DoDD666 schreef:
Even het prospectus bij de AFM erop nageslagen omtrent de verkoop door herr Wagenaar:
Shareholdings of the management board and the supervisory board of Getronics
Mr. N.M. Wagenaar, chairman of the management board of Getronics, holds 60,000 restricted
Shares, of which 30,000 Shares will become unrestricted on 26 September 2007 and the
remaining 30,000 Shares on 26 September 2009, provided that Mr. Wagenaar is still
employed by Getronics at those dates. The restriction does not apply to termination of his
employment by Getronics, except in case of termination for cause. As from the settlement
date, Mr. Wagenaar will resign from his position of chairman of the management board, on
the conditions as set out in the Offer Memorandum. Mr. Wagenaar has irrevocably
undertaken to tender his restricted Shares under the terms, conditions and restrictions as
described in the Offer Memorandum.
At the date of the Offer Memorandum no Shares or Bonds are held by other members of the
management board or the supervisory board of Getronics.
Summa summarum:
- Klaas heeft meteen die 30,000 verkocht via de beurs op 26 september 2007 toen die 30K unrestricted werden en verkoopt de rest/ en/of meldt aan bij KPN onder gestanddoening van het bod, zodra hij niet meer werkzaam is voor GTN (ik durf er wel wat op te zetten dat dat voor 26 september 2009 zal zijn).
Wat u erachter moet zoeken dat Klaas gelijk zijn unrestricted geworden shares verkoopt kunt u hem a.s. dinsdag zelf vragen...
mvg, Uw boekhouder