Hierbij mijn reactie, naar aanleiding van een post van gisteren die geplaatst is door Arend Jan Kamp. Over Dan Loeb, een activistische hedge funds manager die blijkbaar een nieuwe positie in Fedex heeft genomen. Blijkbaar niet groot genoeg (5%), omdat er (nog) geen melding is binnengekomen bij de SEC. Volgens AJK zou deze man tegen (dure) overnamens zijn. AJK suggereert hiermee dus, dat hij in alle gevallen tegen een eventuele overname zou zijn van TNT. Ik plaats hier mijn hele grote vraagtekens bij. Een activistisch hedge funds manager die expansie van een organisatie wil voorkomen? Ik kan het me niet voorstellen, dat Dan Loeb een positie heeft ingenomen in Fedex uitsluitend om deze reden. Hier zit mijn insziens een heel ander reden achter, waar ik de vinger op de zere plek niet kan leggen. Misschien wishfull thinking?
Even een schoen uit oude doos opgerakeld hieromtrent:
Bloomberg, Jan 15, 2013
For TNT Express NV (TNTE) shareholders pining for a rescue from FedEx Corp. (FDX) after a scrapped takeover sent the stock reeling to record-low valuations, it could be a long wait.
United Parcel Service Inc. (UPS), the world’s biggest package- delivery company, terminated a 5.16 billion-euro ($6.9 billion) bid for TNT yesterday after European regulators signaled they may block the deal. TNT plunged 41 percent to 4.84 euros for the lowest multiples of profit and sales since the Hoofddorp, Netherlands-based company was spun off in 2011, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. FedEx will wait to see whether TNT’s operations and financial health deteriorate further before deciding whether to consider acquiring all or part of the company, a person familiar with the matter said.
PostNL NV (PNL), TNT’s biggest shareholder, saying it may try again to sell the company, FedEx is the best hope for a buyer as it tries to expand in Europe and would face fewer regulatory hurdles than UPS, said Kepler Capital Markets. Credit Agricole SA (ACA) said FedEx, if it even bids, is likely to wait at least 12 months to better gauge demand in Europe and TNT’s turnaround efforts in Brazil. Still, BB&T Corp. said FedEx doesn’t have enough cash for a takeover as big as TNT.
“I wouldn’t rule out that FedEx is potentially interested, but not in the short term,” Beat Keiser, a Zurich-based analyst for Credit Agricole, said in a telephone interview. Any prospective buyer is “going to want more clarity” on the health of TNT’s operations.
FedEx Pursuit
FedEx may consider making a run at TNT, according to another person familiar with the matter, who asked not to be identified because the plans aren’t public. The global package and freight company watched the failure of the UPS deal with interest, the person said.
FedEx won’t overpay for TNT and will wait to see if the company weakens to an acceptable price, the other person said. If TNT has a fire sale, FedEx would be an interested bidder, the person said.
“As a matter of policy, we do not comment on corporate development matters,” Jess Bunn, a spokesman for Memphis, Tennessee-based FedEx, said in an e-mailed statement.
When asked if TNT will seek a new buyer or be receptive to a bid from FedEx, Ernst Moeksis, a spokesman for TNT, said in an e-mail that “management will now solely focus on executing the business strategy and will uphold its fiduciary responsibility.”