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Crucell member of the GAVI Alliance

19 Posts
In mijn bedrijfsverslag werd aangegeven dat crucell nu met de 6 grootste vaccin producenten om tafel zit met o.a. de Bill Gates Foundation.
Ik weet niet of iemand al dit had uitgezocht maar ik denk nu te weten onder welk platform dit is:

Een pracht van een document (tis de groot om nu volledig uit te spitten, maar alle hulp welkom) uit de maand september 2006 dus zeer actueel waarin oa. ook de GAVI Alliance wordt besproken, met de volgende deelnemers:

The Alliance’s partners include Berna Biotech (a Crucell company),
GSK Biologicals, Merck & Co., Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics
(formerly Chiron Vaccines), sanofi pasteur, Wyeth and the IFPMA,
plus industrialized and developing country governments, UNICEF,
the WHO, the World Bank, charitable foundations and NGOs.
GAVI Partners:
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
The World Bank Group
Developing Country Governments
Nongovernmental Organization
Industrialized Country Governments
Vaccine Industry-Industrialized Country
Research and Technical Health Institutes
Vaccine Industry-Developing Country

Voorts is Crucell nog deelnemer in een taskforce genaamd:
IFPMA Influenza Vaccine Supply International Task Force

Conclusie: de overname van Berna heeft Crucell nog veel meer te bieden voor de toekomst. Doordat Crucell nu bij de grootste 6 hoort in de wereld praten ze dus aan de tafel met vooraanstaande instituten zoals WHO, Bill gates Foundation, UNICEF.

Dit platform is belangrijk, blijkt wel gezien Quinvaxem en koppeling met Unicef en WHO.

Voorts kan een Yellow Fever vaccin ook via dit platform in Q1/2006 snel een grote markt verkrijgen.

Lijkt me ook dat een perc.6 technologie niet onbesproken zal blijven als Ronald Brus aan tafel zit met de 5 andere grootste vaccinproducenten van de wereld en de WHO en de Bill Gates Foundation.

Goed gevonden,
het begint erop te lijken dat we straks op moeten passen, dat we geen monopolypositie krijgen.
De biotechindustrie gaat streven om een positie te krijgen binnen de innercirkel van Crucell. Alleen de hogestandaard bedrijven binnen de bioindustrie worden uitverkoren om een licentie te krijgen.

Wel, alle gekheid op een stokje. PerC.6 wordt of eigenlijk is de cellijn van de 21ste eeuw. En de giganten gaan snel overstag. Weg met de eitjes, alleen op zondagmorgen niet, en welkom Crucell,

Japies schreef:

In mijn bedrijfsverslag werd aangegeven dat crucell nu met de 6 grootste vaccin producenten om tafel zit met o.a. de Bill Gates Foundation.
Bassie is al eens een keer met die link gekomen:

Jouw opmerking in het bedrijfsverslag betreffen de de 6 grootste vond ik opmerkelijk maar ik dacht toen niet meteen aan GAVI. Ik denk dat je conclusie dat het dit platform is juist is.
Toch brengt dit artikel weinig los hier bij de meeste, maar bij mij wel!!
Reken maar dat quinvaxem via dit platform nu zoveel omzet zal genereren via Unicef.
En de volgende kan yellow fever zijn want die zit ook in het programma van GAVI. En dat is het eerstvolgende product in Q1/2007!
Tuurlijk het huidige nieuws ie leuk, maar ik ben altijd bezig met het aanstaande nieuws :)

Uit draadje Bill Gates steunt Crucell(d.d. 09092005):

Statement by Bill Gates on the Launch of the International Finance Facility for Immunization

SEATTLE – Bill Gates issued the following statement in response to today’s announcement that the governments of the U.K., France, Italy, Spain, and Sweden have pledged commitments to fund a $4 billion International Finance Facility for Immunization (IFFIm), which will support childhood vaccine programs through the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI):

“The commitments announced today provide a major boost to GAVI’s work to ensure that all children—no matter where they are born—have access to lifesaving vaccines. I commend the U.K., France, Italy, Spain, and Sweden for their generosity, and Gordon Brown for his tireless work to make this announcement possible.”
“Melinda and I believe that supporting GAVI is the best investment we’ve ever made. In just five years, GAVI has immunized tens of millions of children in the developing world, and saved hundreds of thousands of lives—that’s extraordinary progress.
“The IFFIm will provide major new resources for GAVI to extend the reach of its programs. These funds are urgently needed—it’s unacceptable that each year, 27 million children go without immunizations that are taken for granted in rich countries.
“The IFFIm is a bold and innovative approach to financing critical global health programs. The facility will make additional funds available more quickly to strengthen immunization systems, and make aid more stable and predictable over time. I hope that other donor governments will come on board to support the IFFIm.”
The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation works to promote greater equity in four areas: global health, education, public libraries, and support for at-risk families in Washington state and Oregon. The Seattle-based foundation joins local, national, and international partners to ensure that advances in these areas reach those who need them most. The foundation is led by Bill Gates's father, William H. Gates Sr., and Patty Stonesifer.

M.b.t. IFPMA:
A specialized group within the International Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers & Associations (IFPMA), the Influenza Vaccine Supply international task force, has been created in February 2002 to assist business leaders in vaccine companies in making necessary decisions to ensure adequate capacity to produce and distribute influenza vaccine in interpandemic and pandemic years, as well as to assist health authorities policy makers in making decisions on vaccination recommendations and reimbursement, the level of vaccine use and vaccine delivery strategies.

Member companies are: Baxter Vaccines, Berna Biotech, Biken, Chiron Vaccines, CSL Ltd, Crucell, Denka Seiken, GlaxoSmithKline Biologicals, ID Biomedical, Kaketsuken, Kitasato Institute, MedImmune, sanofi pasteur, Sanofi Pasteur MSD and Solvay Pharmaceuticals.

The member companies - all involved in research, development and production of influenza vaccines, representing more than 90% of the world production - are putting together their efforts to ensure that in case of a pandemic, large quantities of a specific pandemic vaccine will be made available in the shortest period of time. Indeed, current worldwide production capacities are likely to be insufficient to meet the demand in case of a pandemic. The Scientific, Production and Research (SPR) subgroup of the task force is actively working on the technical issues for developing, licensing and producing a pandemic vaccine in close collaboration with national and international agencies, including the World Health Organization (WHO), the European Medicines Agency (EMEA) and the National Institute of Health (NIH) in the USA.

Meanwhile the Policy, Practices and Communication (PPC) sub-group has published a series of articles in the scientific journal Vaccine, has initiated an analysis of influenza vaccine distribution throughout the world and a large health economic study on influenza vaccination in healthy adults 50-65 years old, which should support the public health and societal value of influenza vaccination. Finally the IVS international task force will shortly issue a position paper on the industry perspective on pandemic preparedness.

Uit de vogelgriepdraad:

Update 24-01-2006.
R&D for Avian/Pandemic Influenza Vaccines by IFPMA Influenza Supply International Task Force (IVS ITF) members.

En verder "een paar" linkjes m.b.t.( o.a malaria/TB) GAVI/NIH/Gates Foundation/IAVI/Aeras/etc.etc....een forum vol info:
hahahahaha FLOSZ!!!!!!
SOEPER!!! Gaat het goed met je?

Maar GAVI werd vlg mij in eerste instantie niet in verband gebracht met mijn posting van het bedrijfsbezoek...


FLosz is ........ back ........

Doe je het wel een beetje rustig aan......... niet meteen alles uit de kast halen en VOORAL ...... HEEL zuinig op je zelf zijn.

Er is maar een....... JIJ ....... zoals jij bent en heb je gezien op het forum willen we heel zuinig op zijn .

Heel fijn weer te zien dat je de ruimte gevonden hebt om ook hier weer te willen zijn...


Japies schreef:

hahahahaha FLOSZ!!!!!!
SOEPER!!! Gaat het goed met je?

Maar GAVI werd vlg mij in eerste instantie niet in verband gebracht met mijn posting van het bedrijfsbezoek...

Niet door mij in ieder geval. Maar het bij nader inzien.....

Welcome back flosz. Heb je de zooi gezien op het forum? Als de kat van huis is, dansen de muizen op tafel.
Gelukkig gaan we weer bergopwaards met ons gedrag ;)
Ik zet er even een stukje neer met het risico om door Flosz te worden gecorrigeerd. Hier druipt het Quinvaxem vanaf.

Paris Presentation Introduces a New Supranational Bond Issuer:
The International Finance Facility for Immunisation
Expected Proceeds to Scale up GAVI Alliance, Boosting Vaccine Use, Improving
Health Systems to Save Lives of Millions of Poorest Children
Paris, 11 October 2006. The International Finance Facility for Immunisation (IFFIm), the World Bank, as
IFFIm's treasury manager, and joint-lead managers Deutsche Bank and Goldman Sachs have embarked on a
road show this week, stopping in five European cities to meet with potential investors to provide them with
background information on IFFIm and its funding objectives.
IFFIm is a new international development institution designed to accelerate the availability of funds to be used
for health and immunisation programmes through the GAVI Alliance in 70 of the poorest countries around the
“The creation of IFFIm provides investors with an opportunity to participate in the scaling up of a highly
successful public-private collaboration that is focused on saving and improving the lives of the world’s youngest
and most vulnerable citizens,” said Julian Lob-Levyt, Executive Secretary of the GAVI Alliance. “The new funds
will enable GAVI to build on its successes, strengthening health systems in the poorest nations and expanding
access to vaccines that would once have been considered out of reach.”
According to the World Bank, IFFIm’s Treasury Manager, and subject to market conditions, IFFIm plans to
launch the inaugural transaction in the US$ market in the coming weeks in a benchmark maturity and a size of
US$750 million to US$1 billion, taking into account the institution’s financing needs for immunisation
programmes in the next months and investor feedback.
"IFFIm will enable us to do something to prevent the terrible burden of suffering on poor nations, while saving
the lives of millions of children,” said Michèle Boccoz, Director of International Affairs for l’Institut Pasteur in
Paris and member of the IFFIm Company Board. "In addition, we are being given the opportunity to
demonstrate a new way of funding international development, addressing the seemingly intractable problems
of poor nations with a tried and true model from the world of business.”
The GAVI Alliance has reported significant advances in its first five years.
A recent study in the Lancet, carried out by researchers at Harvard University, credits GAVI with successfully
reversing a downward trend in the delivery of basic vaccines to children in the poorest nation.
Hoi Erik....linkje erbij:

$1bn scheme to fund jabs for 5m children

Larry Elliott
Monday September 18, 2006
The Guardian

Britain and seven other countries will launch up to $1bn (£530m) of bonds on financial markets next month in an attempt to provide the drugs to save the lives of 5 million children over the next five years, it was announced last night.
Goldman Sachs and Deutsche Bank will coordinate the sale of the bonds on October 12, which will provide money for the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisation. The public-private partnership will use the cash to bring forward programmes in poor countries in an attempt to hit the United Nations target of cutting infant mortality by two-thirds by 2015.
Gordon Brown said Britain had been joined by seven other countries - France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, Norway, Brazil and South Africa - in floating the bonds on behalf of the World Bank. "This is about saving the lives of young infants who would otherwise die," the chancellor said. "It is utterly unacceptable that we have the vaccines, we have the drugs, we have the treatments and yet children who need them are denied them."
Under the scheme, revenue from the bonds will pay to immunise millions of children far sooner than would otherwise have been possible. The money will be paid back to bondholders in the future. The chancellor said the initiative would eventually save 10 million lives and he was looking for more countries to join.
Britain has been keen on selling bonds on capital markets to bring forward aid flows and the chancellor has been proposing an International Finance Facility to provide $50bn a year. Next month's bond launch of the IFF for immunisation will raise $4bn over the next four years, and is being seen by the UK as a dry run for a bigger facility. Treasury officials said the bonds would be AAA rated - the highest possible investment quality.
Bond to fund vaccines in poor countries takes to the road
02 Oct 2006 17:08:03 GMT
Source: Reuters

By Christina Fincher
LONDON, Oct 2 (Reuters) - Six European countries plan to raise up to $1 billion in the international bond markets next week to buy life-saving vaccines for millions of children in the world's poorest countries.
Bankers will kick off a series of roadshows to drum up investor interest in the scheme -- championed by British finance minister Gordon Brown -- first in the United States and then in Europe ahead of a likely launch on Oct 12.
The scheme is a pilot for a wider bond financing project that could double rich countries' development aid to $100 billion a year but which has failed to get the backing of the United States.
Funds raised will support immunisation projects against killer diseases such as measles and polio in 70 of the world's poorest countries. "The benefit of this concept is that it allows development bodies to front-load resources," said Christopher Egerton-Warburton, executive director at Goldman Sachs which is managing the sale along with Deutsche Bank.
"With immunisation, there is clearly work that needs to be done today."
The International Finance Facility for Immunisation will be managed by the World Bank and receive funding from Britain, France, Italy, Spain, Sweden, and Norway. Brazil and South Africa have pledged to join at a later date.
Next week's offering is only the first leg of the initiative which aims to raise $4 billion in the bond markets over the next 10 years.
Britain's Brown has long campaigned for the creation of a broader International Finance Facility to help meet the Millennium Development Goals on sharply reducing child mortality.
But the plan -- which uses rich countries' aid pledges as collateral for cash in the present -- has run into opposition, particularly from the U.S. which does not want to make commitments under one administration that must be passed on to the next.
Some lobby groups and aid agencies have also expressed concern that the scheme relies on future aid commitments and could pose problems further down the line.
Bankers involved in the deal, nevertheless, are expecting a warm response.
"Preliminary investor feedback has been very enthusiastic," said Doris Herrera-Pol, head of capital markets at the World Bank in Washington.
Microsoft Chairman Bill Gates has also welcomed the bond initiative and his Gates Foundation has contributed $750 million to the vaccination project.
Investor presentations will be held in New York on Tuesday and on the U.S. West Coast later this week, according to banking sources. The European leg of the roadshow will kick off in Switzerland on Monday, move to Frankfurt on Tuesday, Paris on Wednesday and London on Thursday.
The bonds will have a top-notch triple A credit rating and are expected to carry a four- or five-year maturity. Final terms and conditions will depend on investor feedback and market conditions.
Hoi Flosz, ik wist het!
Ik zal het speurwerk in het vervolg overlaten aan jouw en anderen. Trouwens bestaat er bij de GAVI ook een tender, of koopt deze in via de Unicef?
Appointment Of Drug Company To GAVI Board Draws Criticism From NGOs

Friday, May 27, 2011
The appointment of Dutch pharmaceutical company Crucell, recently acquired by Johnson & Johnson, to the board of the GAVI Alliance is "sparking concerns over conflicts of interest and demands for tougher competition to reduce prices," the Financial Times reports. With nearly 60 percent of Crucell's 2010 revenues coming from sales of its pentavalent vaccine to GAVI, the company's appointment "has triggered criticism from non-governmental organisations as GAVI seeks to raise $3.7bn at a meeting in London next month, against a backdrop of concerns that the agency has not done enough to improve value for money and lower the price it pays for vaccines."
According to the article, "GAVI stressed it had a strict conflicts of interest policy, with board members 'recused' from discussions and without access to documents on matters where there was a direct conflict. ... All members of the board have conflicts, including UNICEF, which is the intermediary procuring nearly all the vaccines paid for by GAVI, the World Health Organisation, which receives funding to help its work, and countries including Rwanda and Ethiopia, which have received vaccine support" (Jack, 5/27).
Volledig art.

Conflict of interest fears over vaccine group
By Andrew Jack in London
Published: May 27 2011 00:23 | Last updated: May 27 2011 00:23

A vaccine company is set to join the board of the multilateral agency that provides it with most of its income, sparking concerns over conflicts of interest and demands for tougher competition to reduce prices.
Crucell, based in the Netherlands and recently acquired by Johnson & Johnson, the US healthcare group, will in July take over as one of two pharmaceutical industry representatives on the board of the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunisations (Gavi), which last year channelled €584m ($825m) of donors’ funds to vaccination programmes in low-income countries.
Its appointment has triggered criticism from non-governmental organisations as Gavi seeks to raise $3.7bn at a meeting in London next month, against a backdrop of concerns that the agency has not done enough to improve value for money and lower the price it pays for vaccines.
Daniel Berman, deputy director of the access campaign for Médecins sans Frontières, the medical charity, said: “We think some conflicts are too big to manage. If you look at the agenda of the board meetings at Gavi, almost all issues impact Crucell’s bottom line.”
Crucell received €170m – or nearly 60 per cent of its revenues – last year from Gavi for sales of its Quinvaxem paediatric pentavalent vaccination to protect children against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus, Hib disease and hepatitis. It has agreed contracts for up to €800m in sales during the period 2007-12.
Gavi, created at the start of the millennium, has helped save millions of lives by accelerating vaccination programmes through a partnership between rich and poor governments, UN agencies, charities and pharmaceutical companies.
But an evaluation the board commissioned last year concluded one failing of Gavi was that it “could have done much more” to reduce prices, “with serious implications for country affordability and sustainability”.
Both Crucell and GlaxoSmithKline, the UK drug company it is replacing on the board, have until recently refused to stimulate competition by allowing publication of the prices at which they sell vaccines to Unicef, which buys them on behalf of Gavi.
One concern was that competition based purely on price risked jeopardising quality, highlighted by problems last year that forced a rival supplier, Shantha of India, to recall stocks ordered with Gavi money.
Gavi stressed it had a strict conflicts of interest policy, with board members “recused” from discussions and without access to documents on matters where there was a direct conflict.
The new chairman, Dagfinn Høybråten, has pledged much more scrutiny of governance and increased efforts to cut vaccine prices.
All members of the board have conflicts, including Unicef, which is the intermediary procuring nearly all the vaccines paid for by Gavi, the World Health Organisation, which receives funding to help its work, and countries including Rwanda and Ethiopia, which have received vaccine support.
Jon Pender, vice-president for government affairs at GSK, said: “The value of the private sector has been well accepted and well regarded. If you have not got a potential conflict you probably should not be at the table.”
Crucell referred questions to J&J, which did not reply to requests to comment.
Die Ronald

Ik ben weg (:->D)

Nou, ik ook!!!!!!!

Sinds UIT Crucell , porto keer 5-10-20
pick your choice.

Voel me niet meer belazerd, want heb zelf de keuzes gemaakt........................ met 1 maar...........
nooit meer , alle verhalen geloven!!
Bij Crucell kloppen er TEVEEL verhalen niet, of niet meer.
Had gewoon de chart voor 100% moeten volgen.
Stelling: Binnen 5 jaar brengt J&J , CruSELL wederom , naar de beurs voor
een faktor 5-10 of meer.

Mij persoonlijk interesseert het niet meer, want de aandelen waarin ik zit , NA verkoop CruSELL, doen al faktor 8-10 .
Dus geen omkijken meer.
Mijn eigen fout: Don't ever believe management: LOOK AT THE CHARTS.

See you where ever

Mechelen, België; 30 mei 2011 - Galapagos NV (Euronext: GLPG) kondigt vandaag
aan dat Dr Ronald Brus de Raad van Bestuur van Galapagos zal verlaten.
Ronald Brus is President en Chief Executive Officer van Crucell. Dr Brus was
lid van de Raad van Bestuur van Galapagos van 2000 tot de beursgang in mei
2005. Hij werd opnieuw bestuurslid in april 2010. In februari 2011 werd
Crucell overgenomen door Johnson & Johnson. Het beleid van Johnson & Johnson
schrijft voor dat Dr Brus geen lid mag zijn van een Raad van Bestuur. Om die
reden heeft Dr Brus zich per 25 mei 2011 teruggetrokken uit de Raad van Bestuur
van Galapagos.
"We danken Ronald voor zijn bijdrage als Lid van de Raad van Bestuur", zegt Onno
van de Stolpe, CEO van Galapagos. "Ronald is vanaf het begin bij Galapagos
betrokken geweest. Zijn strategisch inzicht en zijn ervaring als CEO van een
biotechbedrijf hebben ons veel geholpen. Wij wensen hem voor de toekomst het
allerbeste binnen Johnson & Johnson."
Over Galapagos
Galapagos (Euronext: GLPG; OTC: GLPYY) is een middelgroot
biotechnologiebedrijf. Het bedrijf is gespecialiseerd in het ontdekken en
ontwikkelen van moleculen en antilichamen met nieuwe werkingsmechanismen.
Galapagos heeft één van de grootste pijplijnen in de biotech met zeven
programma's in de klinische fase en meer dan vijftig chemische molecuul
programma's in onderzoek en preklinische ontwikkeling. Via risicodragende
allianties met GlaxoSmithKline, Eli Lilly, Janssen Pharmaceutica, Roche en
Servier kan Galapagos mogelijk tot EUR2,5 miljard aan succesbetalingen ontvangen
plus royalty's. Galapagos heeft meer dan 800 medewerkers in zeven landen, met
haar hoofdkantoor in Mechelen, België. Meer info op

Galapagos NV
Elizabeth Goodwin, Director Investor Relations
Tel: +31 6 2291 6240
Drugmakers cut vaccine prices for poorer nations

Branded and generic shots offered at big discounts

Price cuts should help GAVI narrow $3.7 bln funding gap

The price GAVI pays for pentavalent vaccines, which protect against diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, hepatitis B, and Haemophilus influenzae type b, will also be cut by the India-based firms Serum Institute and Panacea Biotec <PNCA.NS>.

Serum, which had already cut its price to $1.75 a dose, said it would "continue to provide the most competitive pricing," while Panacea said it would cut its price by up to 15 percent.

Crucell and Sanofi Pasteur said they would extend GAVI prices on their pentavalent vaccines to 16 countries who are moving on from GAVI support to begin buying shots themselves.
UNICEF Supply Annual Report 2010
June 23, 2011

In 2010, UNICEF Supply procured 97.5 million doses of pentavalent vaccine,
which combines five vaccines to protect against diphtheria, pertussis,
tetanus, hepatitis B and haemophilus influenzae.

In 2010, UNICEF Supply bought pentavalent vaccine
at a record low price of $2.25 per dose compared to
$3.60 for most of the vaccine procured in 2009.

Accelerated demand for pentavalent has helped to bring down
the price. The 5 in1 vaccine reduces the number of times children
need to be immunised, and lowers costs for shipping and syringe

Serum Institute announces 60% cut in prices of pentavalent vaccine
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