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Groeiaandeel TomTom (30 euro) met dividend

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*Justin* schreef op 16 juni 2012 21:58:


Come on, Aandeeltje. Lees anders even de spread in het NRC.

* Geheim project, al 1-2 jaar aan gewerkt
* mensen van tomtom gestationeerd bij Apple in Cupertino
* tomtom zichtbaar ook ook betrokken bij de software en met HD traffic

Dat is niet klein. Ieder bedrijf zou dit (indien toegestaan) van de
daken schreeuwen. Maar TT moet wachten tot de officiële productrelease.

Justin, wanneer is de officiele productrelease eigenlijk, weet je dat? "deze herfst" is ook een ruim begrip

vinno777 schreef op 16 juni 2012 22:05:


Justin, wanneer is de officiele productrelease eigenlijk, weet je dat? "deze herfst" is ook een ruim begrip
Nee, weet ik niet. Kan jij dat nazoeken ergens? Ik ga nu weg, namelijk..
La Raza
Als de Android App bekend wordt gemaakt is die Eur 3,85 gezien en
voor het einde van het jaar de Eur 4,65 ook :D

Wat ik me trouwens afvraag ivm de nieuwe Apple deal is dat mocht er op korte termijn een buy-out/overname plaatsvinden hoe wij als aandeelhouders het bod kunnen waarderen.

Wij zijn op dit moment namelijk totaal (afgezien van wat achterkanten van sigarendoosjes ;) niet op de hoogte van de impact van het contract met Apple ??


TomTom stuit op de bovenkant van de neutrale bandbreedte.
TomTom beweegt horizontaal tussen steun 2,83 (bodem van 17 april) en weerstand 3,85 (gevormd op 6 maart). TomTom laat een potentiële hogere koersbodem zien binnen de zijwaartse trend. Dit signaleert aantrekkende vraag. We wachten op een eventuele doorbraak boven de weerstand.
Na een uitbraak boven weerstand 3,85 wordt 4,65 het volgende opwaartse koersdoel.
Wij handhaven een positie aan de zijlijn.

Apple (TomTom) gets into the automotive game

Apple will be using real-time traffic data to build a traffic service that will provide incident reports to users on the go.
This will draw on satnav giant TomTom, making a huge amount of information available to offer redirections around obstructions and up-to-the-minute updates to your ETA.
In the next 12 months, BMW, Honda, Land-Rover, General Motors, Audi, Mercedes and Toyota intend to bring out models with this feature.
Get ready for the mobile map wars

Apple's move into maps was not exactly a surprise. It has bought a few companies that make mapping features, like three-dimensional visualizations, and has secured rights to data like the names and layouts of streets in over 100 countries from TomTom, a big digital map company based in the Netherlands.

Read more:

inspirator schreef op 18 juni 2012 19:20:

Get ready for the mobile map wars

Apple's move into maps was not exactly a surprise. It has bought a few companies that make mapping features, like three-dimensional visualizations, and has secured rights to data like the names and layouts of streets in over 100 countries from TomTom, a big digital map company based in the Netherlands.

Read more:
Deze wilde ik net zelf posten... Interessant artikel ja. Geeft ook een beetje aan om
wat voor bedragen het hier gaat. Amazon nog een prospect??

Get ready for the mobile map wars
Gaat Samsung ook naar TomTom maps/HD Traffic ?

TomTom maps/hd traffic standaard op Samsung Galaxy S III in China ?

June 18, 2012AutoNavi's Premium Navigation App Selected for Long-Awaited Samsung GALAXY S III Smartphone
Samsung Chooses AutoNavi as its Strategic Navigation Partner for its Top-of-the-Range Smartphone in China

BEIJING, June 18, 2012 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- AutoNavi Holdings Limited ("AutoNavi" or the "Company") (Nasdaq:AMAP), a leading provider of digital map content and navigation and location-based solutions in China, today announced that the Company's premium Navigation application ("app") has been pre-installed on Samsung's new flagship smartphone, the GALAXY S III, which was officially launched in China this month. The pre-installation is the latest achievement in the Company's ongoing partnership with Samsung, through which AutoNavi pre-installs its premium navigation and map apps on Samsung's mobile handsets and tablets in China.

The GALAXY S III, running on the latest Android™ Ice Cream Sandwich, boasts a 4.8-inch HD Super AMOLED touchscreen and a powerful applications processor, and makes for an engaging and seamless user experience and an ideal interface for AutoNavi's navigation and location-based services. In addition to comprehensive map data, 3-D views and real-time traffic information, AutoNavi's premium navigation app includes features designed specifically for the GALAXY S III, including a map layer of Samsung designated points-of-interest, user archives of favorite places, city-specific functions, smart search features, and mobile positioning through GPS, cell towers, and Wi-Fi.

AutoNavi's chief executive officer, Mr. Congwu Cheng, commented, "We are thrilled that AutoNavi's premium navigation application has been selected for one of the world's most highly anticipated mobile devices, Samsung's GALAXY S III. Samsung is the world's largest mobile phone maker and one of AutoNavi's most important long-term strategic partners in the mobile Internet space. Samsung's selection of AutoNavi demonstrates our focus on product and technological innovation, customer satisfaction, as well as the quality and reliability of our premium navigation application. Samsung's choice also reflects continued market demand for our premium navigation application in China, underscoring the sustainability of our pre-installation business."

* Android, Google, Android Beam, Google Search, Google Maps, Gmail, Google Latitude, Google Play Store, Google Play Books, Google Play Movies, Google Plus, YouTube, Google Talk, Google Places, Google Navigation, Google Downloads are trademarks of Google Inc.

About AutoNavi Holdings Limited
AutoNavi Holdings Limited (Nasdaq:AMAP) is a leading provider of digital map content and navigation and location-based solutions in China. At the core of its business is a comprehensive nationwide digital map database that covers approximately 3.3 million kilometers of roadway and over 20 million points of interest across China. Through its digital map database and proprietary technology platform, AutoNavi provides comprehensive, integrated navigation and location-based solutions optimized for the Chinese market and users, including automotive navigation solutions, mobile location-based solutions and Internet location-based solutions, and public sector and enterprise applications. For more information on AutoNavi, please visit

TomTom and AutoNavi first to market with premium real-time traffic in rapidly growing Chinese market
Amsterdam, February 15, 2012 - TomTom, the world's leading provider of location and navigation solutions, and AutoNavi Holdings Limited ("AutoNavi"), a leading provider of digital map content and navigation and location-based solutions in China, today announced that together they will introduce HD Traffic, a premium real-time traffic solution, to drivers across China.

Through the joint-venture TomTom and AutoNavi will enable their customers in automotive, wireless and enterprise markets to deliver solutions based on the most accurate, comprehensive and up-to-date traffic information.

“This agreement is an important step in enabling drivers to save time and money when finding their way to destinations on the increasingly congested Chinese roads,” said Ralf-Peter Schäfer, Head of TomTom Traffic Product Unit. “In addition to the cost savings, TomTom HD Traffic can help reduce CO2 emissions and improve driving experiences.”

“Partnering with TomTom to deliver HD Traffic demonstrates our ongoing commitment to providing the highest quality products in the industry and reflects our position as a valued partner,” AutoNavi's Chief Executive Officer Mr. Congwu Cheng commented. “The combination of TomTom HD Traffic's superiour technology along with AutoNavi's data acquisition capability through our tens of millions of mobile device users, and our hundreds of thousands of fleet probes, will enable us to deliver cutting-edge traffic services to our customers and end-users. Our dynamic, real-time and integrated navigation and location-based products and services continue to improve China’s navigation landscape while providing an unmatched driving experience to our rapidly expanding user base across multiple devices and mediums in China.”

TomTom’s award winning HD Traffic is derived by combining information used anonymously from multiple GPS probe data sources. This produces precise delay times and indicates the exact location of congestion on the road network. HD Traffic will use industry standards TMC and OpenLR, TomTom’s open source dynamic location referencing technology which brings unique coverage on highways and all major roads including city roads. HD Traffic will be rolled-out as a nationwide service, covering up to 30 important Chinese cities by the end of 2013.


inspirator schreef op 19 juni 2012 09:44:

Azie TomTom Autonavi Samsung
Wil je even aangeven waar de woorden Samsung en AutoNavi staan in het persbericht?
puzzelje valt in elkaar
TomTom naast TomTom-Apple kraal nu ook Autonav-Samsung-TomTom kraal.

inspirator schreef op 19 juni 2012 10:03:

puzzelje valt in elkaar
TomTom naast TomTom-Apple kraal nu ook Autonav-Samsung-TomTom kraal.
En ook Inrix begint te begrijpen welke switch er in de branche zich gaat afspelen:
TomTom op weg naar historische koers van 30 euro.

TomTom tries to re-invent the core

TomTom is a fascinating example of a business trying to re-invent its core.

TomTom grew rapidly from 2004 onwards following the launch of satnav devices for cars that helped you navigate to your destination. However, many smartphones now have built-in satellite navigation and maps at no extra cost for users. This has led to TomTom's core market is undergoing disruptive change. This week's announcement of a deal to provide mapping software for iPhones suggests they may yet succeed, unlike Kodak, Blockbuster and Clinton Cards. These companies failed to re-invent their core, and paid the ultimate price by going bust.

Here are some of the key points from the TomTom story, drawing on an interview with TomTom founder and CEO Harold Goddijn in the FT

1. Renovate before you need to

Core renovation means pro-actively upgrading and improving the core when the business is doing well. To borrow a phrase from a French rugby coach, "To stay number one, train like you're number two". However, companies are often too slow to renovate their core. And this can be fatal when there is the threat of disruptive change.

Part of the problem is the storm of change may take a while to show its full force. And for a while the company's sales will tick along nicely. You see this with TomTom. As recently as 2010 revenues were still rising, up 3% versus the year before. But then the storm hit. Smartphone sales exploded, and TomTom's business imploded:

- Revenue down from €1.67 billion in 2008 to €1.27 billion in 2011, a drop of 24%

- Share price down from €60 in October 2007 to €3 now

- Market in latest year down 1/3 in North America (2.1 to 1.4 mill units) and down 20% Europe (2.4 to 2 mill units)

2. Re-define your market

A crucial step in re-inventing the core is to re-define the market, based on consumer benefits not products. In the case of TomTom this means re-defining the market as "personal navigational services" rather than "satnavs". This helps identify threats and opportunities beyond the current products, such as smartphones. This new definition of the core helps inspire and guide re-invention of the core. For TomTom this means repositioning from being seller of satnavs to selling software and services. As CEO Goddijn comments: "It's our ambition to enable customers to use world-class applications. Whether it's on a smartphone, in a dashboard or on a website, that doesn't really matter."

3. Keep the cannibals in the family

TomTom have realized quicker than you're betting off having the cannibals inside the family. In other words, if the market is moving from satnavs to smartphone software, you may as well get more than your fair share of the new business. And here TomTom is working on several fronts to re-invent the core:

- Smartphone software: the recent announcement of a partnership with Apple for the iPhone drove TomTom's share price up 20% by itself. TomTom has also signed a deal with Research In Motion Ltd. to provide maps and real-time traffic information on its BlackBerry smart phones.

- In-car navigation: providing special software for internet-enabled phones, following the purchase of TeleAtlas in 2008 to get the necessary software, technology and content to connect cars with the Internet

- Insurance companies: providing technology for U.K. insurance broker Motaquote's Fair Pay Insurance product. This bases premiums on driving behavior, rewarding good driving with lower premiums.

4. The need for speed

The challenge with re-inventing the core is to move fast enough. TomTom's founder Harold Goddijn says "Deep at heart we are a software company. That has never changed." He calls satnavs "an expensive packaging for software." However, the transition from selling to satnavs to software is not happening fast enough to protect TomTom's total sales, as the graph below shows. Software sales are going up, but hardware sales are going down even faster. This problem is recognized by CEO Goddijn, who according to the FT article isn't happy with the speed of progress.

5. Keep it real

I believe one reason for companies like Kodak, Blockbuster and Clinton Cards failing to re-invent their core business is not being close enough to the market and the customer. The risk is to be too inwardly focused, worrying about your own business model and asset base. So, its good to see that Harold Goddijn, on the left, is trying to "keep it real" and have an outward focus, saying in the FT article: "I'm trying to stay in touch as much as I can with the basics. When I'm travelling abroad, I test all my applications for local conditions to see how we have adapted to them". He also likes to work in the TomTom shop near his Amsterdam headquarters.

In conclusion, TomTom shows the need to re-invent your core when the market you operate in is undergoing disruptive change. The challenge is to re-define your core market based on benefits as a star-point for core renovation, and then to execute this at speed, so sales of the new core offering can off-set the decline in the old business model.
Gut, wat schattig. We knippen en plakken nog even een oud artikeltje. Een hond kun je leren pootje geven door vaak te herhalen. In de beleggerswereld werkt het zo niet.

DirkFrank schreef op 20 juni 2012 13:16:

de krach zit h'm in de herhaling
Eigenlijk is de koers van TomTom inderdaad een hele lange krach. Dertiger jaren zijn er niets bij.
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