA) woensdag in een nieuwe studie.

Shell en Philips zijn met respectievelijk 63 en 22 stuks koplopers met hun in Nederland vastgelegde octrooien. Daar achter zijn hordes bedrijfjes actief, deels voortkomend uit Nederlandse universiteiten en onderzoeksinstituut TNO.

Waterstof knalt als energiebron in Nederland

Groene waterstof, een reukloos gas zonder vervuilde uitstoot, geldt in laboratoria als de heilige graal als alternatief voor fossiele brandstoffen zoals steenkolen, gas en olie. Met waterstof zou Nederland de klimaatakkoorden om in 2050 geen vervuilende uitstoot meer te hebben kunnen halen.

„Nederland is een van de grootste grijze waterstof gebruikers in Europa. Nederland doet in de kopgroep goed mee met grijze waterstof, vooral nog gemaakt met gas”, zegt ook Hyuyng-Ja de Zeeuw, analist bij Rabo Research. „We gaan naar groene waterstof, uit wind- en zonne-energie. Al staan we daar aan het begin.”

Shell steekt 1 miljard euro in de bouw van de grootste fabriek van Europa voor groene waterstof. „Hoewel grijze waterstof nog dominant is, komen de investeringen in groene waterstof in Nederland in een stroomversnelling”, zegt Olof van der Gaag, directeur van de Nederlandse Vereniging van Duurzame Energie.

Gas blijft duur: dit zijn alternatieve manieren om je huis warm te houden

De Europese Unie is wereldwijd met 28 procent koploper bij alle aanvraag van octrooien voor waterstof, en Nederland is binnen dit gebied derde. Tussen 2011 en 2020 kwam al 3 procent van alle wereldwijde octrooien uit Nederland, 283 stuks in totaal. Waterstof wordt ook gebruikt voor de aanmaak van ammoniak. Die stof gaat na enkele bewerkingen in Nederland weer als krachtige kunstmest de wereld over.

De verschuiving van grijze waterstof uit gas, naar de groene waterstof uit energie van windmolen- en zonnecelparken is ’bemoedigend’, aldus voorzitter António Campinos van het Europees Octrooibureau.

Europese landen hebben haast: ze willen liefst morgen af van al het gas van het Kremlin, dat een bloedige oorlog in Oekraïne voert. Het kabinet stelt 35 miljard euro beschikbaar om gas en olie als brandstof te vervangen. Het gaf eind vorig jaar al zeven grote Nederlandse waterstofprojecten samen 784 miljoen euro subsidie.

Gascentrale Engie voegt waterstof toe: ’Snel gaten vullen als er geen wind is’
’Amerikanen kapen met miljarden schone Europese waterstof weg’

H2B2 Electrolysis & RMG Acquisition Ink Pact for Synergy

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Leading developer and operator of green hydrogen production systems for clean energy generation H2B2 Electrolysis Technologies and publicly-traded special purpose acquisition company RMG Acquisition Corporation III have entered into a letter of intent for a potential business combination.

Under the terms of the LOI, H2B2's shareholders would continue holding substantially all of their equity in the combined public company. RMG III and H2B2 expect to announce additional details regarding the business combination when a definitive agreement is executed, which is expected before the end of the first quarter 2023.

Since its founding in 2016, H2B2 has become a key player in the green hydrogen energy sector. The company is expanding rapidly in Europe, the United States, Latin America, Asia and the Middle East and has secured a role in strategic projects. In particular, H2B2 has been selected as a participant in the IPCEI Hy2Tech (Important Projects of Common European Interest) program, through which it has been approved by the European Commission to receive up to € 25 million in public grants out of the € 5.4 billion that will be invested.
Pusan Scientists Elucidate Heat Flows in Liquid Hydrogen Tanks

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Hydrogen is widely considered as the fuel of the future. However, there are still challenges and safety limitations to improving the storage efficiency of liquefied hydrogen fuel when it comes to its large-scale, commercial transport and storage. Presently, hydrogen fuel is transported as high-pressure gas in specialized tanks. But this technique is both inefficient and poses serious safety concerns. Liquified hydrogen fuel can only be transported in cryogenic tanks, which maintain temperatures below minus 253 degree Celsius, the boiling point of hydrogen. Despite thermal insulation, the liquefied fuel in a cryotank experiences a degree of vaporization. The flow rate of vaporization is measured as Boil-Off Gas. Too high BOG can result in excess internal pressure inside the tank, leading to cracks and fissures. This makes understanding and controlling BOG a key factor in cryotank design. To address this challenge, researchers are increasingly looking at the use of liquified hydrogen fuel.

To this end, a research team, led by Professor Jong-Chun Park of Pusan National University in South Korea, has investigated how BOG varies with another critical design parameter called tank filling ratio, the ratio of the mass of liquefied fuel in the tank to the capacity of the tank at 15 degree Celsius. In study, researchers performed experiments, as well as simulations, to analyze the thermodynamic characteristics of the tank

From their experiments, the researchers found that BOG increases quadratically with FR. They also found that while the temperature within the liquid phase remained constant, the temperature of the vapor phase decreased non-linearly with FR. The researchers then performed multiphase-thermal flow simulations of the tank using computational fluid dynamics. This allowed them to easily visualize the heat transfers, thermal flows, and vaporization within the vacuum-insulated tank. "We adopted the Rohosenow's phase change model for the simulations, which allowed us to reproduce the vaporization process within the tank. From our simulations, we were finally able to reveal the mechanism of BOG as a result of vaporization," explains Prof. Park. The researchers validated their simulations using the data from the experiments conducted through collaboration with Daewoo Shipbuilding & Marine Engineering Co
H3 Dynamics Develops Hydrogen Stations for Drones & UAVs

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
11 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

H3 Dynamics is announcing the global launch of H2FIELD-1, a new hydrogen station capable of producing hydrogen in the field for unmanned aerial vehicles of all shapes, sizes and configurations. Now hydrogen-powered airships, multi-rotors, vertical take-off and landing UAS and various fixed wing systems will be able to benefit from 24/7 hydrogen supply anywhere, anytime.

H2FIELD’s rugged IP-65 trailer-based solution brings hydrogen production to different drone operation locations. It can also be dismounted as a permanent installation and connect to solar panel arrays. H3 Dynamics can supply various configurations, with slow or fast charge options down to minutes per fill - depending on client requirements. H3 Dynamics’ system is extremely compact and can produce hydrogen on site - not just dispense it from other storage forms.

For hydrogen drone operators, H2FIELD-1 solves fundamental hydrogen accessibility in remote areas, unlocking a major logistical barrier for a growing base of hydrogen drone operators in industrial, defense, or even academic sectors. The only feedstock input is water.

H3 Dynamics has been working on a first transatlantic hydrogen-electric flight using liquid hydrogen storage systems currently being tested in France with ISAE-SUPAERO in Toulouse. Last week H3 Dynamics announced its hydrogen propulsion partnership with French airship maker HyLight, and the week prior with Australian VTOL UAV producer Carbonix whose airframes are made by Quickstep - Australia’s leading aerospace composites producer.
Barren Wuffett
Nederland waterstofland: 4x innovatie met waterstof

Nederland is één van de koplopers op het gebied van waterstofinnovaties. Dit blijkt uit onderzoek van het Europees Octrooibureau en het Internationaal Energieagentschap. Hoe zien die Nederlandse vindingen er uit?

Barren Wuffett
Groenland gaat groene waterstof en ammoniak produceren op gigawattschaal

Voor de kust van Groenland verrijst een groot en ambitieus, duurzaam energieproject. Het gaat om een windmolenpark met een capaciteit van 1,5 gigawatt. De elektriciteit van het windpark wordt op locatie gebruikt om groene waterstof en ammoniak te produceren. Dat zal gebeuren op de zogeheten P2XFloater van bedrijf H2Carrier, een drijvende waterstof- en ammoniakfabriek.

Deal voor waterstofroute van Abu Dhabi naar Amsterdam

2 uur geleden

AMSTERDAM - Vier Nederlandse bedrijven hebben voor de import van grote hoeveelheden waterstof een principe-overeenkomst getekend voor levering met Masdar, dat eigendom is van het grote staatsoliebedrijf Adnoc uit Abu Dhabi.

De haven van Amsterdam en de bedrijven SkyNRG, Evos en Zenith Energy melden donderdag met Masdar uit de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten de logistiek voor opwek en transport van groene waterstof tussen de haven van Abu Dhabi en Amsterdam te gaan verkennen.
Het bedrijf Masdar, waarin naast Adnoc, investeringsfonds Mubadala en het in Nederland actieve energiebedrijf Taqa investeren, wil tegen 2030 jaar een miljoen ton waterstof per jaar produceren.

Waterstof onstuitbaar als energiedrager: ’Industrie kan veel schoner werken’

De energiedrager groene waterstof, zonder uitstoot van vuile stoffen, zou in Nederland gebruikt gaan worden voor bijvoorbeeld duurzame vliegtuigbrandstof en het bunkeren voor de scheepvaart. Tata Steel, de grootste staalmaker, hoopt daarnaast met groene waterstof veel vervuilender steenkool gaan vervangen voor al zijn productie in IJmuiden. Het heeft €65 miljoen uitgetrokken voor de voorbereiding van die waterstofproductie.

„Nederland wil graag groene waterstofcorridors ontwikkelen met grote toekomstige exportlanden als de Verenigde Arabische Emiraten. Ons land is sterk gepositioneerd om een waterstofhub te worden voor de Noordwest-Europese markt”, aldus minister van Buitenlandse Zaken Wopke Hoekstra.

De bewindsman is op bezoek in het Midden-Oosten bij de Emiraten en de grote gasleverancier Qatar om relaties te versterken. Nederland wil meer vloeibaar gemaakt gas (lng) afnemen van de organisator van het WK voetbal. Het kabinet zou ook de slechte situatie van de mensenrechten aankaarten.

Weinig hoop op gasdeal voor Hoekstra in Qatar: ’Nederland is gewoon te laat’

Amsterdam kan voor de groenewaterstofroute zijn locatie aan de kust benutten, aldus het havenbedrijf. De bedrijven zullen van daaruit ook gaan leveren aan Europese afnemers. Dat gebeurt dan via pijpleidingen - waarvan een deel bestaande gasnetwerken zou gaan - trucks en de binnenvaart. Daarvoor zijn nieuwe transportmethodes nodig, die de bedrijven hebben afgesproken te verkennen. De groene waterstof wordt als energiedrager gemaakt met elektriciteit van hernieuwbare bronnen als wind en zon. Via elektrolyse worden water en zuurstof gescheiden.

De overeenkomst betekent volgens ceo Koen Overtoom van de Amsterdamse haven dat op zijn terreinen voorbereidingen getroffen worden voor de opslag en het transport van groene waterstof. Europese landen willen die groene waterstof massaal gaan inzetten in hun industrie om snel hun uitstoot te verlagen in lijn met afspraken in klimaatakkoorden.

In de overeenkomst van donderdag is nog geen concreet investeringsbedrag genoemd.

Nederland waterstofland: honderden uitvindingen hier gedaan

In Nederland voegde in 2019 kunstmestleverancier Oci, genoteerd aan de Amterdamse beurs, een deel van zijn activiteiten in het Midden-Oosten en Afrika samen met de Adnoc, het staatsoliebedrijf uit Abu Dhabi.

Eind 2021 bracht Adnoc zijn booronderdeel naar de beurs, Adnox Drilling, wat met $1,1 miljard de grootste notering in Abu Dhabi werd.

’Tata Steel belooft baanbehoud werknemers vuile fabrieken’

Green Hydrogen Systems Delivers Electrolyser to 2 Clients

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
12 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Green Hydrogen Systems has delivered A-Series electrolyser units to two customers in December 2022. The deliveries follow successful acceptance tests and title transfers of the electrolysers. The deliveries have been made to renewable energy integrators to provide green hydrogen for seasonal electricity and maritime use.

Green Hydrogen Systems will continue to support the delivered electrolysers with on-site maintenance and remote monitoring and support as part of multi-year service agreements.

Additionally, during Q4 2022, three electrolyser orders totalling 2.25 MW for various end-use applications with delivery in 2023 were received. Green Hydrogen Systems will continue to deliver on its remaining order backlog during 2023.

Green Hydrogen Systems is a leading provider of modular electrolysers to produce green hydrogen based on renewable electricity. With a wide range of possible applications, green hydrogen plays a key role in the fundamental shift in our energy systems towards net-zero emissions by 2050. Building on more than 10 years of technology development, Green Hydrogen Systems has a commercially proven and cost-competitive pressurised alkaline electrolysis technology endorsed by leading energy companies.
PG&E & Energy Vault to Build Hydrogen Energy Storage in US

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
12 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

A leader in sustainable grid-scale energy storage solutions Energy Vault Holdings and Pacific Gas and Electric Company are partnering to deploy and operate a utility-scale battery plus green hydrogen long-duration energy storage system BH-ESS with a minimum of 293 megawatt-hours of dispatchable carbon-free energy.

The BH-ESS is designed to power downtown and the surrounding area of the Northern California City of Calistoga for a minimum of 48 hours during planned outages and potential Public Safety Power Shutoffs (PSPS), which is when the powerlines serving the surrounding area must be turned off for safety due to high wildfire risk.

The energy storage system will be owned, operated and maintained by Energy Vault while providing dispatchable power under a long-term tolling agreement with PG&E. The system’s capacity may be expanded to 700MWh, which would allow it to operate for longer without refueling, enabling further flexibility for PG&E and the City of Calistoga.

Energy Vault’s BH-ESS will replace the typical, mobile diesel generators used to energize PG&E’s Calistoga microgrid during broader grid outages. The project represents a major advance in community-scale microgrid development and a significant step toward realizing the CPUC’s vision of cleaner forms of microgrid generation.

The system is anticipated to provide carbon-free energy for the Calistoga community of more than 2,000 electric customers for a period of 48 hours with a hybrid architecture that will allow for grid forming and black start capabilities, with the potential to further expand the project’s capacity in the future up to 700MWh.

Construction is anticipated to begin in the fourth quarter of 2023 with commercial operation expected by the end of second quarter of 2024. Upon completion, this project is expected to be the first-of-its-kind and the largest utility-scale green hydrogen project in the United States.
Bakken Energy Announces Alliance with BNSF Railway

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
12 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Innovative developer of affordable clean hydrogen Bakken Energy announced that the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding with BNSF Railway to work together on the design of the Heartland Hydrogen Hub, specifically the role of railways as consumers and transporters of clean hydrogen.

BNSF Railway is one of North America’s leading freight transportation companies, with a rail network of 32,500 route miles in 28 states and three Canadian provinces. BNSF is one of the top transporters of the products and materials that help feed, clothe, supply and power communities throughout America and the world.

In collaboration with the States of North Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin and Montana, Bakken Energy is working on the design of the Heartland Hydrogen Hub, a regional clean hydrogen hub competing to obtain federal funding through the Department of Energy’s USD 7 billion Regional Clean Hydrogen Hubs program announced on September 22, 2022 as part of the larger USD 8 billion hydrogen hub program funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. The foundation of the industry-led Hub is Bakken Energy’s large scale affordable clean hydrogen production using natural gas that would otherwise be flared, including carbon capture and sequestration.
CityU Develops Novel Hydrogen Production Catalysts

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Researchers around the world are looking for ways to enhance the efficiency and lower the cost of hydrogen production, particularly by improving the catalysts involved. A research team from City University of Hong Kong has developed a new, ultra-stable hydrogen evolution reaction electrocatalyst, which is based on two-dimensional mineral gel nanosheets and does not contain any precious metals. The catalyst can be produced in large scale and can help achieve a lower hydrogen price in the future.

Electrochemical hydrogen evolution reaction is a widely used hydrogen-generation method. But commercial HER electrocatalysts are made from precious metals, which are expensive. On the other hand, single-atom catalysts have promising potential in catalytic HER applications because of their high activity, maximised atomic efficiency, and minimised catalyst usage. But the conventional fabrication process of single-atom catalysts is complicated. It generally involves introducing the targeted single-atom metal to the substrate precursor followed by thermal treatment, usually higher than 700 degree Celsius which requires a lot of energy and time.

In this regard, a research team co-led by CityU materials scientists have developed an innovative, cost-effective and energy-efficient way to produce a highly efficient HER single-atom electrocatalyst that uses precious-metal-free mineral hydrogel nanosheets as a precursor.
Ellesmere Port Hydrogen Projectto Suport Pilkington for Floatglass

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

A MISSION to create a hydrogen production hub near Ellesmere Port has announced an agreement to supply low-carbon hydrogen to a Merseyside glass manufacturer. The agreement sets Vertex up to supply Pilkington UK with hydrogen as the manufacturer continues to develop low-carbon ways of manufacturing glass.

Vertex Hydrogen, which will convert waste fuel gas and natural gas produced by Essar Stanlow into hydrogen and captured carbon dioxide, has signed a ‘Heads of Terms’ offtake agreement for low carbon hydrogen with Pilkington UK.

St Helens’ Pilkington United Kingdom Limited, part of the NSG Group, has led the flat glass sector in the switch towards low carbon fuels, completing two world-first trials of hydrogen being fired in a glass furnace.

Pilkington UK glass products help control internal building temperatures and save energy, with one type of glass having a uniquely patterned UV enhanced coating to reduce bird collisions with windows.
Associated British Ports Plans Green Energy Terminal in Immingham

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
13 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Associated British Ports is seeking to construct, operate and maintain the new green energy terminal. The proposed development of Immingham Green Energy Terminal located on the eastern side of the Port of Immingham also includes the construction and operation of a hydrogen production facility by Air Products.

The proposed development includes a new jetty with up to two berths and associated infrastructure to be used for the import and export of bulk liquids. Air Products will construct and operate a green hydrogen production facility as part of the project. We intend to submit the DCO application to the Secretary of State via the Planning Inspectorate in Summer 2023.

These proposals would create a brand-new hydrogen production facility in the heart of the Humber’s energy estuary. IGET would contribute to the Humber 2030 Vision, where the Humber Energy Board is driving forward change in our local industries, decarbonising the Humber and delivering clean energy for the future.
Memorandum of Understanding signed with four Dutch companies – Port of Amsterdam, SkyNRG, Evos Amsterdam, and Zenith Energy – related to development of green hydrogen supply chain through Amsterdam.
Green hydrogen could be used for sustainable aviation fuel, steelmaking, shipping, and wider offtake opportunities.
ABU DHABI, UAE — Masdar, one of the world’s leading clean energy companies, Port of Amsterdam, SkyNRG, Evos Amsterdam and Zenith Energy have signed a memorandum of understanding (MoU) to explore the development of a green hydrogen supply chain between Abu Dhabi and Amsterdam to support Dutch and European markets.

The MoU was signed by Mohamed Jameel Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar, Gert-Jan Nieuwenhuizen, Managing Director for the Port of Amsterdam, Maarten van Dijk, Chief Development Officer of SkyNRG, Bart van der Meer, Business Development Manager, Evos, and Ellen Ruhotas, Managing Director New Energies for Zenith Energy. The agreement was signed in the presence of HE Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, COP28 President-Designate, and Chairman of Masdar, and Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Netherlands.

HE Dr Sultan Ahmed Al Jaber, UAE Minister of Industry and Advanced Technology, COP28 President-Designate, and Chairman of Masdar, said, “This agreement builds upon the existing relationship between the UAE and the Netherlands and demonstrates our mutual commitment to exploring low- and zero-carbon energy solutions. The UAE aims to play a central role in the emerging green hydrogen economy and this partnership with the Port of Amsterdam and associated players in the green hydrogen space would help position Abu Dhabi as a key hub for green hydrogen development.”

Wopke Hoekstra, Minister of Foreign Affairs for the Netherlands, said, “”The Netherlands is keen on developing green hydrogen corridors with major future exporting countries like the UAE. Our country is well positioned to become a hydrogen hub for the Northwestern European market. I welcome the collaboration between Dutch and UAE businesses in the field of hydrogen and look forward to further intensifying the cooperation between our two countries.”

Under this MoU, the parties will join their efforts to develop a green hydrogen supply chain, focusing on production in Abu Dhabi and export to the Netherlands through the port of Amsterdam. The exported green hydrogen will be delivered to key European sectors – sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), steelmaking, and bunkering for shipping – and will also be supplied to new, emerging European offtakers, via pipeline, truck and barge. Together, the parties will explore several hydrogen transportation methods, with a focus on liquid organic hydrogen carriers and liquid hydrogen.

Mohammed Jameel Al Ramahi, Chief Executive Officer of Masdar, said, “Masdar believes green hydrogen to be a promising energy source for hard-to-abate sectors in support of global decarbonization, which is why we launched our dedicated green hydrogen business last month. We are pleased to partner with Port of Amsterdam, SkyNRG, Evos Amsterdam, and Zenith Energy to leverage our synergies in the fuel and logistics sectors to see how green hydrogen can help us achieve our shared goals for decarbonization and sustainable economic growth.”

Port of Amsterdam, the operator of Europe’s fourth-largest port, is committed to scaling up green hydrogen capabilities and is working closely with commercial parties active in its port on green hydrogen development. SkyNRG, a global leader in SAF, is developing a network of SAF production facilities that require green hydrogen as input. Zenith Energy and Evos Amsterdam are the operators of some of the most prominent blending and storage terminals in the port, with Zenith developing a liquid hydrogen supply chain, while Evos Amsterdam is working on a liquid organic hydrogen carrier supply chain.

Koen Overtoom, CEO, Port of Amsterdam, said, “We are very pleased with this new collaboration. SkyNRG, Evos and Zenith Energy are driving forces behind the hydrogen developments in the port of Amsterdam and they are key in our goal of importing at least one million tonnes of green hydrogen annually. Joining forces with a party as renowned as Masdar, will bring this goal that much closer to realization. Together, we can bring the envisioned Abu Dhabi–Amsterdam connection to fruition.”

Green hydrogen is produced with green electricity from renewables like wind or solar, in a process that separates water into oxygen and hydrogen via electrolysis. The International Renewable Energy Agency has stated that hydrogen will be an essential component of a net-zero energy system and has a key role to play in decarbonizing sectors that are difficult to electrify, such as heavy industry and long-haul transport[1]. The global green hydrogen market is projected to reach US$72 billion by 2030, while PricewaterhouseCoopers (PWC), has estimated that by 2050, hydrogen demand could be between 150 to 500 million metric tonnes per year.

Last December, Masdar announced its new shareholding structure and green hydrogen business unit, with a goal of achieving 100 GW renewable energy capacity and green hydrogen production of 1 million tonnes per annum annually by 2030. Masdar is actively involved in a number of projects related to green hydrogen production. Last year, Masdar signed agreements with leading Egyptian state-backed organizations to cooperate on the development of green hydrogen production plants in the country, targeting an electrolyzer capacity of 4 gigawatts by 2030, and output of up to 480,000 tonnes of green hydrogen per year.
Plug to Deliver 2 30 TPD Hydrogen Liquifiers to TC Energy

Strategic Research Institute
Published on :
16 Jan, 2023, 3:30 am

Leading provider of turnkey hydrogen solutions for the global green hydrogen economy Plug Power has been awarded an order to deliver two 30-tons-per-day hydrogen liquefaction systems. These 30TPD hydrogen liquefaction systems utilize a hydrogen refrigeration cycle and bring to market one of the most energy efficient designs to date.

The two hydrogen liquefiers are scheduled for delivery in Q2-Q3 2024 and will serve TC Energy facilities in North America that are not yet operational.

Liquid hydrogen has superior energy density than gaseous hydrogen, making it easier to transport and use in hard-to-decarbonize sectors. By liquifying hydrogen with Plug’s highly efficient and reliable liquefaction systems, TC Energy will achieve significant cost savings, broader distribution coverage and overall energy efficiency with minimal hardware.

Through the acquisition of Joule Processing LLC in 2022, Plug gained core competency in liquefaction systems known for their operational efficiency, flexibility and reliability. Plug’s hydrogen liquefaction system has one of the most energy-efficient designs on the market utilizing hydrogen as the refrigerant in the main liquefaction cycle. This leads to the most efficient and cost-effective product on the market. In addition to bringing this system to market, Plug is also utilizing the systems in its nationwide network of green hydrogen generation plants including Texas, California and other locations.
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