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Zijn er nog meer forum leden die verwachten dat de prijs van uranium het komende jaar omhoog zal gaan?

Ook goud heeft potentie de komende maanden volgens mij


Uranium kan niet stuk. China en vooral ook India gaan veel nieuwe kerncentrales bouwen. Het huidig aanbod aan uranium is sowieso ontoereikend. Dat werd in 2006 vooral duidelijk toen de belangrijkste nieuwe mijn van van de grootste exploitant Cameco onder water liep. Een prijsdaling ligt niet voor de hand.

Ik verwacht veel van SXR URANIUM ONE INC (SXR-TO). Dit bedrijf heeft gisteren nog een explotatiecontract getekend. De koers heeft onlangs een tik gehad omdat een verkoop van een concessie van Rio Tinto niet doorging maar is ondertussen weer hersteld. Ik verwacht veel van de exploitatie van hun Honeymoon Uranium Project in Australie welk in 2008 tot exploitatie komt(lage kostprijs en een enorm voorraad).


Uranium One deposit among global top ten – Neal Froneman
“Higher demand not seen in price yet”

Tessa Kruger
Posted: Fri, 12 Jan 2007 13:47 | © Moneyweb Holdings Limited, 1997-2006

SXR Uranium One’s Dominion project in South Africa is among the top ten uranium deposits in the world and accounts for half of South Africa’s uranium resources.

CEO Neil Froneman said on Moneyweb Radio last night the deposit could probably rank under the top five globally, while extensions are planned at the Dominion mine already.

Dominion is based near Klerksdorp and will start production in the first quarter of this year. Froneman described the deposit here as uranium with a gold by-product deposit.

“It looks like the conglomerate reefs of the Witwatersrand, which means it’s a pebbly mixture of rocks. Dominion is a 14 000ha sheet of pebbles which dips from surface down to about 1 500 metres below surface, and we are now identifying extensions.” The mine reef is 45cm thick on average, but it does extend to 2,5m in certain areas.

Froneman said the company would not mine deeper than 500 metres in its first ten years of production. Dominion has a life of 80 years in terms of current production plans, but Uranium One is working on increasing the rate of production.

The average mining depth in South African is around 3 500 or 3 700 metres.

The CEO said the increase in uranium demand, stemming from countries such as India and China, has not filtered through to the uranium price yet.

“The reasons are that we are being very conservative in the industry regarding forecasting increases in demand. I think constrained supply is driving the uranium price at this stage. We are not even seeing the benefit of increased demand yet.”

Froneman said the industry could not afford a number of failures like Cigar Lake, but has to deliver for people to invest billions of dollars in new nuclear power plants.

The fact that a competent company such as Cameco suffered a failure of this size meant that end-users realised how difficult it was to see new uranium coming into production.

Production costs at Dominion will be in the region of $14,5/lb, while the current spot price for uranium is $72 per pound.

Uranium One announced four new sales contracts with “western” power plants for delivery of 3,2m pounds of uranium between 2008 and 2012 on Thursday. This brings production that has been contracted to buyers to 28% of production in this period.


Natuurlijk hebben we het hier over Formation Capital Corporation, (FCO.TO)

Uranium en kobalt. De koers is sinds november verdubbeld en loopt nog steeds gestaag op. Het fonds krijgt veel aandacht opde site (325 postings)


Op de maan is het radioactieve element uranium aanwezig. Dat blijkt uit een recente analyse van onderzoeksgegevens die zijn verzameld door de Japanse maanverkenner Kaguya.

Kaguya werd in september 2007 gelanceerd en heeft sindsdien de maan op verschillende manieren in kaart gebracht. Op 10 juni 2009 maakte de maanverkenner een gecontroleerde crash.

Bij eerdere maanexpedities werd het radioactieve element uranium niet aangetroffen, maar de gammaspectrometer van de Japanse maanverkenner was wat moderner dan die van eerdere maanverkenners. Daardoor kon bij deze expeditie nauwkeuriger en op grotere diepte metingen worden verricht.

Een gammaspectrometer wordt gebruikt om de aanwezigheid van verschillende scheikundige elementen vast te stellen.

De meetgegevens van de gammaspectrometer zijn onlangs geanalyseerd door de Japanse onderzoekers en een Amerikaan van het Planetary Science Institute.

Behalve uranium stelden zij ook de aanwezigheid van thorium, kalium, zuurstof, magnesium, silicium, calcium, titanium en ijzer vast. Van veel van die elementen was al langer bekend dat ze op de maan voorkomen.


Nu moeten we het nog even gaan ophalen. Kunnen ze gelijk de resten mee terug nemen en daar weer dumpen :)
Zoals enkele van jullie weten ben ik groot voorstander van Thorium en het gelijknamige Thorium Power LTD.

Lees dit artikeltje eens door:

ThPW is de laatste week flink gestegen (bijna verdubbeld in 3 weken). Misschien is dit het begin.

We hebben wellicht ieder jaar meer energie vraag mede door de opkomst electrische auto's. Bijkomend is dat Thorium het afval en prolifiratie probleem vollig oplost en zodra dat duidelijk word in de media kan het naar mijn mening snel gaan met de producten van ThPW.
Usec weer richting de 5 na alle commotie over die afgewezen lening. Wel uitstekende cijfers gepresenteerd vorige week.

Wie heeft er gekocht na die dip van vorige week?
Hm............aanval op het HoofdKantoor ?:)

SYDNEY, Sept 8 (Reuters) - Chinese state-owned power producer China Guangdong Nuclear Power Holding Co. Ltd has agreed a takeover bid for Australian uranium explorer Energy Metals (EME.AX), the Australian company said on Tuesday.

Under the deal, the Chinese firm will buy up to 70 percent of Energy Metals for A$1.02 per share and underwrite a 1-for-9 rights issue by the Australian firm at 90 cents a share.

Uranium Resources plans to buy out Tanzania JV partners
Aim-listed uranium exploration company Uranium Resources plans to raise £1,6-million by December to fund a proposed A$2,9-million cash-and-share deal to acquire its Tanzanian uranium projects joint-venture partners. It would acquire the share capital of WML Uranium Holdings and Western Metals Tanzania, which were subsidiaries of the Indago Group, for A$2,5-million in cash and A$400 000 of new ordinary shares in Uranium Resources
February 17, 2010
Orezone Gold Corporation: Brighton Energy Limited Receives Niger Uranium Permit Approvals
OTTAWA, ONTARIO--(Marketwire - Feb. 17, 2010) - Orezone Gold Corporation (TSX:ORE) is pleased to announce that its subsidiary, Brighton Energy Limited ("Brighton"), has completed the acquisition of three uranium exploration permits in the Republic of Niger, West Africa. Brighton is a uranium focused explorer with title to 4,000 km2 of well located and prospective ground that contains key geological structures and favorable rocks that are known to host or control the mineralization at producing uranium mines in the region (Location Map: The basin currently ranks as the sixth largest uranium producing area in the world and is expected to become the second largest by 2012 with production from Areva and China Nuclear. It still remains to be one of the most under-explored yet most prolific uranium producing districts.
tsja, het moet wel wat opbrengen,toch ?

Latest Key DevelopmentsU308 Corporation To Acquire Mega Uranium Ltd's South American Assets
8:00am EST

U308 Corporation and Mega Uranium Ltd. (Mega) announced that they have entered into a definitive agreement under which U3O8 Corp. will acquire all of Mega's South American uranium properties and $4 million in cash in exchange for 30,564,858 common shares of U3O8 Corp. (the U3O8 Shares). The acquisition will provide U3O8 Corp. with an expanded portfolio of projects at various stages, from National Instrument 43-101 (NI 43-101) compliant resources in Guyana, to significant historical resources in Colombia and near resource and discovery potential in Argentina. Following completion of the sale, Mega has agreed to take steps necessary to distribute the U3O8 Shares directly to its Canadian shareholders, on a pro-rata basis, by way of a dividend in kind paid on Mega's common shares, providing Mega's shareholders with direct ownership in U3O8 Corp. Non-resident shareholders will receive cash proceeds in lieu of U3O8 Shares, as further described below. - - - - -
Marenica announces 85Mlb uranium resource in Namibia

1st March 2010

Updated 7 hours agoTEXT SIZE JOHANNESBURG ( - ASX-listed uranium company Marenica Energy on Monday announced a 120% resource upgrade to 85-million pounds for its 80%-owned Marenica uranium project in Namibia.

Marenica Energy CEO John Young said that the company was pleased with the 2010 mineral resource upgrade, which represented a significant step forward for the company and provided a solid foundation for the scoping study on the Marenica project. The scoping study would be completed by June.

Ekster1155 schreef:

Usec weer richting de 5 na alle commotie over die afgewezen lening. Wel uitstekende cijfers gepresenteerd vorige week.

Wie heeft er gekocht na die dip van vorige week?
7 mnd later.........
vandaag, 1 maart 2010: top 5.33.....slotkrs 5.20
De Russen bezoeken Namibie............



Russia, Namibia to sign uranium exploration memo
Russia and Namibia will agree this week to explore jointly for uranium in Namibia, the Kremlin said on Wednesday as Moscow seeks to compete with global miner Rio Tinto in the African country. Moscow and Windhoek plan to sign a memorandum of intent when Namibian President Hifikepunye Pohamba visits Russia on Thursday-Saturday to meet Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and Prime Minister Vladimir Putin.
UxC data showed that during the first three months of 2010, about 13 million pounds of uranium was bought and sold in the spot market. That compares with 20 million pounds during the whole of 2007 -- or an average of 5 million pounds per quarter.

SOME of the world's biggest energy companies are stockpiling the nuclear fuel used to power reactors as they try to capitalise on rock-bottom uranium prices.
An oversupply of nuclear fuel on international commodity markets has followed five successive years of rapid growth in uranium ore production in Kazakhstan, which has nearly quadrupled its output since 2004.

Raw uranium prices have tumbled to around $US40 ($47.30) per pound -- almost one quarter of the $US140 level in 2007.
June 10, 2010 12:00AM

RUSSIA has moved to boost its holdings in global uranium mines, with state-owned Rosatom agreeing to take a controlling stake in Canada's Uranium One in return for $US610 million ($738.40m) and 50 per cent interests in two Kazakhstan uranium mines.
If the deal goes ahead, it will put the Honeymoon uranium project in South Australia, scheduled to come into production at the end of the year, under the control of the Russian government.

To help finance a special dividend and other proposed cash outflow from the deal, Uranium One has sold its recently acquired 3 per cent stake in Australia's Paladin Resources, dousing speculation a takeover was in the offing. The move by Rosatom (Russian State Atomic Energy Corp), comes after it and Russia's Prime Minister Vladimir Putin last month signed a five-year memorandum of co-operation with Namibia -- where Paladin operates the Langer-Heinrich uranium mine -- to develop uranium deposits, pledging to spend $US1bn.
PERTH ( – The market valuation of Australian companies with one or more uranium projects grew faster than that of their Canadian peers over the last 12 months, research by Resource Capital Research (RCR) has shown.

In a report on global uranium companies, released on Wednesday, RCR said that the market valuation of Australian uranium companies had risen by 48% over the last 12 months, compared with Canadian uranium companies, which recorded a 29% increase.

However, the market valuation fell over the past month, with Australian companies suffering a 4% decline and Canadian uranium firms a 2% drop.

Over the past three months, the market valuation fell by 16% for Australian miners and 15% for Canadian miners.

RCR said in its June uranium report that in the past month, the uranium mining majors have had mixed share price performance.

The share price of the biggest-listed uranium-miner, Cameco, fell by 6%, while Denison Mines’ stock share price dropped by 1% .

Uranium One’s share price surged by a 24%, on the back of a deal with Atomredmetzoloto, or ARMZ. The Russian company will increase its holding in Uranium One to at least 51%.

Share prices for Energy Resources of Australia (ERA) were up 7% while Paladin’s share prices remained unchanged.

However, most companies had seen share prices drop over the last three months.

ERA suffered a 27% drop in its three-months share price, which RCR attributed to a number of factors, on of which was the super profit resources tax that Australia plans to implement.

Both Cameco’s and Denison’s share prices fell by 13%, when measured over a three-month period.

RCR noted that the Merrill Lynch Uranium Equity Index was up 6% over the past month, down 15% over three months and down 16% over the past 12 months.


RCR said that it expects the uranium price to continue to trade at around $40/lb mark over the next few months.

With the fund implied price (FIP) currently trading at $40,50/lb the spot price outlook was relatively flat.

Since April, the FIP has traded in a range of between $35/lb and $46/lb, with the low of $35/lb coinciding with equity market weakness in April.

The gradual downward drift in spot and contract prices over the past 12 months reflected, in part, the growth in new mine supply from Kazakhstan’s ISR projects.

“Uranium mine supply growth in Kazakhstan threatens to weigh down the sector cost curve in the short- to medium-term. Production growth from Kazakhstan has been phenomenal in recent years with production reaching 36-million pounds U3O8 in 2009 up 62% from 2008 levels of 22-million pounds, said RCR MD John Wilson.

He noted that production for 2010 was forecast to reach 47-million pounds.

“Production is low cost and frequently below $20/lb. As evident earlier in the year, a floor price of around $40/lb seems to be holding well but there is no significant utility demand to drive the market up.”

Utility purchases remain discretionary, Wilson noted, though timing of demand from long-term Chinese inventory build remains a factor with potential to influence short-term market trends.

Currently there are 439 nuclear power reactors in operation and 57 under construction. There are 496 new nuclear reactors planned or proposed globally as of June 2010, up from 435 in December 2009.

A total of 67 new reactors are scheduled to be commissioned by 2016.

Since December last year, the largest increases in planned and proposed new nuclear reactors are in India, taking its total from 38 to 60, and China taking its total from 125 to 154.
19th July 2010
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WINDHOEK – Namibia's total uranium output rose by 4% in the second quarter of 2010 compared with the first three months of the year, data showed on Monday.

According to data from market analyst Robin Sherbourne of Nedbank, production between April and June was recorded at 2 359 373 pounds of uranium oxide compared with 2 264 370 pounds in the previous quarter.

Namibia is one of the world's largest diamond producers and also has minerals such as uranium, while foreign firms are also exploring for gold, lead, zinc and iron-ore.

Global miner Rio Tinto's Rossing mine produced 1 432 000 lbs of uranium oxide between April and June compared to 1 336 000 lbs in the first quarter of this year.

Australian uranium miner Paladin Energy's Langer Heinrich mine produced output fell to 927 373 pounds from 928 370 pounds in the first quarter of the year.
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