Talloze berichten in de media over vraag ( demand) ;
Is er dan helemaal geen vraag meer naar Olie?
uit OPEC rapportje van vandaag:
World Oil Demand
In 2020, the global oil demand contraction is revised down further by 0.4 mb/d, now contracting by 9.5 mb/d,
to average 90.2 mb/d. In the OECD, demand is revised higher by around 0.1 mb/d due to lesser-than-expected
declines in all sub-regions during 2Q20. In the non-OECD, the 2020 oil demand outlook is revised lower by
around 0.5 mb/d, due to weaker oil demand performance in Other Asia, particularly in India. Turning to 2021,
the negative impact on oil demand in Other Asia is projected to spill over into 1H21. At the same time, a slower
recovery in transportation fuel requirements in the OECD will limit oil demand growth potential in the region.
Additionally, risks remain elevated and skewed to the downside, particularly in relation to the development of
COVID-19 infection cases and potential vaccines. Furthermore, the speed of recovery in economic activities
and oil demand growth potential in Other Asian countries, including India, remain uncertain. As such, 2021
world oil demand is now forecast to grow by 6.6 mb/d, some 0.4 mb/d lower compared with the previous
month’s assessment to average 96.9 mb/d.
( olie vraag in 2016 2017 was vergelijkbaar , dus even resetten)