The Legal Commission of the Steering Committee of the Senegalese Democratic Party (PDS) was quickly able to get out a press release arrived in the drafting of Seneweb to make the replica to the Prime Minister who held a press conference last Saturday. "The first of the ministers has fact that remind us what his colleagues of mines, Aly Ngouille Ndiaye and finance, Amadou Bâ, we had already said without convince us. It is mounted to the front to protect the president Macky Sall of the consequences of the biggest scam since independence and which is inhabited by an absurdly appetite for the accumulation of goods for him, his family and then his clan", support the comrades of Me El Hadji Amadou Sall, who fall within the "5 truths" of the Prime Minister.
First untruth
"The folder Kumba, supports the Legal Commission of the PDS, has etedefinitivement closure judicially end July 2009, date upon which transaction Kumba has been signed by, among others, the agent of the state judicial alone empowered to represent and engage the State in justice, and after that the arbitral tribunal rendered its award and videsa referral. The litigation Arcelor did not begin until the end of the moisd'April 2011, date on which the State of Senegal has filed the request for arbitration Arcelor Mittal after failure of the preliminary phase deconciliation. The first of the ministers has attempted to "sow confusion" by creating an amalgam between two cases very different and in attempting to accredit a lack of management on the part of the authorities then in charge of this folder before March 2012 ".
Second fallacy
"The affairs Kumba and Arcelor Mittal, added the jurists of the PDS, were not considered by the same arbitral jurisdiction. These are two different cases even if they both concern the iron from the Together. In one State, under the chairmanship of Me Abdoulaye Wade has negotiated well and, in the other, under the chairmanship of Mr Macky Sall has negotiated in conditions not respecting the national interest".
Third untruth
"there has never been a secret negotiations with Arcelor Mittal conducted by the State of Senegal to the knowledge of Kumba before the signing of the agreements of February 2007. Master Madicke Niang, the then minister in charge of mines, had insisted both from Kumba that Arcelor Mittal for they all communicate both to the state their respective proposals and allow him to choose the best proposal, and even if it was possible to create between them a joint-venture. Master Madicke Niang has met several times in Paris during the last four months of 2006. Moreover, the representatives of Kumba and Arcelor Mittal have officially met in London, in the presence of the minister of mines, and this before the State does signed a convention with Arcelor in February 2007.Arcelor Mittal has made the best offer by proposing to the State a share of production, with an industrial convention, providing for the remaining a steel unit in the region of Tamba-Kedougou for supplying the regional market, a railway convention, a convention trade and a convention port for a basic investment in the amount of 2 billion 200 million US dollars.
The choice of Arcelor Mittal was the good choice and well worth in return to settle the dispute with Kumba, including by a compromise referees", corrected the PDS.
If the first of the ministers is concerned only with the truth, think the Pds, it must order the publication of the arbitral award Kumba, the transaction with Kumba establishing formally to the fact that only $60 million had to be paid directly to Kumba and the 15 million remaining were to finance projects of general interest in Senegal.
Fourth untruth
"first of the ministers has wanted to lend credence to the theory that there were negotiations with Arcelor Mittal since July 2012. It is a huge counter-truth, think the PDS. There have been no negotiations before the May 15, 2014. Before the arbitral tribunal of the International Chamber of Commerce (ICC) the State of Senegal has tabled in May 2014 the expert report of the United States cabinet and the compensation file of lawyer