grapesharvester schreef op 2 mei 2015 12:25:
You will understand that I am quite against anyone who wants grapes to dry out on the vine. Nurturing the grapes and the vines is much better and the grapes need to be harvested every year at the right time.
I expect that Onno has taken good note of the developments at Crucell with the Sanofi flu project and that he has inserted sufficient contractual stipulations in the contract with ABBVIE to avoid such from happening with 634.
Also the situation is now quite different as the production process of 634 is not that a dramatic shift (triggering write offs) as it would have been for Sanofi to move from flu production in eggs to cell culture.
Also 634 promises to wipe out biosimilar (TNF) competition currently threatening Humira.
Yes I much prefer to harvest the grapes and drinking the good wine made from them.
I can't indeed believe that Abbvie would go down that route as it would make no commercial sense whatsoever.
I know some people are concerned that Abbvie's own drug might be as good as 0634 but again on this forum it has been discussed Harrysnel? aston.martin? that it is not quite the real McCoy.
The real question is what is the cheapest option for Abbvie?
Considering the difficulties they are having in acquiring Pharmacyclics where not all shareholders have tendered their shares ( are they waiting for a higher offer?) it might not go for a take-over after all. But then those payments and royalities....
We shall wait and see.
Next step is Nasdaq. Wider institutional ownership. Money raised will serve to replace the cash burn this year and next.
Who knows, if still independent, a new issue will be raised in 2016 but in Europe this time with the likes of KBC & UBS etc to keep them sweet? THis to pay for the development of the drugs in the pipeline.
One way or another the price will move upwards with time.