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De Bandiet schreef:

Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Royal Dutch Shell heeft woensdag 800.000 eigen aandelen A ingekocht. Dat heeft het Brits-Nederlandse olieconcern 's avonds bekendgemaakt.

In totaal werden in Amsterdam 600.000 aandelen gekocht voor EUR 27,58 per aandeel. Daarnaast heeft Shell in Londen 200.000 aandelen ingekocht tegen een prijs van 1.849,49 pence per aandeel. Al deze stukken worden ingetrokken.

Na het intrekken van de aandelen bedraagt het aantal uitstaande aandelen A van Royal Dutch Shell 3.716.960.000. Per 8 november staan nog 2.759.360.000 aandelen B uit.

Dit is niet echt nieuws te noemen. Keurig Excell sheetje is te vinden in de investors afdeling op
Vorige week heeft shell ook al 650.000 eigen aandelen RDS A gekocht. Dit heeft een positieve invloed op de koers. Maar wat is het doel van Shell om deze eigen aandelen terug te kopen? Ik ben een jonge (21jarige) beginnend belegger, en zou graag hier iets meer uitleg over krijgen. Wat is jullie visie voor de toekomst van RDS?
En gisteren ook weer 700.000 aandelen.

Doel is om meerwaarde te creeren voor de aandeelhouders. Er komen door inkoop van eigen aandelen immers minder aandelen op de markt waardoor de koers kan aantrekken. De vraag / aanbod verhouding verandert.

Rkosse85 schreef:

Vorige week heeft shell ook al 650.000 eigen aandelen RDS A gekocht. Dit heeft een positieve invloed op de koers. Maar wat is het doel van Shell om deze eigen aandelen terug te kopen? Ik ben een jonge (21jarige) beginnend belegger, en zou graag hier iets meer uitleg over krijgen. Wat is jullie visie voor de toekomst van RDS?
ten eerste heeft shell geld te veel waarvoor ze niet direct opportuniteiten voor ziet
ten tweede winst shell blijft dezelfde na de inkoop (en vernietiging) van eigen aandelen dus de winst moet verdeeld worden over minder aandelen. Dus bij een gelijkblijvende K/W verhouding gaat de koers omhoog. Shell zou ook een hoger dividend kunnen uitbetalen maar men wil deze dividenduitkeringen rustig laten stijgen zonder deze ooit te verlagen. De aankoop van eigen aandelen kan men wel gemakkelijker verlagen over de jaren heen.
Bedankt rijke duivel. Best slim van Shell dus om eigen aandelen in te kopen. De aandeelhouders worden beloond, zonder dat het Shell veel geld kost.
Ah, maar je kunt je ook afvragen welk signaal RDS afgeeft door aandelen in te kopen in plaats van dit geld te investeren en op die manier aandeelhouderswaarde te creeren....

ioperry00 schreef:

Ah, maar je kunt je ook afvragen welk signaal RDS afgeeft door aandelen in te kopen in plaats van dit geld te investeren en op die manier aandeelhouderswaarde te creeren....
Tja maar shell investeerd dit jaar 7 miljard dollar dacht ik. Tel ze maar op de bedrijven op Euronext die jaar na jaar zoveel investeren. Ik weet ook wel dat olie een kapitaalsintensieve sector is maar toch. Shell en alle grote majors hebben in het verleden de vraag naar olie verkeerd ingeschat. Niemand had de vraagschock vanuit de BRIC landen verwacht. Gevolg daarvan is (bijna)ondercapaciteit. Nu lijkt men de andere richting uit te gaan. Investeren, investeren... Kosten voor de ontwikkeling van projecten worden de hoogte ingejaagd (kijk maar naar Sachalin). Eigenlijk versterkt dat hele BRIC verhaal deze kringredenering. Maar als er over enkele jaren overproductie is valt de pudding in elkaar. Cyclus noemt men dit :-) Mgmt van Shell heeft aangegeven niet ten koste van alles te willen investeren. Dat is ook wat je van MGMT moet verwachten. Zij zitten met hun neus op de facts and figures. Op het einde van het boekjaar is het aan de aandeelhouder om te beslissen of zij bekwaam zijn. Dit MGMT heeft een uitgesproken mening omtrent investeringen. Enkel de tijd zal bepalen of ze gelijk hebben. Aan de belegger om er geld mee te verdienen. Want aan slecht MGMT kan je ook verdienen. Kwestie van posities om te draaien. Cowboy of hoe heet die man (postte hier de laatste tijd veel straffe verhalen) dacht er anders over maar heeft zijn broek eraan gescheurd indien hij een belegger van zijn woord is...anders is het maar een simpele ziel die denkt dat hij plezant uit de hoek moet komen. Ik ben long in shell. Geloof in MGMT en vooral waardering tov peers en tov andere sectoren is "aanvaardbaar". Af en toe maak ik met turbo's een ritje naar boven en beneden mee binnen de bandbreedte waarin shell zich beweegt. En beneden koop ik altijd wat bij. Alleen heb ik nu turbos gekocht want ik weet niet goed wat te denken van sachalin ok de KT. Op LT blijf ik long en vandaar positie. En maar rijker worden hé!
Gazprom zet Shell in de wacht
Gazprom wil niet verder onderhandelen met Shell over deelname aan het Sachalin II-project, voordat het consortium de problemen met het Kremlin heeft opgelost. Gazprom wacht de uitkomst van de gesprekken tussen Shell en het Kremlin af. Tachtig procent van het project is inmiddels gereed. Gazprom is voor de helft eigendom van de Russische regering, maar volgens de vice-topman krijgt Gazprom geen enkel instructie vanuit Moskou, noch enige druk. (Tel, p.21)
RTRS-Olieprijs op laagste niveau sinds jaar
NEW YORK (ANP) - De olieprijs kelderde donderdag met 4,6
procent naar het laagste punt sinds een jaar. Volgens handelaren
was dat het gevolg van oplopende olievoorraden en de verwachting
dat de Verenigde Staten een milde winter tegemoet gaan.

Een vat Amerikaanse olie (159 liter) daalde 2,71 dollar naar
56,05 dollar. Dat was het laagste punt sinds november vorig
jaar. Brent-olie uit de Noordzee werd ruim 3 dollar goedkoper
tot 58,54 dollar.

((ANP Redactie Economie, email economie(at), +31 20
504 5999))
(Euronext Paris) - Technip awarded Spar hull and mooring contract for the Shell Perdido Regional Host Project In the Gulf of Mexico
(17/11/06 09:58 CET)

Technip has been awarded a contract by Shell Offshore Inc. to provide the engineering, procurement and construction (EPC) of a Spar(1) hull and mooring system for the Perdido Regional Host Project. This project is located in the Gulf of Mexico, approximately 200 miles south of Freeport (Texas). Moored in about 8,000 feet of water, the record breaking Spar will be the deepest spar production facility in the world and the first with DVA (direct vertical access), which will reduce the drilling cost, simplify workovers and facilitate access to subsea equipment. First production from Perdido is expected around the turn of the decade, with the facility capable of handling 130,000 boe/d.

'Shell zet wellicht Franse activiteiten in de etalage'20 nov 2006, 07:58 uur
Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Shell verkoopt wellicht een deel van zijn Franse olie-activiteiten voor een bedrag dat kan oplopen naar USD 4 miljard. Dat schreef The Business afgelopen weekend, zonder bronnen te noemen.

Als begeleidende banken zou Shell JP Morgan Chase of Citigroup hebben ingeschakeld, aldus The Business. Het zou gaan om de verkoop van minstens een van de drie raffinaderijen.

The Business sluit ook een verkoop van de Franse LPG-tak, tegen een waarde van USD 2 miljard, niet uit. Deze tak is geassocieerd aan de olie-activiteiten.

(c) BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710 1875)

Brazil: Shell and partners announce start of development of BC-10 block
in 11/21/2006
Source: Bastos Tigre Release

Shell Brasil Ltda. announced today the signature of the first contracts for the development of the Ostra, Abalone and Argonauta fields in block BC-10, in deep water off the shore of the State of Espírito Santo. BC-10 is located approximately 120 kilometers from the city of Vitória, at a water level from 1,500 to 2,000 meters in depth.

The BC-10 development project will be carried out in phases. The first phase involves the development of three fields and the second will be focused on a fourth field. The contracts signed for the first phase include the chartering of the FPSO (floating production, storage and transfer unit) with a processing capacity of 100,000 barrels of oil per day and the contracting of a drilling ship for drilling the 10 wells initially scheduled.

The National Petroleum Agency (ANP) approved the plans for development in phases in the beginning of October. The project includes the utilization of underwater wells and manifolds, with each field connected to a FPSO which will be anchored and located at the center of the area of the fields, at a depth of 1,780 meters. Production is expected to begin at the turn of the decade. Shell has a 50% share in the consortium and is the operator of the project, with Petrobras (35%) and ONGC (15%) as partners. Shell and its partners declared the fields´ commercial feasibility to the ANP in December 2005.

“The development of BC-10 is an important milestone in the commercialization of heavy oil in Brazil”, said the Shell Executive Vice President for the Exploration and Production Area for the Americas. “This is an important step toward Shell´s objective of increasing production and establishing a strong significant presence in the E&P area in Brazil. Shell and its partners have invested in a constant way in exploration, in evaluation and in the technological development necessary for the development of BC-10. We will continue to work toward starting production in this challenging project”, he declared.

The development of BC-10 will be the first with separation of oil and gas and underwater pumping. Underwater lifting with high pressure electric pumps installed internally in pipes on the ocean bed and horizontal wells will also be used in the development of the fields. The FPSO, which will have a double hull, includes in its design systems for generation of power and heat, which will be necessary for the pumping and processing of the heavy oil.

Other contracts will be signed in the coming months and include systems for underwater production and artificial lifting.

Grote deal Shell in Kazachstan
Royal Dutch Shell staat op het punt deel te nemen aan een nieuw, groot project in Kazachstan. De energieminister van dat land meldde dat woensdag. Aan het eind van het jaar zouden de gesprekken tussen RDS en het nationale gasbedrijf KazMuniaGas zijn afgerond. Het zou gaan om de ontwikkeling van een enorm gas- en olieveld, 75 kilometer uit de kust van de Kaspische Zee: 11 miljard vaten olie en 116 miljard m3 aardgas.
bovenstaand project word dan mogelijk bekostigt door onderstaande verkoop?
Shell zet wellicht Franse activiteiten in de etalage'

Amsterdam (BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS) - Shell verkoopt wellicht een deel van zijn Franse olie-activiteiten voor een bedrag dat kan oplopen naar USD 4 miljard. Dat schreef The Business afgelopen weekend, zonder bronnen te noemen.

Als begeleidende banken zou Shell JP Morgan Chase of Citigroup hebben ingeschakeld, aldus The Business. Het zou gaan om de verkoop van minstens een van de drie raffinaderijen.

The Business sluit ook een verkoop van de Franse LPG-tak, tegen een waarde van USD 2 miljard, niet uit. Deze tak is geassocieerd aan de olie-activiteiten.

(c) BETTEN BEURSMEDIA NEWS (tel: +31 20 710 1756; fax: +31 20 710 1875
Shell seeks "clear signal" it is welcome in Russia
Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:35 PM GMT

By Christian Lowe

HELSINKI, Nov 23 (Reuters) - The head of Royal Dutch Shell <RDSa.L> in Russia on Thursday demanded an end to months of sniping and threats by Kremlin-backed officials. "We would like to hear clear signals that international oil companies continue to be welcome in Russia," Chris Finlayson told a business conference in Helsinki, where Russian President Vladimir Putin and European Union leaders will meet on Friday.

Russia's Natural Resources Ministry and the state agencies for environmental and technical compliance, which all have the power to delay or derail projects, have aimed their toughest rhetoric at the Sakhalin-2 project off Russia's Pacific coast, which Shell leads.

Projects run by other firms such as Exxon Mobil <XOM.N> and BP Plc <BP.L> have also been threatened, but Shell's case grew into a political row that drew complaints and demands for explanation from Brussels, London and The Hague.

Many analysts see the campaign against Shell as part of a wider Kremlin drive to increase state control over the lucrative energy sector.

Shell stepped into the firing line last year when it doubled its cost estimate for the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas scheme to $22 billion, infuriating Russia, which will now have to wait much longer to see returns from the project.

"Recently there have been a lot of discussions about what Russia gets from Shell's Sakhalin project and whether the deal is fair for Russia," Finlayson said.

"We believe that, despite the increase in costs, the project is still highly beneficial to Russia."

The cost increase triggered protracted negotiations with the government, which has to approve the change under the terms of the production sharing agreement governing Sakhalin-2.

It also threw a spanner in the works of an asset swap deal that would have brought Russian gas monopoly Gazprom <GAZP.MM> into Sakhalin-2 as a 25 percent shareholder.

With the value of the project lessened, Gazprom may now demand a greater stake, taking some equity from Shell's partners Mitsui <8031.T> and Mitsubishi <8058.T> as well as 25 percent from Shell's holding of 55 percent.

"We very much look forward to welcoming Gazprom to the project as a leading shareholder," Finlayson said.

Asked by Reuters to elaborate, he said: "There's been no change from the position we've stated elsewhere."
Shell Posts Lower Pre-tax Profit

KUALA LUMPUR, Nov 23 (Bernama) -- Shell Refining Co (Federation of Malaya) Bhd pre-tax profit for the third quarter ended Sept 30, 2006 fell to RM93.87 million from RM207.65 million recorded in the same quarter of 2005.

Revenue, however, rose to RM3.04 billion from RM2.51 billion.

In a statement to Bursa Malaysia, Shell Refining chairman, Saw Choo Boon, said the group's financial results were satisfactory despite the 55 percent fall as compared to the net income after tax of RM150 million recorded in the same quarter last year.

"This was mainly due to the stockholding loss incurred in the third quarter of 2006 from declining oil prices," he said.

He said in line with the company's dividend strategy announced on Nov 28, 2005, the company has met its commitment to pay a quarterly special interim dividend for at least four quarters.

"However, in light of current pressure on refining margins, the board has resolved not to declare a special interim dividend for the third quarter," he said.

Saw said the refinery successfully processed 10.1 million barrels of crude oil and feedstock and sold 10 million barrels of products during the quarter due to world-class plant reliability and utilisation.

He said for the remainder of the year, refining margins were expected to be under pressure.

Shell Refining's financial results are primarily influenced by both refining margins and the movement in oil prices, given the stock accounting practice adopted by the company.



mellow gold schreef:

Shell seeks "clear signal" it is welcome in Russia
Thu Nov 23, 2006 12:35 PM GMT

By Christian Lowe

HELSINKI, Nov 23 (Reuters) - The head of Royal Dutch Shell <RDSa.L> in Russia on Thursday demanded an end to months of sniping and threats by Kremlin-backed officials. "We would like to hear clear signals that international oil companies continue to be welcome in Russia," Chris Finlayson told a business conference in Helsinki, where Russian President Vladimir Putin and European Union leaders will meet on Friday.

Russia's Natural Resources Ministry and the state agencies for environmental and technical compliance, which all have the power to delay or derail projects, have aimed their toughest rhetoric at the Sakhalin-2 project off Russia's Pacific coast, which Shell leads.

Projects run by other firms such as Exxon Mobil <XOM.N> and BP Plc <BP.L> have also been threatened, but Shell's case grew into a political row that drew complaints and demands for explanation from Brussels, London and The Hague.

Many analysts see the campaign against Shell as part of a wider Kremlin drive to increase state control over the lucrative energy sector.

Shell stepped into the firing line last year when it doubled its cost estimate for the Sakhalin-2 oil and gas scheme to $22 billion, infuriating Russia, which will now have to wait much longer to see returns from the project.

"Recently there have been a lot of discussions about what Russia gets from Shell's Sakhalin project and whether the deal is fair for Russia," Finlayson said.

"We believe that, despite the increase in costs, the project is still highly beneficial to Russia."

The cost increase triggered protracted negotiations with the government, which has to approve the change under the terms of the production sharing agreement governing Sakhalin-2.

It also threw a spanner in the works of an asset swap deal that would have brought Russian gas monopoly Gazprom <GAZP.MM> into Sakhalin-2 as a 25 percent shareholder.

With the value of the project lessened, Gazprom may now demand a greater stake, taking some equity from Shell's partners Mitsui <8031.T> and Mitsubishi <8058.T> as well as 25 percent from Shell's holding of 55 percent.

"We very much look forward to welcoming Gazprom to the project as a leading shareholder," Finlayson said.

Asked by Reuters to elaborate, he said: "There's been no change from the position we've stated elsewhere."

Dus morgen beslist rusland over het Sakhalin 2 prject? Eindelijk weer wat nieuws over Shell. Behalve de inkoop van eigen aandelen.
Shell Canada Increases Investments in 2007 Plan

24.11.2006 10:01
Shell Canada announced today $4 billion investment plan for 2007, nearly 50 per cent higher than the 2006 plan.

The plan will include more than $3.6 billion of capital expenditures and almost $400 million of related exploration and pre-development expenses that will deliver profitability and growth now and into the future.

It supports the company's growth in unconventional oil and gas while maintaining the leadership position of our Oil Products business," said Clive Mather, President and CEO, Shell Canada Limited.
Russian senator says Shell's Sakhalin-2 to proceed
Fri Nov 24, 2006 4:11 PM GMT

MOSCOW, Nov 24 (Reuters) - Royal Dutch Shell's <RDSa.L> giant Sakhalin-2 project will go ahead, a Russian senator said on Friday, reacting to attempts by the state environmental watchdog to revoke the venture's licences on ecological grounds.

Nikolai Kosarev, deputy head of the natural resources and environment commission at the Federation Council, the upper house of parliament, said the situation should not be overdramatised and some ecological violations were "a working process".

"This project has already given a lot both to Russia and Sakhalin. This is a unique project designed to be run for a long period," Kosarev told reporters after a group of senators visited the project's facilities in Sakhalin last week.

Russia's natural resources ministry requested a federal agency last week to revoke 19 water-use licences issued to the oil and gas project's operator Sakhalin Energy, citing cases of water pollution, erosion of coastlines and other violations.

A water-use licence is a permit needed for construction of many of the $22-billion project's facilities.

Russian Natural Resources Minister Yuri Trutnev told Sakhalin Energy last month that he wanted criminal prosecutors to investigate the project's environmental record on the Island of Sakhalin in Russia's Far East.

Analysts suspect a Kremlin push for more control of the multi-billion dollar energy industry lies behind the moves.

Kosarev said assaults on the scheme were exaggerated.

"The Natural Resources Ministry's charges are overblown," he said. "The work is being continued ... No one intends to stop the project. One must seek solutions and resolve these issues."

The row over Sakhalin-2 has political overtones as import-dependent Japan is looking to Sakhalin to meet much of its future energy needs.

Japan said in September a major delay could hurt diplomatic ties, while the European Commission said at the time that it too was taking the developments around the project very seriously.

Other Sakhalin-2 participants include Japan's Mitsui & Co. <8031.T> and Mitsubishi Corp. <8058.T>.

Both Trutnev and his deputy Oleg Mitvol recently took journalists to Sakhalin to show what they called vast ecological damage done by foreigners. Main Russian television channels ran video footage of dead fish in rivers.

"These Siberian salmon died naturally after spawning in local rivers," Kosarev said. "The fishermen with whom we talked said that this year they in fact saw even more humpback salmon coming in for spawning ... We did not see anything terrible."

He said he expected that a possible fine imposed on Sakhalin Energy for ecological damage would be "a reasonable figure".

"This project has not done irreparable harm to nature. It in fact is economically advantageous for the region."
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