Rue1 schreef op 5 december 2014 13:16:
Hier ging een bedrijf ook een ander bedrijf aanklagen ivm steekpenningen.
Dat kan SBM ook zo maar gebeuren. (Moet je inderdaad wel zeker zijn dat je dat zelf niet ook gedaan hebt)
AMD v. Intel
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
This article is about the 2005 lawsuit involving AMD and Intel. For the 2004 United States Supreme Court case, see Intel Corp. v. Advanced Micro Devices, Inc..
AMD v. Intel was an antitrust lawsuit, filed by Advanced Micro Devices ("AMD") against Intel Corporation in June 2005.
AMD launched the lawsuit against its rival Intel, the world's leading microprocessor manufacturer. AMD has claimed that Intel engaged in unfair competition by offering rebates to Japanese PC manufacturers who agreed to eliminate or limit purchases of microprocessors made by AMD or a smaller manufacturer, Transmeta.[1]
The complaint was filed in the U.S. District Court in Delaware in June 2005. The court date, originally scheduled for April 2009, was pushed back to February 2010. One delay was due to the Korea Fair Trade Commission issuing Intel a fine of US$25.4 million. Some of the manufacturers involved in the case were Dell, HP, Gateway, Acer, Fujitsu, Sony, Toshiba, and Hitachi.[2][3]
In February 2009 it was reported that Intel had spent at least $116 million to date on legal representation on the antitrust suit. This was inferred from a $50 million lawsuit filed by Intel against one of its insurers; the lawsuit disclosed that Intel had already exhausted $66 million in coverage from two other insurers while fighting the antitrust lawsuit.[4]
This is not the first time AMD has accused Intel Corp. of abusing their power as the leading manufacturer for x86 processors. In 1991, AMD filed an antitrust lawsuit against Intel claiming that they were trying to secure and maintain a monopoly,[citation needed] and one year later, a court ruled against Intel, awarding AMD $10 million "plus a royalty-free license to any Intel patents used in AMD's own 386-style processor".[5]
In November 2009, Intel agreed to pay AMD $1.25 billion as part of a deal to settle all outstanding legal disputes between the two companies.[6][7]