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EUROFER welcomes Steel Action Plan

EUROFER welcomes the “Action Plan for a competitive and sustainable steel industry in Europe” published today by the European Commission

Mr Gordon Moffat Director General of the European Steel Association said “It is good to see that the Commission considers a strong and competitive steel sector as essential for the Union’s industrial and economic base. The Action Plan is a good starting point but there still is a lot of work to be done until our sector will substantially benefit from the proposals.”

Amongst other things, the Action Plan takes a comprehensive view of energy and energy-efficiency issues and states creating a “regulatory environment conducive to sustainable growth” in this area as one of its central goals. Measures suggested include guidance on long-term electricity contracts, which could reduce energy costs for the steel industry, and an analysis of the impact of the EU Emissions Trading Scheme on electricity prices. Other levies and taxes boosting electricity cost will also be looked into, and Member States are invited to consider reduction of renewable and network levies for energy-intensive industries (EII) or to exempt EII from these altogether.

“These are positive signals”, Gordon Moffat comments.
On climate policies post-2020 the Action Plan highlights the need to find a technological and economic basis for the EU target of reducing CO2 emissions by 80 to 95 per cent by 2050. “Independent studies from Boston Consulting Group and from the Joint Research Centre, a part of DG Research, have demonstrated clearly that the steel industry can reduce its emissions up to 2050 by only another 15 per cent. Present technology has reached its limits,” Gordon Moffat explains.
Trade and innovation

With 40 per cent of global industrial raw material export restrictions pertaining to various steel making raw materials and 65 per cent of global steel trade affected by protectionist measures, trade policies also play a prominent role in the Action Plan. New short time measures include the introduction of coking coal into the Commission’s list of critical raw materials which are subject to a higher risk of supply interruption, as well as scrap market monitoring. “Scrap is an important raw material for steel production. What gives rise to concerns here is the fact that Europe has become the second largest scrap exporter in the world while at the same time there are more than 20 countries elsewhere in the world that impose export restrictions on their own scrap production”, comments Gordon Moffat.

Furthermore, the Commission wants to support innovation in the steel industry, for instance in the framework of EU Horizon 2020 programme. Research and development (R&D), demonstration and pilot projects for cleaner, more resource and energy-efficient technologies are focused on. Also, the Commission will concentrate financial support more on the up-scaling and piloting phase of new technologies instead of supporting the R&D phase only.

Gordon Moffat: “This is a sensible move, for instance when you look at potential breakthrough technologies for low-carbon steelmaking the European steel industry has identified. Up-scaling these to demonstration and large-scale pilot plants to learn more about their industrial viability will need considerable funding.” The Commission also invites Member States to earmark funds for specific R&D projects in the steel sector and the European Investment Bank to consider long-term financing applications for steel projects undertaken to ensure compliance of the industry’s installations with the EU Industrial Emissions Directive.

With respect to employment, the European steel industry has to manage both the social challenges of ongoing restructuring and the need for young and creative talent. The Commission intends to mobilise various policy instruments such as the European Social Fund and the European Globalisation Fund to alleviate the social cost of adjustment. At the same time, it will promote the employment of young people in the sector, encourage the creation of a European Skills Council for the steel industry and support Sector Skills Alliances through its Erasmus for All programme.

EUROFER welcomes that the Action Plan takes a comprehensive look at European legislation as well, acknowledging therewith that the cumulative effects of various policies can have an impact on an industry’s ability to invest, to innovate and to compete successfully on a global level.

The Commission will also look into potential competitive benefits of European standards, for instance on sustainable production. It cites SustSteel, the EUROFER certification scheme for sustainable steel construction products as a positive example for such an approach.

The “Action Plan for a competitive and sustainable steel industry in Europe” takes up recommendations of the High level Roundtable (HLR) on the Future of the European Steel Industry. Initiated by Antonio Tajani, Commissioner for Industry and Entrepreneurship with support from László Andor, Commissioner for Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion, the HLR brought together representatives of the gouvernments of 13 member states, Commission Directorates-General, Executive Board Members and Chief Executive Officers of EUROFER member companies as well as representatives from trade unions. The Commission proposes to institutionalise a High-Level Group on steel, which would meet once a year to provide a European platform for dialogue and exchange of best practice.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal welcomes Steel Action Plan of EC

ArcelorMittal has welcomed the action plan and views this as an important first step to support a recovery of the steel industry in Europe.

Mr Robrecht Himpe, CEO of Flat Carbon Europe and member of the ArcelorMittal management committee said “However it is now essential that the dialogue is continued and that the measures proposed are further developed and implemented. We hope that all stakeholders, including governments and trade unions, will contribute constructively in this implementation.”

Source - Strategic Research Institute

Delta Steel communities warn against Mr Pramod Mittal comeback

Host communities of the Delta Steel Company, Ovwian, Aladja, have threatened to take over the land, equipment and facilities of the plant should the Nigerian government allow the return of the Indian Steel magnate, Pramod Mittal, to the company.

Mittal Brothers, trading under the name, Global Infrastructure Nigeria Limited, who lost the plant following the cancellation of its sale to them in 2008 by the late President Umaru Yar’Adua for alleged assets stripping, are now mobilizing to re-take the plant.

Mr Sam Odibo, the Otota of Udu Kingdom, on behalf of the 32 communities that make up Udu, warned that while the people might not be against privatisation, they would not guarantee peace if Mittal Brothers returned to take over the company.

Mr Odibo said that “If for any reason the management led by Pramod Mittal is allowed to take over Delta Steel again, the host communities of Ovwian and Aladja will take over the entire land, including places occupied by the company’s staff quarters.”

The statement said that “In short, the host communities are determined not to allow any access to the promoters of Delta Steel under any circumstances in the future.”

Source - Tribune

Iron ore ship rates gain most in month as fleet growth slows

Bloomberg reported that the cost of shipping iron ore rallied the most in more than a month amid speculation that a slowdown in record fleet growth is helping owners to negotiate better charters.

According to the Baltic Exchange in London, rates for Capesizes transporting 150,000 tonnes or more of the steelmaking commodity rose 4.1% to USD 5,797 per day the largest one day advance since May 7. The Baltic Dry Index, a wider measure of freight prices, gained 1.2% to 825 points.

According to data from Clarkson Plc (CKN), the world’s largest shipbroker, The fleet of Capesizes more than doubled between 2008 and last year after owners ordered more of the vessels than ever. The growth rate will slow to 6% in 2013 about the same pace as demand for commodities including coal, iron ore and grains.

Mr Jeffrey Landsberg MD of Commodore Research said that “We are finally seeing low fleet growth. As the months progress, I think we will see even more of an effect in a positive way.”

He said that while holidays in China are curbing demand for vessels, bookings from outside the Asian country are gaining. Rates for Capesizes are still below USD 7,758 per day, the amount owners need to cover operating expenses including crew and repairs.

Source - Bloomberg
Iron Ore Seen Rebounding as China Restocks in Year's Second Half

Bloomberg reported that iron ore will rally to average USD 120 per tonne as China rebuilds inventories in the year’s H2 rebounding from a decline in the next few weeks.

Analysts Mr Jeff Largey, Mr Alon Olsha and Mr Daniel Lurch said that the commodity used to make steel will fall for another 4 to 6 weeks until China’s stockpiles bottom out between last year’s low of a 17 day supply and a critically low 14 days. Stocks are already down to 21 days compared with 30 days a year ago.

According to The Steel Index Limited, the benchmark price dropped 30% to USD 110.90 a dry tonne from a 16 month high on February 20. New output trailing expectations in the second half and Chinese demand will lead prices back to an average of USD 120.

The analysts said that there could be four to six weeks of further weakness until the China destock ends. Even without a robust restock, we believe the end of destocking should return iron ore prices to about USD 120 per tonne in the H2.

Source - Bloomberg
Russian iron ore exports up by 9pct in Jan-Apr

According to the State Statistics Committee of Russia, in the January to April period of this year Russia's exports of iron ore increased by 8.6% compared to the same period last year to 8.957 million tonnes.

In the first four months this year, Russian exports of coal increased by 10.9% YoY to 42.663 million tonnes. In the given period, Russia exported 747,600 tonnes of coke and semi coke up 27.6% YoY.

Source - Visit for more
Siemens VAI to Modernize Ukrainian Steel Plant

Fried News reported that the signing of a major contract in Ukraine for Upper-Austrian industrial plant construction company Siemens VAI is in its final steps.

According to head of Siemens Ukraine Mr Cornelius Granig in an interview with WirtschaftsBlatt, in Donezk one of the biggest steel production plants is supposed to be modernized. The contract value comes at EUR 100 million.

Mr Granig said that the coal and steel region Donbass nearby Donezk is the heart of the Ukrainian heavy industry. The need in modernization is constantly increasing.

He said that most of the steel plants originate from the 1950s and 1960s. In regard to the planned free trade and association agreements with the European Union, the Ukraine has to push forward Western environmental standards. Mr Granig declares that Austria was the first address for Kyiv.

He added that the govenor of Donezker has even traveled to Linz one winter to assure himself that the snow next to a steel plant was white.

Recently, only Siemens VAI has delivered a casting installation for the larges Ukrainian steel producer ArcelorMittal Kryviy Rih. Further important costumers are the steel producer Industrial Soyus Donbass, Zaporizhstal and Metinvest Holding. The latter is controlled by the Ukrainian oligarch Rinat Akhmetov. Siemens VAI is alleged to have the best contacts to the Ukrainian steel industry.

The steel sector in the Ukraine is currently facing a crisis. The domestic steel production has dropped by 12% in 2012 and by 2% in the first five months of 2013 on a YoY comparison.

Mr Granig said that it is therefore better to invest in modernization now rather than at a time when the market sees an upsurge again. For months there has been a debate about downgrading the Hrywnja to make the Ukrainian steel cheaper. However, he considers it better to rely on quality than on dumping prices. Ukraine is the world’s eighth biggest steel producer. The steel industry contributes to around one fourth of the country’s GDP

According to the agreement, major projects for the modernization of the steel sector have so far failed because of the high costs. Just recently the government has agreed to a subsidy program for such projects, cheap credits are granted by 50% by the Ukrainian state-controlled banks Ukreximbank and Oschadbank and 50% via international banking institutes.

Mr Wolfgang Eder CEO of voestalpine said that the production of steel in Europe will decrease from 140 million tonne by a half until the year 2030 in case the current economic conditions will not improve.

Mr Eder said that many steel manufacturing enterprises were supposed to “die” because of a lack in competitiveness but because of public support funds they “must not die.”

Source -

EU boos om staalheffing China
13 juni 2013 16:43
De Europese Commissie heeft een klacht ingediend bij de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) tegen China.
Beijing heeft een heffing opgelegd op de import van Europese roestvrijstalen buizen en dat is volgens Brussel in strijd met de regels van de WTO.

Brussel heeft donderdag de WTO om een consultatie gevraagd. Zo hoopt het dagelijks bestuur van de EU via overleg met China tot een oplossing te komen. Als de consultatieronde niet succesvol is, dan kan de EU de WTO vragen een panel op te richten dat zich over de kwestie zal buigen en uitspreken.

Ook Japan heeft al een soortgelijke klacht ingediend bij de WTO.

De heffingen die Peking heeft opgelegd, liggen tussen de 9,7 en 11,1 procent. Volgens de EU belemmeren deze heffingen de toegang tot de Chinese markt enorm.

De relatie tussen de EU en China staat onder druk. Zo beschuldigt de EU Peking ervan zonnepanelen te subsidiëren en flink onder de marktprijs op de Europese markt te dumpen. Brussel heeft daarom een tijdelijke heffing op Chinese zonnepanelen opgelegd van bijna 12 procent, maar die na 2 maanden flink kan oplopen. Ondertussen probeert Brussel er via onderhandelingen uit te komen. Peking is inmiddels een onderzoek gestart naar het dumpen van wijn uit de EU op de Chinese markt.

s.lin schreef op 13 juni 2013 18:35:

EU boos om staalheffing China
13 juni 2013 16:43
De Europese Commissie heeft een klacht ingediend bij de Wereldhandelsorganisatie (WTO) tegen China.
Beijing heeft een heffing opgelegd op de import van Europese roestvrijstalen buizen en dat is volgens Brussel in strijd met de regels van de WTO.

Brussel heeft donderdag de WTO om een consultatie gevraagd. Zo hoopt het dagelijks bestuur van de EU via overleg met China tot een oplossing te komen. Als de consultatieronde niet succesvol is, dan kan de EU de WTO vragen een panel op te richten dat zich over de kwestie zal buigen en uitspreken.

Ook Japan heeft al een soortgelijke klacht ingediend bij de WTO.

De heffingen die Peking heeft opgelegd, liggen tussen de 9,7 en 11,1 procent. Volgens de EU belemmeren deze heffingen de toegang tot de Chinese markt enorm.

De relatie tussen de EU en China staat onder druk. Zo beschuldigt de EU Peking ervan zonnepanelen te subsidiëren en flink onder de marktprijs op de Europese markt te dumpen. Brussel heeft daarom een tijdelijke heffing op Chinese zonnepanelen opgelegd van bijna 12 procent, maar die na 2 maanden flink kan oplopen. Ondertussen probeert Brussel er via onderhandelingen uit te komen. Peking is inmiddels een onderzoek gestart naar het dumpen van wijn uit de EU op de Chinese markt.

Ze moeten snel een onderzoek starten naar het dumpen van sambalsaus op de europese markt.
Nieuwe topman voor ArcelorMittal Mining

Gepubliceerd op 14 jun 2013 om 08:25 | Views: 2.513

LUXEMBURG (AFN) - ArcelorMittal heeft Bill Scotting benoemd als topman van de mijndivisie. Dat maakte de onderneming vrijdag bekend. Scotting volgt Peter Kukielski op, die het bedrijf begin augustus gaat verlaten.

De nieuwe topman, die al lid is van het bestuur van de divisie, werkt sinds 2002 bij ArcelorMittal.
ILVA to idle BF putting 2000 jobs at stake temporarily

It is learnt that at the beginning of July, about 2000 Ilva Taranto workers will be temporarily let out, for a period of at least 3 months due to market contraction and consequent low demand & lack of orders.

In the meantime and after that, few days ago, the HRC rolling Mill has been stopped, the BF No 2 and the Steel Mill No 1 will be temporarily closed. Specifically BF No 2 will be idled for at least 3 months, following the BF No 1 that has been idled at the beginning of the year. The program is also including a new idling of the big BF No 5 for the Summer of 2014.

The Ilva management has informed the Trade Unions that will use this period of low demand and activity, for anticipating the implementation of the investments due for BF No 2, as per The Environmental Authorization released by the Government.

The scenario remains quite difficult as still there are three major problems to be solved

1. How the market will develop as Ilva Taranto, with the last closing, is barely producing at about 50% of his capacity and thus from where, the money needed for the mandatory investments, will be taken.

2. How will end up the judicial battle of Ilva against the Prosecutor decree of confiscating EUR 2 Billion

3. How will develop the discussion in Parliament about the nomination of Mr Bondi commissioner of Ilva.

Definitely, if the market will continue to remain as is, still for long time, the destiny of Ilva (and not only) will be at stake.

Source - Strategic Research Institute

ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih crude steel output increase in Jan-May

In the January-May period of the current year, the crude steel production of ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih, Ukrainian subsidiary of global steel giant ArcelorMittal, totaled 2.587 million tonne, up 1.5% YoY.

In addition, in the first five months of the year ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih saw a 11.4% increase YoY in its finished steel output to 2.407 million tonne, while its pig iron production increased by 0.9% YoY to 2.249 million tonne.

In May alone, crude steel production at ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih decreased by 0.6% to 499,200 tonne, output of finished steel went up by 12.8% to 450,700 tonne and production of pig iron moved down by 2.3% to 432,700 tonne, all on YoY basis.

Meanwhile, ArcelorMittal Kryvyi Rih has also announced that it has invested over UAH 10 million in the capital repair of rod mill 150-1 at its Section Rolling Shop-1, with the scheduled repair work being completed on June 5.

Source - Visit for more
LUXEMBURG (AFN) - ArcelorMittal wil voor 500 miljoen dollar aan uitstaande obligaties van zijn Amerikaanse dochteronderneming opkopen. Dat maakte de staalfabrikant maandag bekend.

Het gaat om obligaties met een couponrente van 6,5 procent, die op 15 april 2014 aflopen. ArcelorMittal gaf verder aan de interesse te gaan peilen voor de inkoop van nog eens 500 miljoen dollar aan obligaties van zijn financieringspoot, AM Finance. Dit zijn obligaties met een coupon van 4,625 procent en een looptijd tot 7 november volgend jaar.

Volgens ArcelorMittal zijn de inkoopplannen een teken van de ,,robuuste liquiditeitspositie'' van het bedrijf en vormen ze een onderdeel van de strategie om de schuldenlast aan te pakken en rentebetalingen te optimaliseren.
Steel pipes symbol of China-EU trade war

According to Chinese customs figures, China imported 17,500 tons of seamless steel pipes in April, and up to 46.9% came from the European Union.

Experts said that bilateral disputes in steel industry 'happen almost every year' The trade war between the European Union and China is likely to intensify, as the former is about to file a complaint against the latter at the World Trade Organization over tariffs on its imported stainless steel pipes.

An official from the Ministry of Commerce who declined to be identified told China Daily that the agency will closely monitor the case.

The EU's action is considered to be a retaliatory move after a series of bilateral trade disputes, especially the latest and largest one that involved the EU imposing tariffs on imports of photovoltaic solar panels produced in China.

Mr Li Junfeng, deputy director of the Energy Research Institute under the National Development and Reform Commission, has decried trade wars as a method of resolving trade disputes after the United States decided to impose punitive tariffs on China's solar products.

However, the China-EU complaints and disputes surrounding the stainless steel industry are not new, said Beijing-based industry experts.

Mr Han Jianbiao a senior steel analyst with, a domestic industrial information provider said that "The trade complaints against China's steel industry happen almost every year, and it seems that China's steel companies have already become used to it.”

Source - China Daily
Iron ore stockpiles at China major ports

Till the close of this week (June 14), the imported iron ore stockpiles at China's major ports posted at 71.94 million tonnes down 1.06 million tonnes from previous week out of which, total volume of iron ore for trades was 19.78 million tonnes down 0.68 million tonnes from previous week; Australian ore stockpiles was 34.70 million tonnes up 0.11 million tonnes; Brazilian ore inventory decreased by 0.81 million tonnes to 11.10 million tonnes; Total lump stock was 7.70 million tonnes, concentrate stock was 4.05 million tonnes and pellet of 1.10 million tonnes.

Source -
China to introduce new iron ore import licensing policy

China, the world's largest iron ore importer and consumer is set to abandon its old policy of a licensing system for importers from next month, in line with Premier Mr Li Keqiang's policy reducing governmental interference in the market.

As per report, starting from July 1st 2013, companies can apply for iron ore and alumina oxide importing licenses online, in an effort to promote free trade and provide a more convenient procedure.

The new policy is in line with Premier Mr Li Keqiang's recent statement that China will work on reducing governmental interference in the market and simplify approval procedures in many sectors.

China is the world's largest iron ore importer and consumer with annual consumption of more than one billion tonnes. Up to 60% of iron ore traded globally comes to China.

Currently, the China Iron and Steel Association and the China Chamber of Commerce of Metals Minerals and Chemicals Importers and Exporters are responsible for regulating iron ore trading on behalf of the Ministry of Commerce, and issuing licenses to importers. But industrial insiders now believe traders will not require their approval for iron ore imports in future.

An official said that the move by the Chinese government will provide fairer access to foreign iron ore resources by middle and small scale steel companies, which currently have to pay commission fees to middlemen who have importing rights for the raw material.

He said that the commerce ministry's announcement to change its license approval system is just the first step and the need for importing rights, as well as the license will be removed.

Source - Business

LUXEMBURG (AFN) - ArcelorMittal wil voor 500 miljoen dollar aan uitstaande obligaties van zijn Amerikaanse dochteronderneming opkopen. Dat maakte de staalfabrikant maandag bekend.

Het gaat om obligaties met een couponrente van 6,5 procent, die op 15 april 2014 aflopen. ArcelorMittal gaf verder aan de interesse te gaan peilen voor de inkoop van nog eens 500 miljoen dollar aan obligaties van zijn financieringspoot, AM Finance. Dit zijn obligaties met een coupon van 4,625 procent en een looptijd tot 7 november volgend jaar.

Volgens ArcelorMittal zijn de inkoopplannen een teken van de ,,robuuste liquiditeitspositie'' van het bedrijf en vormen ze een onderdeel van de strategie om de schuldenlast aan te pakken en rentebetalingen te optimaliseren.

Wat extra informatie:

ArcelorMittal wil meer dan $1 mrd aan schuld terugkopen

AMSTERDAM (Dow Jones)--Staalbedrijf ArcelorMittal (MT.AE) zei maandag meer dan $1 miljard aan schuldpapieren terug te willen kopen, om zo een gedeelte af te lossen van deze leningen, die in 2014 aflopen.

De onderneming biedt aan om voor $500 miljoen aan obligaties terug te kopen die aflopen op 15 april 2014 en een jaarlijkse coupon van 6,5% hebben. Voor iedere obligatie van $1.000 die aangeboden wordt voor de deadline van 28 juni biedt ArcelorMittal $1.038,75. Voor biedingen die na afloop van de deadline binnenkomen, wordt het bod met $50 verlaagd.

Tevens biedt de grootste staalfabrikant ter wereld aan voor EUR500 miljoen aan obligaties terug te kopen die aflossen op 7 november 2014, met een coupon van 4,625%. Hier biedt het bedrijf EUR1.045,75 voor iedere EUR1.000, maar geldt er geen deadline.

Met het terugkopen van obligaties wil ArcelorMittal een gedeelte, of alles, van de schuldpapieren aflossen voordat ze aflopen.

Eerder dit jaar haalde de onderneming, gevestigd in Luxemburg, $4,3 miljard op met de uitgifte van aandelen om zo zijn schulden terug te brengen die door kredietbeoordelaars waren afgewaardeerd tot junk status. ArcelorMittal wil tegen het einde van dit kwartaal de schulden hebben teruggebracht tot $17 miljard, van $21,8 miljard eind december.

Door Alex MacDonald, vertaald en bewerkt door Levien de Feijter; Dow Jones Nieuwsdienst: +31-20-5715200;

US raw steel production update for June 15th

In the week ending June 15th 2013, domestic raw steel production was 1,870,000 net tonne while the capability utilization rate was 78.1%. Production was 1,862,000 tonne in the week ending June 15th 2012, while the capability utilization then was 74.8%.

The current week production represents a 0.4% increase from the same period in the previous year. Production for the week ending June 15th 2013 is up 1% from the previous week ending June 8th 2013 when production was 1,851,000 tonne and the rate of capability utilization was 77.3%.

Adjusted YTD production through June 15th 2013 was 44,129,000 tonne, at a capability utilization rate of 76.7%. That is a 6.5% decrease from the 47,178,000 tonne during the same period last year, when the capability utilization rate was 78.8%.

Broken down by districts for the week ending June 15th 2013 in thousands of net tonne:
1. North East: 202
2. Great Lakes: 665
3. Midwest: 262
4. Southern: 653
5. Western: 88

Source - Strategic Research Institute
AK Steel lowers guidance for Q2

AK Steel provided guidance for its Q2 of 2013 financial results.

AK Steel said that it expects shipments of approximately 1,340,000 tonne to 1,360,000 tonne in the Q2 of 2013 compared to shipments of 1,289,800 tonne in the Q1 of 2013, an increase of approximately 4% to 5%.

For the Q2 of 2013, the company said that it expects increased shipments to the automotive market and carbon spot market compared to the previous quarter.

The company expects its average selling price per tonne for the Q2 of 2013 to decrease by approximately 1%, to about USD 1,055 per tonne, from its average selling price per ton of USD 1,062 for the Q1 of 2013. The expected decrease in average selling price is primarily due to lower spot market prices for carbon steel products compared to the previous quarter.

Despite this quarter over quarter reduction, pricing has been more favorable in recent weeks and on May 23rd 2013 and June 13th 2013, the company announced price increases on carbon flat-rolled steel products.

As a result, the company's spot market selling prices have improved recently and the company expects to continue to benefit in future months from these announced price increases.

Source - Strategic Research Institute
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