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Alpha Minerals Inc.: 57.5 Meters With High Grade Uranium in Hole PLS 13-038 Located 385 Meters East of Discovery Area
MarketwirePress Release: Alpha Minerals Inc. – Tue, Feb 19, 2013 11:51 AM EST

Symbol Price Change
AMW.V 3.34 -0.33

VANCOUVER, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwire - Feb 19, 2013) -

Editor''s Note: There is a chart associated with this release.

Alpha Minerals Inc. (TSX VENTURE:AMW), (the "Company" or "Alpha"), and its Joint Venture partner Fission Energy Corp. are pleased to release additional results from the Patterson Lake, Saskatchewan, core drill program. Hole PLS 13-038, located along the same conductor as adjacent to the Discovery (see News Release Nov 5, 2012), but 385 meters to the East, intersected two high grade zones within an overall Upper Zone of 57.5 meters of strong mineralization and also a Lower Zone of 15.5 meters thickness of intermittent uranium mineralization.

Due to the materiality of the most recent drilling of a target 385 meters east of the first discovery area, it was considered appropriate to release this information immediately. Results of delineation drilling west of the first discovery area and drilling in the area of targets on the lake on lines line 90E and 105E will be released shortly when data compiling is completed.

An ongoing field program is in progress. Core drilling continues to delineate and define the mineralized region identified during the summer 2012 program.

The drill hole location was selected from anomalous results in a recently completed radon survey of lake water. The survey results of note were as follows. RadonEx Exploration Management of Montreal were contracted to conduct a 191 station Lake Water and Sediment Radon survey over Patterson Lake, on strike to the east of the November 2012 discovery area. Station spacing was generally 20m on 60m lines. Of note, 3 broad anomalous area were identified, with values up to 11.4 pCi/L; A)90m x 70m (L165E - L255E) and B) 240m x 140m (L300E 0 L540E). Drill hole PLS13-038 was targeted to test anomaly B. The third anomaly is located approximately 2.2km east of discovery hole PLS13-022 and will be drilled during this program.

The higher grade intervals in the drill hole are shown on the attached strip log showing the rock types on the left columns and the gamma counts per second in the solid red area of the strip log. The highest point reading of the high grade was 76,233 cps. The high grade section within the Upper Zone includes:

20 meters from 87 -107 meters down hole greater than 10,000 cps

Including: 9 meters from 96 -105 meters down hole greater than 45,000 cps

(see Gamma Log attached below)

PLS13-038 intersected a thin cap of probable Devonian Sandstone that overlies the semi-pelite gneiss hanging wall constraining an intercalated package of pelite and graphitic pelite gneiss. Occasional pegmatite injections were observed throughout the pelite, graphitic pelite, and semi-pelite units. Strong visible mineralization occurs as flecks, blebs, clots, veins, and semi-massive intervals of pitchblende. Of note, wormhole style mineralization was observed for the first time. Moderate to strong clay, chlorite, and hematite alteration were observed throughout the mineralization.

The reader is cautioned that the cps readings are not directly or uniformly related to uranium grades of the rock sample measured, and should be used only as a preliminary indication of the presence of radioactive materials. The degree of radioactivity within the mineralized intervals is normally variable and associated with visible pitchblende mineralization. All intersections are down-hole, core interval measurements and true thickness is yet to be determined.

The Gamma Log attached below was the result of a radiometric surveyed with the Mount Sopris 2GHF-1000 Triple Gamma probe over the highly radioactive zones. This tool can return more accurate measurements in high grade mineralized zones and samples a larger volume of rock than the hand held scintillometer.

Patterson Lake South Property

The 31,039 hectare PLS project is a 50%/50% Joint Venture held by Alpha Minerals Inc. (AMW) and Fission Energy Corp. (FIS). Fission is the Operator. PLS is accessible by road via all-weather Highway 955, which runs north to the former Cluff Lake mine, (>60M lbs of U3O8 produced), and passes through the nearby UEX-Areva Shea Creek discoveries located 50km to the north, currently under active exploration and development. Updated maps highlighting the successful fall 2012 drill program at PLS can be found on the Company''s website:

The technical information in this news release has been prepared in accordance with the Canadian regulatory requirements set out in National Instrument 43- 101 and reviewed on behalf of the company by Garrett Ainsworth, P.Geo BC, Vice President of Exploration for Alpha Minerals Inc., a qualified person for the Company.
In Patterson Lake ZOU best weleens een van de grootste uraniumvondsten van Canada gedaan kunnen gaan worden, bovendien ligt deze vondst zeer ondiep, dit in tegenstelling tot b.v. Cigar Lake van Cameco, die ca een halve km diep ligt.

100 miljoen pond uranium heeft een overnamewaarde van ca 1 miljard (zie Hathor/RioTinto).

Bij Fission (83 cent) loopt er bovendien een bod van Denison en is er wellicht kans op een biedingsoorlog.

Fission heeft immers veel uranium gevonden naast RioTinto (Hathor).
benito c.
Mee eens, je bent alleen wel een beetje laat, er zijn al verdrie-vier- en vijfvoudigingen geweest.
Ik wil niet zeggen dat het te laat is, het risico is echter wel veel hoger dan een tijdje terug.Daar staat tegenover dat de uraniumprijs wel op moet gaan lopen, en daarmee het sentiment onder de aandelen ook.Daar zou je de etf URA voor kunnen kopen.
Fis is wel mijn grootste uraniumpost.

benito c. schreef op 27 februari 2013 14:11:

Mee eens, je bent alleen wel een beetje laat, er zijn al verdrie-vier- en vijfvoudigingen geweest.
Ik wil niet zeggen dat het te laat is, het risico is echter wel veel hoger dan een tijdje terug.Daar staat tegenover dat de uraniumprijs wel op moet gaan lopen, en daarmee het sentiment onder de aandelen ook.Daar zou je de etf URA voor kunnen kopen.
Fis is wel mijn grootste uraniumpost.
Ik ben helemaal niet te laat, alleen de plaatsing van dit bericht is een beetje laat, alhoewel pas zeer recent (door de 2e vondst met 58 m erts), duidelijk is geworden dat deze vondst weleens heel erg groot zou kunnen worden.

58 m erts; dat is een klomp van ca 20 verdiepingen hoog.......!!!

Bij Cigar Lake van Cameco praten we over een ertslaag van ca 5 tot 10 m dikte.

benito c.
OK, ik heb nu enig vermoeden wie je bent, en dan weet ik ook dat je al veel langer aandacht voor deze fondsen hebt.
Overigens heb ik een hard hoofd in die biedingsoorlog, kan nog wel, maar zou toch eigenlijk wel al begonnen moeten zijn.

benito c. schreef op 27 februari 2013 14:31:

OK, ik heb nu enig vermoeden wie je bent, en dan weet ik ook dat je al veel langer aandacht voor deze fondsen hebt.
Overigens heb ik een hard hoofd in die biedingsoorlog, kan nog wel, maar zou toch eigenlijk wel al begonnen moeten zijn.
Door het bericht van 19 februari zou er een hoop kunnen veranderen.

We praten hier over een gebied van ca 140 x 240 m met sterke radonafgifte.
En er zijn nog 2 van die gebieden.

Ook is de bron van de zwerfkeien met 40% uranium nog niet gevonden.
benito c.
Ja, ik ben met je eens dat het veelbelovend is. Alleen zitten wij er al veel langer in, maar het is zeker niet te laat.
En voor wie zou je kiezen of maakt het niet veel uit? Alpha is wat goedkoper maar fission heeft dat stukje grond naast hathor nog en de interesse van Denison. Overigens zie ik maar weinig leven in de uraniumprijs, het zou inderdaad prettig zijn als die wat omhoog ging...

seadoc schreef op 27 februari 2013 16:08:

En voor wie zou je kiezen of maakt het niet veel uit? Alpha is wat goedkoper maar fission heeft dat stukje grond naast hathor nog en de interesse van Denison. Overigens zie ik maar weinig leven in de uraniumprijs, het zou inderdaad prettig zijn als die wat omhoog ging...
Ik heb ze allebei, na aftrek van de waarde van het bod van Denison is de beurswaarde grotendeels gelijk.
Bij AMW heb je meer leverage en bij FIS heb je kans op een hoger bod.
2/26/2013 1:50:23 PM | | 175 reads | Post #32236312
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So AMW has 24 million shares fully diluted, and that will take them to 12 million cash. FIS, ex-dml has 158 million shares fully diluted and after warrants excercised $20 million cash.

AMW at 3.50 is = 85 million market cap with 12 million cash.

FIS at 0.85 - .45 DML (dml@1.20) = 0.40*158 million shares = 63 million market cap with 20 million cash.

Seems like there may be some opportunity in owning FIS. If AMW were to drop $1, Fission is still the better buy.

comparison with Cluff
2/26/2013 2:41:05 PM | | 281 reads | Post #32236687
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Drilling on Cluff Project Highlights:
CLU-07: 0.17% U3O8 over 7.0 metres from 153.0 to 160.0m, including 0.82% U3O8 over 1.0 m

2nd zone: 0.20% U3O8 over 2.0 metres from 175.0 to 177.0 m

CLU-01: 0.46% U3O8 over 1.5 metres from 174.0 to 175.5 m CAR-425: 0.85% U3O8 over 2.3 metres

if those above are highlights, compare with AMW's !!!!

Hole PLS12-024: 18 metres of 1.78% U3O8 from 65m depth, Including 12.5 metres of 2.49% U3O8;
Including 3.5 metres of 4.33 % U3O8;, Including 0.5 metres of 11.1 % U3O8;
Hole PLS12-022: 8.5 metres of 1.07% U3O8 from 70.5m depth,Including 2.5 metres of 2.63% U3O8;
Hole PLS12-025: 22.5 metres of 0.4% U3O8 from 60.5m depth,Including 4.03 metres of 0.85% U3O8;
Hole PLS12-023: 9.5 metres of 0.27% U3O8 from 66.5m depth


Thanks Chattyc, great post as usual

Cluff Lake mine
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Location Athabasca Basin
Province Saskatchewan
Country Canada
Company AREVA
Products Uranium
Opened 1980
Closed 2002

The Cluff Lake mine, located about 700 km (430 mi) from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan at the northern terminus of Saskatchewan Highway 955, was owned and operated by AREVA Resources Canada, formerly COGEMA Resources. The project opened in 1980 and had both open pit and underground mines. It ceased uranium production at the end of 2002 when the ore reserves were depleted. It was originally scheduled to shut down in 2000, but additional higher ore grades in the underground mine allowed production to continue for an additional two years. Total production during the mine's 22-year operating life was over 62 million pounds of yellowcake.[1]

The mine's decommissioning plan involved two years of active decommissioning, followed by several years of onsite monitoring and then long-term monitoring. When decommissioning is complete, the site is expected to have no significant adverse effects on the environment.[1]
January 27, 2014
Fission Hits Largest Composite Off-Scale Recorded at PLS 36.72m Total Composite "Off-Scale" (Line 600E)
111.5m total composite mineralization
KELOWNA, BRITISH COLUMBIA--(Marketwired - Jan. 27, 2014) - FISSION URANIUM CORP. ("Fission" or "the Company") (TSX VENTURE:FCU)(OTCQX:FCUUF)(FRANKFURT:2FU) is pleased to announce results from the first five holes of the winter program at its PLS property in Saskatchewan's Athabasca Basin. Of exceptional note is hole PLS14-129 (line 600E). With 36.72m of total composite off-scale (greater than 9999 cps) mineralization at shallow depth, including a discrete interval of 9.5m continuous off-scale, the hole has returned the widest, strongest off-scale results recorded at PLS to date. It far exceeds hole PLS13-075 (line 330E) which intersected 21.65m total composite off-scale and later assayed at 21.76% U3O8 over 21.5m in 9.08% U3O8 over 54.5m (see NR dated Sept. 4, 2013).

All five holes intersected off-scale radioactivity and have further narrowed the gaps between zones R390E to R945E. In total, the distance between the mineralized zones has been reduced by approximately 45m (12%).

Drilling Highlights include:

-- PLS14-129 (line 600E)
-- 111.5m total composite mineralization (56.0m - 268.0m)including:
-- 36.72m total composite off-scale (greater than 9999 cps)radioactivity

-- PLS14-126 (line 780E)
-- 64.5m total composite mineralization (131.0m - 374.0m) including:
-- 3.09m total composite off-scale (greater than 9999 cps) radioactivity

-- PLS14-125 (line 570E)
-- 88.0m total composite mineralization (70.0m - 240.5m) including:
-- 1.96m total composite off-scale (greater than 9999 cps) radioactivity

Ross McElroy, President, COO, and Chief Geologist for Fission, commented,

"PLS14-129 is the strongest hole to date at PLS, exceeding the total composite off-scale from hole PLS13-075 by well over 50%. Considering drill-hole PLS13-075 is on a level with the very best holes in the Athabasca Basin district, this is an incredible start to the winter program. Today's results also narrow the gaps between the zones substantially... further evidence that the system consists of one very large zone."
Alpha Minerals en Fission zijn inmiddels ruwweg verdubbeld, incl 2 spin-outs en een overname van Alpha door Fission.

In ieder geval zijn dit vrijwel de enige 2 uranium-aandelen die in 2013 fors gestegen zijn.
benito c.
Ja, het wachten is op een biedingsoorlog.
Heb jij wel eens iets gezien, of grote partijen aan pakketopbouw doen? De bieders op Hathor moeten hier toch ook interesse voor hebben.

benito c. schreef op 27 januari 2014 11:17:

Ja, het wachten is op een biedingsoorlog.
Heb jij wel eens iets gezien, of grote partijen aan pakketopbouw doen? De bieders op Hathor moeten hier toch ook interesse voor hebben.
Er zijn genoeg grote aandeelhouders bij Fission, voor de rest valt er weinig van te zeggen:
'Sit back and enjoy the ride'.

Naar verluid zijn er in principe ca 7 partijen die interesse zouden kunnen/moeten hebben, waaronder 1 mijnbouwbedrijf dat nog niks doet met uranium.
Fission Uranium drills 'one of the very best holes' in Athabasca basin
Frik Els | January 27, 2014

Fission Uranium Corp (CVE:FCU) jumped as much as 6% on Monday on massive volumes after announcing a fresh set of off-scale mineralization from the first five holes of its $12 million winter drilling program at its PLS property in Saskatchewan abutting the Athabasca Basin.

By early afternoon the Vancouver-based explorer retreated from its highs reached in morning trade to change hands at $1.23, up 3.4% on the Toronto venture board.

A whopping 5.1 million shares in the $385 million company had changed hands by 2:00 pm EST on Monday compared to the daily average volume of 1.3 million.

Thanks to a string of strong drill results showing mineralization at shallow depths from the Paterson Lake South property first identified in 2008, Fission has more than doubled in value over the past year and sparked a staking frenzy in the surrounding area.

Highlights of the latest set of drill results which is part of a 30,000 metre, 90-hole program, include hole PLS14-129, which returned a composited radioactive interval of 111.5 metres comprising of nine variably radioactive mineralized intervals ranging in width from 0.5 metres to 38.0 metres, starting at a downhole depth of 56 metres. This includes 36.7 metres of composited "off-scale" intervals of greater than 9999 counts per second radioactivity occurring in non-contiguous discrete intervals ranging from 0.5 metres to 9.5 metres wide.

This hole represents the widest intersection of composite mineralization and strongest off-scale scintillometre results so far encountered at the PLS property, exceeding readings derived from hole PLS13-175 by more than 50%, which assayed 54.5 metres grading 9.08% U3O8 including 21.5 metres grading 21.76% U3O8.

Other significant results from the latest set include hole PLS14-126, which intersected 64.5 metres of total composited mineralized intervals from a downhole depth of 131.0 metres to 374.0 metres.

Ross McElroy, President, COO, and Chief Geologist for Fission, said "Considering drill-hole PLS13-075 is on a level with the very best holes in the Athabasca Basin district, this is an incredible start to the winter program. Today's results also narrow the gaps between the zones substantially… further evidence that the system consists of one very large zone."

To put Fission's drill results into perspective 1% uranium at $50 per pound is the equivalent of gold at 25.2 g/t, silver at 56 oz/t, copper at 15.4% and nickel at 8.2%. Fission has also intersected molybdenum, cobalt and gold at PLS. Gold has been mined as a byproduct in the past at a number of the uranium properties in the region.

benito c.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 28 januari 2014 09:26:

To put Fission's drill results into perspective 1% uranium at $50 per pound is the equivalent of gold at 25.2 g/t, silver at 56 oz/t, copper at 15.4% and nickel at 8.2%. Fission has also intersected molybdenum, cobalt and gold at PLS. Gold has been mined as a byproduct in the past at a number of the uranium properties in the region.

Dit is inderdaad wel een eye opener. Als we dan praten over 10% over meer dan 50 meter, dan zou een goudboring van 250 g/t over die lengte spectaculaire gevolgen op de beurs hebben.
Ook area plays worden wel erg interessant. Een goede boring en ze gaan enkele malen over de kop. Naast mijn als bestaande Purepoint en Fission.3 heb ik nu ook maar wat Aldrin en Lakeland gekocht. Zal ook nog Forum overwegen.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 28 januari 2014 09:26:

Fission Uranium drills 'one of the very best holes' in Athabasca basin
Frik Els | January 27, 2014

To put Fission's drill results into perspective 1% uranium at $50 per pound is the equivalent of gold at 25.2 g/t, silver at 56 oz/t, copper at 15.4% and nickel at 8.2%. Fission has also intersected molybdenum, cobalt and gold at PLS. Gold has been mined as a byproduct in the past at a number of the uranium properties in the region.
In werkelijkheid zijn de hoogste graden U308 die Fission heeft gevonden natuurlijk nog veel hoger; 20 tot 40% en zelfs 60% is vrij normaal in dit gebied en niet over kleine stukjes zoals bij Roughrider, maar soms wel over 10 of 20 m.
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