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SBM Offshore - off topic - juni 2015

59 Posts, Pagina: « 1 2 3 | Laatste
Vandaag in Upstream:

Libra to lead way for FPSO charters
Chartering activity in Brazil’s critical floating production, storage and offloading vessel market is set to resume with a tender to contract a pilot unit for the giant Libra field.As head of the Libra consortium, Petrobras is expected to go to the market in July, seeking an FPSO able to handle up to...field. Odebrecht Oil & Gas and Teekay Offshore will supply a dynamically positioned FPSO with capacity for 50,000 bpd of oil, with the remit of carrying ....

Petrobras embarks on long haul back to the top
With a new chief executive, some major policy shifts and a looming licensing round, the state giant hopes it will soon turn a corner.


Toch weer twee minder.

BHI Rig Count: U.S. -2 to 857 rigs

U.S. Rig Count is down 2 rigs from last week to 857, with oil rigs down 4 to 631, gas rigs up 2 to 223, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged at 3.
U.S. Rig Count is down 1001 rigs from last year at 1858, with oil rigs down 914, gas rigs down 88, and miscellaneous rigs up 1.

The U.S. Offshore rig count is 27, down 2 rigs from last week, and down 32 rigs year over year.

BHI Rig Count: Canada +9 to 136 rigs

Canadian Rig Count is up 9 rigs from last week to 136 rigs, with oil rigs up 6 to 74, and gas rigs up 3 to 62.
Canadian Rig Count is down 129 rigs from last year at 265, with oil rigs down 92, and gas rigs down 37.

Additional information on the rig count is available on our rig count website at

Pjotrrrr schreef op 19 juni 2015 11:58:

Vandaag in Upstream:

Libra to lead way for FPSO charters
Chartering activity in Brazil’s critical floating production, storage and offloading vessel market is set to resume with a tender to contract a pilot unit for the giant Libra field.As head of the Libra consortium, Petrobras is expected to go to the market in July, seeking an FPSO able to handle up to...field. Odebrecht Oil & Gas and Teekay Offshore will supply a dynamically positioned FPSO with capacity for 50,000 bpd of oil, with the remit of carrying ....

Petrobras embarks on long haul back to the top
With a new chief executive, some major policy shifts and a looming licensing round, the state giant hopes it will soon turn a corner.


als we geen business-plan krijgen komt dit er goed dichtbij. :-)
Met shell 20% en de china's samen ook 20% kunnen die laatsten de schepen lassen en SBM de bemanning en ontwerp en controle doen voor super-FPSO's.
Genoeg uitdagingen om specialisten te moeten contracteren. :-)

Kan nog oppassen worden dat China mogelijk ind FPSO-biz wil, zeker met standaardisatie, Mr Chabas.


boedeba schreef op 20 juni 2015 11:30:


als we geen business-plan krijgen komt dit er goed dichtbij. :-)
Met shell 20% en de china's samen ook 20% kunnen die laatsten de schepen lassen en SBM de bemanning en ontwerp en controle doen voor super-FPSO's.
Genoeg uitdagingen om specialisten te moeten contracteren. :-)

Kan nog oppassen worden dat China mogelijk ind FPSO-biz wil, zeker met standaardisatie, Mr Chabas.

Ach misschien willen de Chinezen dan wel een eersteklas FPSO bouwer overnemen.
pim f
Clouds on the FPSO horizon

Written by Audrey Raj Monday, 15 June 2015 07:02

Bittersweet phase for the floating production, storage and offloading (FPSO) market through to 2019, say analysts.

While the FPSO Network notes that despite volatile oil prices the global FPSO market could attract US$80-$120 billion of investment, Douglas-Westwood points to a declining sector.

According to the firm’s report World Floating Production Market Forecast 2015-2019, although about $81 billion will be spent on floating production deployment, an increase of 73% compared to 2010-2014, orders will decline.

The value of annual installations is projected to grow from nearly $12 billion in 2015 to $21 billion in 2017, and will decrease to $17 billion in 2019. Low oil price is expected to impact the market, leading to a number of delayed projects.

Report author, Balwinder Rangi says, “This can be seen in the declining number of orders for 2015 and subsequent installation decline in 2018. Projects already under construction are unlikely to be affected.”

FPSOs represent by far the largest segment of the market both in numbers of installation and forecast Capex during 2015-2019, followed by tension leg platforms (TLPs).

Latin America will see nearly a third of the 110 installations forecast, Rangi noted, while Asia will account for nearly a quarter of forecast installations, but only 13% of spend.

“Africa is important in value terms, with 22% of the projected Capex. Western Europe is expected to form 15% of forecast spend. Deepwater expenditure will make up 68% of the global FPS market,” Rangi explains further.

Visiongain calculates global Capex on new build and converted FPSO units to amount to $8.6 billion in 2015. South America and West Africa will see the highest investments because of ultra-deepwater discoveries in the pre-salt basins.

According to the firm’s FPSO Market 2015-2025 report, as more countries reduce onshore output with the development of new offshore reservoirs, Southeast Asia, too, has potential for growth.

However, in the next two years, low oil price and completed FPSO projects will change the dynamics of the market and growth will fall subsequently. The market will only continue to attract significant spending for the next 10 years, as long as oil prices are high enough to warrant investment.

“FPSOs present an attractive and sometimes the only option in monetising new discoveries. However, given the relatively high cost of constructing FPSOs, future oil prices will have a significant effect on the market over the coming decade,” commented the report’s lead analyst.

While the FPSO marktet posses uncertainity, Visiongain anitcipates for expenditure on oil and gas infrastructure security to reach $25.43 billion in 2015.

Unconventional oil and gas boom, low oil price collapse, expansion of LNG supply chain, offshore developments and the emergence of digital oilfield are some of the factors driving increased security spending.
FPSO Cidade de Ilhabela departs for Sapinhoá field.
lellebel gaat aan de slag blijkbaar na afbouw (iek geen journalist met abbo)

vreemd dat petrobras SBM niet overneemt voor 20 eur/a , alle toekomstige winsten van SBM op projecten van Petrobr. blijven dan thuis:zeg 20 projecten met 20% winst op 2 md$ per FPSO is samen 4 md$ waarvoor je SBM ongeveer hebben mag . SBM kan dan alle schepen die nodig zijn bouwen, en petrobras altijd vooraan in de rij ! En Brasil kan een mooie zwaar-metaal branche opbouwen met veel werkgelegenheid met veel technische kennis.

Sjonnie2 schreef op 20 juni 2015 10:42:

Bedreiging of kans voor SBM ?
bedreiging voor Brasil : eerst je beste en grootste bedrijf laten leiden door een onervaren trainee. Een slecht financiëel beheer jaren lang met een onbegrijpelijke reuzenschuld en dreiging van omvallen en nu olie pompen of verzuipen. SBM helpt graag pompen voor de 537e keer. :-)
En SBM heeft al geholpen om het land corruptie-vrij te krijgen maar vraag niet hoe. :~)
tatale schuld eind maart15 112 miljard $
schuldratio 3,45
nou nou nounou nou
maarrr met hulp van China gaan ze het halen ...
Shell gaat voor Brazilië.

Enkele fragmenten uit een lang interview met CEO Van Beurden in Engelse uitgave van Valor:

"Protagonist of the biggest oil industry deal in the past decade, Royal Dutch Shell CEO Ben van Beurden does not rule out increasing the company’s exposure in Brazil, raising the already billion-dollar investment program that will be put in place following the merger with BG. After the $70 billion deal is completed, which is expected in early 2016 after regulatory approvals in several countries, Brazil will have the highest share of Shell's production portfolio. With its partner Petrobras involved in a corruption scandal, the Dutch executive said he’s following the developments closely but is confident in the technical expertise of the state-owned company.

Mr. van Beurden estimates that Brazil will account for 20% of the global production when the projects under development by the two companies start operating, including Libra, in which Shell has 20%, and the giant pre-salt fields where BG is partner, such as Lula and Sapinhoá. The executive points out, however, that Shell has appetite for more and it’s willing to increase its presence here. He did not rule out the company’s participation in the 13th Bidding Round of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP).

(...) An evidence of Anglo-Dutch group’s appetite for Brazil is that the country is likely to stay out of the $30 billion divestment program that will be put in place between 2016 and 2018.

(...) Regarding the Shell’s asset sales program, he said that two main segments, which justified the merger with BG, would be left out: exploration and production in deep waters and integrated gas business, or liquefied natural gas (LNG), that will make it biggest player in the industry."

Kopermans schreef op 23 juni 2015 06:47:

Shell gaat voor Brazilië.

Enkele fragmenten uit een lang interview met CEO Van Beurden in Engelse uitgave van Valor:

"Protagonist of the biggest oil industry deal in the past decade, Royal Dutch Shell CEO Ben van Beurden does not rule out increasing the company’s exposure in Brazil, raising the already billion-dollar investment program that will be put in place following the merger with BG. After the $70 billion deal is completed, which is expected in early 2016 after regulatory approvals in several countries, Brazil will have the highest share of Shell's production portfolio. With its partner Petrobras involved in a corruption scandal, the Dutch executive said he’s following the developments closely but is confident in the technical expertise of the state-owned company.

Mr. van Beurden estimates that Brazil will account for 20% of the global production when the projects under development by the two companies start operating, including Libra, in which Shell has 20%, and the giant pre-salt fields where BG is partner, such as Lula and Sapinhoá. The executive points out, however, that Shell has appetite for more and it’s willing to increase its presence here. He did not rule out the company’s participation in the 13th Bidding Round of the National Petroleum Agency (ANP).

(...) An evidence of Anglo-Dutch group’s appetite for Brazil is that the country is likely to stay out of the $30 billion divestment program that will be put in place between 2016 and 2018.

(...) Regarding the Shell’s asset sales program, he said that two main segments, which justified the merger with BG, would be left out: exploration and production in deep waters and integrated gas business, or liquefied natural gas (LNG), that will make it biggest player in the industry."

Dit lijkt me toch een gunstige ontwikkeling voor SBM.
Misschien een stomme vraag maar is er tegen deze achtergrond misschien een overname mogelijkheid van SBM door Shell of zal Shell toch de voorkeur geven aan een samenwerkingsmodel met SBM want dat er dan enige verbondenheid gaat komen. verwacht ik eerlijk gezegd wel.

gpjf schreef op 23 juni 2015 10:33:

Misschien een stomme vraag maar is er tegen deze achtergrond misschien een overname mogelijkheid van SBM door Shell of zal Shell toch de voorkeur geven aan een samenwerkingsmodel met SBM want dat er dan enige verbondenheid gaat komen. verwacht ik eerlijk gezegd wel.
In de olie- en gaswereld zie je niet gauw een overname naar boven of beneden in de keten, is toch een heel andere tak van sport. Als er gefuseerd wordt dan is het meestal soort zoekt soort, bv Shell en BG.
De verbondenheid is er overigens al - zie Shell Prelude FLNG project.

Chela schreef op 23 juni 2015 10:49:

In de olie- en gaswereld zie je niet gauw een overname naar boven of beneden in de keten, is toch een heel andere tak van sport. Als er gefuseerd wordt dan is het meestal soort zoekt soort, bv Shell en BG.
De verbondenheid is er overigens al - zie Shell Prelude FLNG project.
sterker nog, Shell en SBM hebben een afspraak om meer samen te werken

Petrobras is set to receive commercial bids in early July in a pair of tenders for the charter of offshore support vessels, despite market caution that these opportunities may not immediately translate into contracts. ...... .
"Uitgebodemd"? In Canada dan weer eentje minder.

BHI Rig Count: U.S. +2 to 859 rigs

U.S. Rig Count is up 2 rigs from last week to 859, with oil rigs down 3 to 628, gas rigs up 5 to 228, and miscellaneous rigs unchanged at 3.
U.S. Rig Count is down 1014 rigs from last year at 1873, with oil rigs down 930, gas rigs down 86, and miscellaneous rigs up 2.

The U.S. Offshore rig count is 28, up 1 rig from last week, and down 27 rigs year over year.

BHI Rig Count: Canada -1 to 135 rigs

Canadian Rig Count is down 1 rig from last week to 135 rigs, with oil rigs up 2 to 76, and gas rigs down 3 to 59.
Canadian Rig Count is down 101 rigs from last year at 236, with oil rigs down 65, and gas rigs down 36.

Due to the US Independence Day holiday next week, the NA Rig Count will be distributed on Thursday, July 2, at 1 p.m. ET.

Additional information on the rig count is available on our rig count website at
Het neerwaarts bijgestelde investeringsprogramma van Petrobras kan m.i. vertragende werking hebben op het offshore Libra-veld. Voor dit veld waren 12 FPSO's voorzien in de oude plannen.
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