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bodemvisser50 schreef op 16 november 2014 12:55:

B B Ik wens je ook alle geluk toe. Zowel goud als zilver kunnen in mum van tijd verdubbelen of meer. Kan ook nog zakken. De meeste specialisten zeggen GEDULD HEBBEN. Kan opwaarts gaan als het niemand verwacht dus volhouden.
Ik geloof zelf niet dat de meerderheid van de bevolking voor het referendum is, en als het wel zo is, dan zal de centrale bank van Zwitserland wel een stokje voor steken.

Maar de publiciteit over het referendum heeft een veel grotere impact.
Goud, goudreserves en goud repatriatie zijn hot items.

De stijgingen van de afgelopen 2 vrijdagen kwamen voornamelijk door positieve manipulatie en minder door het referendum (denk ik).
Beide stijgingen waren expres tijdens de Amerikaanse handelsuren om te laten zien dat "ze" de goudprijs kunnen laten stijgen als "ze" willen.

New Elephant in the room and it's bigger than the FED.

Wij gaan veel geld verdienen! (soon, very soon!)
Als "ze" de prijs kunnen laten stijgen en "ze" de prijs kunnen laten dalen, hoe gaan wij dan geld verdienen met al die olifanten in de kamer?

B_B schreef op 31 oktober 2014 14:16:

Ik kan niet tegen mijn (papieren) verlies.
Ik wil minimaal 100 dollar stijging in 1 maand.
1300 volgende week
Vermoedelijk eerst naar 950 om daar uit te bodemen. Lijkt me wiedes gezien de wil van GS. Doe er je voordeel mee, en tracht vooral niet slimmer te wezen dan marktbepalende partijen...
PRECIOUS-Gold down in volatile trade; Swiss referendum support weakens
Wed Nov 19, 2014 12:44pm EST
By Frank Tang and Jan Harvey

Nov 19 (Reuters) - Gold fell in choppy trade on Wednesday after a poll showed weaker support among Swiss voters for a referendum that would force the central bank to boost its gold reserves.

The metal's price slid as much as 1.8 percent after the opinion poll showed support for the Swiss gold proposal slipped to 38 percent from 44 percent in October.

Under the proposal, the Swiss National Bank (SNB) would be banned from selling any of its gold reserves and would have to hold at least 20 percent of its assets in the metal, compared with 7.8 percent last month.

"The fact that the poll for the Swiss Gold Referendum fell short of majority may have aided the market's sell-off," said Carlos Sanchez, director of commodities and asset management at CPM Group in New York.

"Gold has been on a long-term downward trend and it's much easier to sell into any weakness," Sanchez said.

Gold prices later pared losses to trade slightly lower. While the reason for bullion's reversal was not immediately clear, analysts said that its earlier sell-off was overdone.

Spot gold was down 0.3 percent at $1,193.15 an ounce by 12:31 p.m. EST (1731 GMT), off a low of $1,175.50.

U.S. COMEX gold futures for December delivery were down $3.60 an ounce at $1,193.50.

On Tuesday, gold peaked at $1,204.70, its highest since Oct. 30. This month, it slid to a 4-1/2 year low of $1,131.85.

Trade was volatile as jittery traders awaited Federal Reserve minutes, which will be scoured for clues on when the Fed will raise U.S. rates, a move that could reduce demand for non-interest-bearing gold.
November 19, 2014
Insider Exposes Shocking Truth On German Gold Repatriation

Today the original architect of Germany’s gold repatriation movement stunned King World News with the truth about what is really happening with the effort to get Germany’s gold back onto German soil. What he had to say will surprise readers around the world.

B_B schreef op 17 november 2014 01:26:


De stijgingen van de afgelopen 2 vrijdagen kwamen voornamelijk door positieve manipulatie en minder door het referendum (denk ik).

Morgen is weer vrijdag.
Wordt het een trend?

B_B schreef op 17 november 2014 01:26:


Ik geloof zelf niet dat de meerderheid van de bevolking voor het referendum is, en als het wel zo is, dan zal de centrale bank van Zwitserland wel een stokje voor steken.

Maar de publiciteit over het referendum heeft een veel grotere impact.
Goud, goudreserves en goud repatriatie zijn hot items.

Was GLD Gold Moved To The Dutch Central Bank?
November 21, 2014

In a move that is much more significant and relevant than the Chinese interest rate cut news, it was revealed that Netherland’s Central Bank repatriated 120 tonnes of gold this year. The move was accounted for as a transfer of gold from the NY Fed to De Nederlandsche Bank (DNB). I say “accounted for” because I believe it is highly likely that the physical transfer took place from the GLD custodial vaults to the DNB. Here’s the article: LINK.

I think this also explains the 33 tonnes of gold that the U.S. military airlifted out of Ukraine: Original Source – Translated Version. (“Jesse” of Jesse’s Cafe Americain reminded about the Ukraine gold)

Recall that the Fed, together with Germany’s Bundesbank, explained that it would take 7 years to move 300 tonnes of gold from NY to Germany because it was complicated and expensive. As we know, that was a glaringly transparent cover story for: “the Fed does not have 300 tonnes to ship back to Germany and it will take 7 years to buy and move that amount of gold without driving up the world price of gold.”

Why do I make this assertion? This is from the link above: “In total, 120 tonnes of gold valued at €4bn has been brought back to the Netherlands by ship, Nos television said.”

So, why was the DNB able to move 120 tonnes in a matter of months but it will take 7 years to move 300 tonnes to Germany?

I think we all know the answer to that question, which is why I make the assertion that the bars shipped to the DNB came from GLD

On March 21, GLD had 821 tonnes of gold. Currently it has 720 tonnes. Given what we know about the failure of the Fed to send Germany any gold other than 5 tonnes of miscellaneous scrap, and given that it appears as if Germany has abandoned its efforts to have any part of 300 tonnes of gold moved from NY to Germany (other than the 5 tonnes of crap), it is highly likely that the 100 tonnes removed from GLD since March has been moved to Amsterdam. I’m sure the balance was the gold airlifted by the U.S. from Ukraine.

The ONLY way gold is removed from GLD is if one of the Approved Participant bullion banks accumulated 100,000 share “baskets” and redeems the baskets for bars. It’s the only way. Even a big investor must transfer its shares to the bullion bank in order to execute the transaction. And it says right in the Prospectus that the Trustee can deny the investor’s request for reasons that are not clear.

Whether or not my theory is accurate, I would bet my dog’s life that the 120 tonnes that the DNB received this year into its vaults unequivocally did not come from the NY Fed vaults.

Keek op de week voor goud.
Avi Gilburt, ElliottWaveTrader.net via Seeking Alpha; What Does The Year 1941 And Gold Have In Common?


Can the GLD 10th anniversary mean something?
What do we mean by "tracking sentiment?".
Upcoming expectations.

Is COMEX Being Cornered?
Author : Bill Holter
Published: November 24th, 2014
I have never written “this is my most important writing ever!” but that day has now come. So many events have all aligned at once which point to something very bad happening, very soon. In fact, “very soon” could be as soon as the Monday following this Thanksgiving. We saw many different events unfold over this past week which I believe are all connected in one way or another, I will try to connect them for you. That said, please understand that we are and have been in a financial war for many years now. This “war” is one between the East and West where the West’s paper financial system which has been in control for so many years is seeing its power wane. It is this “wane” of the West versus the rise of the East that I believe is now, finally coming to head.

If you recall, we had two Fridays in a row where gold and silver prices were smashed early in the overnight hours and into the morning, only to turn around violently and close very strongly for the day and the week. This action is called an “outside reversal day” which over the years has been an extremely rare event in the precious metals. It has been rare in precious metals because it was not “allowed.” When I say “allowed,” please remember that COMEX is a paper exchange where possessing metal is not necessary to sell gold or silver. All you have to have is “money” to post as margin and you are allowed to sell as many contracts as you have margin for. There are “limits” to how many contracts one can buy or hold, these limits do not seem to have been enforced on the sell side …JP Morgan’s short position in silver as an example.

So we had two outside reversal Fridays in a row, this was followed by the action this past Wednesday. 80 tons of gold was sold over a 15 minute timespan which knocked gold down $20 in the blink of an eye.
80 tons! Let me put this in perspective. 80 tons is equal to two weeks’ worth of global gold production …sold in just 15 minutes! This is nearly 2.8 million ounces. The interesting thing is COMEX only claims to have 865,000 ounces of gold available for delivery so more than 3 times the amount of ounces were sold in 15 minutes than is even claimed as available for delivery! What followed however was the real stunner, very shortly afterward gold dug in its heels and started to recover …recover to unchange in price! Do you see the importance here? Though this was not another outside reversal day, it may have been even more important. The “paper” market absorbed two weeks’ worth of production in just 15 minutes without breaking! I’ll get back to this shortly and tie it in to the rest.
This coming Friday is the 1st notice day for both Dec. COMEX gold and silver contracts. COMEX in my opinion has a potentially huge problem where a default in both contracts is a distinct possibility! As of this past Friday, 61,763 contracts still open, this represents 308 million ounces of silver. The COMEX claims a registered (deliverable) inventory of just under 65 million ounces. With only four days left there are roughly 5 silver ounces contracted for every one ounce available!

The situation in gold has quietly become much worse than silver, there were 162,509 Dec. gold contracts open which represent over 16 million ounces of gold. The “registered” (deliverable) category at the COMEX inventory shows only 868,910 available to deliver! Do you see the problem here? There are only 4 days left until this contract goes into the delivery process, yet there are 20 ounces contracted for each ounce available! I have one other amusing thought for you, remember the 80 tons sold in 15 minutes last Wednesday? This was almost 2.8 million ounces compared to a deliverable inventory of just 869,000 ounces, in my opinion, “FRAUDULENT” in capital letters!

Yes I understand, there are still four days left for the open interest to bleed down and roll out to the next contract month but we now stand in totally uncharted territory. Never in the past has this much open interest been still outstanding with deliverable inventory as low as it is. It is also astounding that total open interest could have risen to these levels while the price dropped. For open interest to increase and the price to drop, the “initiation” to the opening of contracts has obviously been done by sellers. This is exactly what I have been saying all along, the dropping price has been dictated by paper sales of COMEX contracts …but now there is a problem. So much paper has been sold to dictate the price that the contracts outstanding simply dwarf the available metal to deliver. Put another way, COMEX gold and silver look like they have been cornered! Let me rephrase this, COMEX gold and silver are now “very cornerable.” We will know shortly if this is true and “who” did the cornering. I suspect we will find out that this has been a Chinese/Russian hand holding consortium and one that was carefully planned and done within legal bounds. I think we will find out they in fact did play by the West’s rules and it was the “sellers” of nonexistent metal who fell into their own price fixing trap. It has been a financial war, one that was declared by the West and looks to have been possibly won by the East.
Maarten Verheyen via icontactmail1.com

14:52 (19 uur geleden)

aan mij
Wie vannacht de goudprijs volgde, kreeg het volgende op zijn scherm:

Algo's draaien door

De goudprijs ging op een half uur meer dan $250 hoger!

Vooraleer je te enthousiast wordt: niet veel later noteerde de prijs weer $1200 per ounce.

Wat was er gebeurd?

Niemand die het weet. Paar algo's die doordraaien? Mogelijk.

Al mag niemand verrast zijn wanneer hij op een dag wakker wordt en de goudprijs effectief flink hoger noteert.

En geen $250, maar misschien wel $1.000 ... $2.000 ... of zelfs $4.000 hoger.

Dat is immers wat er gebeurde in 1933 toen de goudprjis op één dag van $20,67 per ounce naar $35 per ounce ging.

Het was een beslissing van Franklin Roosevelt om de goudprijs te herwaarderen en hij trok op deze manier met één pennentrek het land uit de Grote Depressie.

De herwaardering van de goudprijs, komt immers neer op een devaluatie van de dollar.

De bestaande schulden kunnen op deze manier afgelost worden met goedkopere dollars en dat maakt de schulden lichter.

Dit is de zogenaamde "reset" waar je wel eens over hoort spreken.

Er is simpelweg geen andere optie meer. Centrale banken hebben de rente verlaagd tot nul, zijn massaal obligaties gaan kopen, ... maar het heeft allemaal relatief weinig effect gehad.

Bij een volgende crisis zit er maar één kogel meer in de cilinder en dat is de herwaardering van goud.

Waarom denk je dat diverse centrale banken hun goud richting thuisland halen?

Ze weten dat goud straks een belangrijke rol krijgt.

Heeft goud al een belangrijke rol in jouw portefeuille?

Dan is dit wellicht een goed moment om enkele gouden (en zilveren munten) aan te kopen.

Als het over munten gaat, heb ik een voorkeur voor Krugerrands.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 27 november 2014 09:57:

Maarten Verheyen via icontactmail1.com

14:52 (19 uur geleden)

aan mij
Wie vannacht de goudprijs volgde, kreeg het volgende op zijn scherm:

Algo's draaien door

De goudprijs ging op een half uur meer dan $250 hoger!

Vooraleer je te enthousiast wordt: niet veel later noteerde de prijs weer $1200 per ounce.

Wat was er gebeurd?

Niemand die het weet. Paar algo's die doordraaien? Mogelijk.

Al mag niemand verrast zijn wanneer hij op een dag wakker wordt en de goudprijs effectief flink hoger noteert.

En geen $250, maar misschien wel $1.000 ... $2.000 ... of zelfs $4.000 hoger.

Dat is immers wat er gebeurde in 1933 toen de goudprjis op één dag van $20,67 per ounce naar $35 per ounce ging.

Het was een beslissing van Franklin Roosevelt om de goudprijs te herwaarderen en hij trok op deze manier met één pennentrek het land uit de Grote Depressie.

De herwaardering van de goudprijs, komt immers neer op een devaluatie van de dollar.

De bestaande schulden kunnen op deze manier afgelost worden met goedkopere dollars en dat maakt de schulden lichter.

Dit is de zogenaamde "reset" waar je wel eens over hoort spreken.

Er is simpelweg geen andere optie meer. Centrale banken hebben de rente verlaagd tot nul, zijn massaal obligaties gaan kopen, ... maar het heeft allemaal relatief weinig effect gehad.

Bij een volgende crisis zit er maar één kogel meer in de cilinder en dat is de herwaardering van goud.

Waarom denk je dat diverse centrale banken hun goud richting thuisland halen?

Ze weten dat goud straks een belangrijke rol krijgt.

Heeft goud al een belangrijke rol in jouw portefeuille?

Dan is dit wellicht een goed moment om enkele gouden (en zilveren munten) aan te kopen.

Als het over munten gaat, heb ik een voorkeur voor Krugerrands.
Waar koop jij de Krugerrands Z.R. ?
Het wordt over niet al te lange tijd denk ik meer een kwestie van wat je nog krijgen kunt; geen Maples of Eagles, dan maar Krugerrands, Wiener Philarmoniker of onze eigen tientjes, dan wordt het echt schrapen ...
Keek op de week voor goud.
Avi Gilburt, ElliottWaveTrader.net via Seeking Alpha; Let's Give Thanks For Gold Being On Sale


Investors should be viewing gold as "on sale".
Most recent bullish "catalysts" discussed.
Upcoming week's expectations.


B_B schreef op 14 november 2014 22:11:


Silverbull 15 okt 2014 om 19:01
Zwitserland houdt eind november referendum over goudvoorraad. Als er een ja uitkomt moeten ze 1500 ton goud kopen. thebullionhouse.nl/goud-prijs/goudvoo...

Referendum is op 30 november.

Ik denk dat u minimaal 20% winst maakt, maar ik hoop dat u uw 48000 euro verdubbelt.
Ik heb alvast 20 % genomen op 48000 aandelen in MEEwens mining (MUX) op 1.51 USD en nu terug ingestapt gisteren op 1.29 USD. Heb er het volle vertouwen in nu Rusland Europa en de US volledig zullen laten vallen en samenwerken met China, nu op deze moment grootste econmie ter wereld.
Wacht nu af tot op het gepaste moment de jackpot te nemen. BB doe het goed.
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