En welke gevolgen dat dan weer heeft voor de wereld economie, waarderingen en vermogens van mensen........... bbrrrrrrrrr.
· Stock Tax May Reduce Volume 90%, Interactive Brokers CEO Says -- Taxing equity trades may reduce U.S. stock market volume by 90
percent, Interactive Brokers Group Inc. Chief Executive Officer Thomas Peterffy said. A transaction tax was first discussed in February and
revived in December, when Iowa Senator Tom Harkin and Oregon Representative Peter DeFazio said it is the “most painless way” to fund
the government’s deficit and curb speculation. French President Nicolas Sarkozy said Jan. 27 that a European debate on the subject is
unavoidable. “The mother of all creators of havoc onWall Street is this looming transaction tax,” said Peterffy, who is also president of the
brokerage and automated market-making company, in an interview yesterday. Interactive Brokers is based in Greenwich, Connecticut.
“Trading volumes would plunge by about 90 percent, markets would become illiquid and tens of thousands of people would lose their jobs.”
Sending a fee to the government for every transaction would hurt asset managers, brokerages and so-called high-frequency traders, a
group that accounts for 61 percent of volume, according to New York-based research firm Tabb Group LLC. Interactive Brokers handles
about one-seventh of U.S. options that change hands. (BN)