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coldfinger schreef:

Op zulk goed nieuws vind ik de stijgijng vies tegen vallen.Ik hoop morgen dat er wat analisten naar gaan kijken en met een strong buy komen.Dit aandeel staat veel te laag voor zijn doen.


Datum Instelling Advies Koersdoel Vorig advies Vorig koersdoel WPA 2007
15 feb F. van Lanschot Accumulate 6,5
30 jan F. van Lanschot Accumulate 6,5
8 jan SNS Buy 9 Neutral 0 0
8 jan Kempen Buy 9 Neutral 0 0
12 dec F. van Lanschot Accumulate 5

Ben het met je eens dat F.van Lanschot zeker een BUY mag geven, inplaats van die Accumulate

30 miljoen opgehaald met partner Biolex.

Prima PB in voortzetting Locteron.

Locteron bijwerkingen .alleen lichte verkoudheid .

in tegenstelling tot de Amrikaanse concurent.

Met het product Ambuferon.

Zelfs voor een aandeel voor de langere periode


Safety and tolerability in doses 160, 320 and 480 ug
The following Locteron side effect and patient tolerability results were observed during the 12 weeks of treatment for the 160, 320 and 480 µg cohorts:
- Locteron was safe and well tolerated.
- There were no serious adverse events.
- The vast majority (over 90%) of the adverse events that were experienced were rated as mild.
- Dose reductions were limited to one patient each in the 320 and 480 ug cohorts with none in the 160 ug cohort.
- No patients discontinued treatment.

Side effects were confined to the regular flu-like symptoms and other side effects that are associated with interferon treatment. All adverse events, including flu-like symptoms, were less frequent and less severe than the side effects reported for other interferons. For example, only one patient in the SELECT-1 study receiving Locteron experienced an adverse event rated as severe, a substantial improvement over reported results for Pegasys® and AlbuferonTM as illustrated below.
Click here for the full press release including graphs
Another objective point of comparison for evaluating the tolerability of Locteron and other interferon products across clinical studies is fever, a marker for the family of adverse events characterized as flu-like symptoms. Fever occurred in only one (4%) of the Locteron patients in SELECT-1, notably lower than other interferon products, as illustrated below.
Click here for the full press release including graphs
Furthermore, the rates of other side effects reported for pegylated interferons and


{Albuferon,}{ FASE 3 } such as chills, nausea, diarrhea and dizziness,


were also markedly lower in patients treated with Locteron in SELECT-1. All other side effects were predominantly mild and were comparable with other interferon products.

Nu waar je op word afgestraft word op de beurs.

Concurent Met Albuferon.

.Human Genome Science Drug Helps Hepatitis C Patients (Update3)

By Michelle Fay Cortez

June 7 (Bloomberg) -- Human Genome Sciences Inc. said its experimental drug Albuferon, given every other week, held chronic hepatitis C in check as effectively as weekly treatment with Roche Holding AG's Pegasys.

The company's shares fell 6 percent, the most in six months, after Piper Jaffray & Co. downgraded the stock to market perform from outperform. ``Despite the encouraging data'' on Albuferon, Health Genome Sciences continues to lack a product that will drive profit until at least 2009, New York-based Piper Jaffray said in its report.

The study found 58.5 percent of Albuferon patients had no detectable virus six months after treatment, compared with 57.9 percent of those on Pegasys, a standard treatment. The finding suggests the drug could compete with Pegasys, which had $400 million in first quarter sales, by offering a less restrictive treatment regime, researchers said.

Patients may do just as well on Albuferon ``with half the injections and possibly less impairment of quality of life,'' said John McHutchison, lead investigator of the study and professor at Duke University Medical Center in Durham, North Carolina, in a statement.

The shares of Human Genome Science, based in Rockville, Maryland, fell 63 cents to $9.83 at 4 p.m. New York time in New York Stock Exchange composite trading. The stock has dropped 7.4 percent in the previous 12 months.

Four million Americans have hepatitis C, which can cause cirrhosis, liver cancer and death. Human Genome said it is now moving the drug into the final stage of testing.

485 Patients

In the study, 458 patients were treated for a year, and then followed for an additional six months. The trial was in the second of three stages needed to win U.S. marketing approval.

Patients getting Albuferon were less likely to miss a week of work or more during therapy, though more dropped out of the study because of side effects. A higher dose appeared slightly less effective and caused even more dropouts, the company said.

Additional details about the study, from the second of three phases generally required for U.S. approval, will be presented at a future medical meeting, the company said. The released results did not identify the drug's side effects.

Human Genome Sciences makes Albuferon by fusing two naturally occurring human blood proteins, albumin and interferon alpha. It is being developed by Human Genome and Novartis AG, the Basel, Switzerland, pharmaceutical company. Under an agreement reached in June, 2006, the two companies will share the costs of development and getting approval to bring the product to market.

About half of patients getting a higher dose of the drug just once a month had a sustained response, Human Genome said. The two companies are planning additional work to test higher doses of the drug given monthly.

To contact the reporter on this story: Michelle Fay Cortez in Minneapolis at mcortez@bloomberg.net .

Hoe mooier wil je een PB hebben als vandaag .

gr zenzoe

kennelijk worden we gewoon weer teruggedrukt naar de 5 euro..... ach ja ....dan trek ik mijn beurs nog maar eens flink open de volgende handelsdagen....dit is gewoon zeer goed nieuws mbt ontwikkeling locteron.

Want eigenlijk is de werking van locteron al beter in Fase 2a dan het produckt van de concurent in Fase 3 dat wil toch wel wat zeggen .

Alleen. de markt pikt het niet op.

Eigelijk moeten ze al met koersdoel verhogingen komen en met buy advies. om.meervolumes in het aandeel te krijgen .
25% over de hele hepatits c markt is nog al wat .

En dan nog te bedenken hoeveel mensen er nog bij komen met de aankomende vergrijzing.

gr zz
gisteren deden we niet mee met de stijging
octo loopt wel voorop als de aex daalt..........
heb je gekeken met welk volume en wat de gap is? komop zeg...dit kun je toch niet serieus nemen met je grootste daler ....1 aankoop en we staan weer op 5.20...dat is nu het verhaaltje octoplus totdat locteron meer bekendheid gaat krijgen blijven die gaps in de koers.
Volgens mij is er al gekocht op 5,20

Vindt wel dat de koers op deze IEX site
laat word aangepast zo zie ook het fons zwaar in de min staan terwijl het helemaal niet zo is.

Laatste koers: 5,20 Hoogste dagkoers: 5,20
Bied koers: 5,08 Laagste dagkoers: 5,00
Laat koers: 5,17 Hoogste jaarkoers: 6,20
Verschil: -0,01 Laagste jaarkoers: 4,02
% Verschil -0,19% Volume: 3.127
Open: 5,01 Volume vorige handelsdag: 4.400
Slot (vorige handelsdag) 5,21 Laatste notering 10:41:15

Diepteboek OCTOPLUS (OCTO)
Aantal Volume Bied
1 2000 5,08
1 998 5,01
1 362 5,00
1 480 4,98
1 1000 4,96

Laat Volume Aantal
5,17 1389 1
5,18 3860 2
5,20 1800 2
5,23 1500 2
5,25 1058 3

IEX zou dit beter kunnen doen.
Niet iedereen klikt de hele site aan.

er worddt op dit moment leuk opgekocht...net flink wat stukkies op 5,17 en 5,18....opnaar 3 augustus...
iemand die toch een iets groter aantal stuks wil hebben kan nu leuk opkopen tot 5.33...dat zijn toch dik 15000 stuks...
Outlook 2007 jaarverslag 2006.
The Contract Development order book is higher than at the same stage in 2006 and supports
our revenue targets for 2007. The Company expects to generate more Contract Development
revenues but expenditures will also increase as investments in the product pipeline continue.
Major milestones to be expected in 2007 are the results from the ongoing Locteron Phase IIa
trial, expected mid-2007, and the data for the ongoing OP-145 Phase II study, expected late

Hepatitis Weekly via NewsEdge Corporation :

2007 AUG 13 - (NewsRx.com) -- Fresh data on hepatitis C virus are presented in the report "Modelling the impact on Hepatitis C transmission of reducing syringe sharing: London case study. Hepatitis C virus (HCV) prevalence and incidence among injecting drug users (IDUs) has increased in London and rest of UK. To inform public health action, mathematical modelling is used to explore the possible impact of strategies to decrease syringe sharing," investigators in London, the United Kingdom report.

"A mathematical model was developed to simulate HCV transmission amongst IDUs in London. Because of parameter uncertainty, numerical search algorithms were used to obtain different model fits to HCV seroprevalence data from London for 2002-03. These simulations were used to explore the likely impact of HCV prevention activities that reduce syringe sharing amongst all IDUs, IDUs that have injected for greater than one year, or IDUs with lower or higher frequencies of syringe sharing. Key differences between model fits centred on how they simulated the high HCV incidence amongst new injectors, either through assuming increased HCV infectivity during acute infection, a large sub-group of high frequency syringe sharers, or increased sharing among new IDUs. Despite parameter uncertainty, the model projections suggest that modest reductions in syringe sharing frequency (<25%) will reduce the HCV seroprevalence in newly initiated IDUs (injecting less than four years) but much larger and sustained reductions (>50%) are required to reduce the HCV seroprevalence in long-term IDUs (injecting more than 8 years). Critically the model also suggested that large reductions in HCV seroprevalence will be achieved only if interventions target all IDUs and reach IDUs within 12 months of injecting. Public health interventions must reduce syringe sharing amongst all IDUs, including newly initiated IDUs, and be sustained for many years to reduce HCV infection," wrote P. Vickerman and colleagues, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine.

The researchers concluded: "More accurate data on key behavioural (sharing frequency) and biological (percentage of infected IDUs that clear infection) parameters is required to improve model projections."

Vickerman and colleagues published their study in International Journal of Epidemiology (Modelling the impact on Hepatitis C transmission of reducing syringe sharing: London case study. International Journal of Epidemiology, 2007;36(2):396-405).

For additional information, contact P. Vickerman, HIVTools Research Group, London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, UK.

The publisher of the International Journal of Epidemiology can be contacted at: Oxford University Press, Great Clarendon St., Oxford OX2 6DP, England.

<<Hepatitis Weekly -- 08/10/07>>
Human Genome Falls as Drug's Dose Modified in Tests (Update4)

By Kelly Riddell

Jan. 23 (Bloomberg) -- Human Genome Sciences Inc., a maker of genetic-based drugs and medical products, had its biggest plunge after saying it will change the dosing of its experimental hepatitis-C drug Albuferon in patient tests.

Patients receiving 1,200-microgram doses of the drug will now receive 900-microgram doses in the final testing of the drug before U.S. Food and Drug Administration approval, the Rockville, Maryland-based company said in a statement.

The dose was lowered on recommendations from the independent data monitoring committee, the company said. ``Serious pulmonary adverse events'' were higher in the group receiving 1,200-microgram doses of Albuferon every two weeks, the statement said.

``The market is overreacting on the news,'' Jason Kolbert, an analyst with Susquehanna International Group LLP, said in an interview from New York. ``There's potential negative implications for once-monthly dosing, but at the end of the day, the 900-microgram, twice-monthly formulation is a significant improvement in life and always the targeting dose for the company.''

In June, Human Genome Sciences said Albuferon, given every other week, held hepatitis C in check as effectively as a weekly treatment with Roche Holding AG's Pegasys. Kolbert, who rates the shares ``positive,'' said most patients would prefer half of the treatment injections.

``This is an approvable drug with potential to be a blockbuster,'' Kolbert said. Human Genome Sciences currently has no products on the market.

$2 Billion Annual Market

Four million Americans have hepatitis C, which can cause cirrhosis, liver cancer and death. The market for drugs for the disease is currently $2 billion a year, Kolbert said, and is expected to double and then double again within the next 10 years.

Human Genome slumped $4.40, or 44 percent, to $5.62 as of 4 p.m. New York time in Nasdaq Stock Market composite trading, the most since its initial public offering in December 1993. The stock fell 4 percent this year before today.

Human Genome Sciences makes Albuferon by fusing two naturally occurring human blood proteins, albumin and interferon alpha. It is being developed by Human Genome and Novartis AG, the Basel, Switzerland-based drugmaker. Under an agreement reached in June 2006, the two companies will share the costs of development and getting approval to market the product.

To contact the reporter on this story: Kelly Riddell in Washington at Kriddell1@bloomberg.net.

Al een oud bericht , maar toch wel leuk om te lezen .

Stond volgens mij nog niet op forum.


De "Prutser" schreef:

Weg toekomst voor Octoplus en Biolex met hun Locteron?
Hey, haal die 10k op 1.59 eens weg ;-)
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