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Iron ore shipments from Port Hedland increase as China buys more

Bloomberg reported that iron ore shipments from Australia’s Port Hedland, the world’s biggest bulk terminal, climbed in August as cargoes increased to China.

Data on the Port Hedland Port Authority’s website showed that exports totaled 27.4 million tonnes from 26.6 million tonnes in July and 22.8 million tonnes a year earlier. Shipments to China, the biggest buyer, were 22.3 million tonnes from 20.4 million tons the previous month and 16.7 million tonnes in August 2012.

China’s manufacturing resumed growth in August, indicating the world’s second-biggest economy is strengthening after a two quarter slowdown. The country will reach the government’s 7.5% growth target this year and maintain that pace in 2014. Strength in the iron ore price, which rose for a third month in August, suggests a mild rebound in China.

According to The Steel Index Ltd, Iron ore with 62% content delivered to the Chinese port of Tianjin fell 0.5% to USD 138 a dry tonne. Prices have climbed 25% from a low in May, reducing this year’s loss to 4.8%.

Source – Bloomberg
Odisha to review ArcelorMittal proposed mega steel project

At a time when ArcelorMittal making it clear that the company's investment in India may not materialise for another five years, Odisha government said that it would review the progress made by the steel maker regarding its proposed project in Keonjhar district.

State Steel and Mines Minister Raghunath Mohanty told reporters that
"The state government will certainly want to know the reason for the delay in execution of the project by ArcelorMittal. We will raise the issue at the next review meeting with the company executives.”

He said that "The company is yet to submit its detailed project report to the state government, while conceding that there was 'little bit of opposition' to the 12 mtpa greenfield steel mill in Keonjhar.”

ArcelorMittal, which signed an MoU with the state government on December 21, 2006, had proposed to invest Rs 40,000 crore in the project.

The company, which is the world's largest steel maker, had announced plans to set up two steel plants of 12 million tonnes each in Jharkhand and Odisha in 2006. Later, it also unveiled a plan to establish a six million tonnes plant in Karnataka.

Source – Odisha Today
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Arcelor levert staal hoogste gebouw Z-Amerika

Gepubliceerd op 5 sep 2013 om 17:07 | Views: 1


EUR 10,29+0,10(+0,98%)

LUXEMBURG (AFN) - ArcelorMittal levert 5000 ton staal voor de bouw van het hoogste gebouw van Zuid-Amerika. Dat meldde het staalconcern donderdag.

De zogeheten Infinity Coast Tower in de Braziliaanse staat Santa Catarina wordt 237 meter hoog. De leveringen vanuit de Braziliaanse faciliteiten van ArcelorMittal worden naar verwachting in 2016 afgerond.
Eindelijk connectie in het hotel(andalusie),leuke stijging vandaag,ga me nu wat bijlezn

voda schreef op 5 september 2013 17:10:

Goed zo!

Arcelor levert staal hoogste gebouw Z-Amerika

Gepubliceerd op 5 sep 2013 om 17:07 | Views: 1


EUR 10,29+0,10(+0,98%)

LUXEMBURG (AFN) - ArcelorMittal levert 5000 ton staal voor de bouw van het hoogste gebouw van Zuid-Amerika. Dat meldde het staalconcern donderdag.

De zogeheten Infinity Coast Tower in de Braziliaanse staat Santa Catarina wordt 237 meter hoog. De leveringen vanuit de Braziliaanse faciliteiten van ArcelorMittal worden naar verwachting in 2016 afgerond.

Ik las trouwens ook op Bloomberg-TV dat Brazilië 32 nwe. spoorlijnen gaat aanleggen en daar is veel staal voor nodig.
De economie van Chili is in het eerste halfjaar van 2013 gegroeid met 5% en die van Colombia met 4%. Nu zijn dit niet de grootste economieën in de wereld maar als opkomende voormalige 3e wereld-landen doen ze het toch heel aardig. Zijn trouwens percentages waar ze zich in Europa en dus ook in Nederland de vingers bij aflikken.
Steel rallying with Chinese builders beating mills

Bloomberg reported that the fastest Chinese steel output on record is still too slow to meet demand from builders, reducing inventories and driving prices toward a bull market.

Production of steel reinforcement bars rose 14% to 113 million metric tonnes in the first seven months and stockpiles slumped 35% from an all time high, data compiled by Bloomberg show. Rebar, accounting for almost one third of steel output in China, will average CNY 4,000 (USD 655) a tonne in the fourth quarter, 7% more than now and the highest in more than a year, according to the median of 15 analyst estimates.

The appetite for steel suggests sustained demand for commodities, even as Premier Li Keqiang tries to curb excess lending and shutter inefficient plants in industries from metals to cement. Imports from copper to crude oil are rebounding as manufacturing data add to signs that China will meet Li’s 7.5% growth target this year.

Mr Jia Liangqun chief analyst at Mysteel Research as the Shanghai based company that provides data to the National Development and Reform Commission said that “The overcapacity that everybody was so worried about is turning out to be moot because 2013 is shaping up as a record year for steel demand. To reduce the pain as it rebalances the economy, the government has no choice but to keep doing one of the things it does best investment in infrastructure, real estate and fixed assets.”

Source – Bloomberg
ThyssenKrupp steel Europe to optimize management structure

At its meeting the Supervisory Board of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG decided to realign the company’s management structure. The reorganization is in connection with the optimization program “Best-in-Class Reloaded”, under which Steel Europe is making a significant contribution to the profitability and strategic development of the Group as a whole.

The aim of the reorganization is to create a stronger focus on business operations and a leaner and more efficient organizational structure. The new organizational structure is an important step in achieving the core objectives of BiC Reloaded increased customer orientation, improvements in costs, and stronger technological and logistical capabilities.

In the future the Executive Board will consist of four members, responsible for Chair/Finance, HR & Social Affairs, Sales & Innovation, and Production. The number of functional departments will be reduced from 28 to 23. The previously separate directorates for metallurgy and rolling/coating will be combined and structured more leanly. In the future, all production operations from pig iron and crude steel production to the various rolling and coating operations to engineering services will be the responsibility of one Executive Board member. Through integrated production processes, more efficient resource allocation and logistical advantages it will be possible to achieve significant cost savings. In addition it will be possible to better meet different customer needs in terms of quality and delivery.

Increased customer orientation is also to be achieved through greater innovation and faster times to market for new products. The research and development function will therefore be under the responsibility of the sales director in the future and will bring innovations to market in close cooperation with customers. In addition, responsibility for highly specialized products such as tinplate, medium-wide strip, heavy plate and electrical steel will be combined under sales to align them more closely with end-user industries.

Dr. Heinrich Hiesinger, Supervisory Board Chairman of ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe AG said that “We are rigorously implementing our optimization program to enable us to be successful in a continuing difficult competitive climate. We want to be best-in-class again. With the new management structure we have now taken the necessary steps for this.”

The new structure will be effective from October 1, 2013, i.e. from the start of the coming fiscal year 2013/14.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe to modernize converter plant and waste heat boiler

The modernization is a logistical tour de force: While production in converter 2 continues, around 1,000 specialists working on two job sites will ensure a smooth rebuild.

Since 1969 the two converters in Ox 1 have been the basis for steel production in Duisburg-Bruckhausen. In the refractory-lined steel vessels pig iron is converted into crude steel with the addition of scrap and slag formers. Oxygen is blown onto the heat to remove impurities such as carbon, silicon, manganese and phosphorus. The steel is then tapped at a temperature of 1,700°C. 44 years of continuous operation, around 211,000 heats and an output of approx. 80 million metric tons of steel have left their marks on converter 1. Now it is to be replaced.

For Chris Lindner, melt shop superintendent with ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe, the project is a technical and organizational challenge: "We are removing the old equipment and installing the new while the neighboring converter operates as normal. We are working on two levels: on the converter itself and at the same time on the waste-heat boiler system, which extends to a height of almost 70 meters above the converter opening."

The new converter vessel is one of the biggest of its kind worldwide, with a height of eleven meters, a diameter of eleven meters and a weight of roughly 500 tons. The fine-grain structural steel for the converter was produced at ThyssenKrupp Steel Europe's steelmaking plant in Duisburg-Beeckerwerth and rolled in Duisburg-Hüttenheim. Thanks to a new method of construction the new converter vessel will be significantly wider. With an unchanged charge weight of up to 400 tons, the inner volume of the converter has been increased from 218 to 270 cubic meters. The additional capacity will allow more environmentally friendly operation and more efficient energy recovery.

The logistical effort involved in replacing the converter is huge. The vessel and trunnion ring were made by equipment manufacturer SMS Siemag in Italy. From there the converter was transported in seven pieces by ship to Walsum port and by road to the Bruckhausen steel plant in April this year.

ThyssenKrupp specialists are maneuvering the massive elements across the shop floor to the pre-erection area in the Bruckhausen melt shop using a six axle platform car.

There the pieces are being joined together, moved to their final destination by shop crane and installed. Up to 1,000 workers are involved in dismantling the old converter and installing the new one and the waste-heat boiler.

Special crane to move boiler segments

Directly above the work on the converter floor, four segments of the waste-heat boiler system are also being replaced. The almost 50 meter long system of water pipes cools the converter gas from 2,000°C down to roughly 500°C. The steam produced in the process flows into the mill's steam network and is supplied to other consumers in the mill. The cooled converter gas is cleaned and is used for example as fuel for the reheating furnaces in the hot strip mills.

The new boiler segments were made by the Essen-based equipment manufacturer Oschatz. They are almost four meters in diameter. The heaviest element weighs 50 tons. As the waste-heat boiler has to be positioned roughly 20 meters above the converter opening, three of the four boiler segments are being lifted into the converter shop on the hook of a special crawler-mounted crane with a 140 meter boom positioned on the south side of the Duisburg-Bruckhausen melt shop.

45 days have been planned for the whole operation. The first heat in the new converter is scheduled to be produced in mid-September.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Australia ships more iron ore to China in August

Reuters reported that Australian shipments of iron ore to China looked to have stayed strong in August, a month after Australia boasted its second highest exports ever to the Asian giant and a sign of healthy demand for resources.

Iron ore exports to China from Port Hedland, which handles about a fifth of the global seaborne market for the steel making raw material, rose 9% in August from July.

Ore shipments of 22.3 million tonnes were up a hefty 33% on August last year and not far from all time highs hit in May. Since the figures are released just a few days after the end of the month, they offer a timely leading indicator of demand in China.

Iron ore is Australia's single biggest export earner, bringing in around AUD 60 billion in a good year. The strength of shipments increases the chance that Australia will report a trade surplus for August and also add to economic growth.

Figures on July trade from the Australian Bureau of Statistics out on Thursday underlined the importance of China to the resource rich nation. Australian exports to China in July were the second highest on record at AUD 7.75 billion, an increase of 29% on the same month last year.

Much of that is thanks to iron ore prices which have surged around 25% in the past three months to reach USD 138 a tonne . Back in July last year, prices had been in a steep decline which bottomed in early at AUD 86.70 a tonne in early September.

But export volumes are also in a long-term uptrend as massive investment by Australian miners expands production. The ABS data showed quantities of ore exported in July rose to China, Japan and South Korea.

Rising exports are playing a crucial part in supporting the economy amid caution on spending by consumers and businesses at home. Data out on Wednesday showed the economy grew by 2.6% in the year to June, with exports accounting for no less than 1.4 percentage points of that.

Source – Reuters
SunCoke Energy extends coke making agreement with ArcelorMittal Indiana Harbor

SunCoke Energy Inc and ArcelorMittal have agreed to a 10 year extension of their existing contract, under which SunCoke provides 1.22 million tons of metallurgical coke annually to ArcelorMittal from its Indiana Harbor cokemaking operation located in East Chicago, Indiana. Coke is an essential ingredient in the blast furnace production of iron.

"This contract renewal affirms the strategic, long-term relationship we have with ArcelorMittal,” said Fritz Henderson, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of SunCoke Energy, Inc. "We are proud to supply more than 1.2 million tons of metallurgical coke from our Indiana Harbor plant to one of the most important steelmaking assets in North America. Extending this contract was a top 2013 priority for SunCoke, which when coupled with our refurbishment efforts, positions Indiana Harbor well for the future.”

Key provisions of the extension agreement, which takes effect October 1, 2013, are substantially similar to the existing agreement, including continuing the pass-through of coal costs, reimbursement of operating and maintenance expenses subject to certain metrics and a pricing adjustment per ton of coke produced to recognize the approximately $85 million in new capital being deployed to refurbish and upgrade this facility. We anticipate this refurbishment will be substantially complete in first quarter 2014, although certain equipment replacement with long-lead order times will not be fully implemented until early 2015. As a result, while we expect significant improvement in operating and financial results in 2014, the full impact of the refurbishment and contract economics are expected to be realized in 2015.

The Indiana Harbor cokemaking operation is SunCoke’s largest US facility with 268 ovens and 1.22 million ton annual coke production capacity. This facility was the first commercial application of our advanced heat recovery technology, having begun operations in 1998. SunCoke holds an 85 percent ownership interest in the Indiana Harbor cokemaking operation with DTE Energy Company holding the remaining 15 percent interest.

Source – Strategic Research Institute
Credit Suisse sees iron ore prices at USD 60 in 2015

A revival of the steel market will have knock on, positive implications for the price of iron ore.

Credit Suisse gave an upbeat assessment of the steel market, which will have knock on, positive implications for the price of iron ore. However, longer term the outlook is bearish.

Following a three year downturn, the sector looks set to emulate the 2003/4 cycle, where prices spiked sharply, but Credit Suisse added: “Our fear is that, come the next steel destock, iron ore could hit USD 60 per tonne to USD 70 per tonne, likely in 2015. But the upside surprise risk is likely to dominate first, in our view.

It said “We think September could pose a risk for resource and steel equities given seasonality and emerging short-term risk factors, but also that this will give investors an opportunity to buy while, like now, the forward looking macro looks set for a recovery relative to what equities are pricing in.”

Source – Proactiveinvestors
LUXEMBURG (AFN) - ArcelorMittal levert 5000 ton staal voor de bouw van het hoogste gebouw van Zuid-Amerika. Dat meldde het staalconcern donderdag.

De zogeheten Infinity Coast Tower in de Braziliaanse staat Santa Catarina wordt 237 meter hoog. De leveringen vanuit de Braziliaanse faciliteiten van ArcelorMittal worden naar verwachting in 2016 afgerond.
Chinese steel exports in August crosses 6 million tonne mark

In August this year, China exported a total of 6.14 million tonnes of finished steel, up by 44.8% YoY, with the monthly export volume thus exceeding 6 million tonnes for the first time since October 2008, as announced by the Chinese customs authorities.

Meanwhile, China's finished steel import volume in August totaled 1.23 million tonnes, up by 2.5% YoY

In the January-August period of the current year, China exported 41.98 million tonnes of finished steel, up by 17.4 percent, while China imported 9.23 million tonnes of finished steel, down 0.9 percent, both on YoY basis.

Source - Visit for more


%jager schreef op 10 september 2013 09:43:

oud nieuws Rokkefellow.
Ja, 5 dagen oud! :-)

Indonesian steel industry records 12.74 pct growth

Indonesia’s basic metal, iron, and steel industries posted 12.74% growth in the first half of 2013, higher than the 6.58% cumulative growth of non oil and gas processing industries.

Secretary General of the Ministry of Industry Ansari Bukhari said that "The strong growth of the country`s basic metal, iron, and steel industries was supported by heavy investment in the industrial and service sectors. This investment created optimism amid the weakening of the export markets.”

He pointed out that heavy investment and strong consumption trends at home indicated that Indonesia`s economy would continue to grow, backed by its industries, even though demand from export markets in its main partner countries was weakening.

Mr Ansari said the metal industries, particularly the iron industry, in developed nations were advanced and modern. Steel is a major resource for infrastructure development, such as in the construction of buildings, roads, and bridges. He added that "This is an opportunity on the one hand and a challenge on the other for our national steel industry.”

The ministry of industry, through the directorate-general of basic manufacturing industry, aims to increase the competitive edge of Indonesian industries in the ASEAN Economic Community by developing a downstream mineral industry.

The secretary general said that "With this development program, investment in the basic mineral and metal industry in Indonesia should help to rapidly improve the competitive edge of the national metal industry.”

Source – Strategic Research Institute

voda schreef op 10 september 2013 16:42:

Ja, 5 dagen oud! :-)

oeps, ik heb niet verder dan mijn neus gekeken vandaag.
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