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AbbVie Inc Abandons Galapagos Deal - Focus On Its Own Arthritis Drug

AbbVie announced results from a mid stage trial for its arthritis drug, which was followed by the termination of Galapagos deal

AbbVie Inc. (NYSE:ABBV) has abandoned its plans to acquire rights to a rheumatoid arthritis drug from Galapagos NV ADR, as it announced that one of its own experimental rheumatoid arthritis drugs has shown improved symptoms of the disease. The experimental drug is similar to the one for which AbbVie had entered into agreement with Galapagos in 2012.

Galapagos shares declined by 27.46% during yesterday’s trading, as AbbVie announced dumping its plans to acquire the rights to the drug. AbbVie, on the other hand, fell by 1.5% during the trading

AbbVie’s experimental rheumatoid arthritis drug, ABT-494, met the primary endpoints in two mid-stage clinical trials. AbbVie disclosed that during the two phase II clinical studies, patients suffering from rheumatoid arthritis who received the experimental drug ABT-494, responded to the drug in at week 12, across all the levels of doses except for the lowest dose in the second trial.

The trials were conducted on patients who failed to respond adequately to two of the usually prescribed drugs for arthritis treatment, methotrexate and TNF inhibitors. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory disease which is caused when the body’s immune system malfunctions to attack the tissues which results in joint pain, stiffness and swelling.

The trials tested the drug in patients who were not responding adequately to two commonly prescribed arthritis treatments, TNF inhibitors and methotrexate.

Upon the results, the drug maker announced that it would be graduating the experimental drug to its late stage clinical trials. ABT-494, is an internally developed investigational selective JAK1 inhibitor. "ABT-494 also offers a faster path to Phase 3 development with less uncertainty," Chief Scientific Officer Michael Severino said in the company’s statement.

According to analysts, if the experimental candidate ABT-494, proves to be effective in last-stage clinical trials as well, if would save $1 billion for AbbVie, which the drug maker otherwise would have had to pay to Galapagos in royalties for its drug called filgotinib.

Filgotinib, similar to ABT-494, is a JAK-1 inhibitor, a new class of drugs. JAK-1 inhibitors work by blocking inflammation-causing enzyme called, JAK1.

Galapagos announced that it was clueless about AbbVie's intentions to abandon the deal. However, Galapagos does not consider AbbVie’s decision as a huge setback for itself as the company announced that it has already been in negotiations with more than six drug makers who could become its potential partners in graduating filgotinib into late-stage clinical trials.

Morgan Stanley analyst Matthew Harrison in one of his notes mentioned: "Galapagos management can negotiate another deal with a key rheumatoid arthritis player and advance filgotinib quickly.”

Galapagos said that the clinical trial results have shown filgotinib to be more effective against AbbVie's experimental drug in aiming the enzymes, which are known to be the cause of inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis. This seems to increase the chances of Galapagos finding another partner to further develop its arthritis drug.

Galapagos had entered into two development partnerships with AbbVie, one on rheumatoid arthritis and one on cystic fibrosis. Galapagos announced that the other 2 year old partnership between the drug makers on cystic fibrosis is still intact. It was also disclosed that the results from the first initial stage clinical trial on cystic fibrosis can be expected to be announced next year.

Galapagos is also testing the same candidate, filgotinib, and another experimental drug as a potential treatment for irritable bowel disorders. These experimental programs have made Galapagos an interesting takeover target for drug makers such as Johnson & Johnson and AbbVie which are planning to expand into the said treatment markets.

Earlier in 2015, Galapagos has announced the termination of its collaboration pact with J&J, which the companies entered into in 2007. The companies had agreed to join hands for the development of treatments for inflammatory diseases. The partnership included development of GLPG1690 for the treatment of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF), a dangerous lung-scarring condition. After the termination of the partnership, Galapagos is now getting ready to test the candidate in phase II trial on its own.

This suggests that Galapagos might proceed with the development of filgotinib on its own, even if the drug maker fails to find a new development partner. However, it is a highly unlikely scenario, given that Galapagos has over half a dozen potential partners with whom the drug maker is already negotiating.

Rutonline schreef op 28 september 2015 19:00:


Ik ben mij bewust van het feit dat ik een groot risico neem door short te gaan. In mijn ogen neemt iedereen die op dit moment positie neemt in Galapagos een bijzonder groot risico. Ik zit sinds donderdag short waardoor ik mijn kansen inschat op potentieel grote winst (al deels verzilverd) en minimaal risico op verlies op de huidige shortpositie die ik nog heb.

Ik heb het idee dat veel forumleden hun eigen positie goedpraten. Wellicht krijgen zij gelijk, maar ik denk van niet.
ik heb niks tegen je positie, van mijn part gaat de koers naar 10 euro terwijl je short zit: dan zou ik je feliciteren. ik zeg alleen: laten we geen dingen zeggen die helemaal nergens op slaan.

ik hou de optie open dat het helemaal niks word met glpg, ik probeer alleen redelijke inschattingen te maken. hoor graag kritische geluiden en maak die soms zelf ook. mede op basis daarvan kies ik positie en niet andersom.

een beurswaarde van 1,nog-wat miljard is zeg jij pas gerechtvaardigd als zeker was dat galapagos de concurrentie zou verslaan... dus jaarlijks zeker miljarden aan verkopen van 1 medicijn in de pijplijn, en dan een beurswaarde van zo een miljard.

jij weet toch zelf ook wel dat dat nergens op slaat waarom zeg je het dan ?

Rutonline schreef op 28 september 2015 19:02:


Heb ik toch op je gereageerd! Ik zag niet wie de comment stuurde.
Anyways... Zullen wij het vergeten en aardig voor elkaar zijn?
vind mafkees nieteens zo een onaardig woord, maar als het zo overkomt dan schakel ik wel over op mafklapper ?
What was AbbVie thinking? Backing out of a $1.4Bn deal to support Belgian biotech Galapagos’ rheumatoid arthritis candidate through its phase III, means NASDAQ stock is plummeting in value since Friday. With plans to work on its own phase II candidate instead, AbbVie is losing out on the potential of filgotinib, which will surely have a new biotech sponsor in their place by the end of the week.

galapagosThe Galapagos story has been very positive until recently, with a €1.2Bn investment coming from US AbbVie for their JAK1 inhibitor, filgotinib. With strong phase II results for treatment of up to 900 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, filgotinib stirred an initial rush from pharma giants AbbVie and Johnson&Johnson, both of which who has rheumatoid drug patents due to soon expire.

This investment followed a more-than successful IPO launch into the US market, which smashed the IPO target of €134.3M in a public ‘bubble’ to become the largest Euopean biotech IPO on the US market ever at €240M. So, after Abbvie sealed the deal to collaborate with Galapagos on this new rival to Humira (AbbVie’s rheumatoid patent soon to expire), it has committed an unprecedented U-turn on its word, causing Galapagos stock to drop by 39% (in Amsterdam) following its announcement to jump ship on Friday.

What could be the logic behind AbbVie’s decision to pull out?

AbbVie has justified its decision as a cost-saver, instead moving on to develop its new phase I candidate for rheumatoid (ABT-494). Also a JAK1 inhibitor, it is not exactly clear how opting to wait longer for a phase II candidate is better than pushing an already well-established phase III filgotinib to the finish line – especially regarding the time constraints over Humira’s patent expiry.

This isn’t necessarily a disaster for Galapagos though, who have bounced back from flaky collaborations before (e.g. GSK in 2014). Also, Galapagos has shown that filgotinib is actually 3 times more selective than AbbVie’s ABT-494, so this appears to be AbbVie’s loss. Indeed, despite share value price dropping as much as 39% in Amsterdam (NL – one of the two EU countries in which Galapagos are listed), and 18% on NASDAQ, Galapagos is sure to re-build what it has (temporarily) lost.

Galapagos says that discussions are underway with up to half a dozen potential new collaborators, who are eager to get in on their filgotinib drug. So, don’t freak just out just yet – the stock market should level out soon.

asti schreef op 28 september 2015 19:22:

vind mafkees nieteens zo een onaardig woord, maar als het zo overkomt dan schakel ik wel over op mafklapper ?
Er gaan zo nog klappen vallen, gaat men elkaar nu ook al te lijf om een mening over een aandeel ?
AbbVie Inc. Real Time Stock Quotes
ABBV $53.35* 2.39 -/- 4.29%
Get ABBV Alerts
*Real-Time - data as of 9/28/2015 1:29:44 PM -

Galapagos NV Real Time Stock Quotes
$46.37* 1.77 +3.97%
Get GLPG Alerts
*Real-Time - data as of 9/28/2015 1:35:11 PM -

What was AbbVie thinking? Backing out of a $1.4Bn deal to support Belgian biotech Galapagos’ rheumatoid arthritis candidate through its phase III, means NASDAQ stock is plummeting in value since Friday. With plans to work on its own phase II candidate instead, AbbVie is losing out on the potential of filgotinib, which will surely have a new biotech sponsor in their place by the end of the week.

Vooral die laatste zes woordjes spreken mij wel aan .....

SirBalvenie schreef op 28 september 2015 19:34:


Er gaan zo nog klappen vallen, gaat men elkaar nu ook al te lijf om een mening over een aandeel ?
Inderdaad, gewoon een flinke Balvenie zonder ijs nemen, of voor de minder gefortuneerden onder ons, een x aantal blikken daklozen bier van Aldi of Appie. :-)

SirBalvenie schreef op 28 september 2015 19:34:


Er gaan zo nog klappen vallen, gaat men elkaar nu ook al te lijf om een mening over een aandeel ?
nou nou nou valt wel mee toch. als je lezers niet genoeg respecteerd om eerlijk te zijn dan permiteer ik me om met minder respect iemand aan te spreken als dat ik gewoonlijk doe, ongeacht verschil van mening.

Staycalm schreef op 28 september 2015 19:26:

What was AbbVie thinking? Backing out of a $1.4Bn deal to support Belgian biotech Galapagos’ rheumatoid arthritis candidate through its phase III, means NASDAQ stock is plummeting in value since Friday. With plans to work on its own phase II candidate instead, AbbVie is losing out on the potential of filgotinib, which will surely have a new biotech sponsor in their place by the end of the week.

galapagosThe Galapagos story has been very positive until recently, with a €1.2Bn investment coming from US AbbVie for their JAK1 inhibitor, filgotinib. With strong phase II results for treatment of up to 900 patients with rheumatoid arthritis, filgotinib stirred an initial rush from pharma giants AbbVie and Johnson&Johnson, both of which who has rheumatoid drug patents due to soon expire.

This investment followed a more-than successful IPO launch into the US market, which smashed the IPO target of €134.3M in a public ‘bubble’ to become the largest Euopean biotech IPO on the US market ever at €240M. So, after Abbvie sealed the deal to collaborate with Galapagos on this new rival to Humira (AbbVie’s rheumatoid patent soon to expire), it has committed an unprecedented U-turn on its word, causing Galapagos stock to drop by 39% (in Amsterdam) following its announcement to jump ship on Friday.

What could be the logic behind AbbVie’s decision to pull out?

AbbVie has justified its decision as a cost-saver, instead moving on to develop its new phase I candidate for rheumatoid (ABT-494). Also a JAK1 inhibitor, it is not exactly clear how opting to wait longer for a phase II candidate is better than pushing an already well-established phase III filgotinib to the finish line – especially regarding the time constraints over Humira’s patent expiry.

This isn’t necessarily a disaster for Galapagos though, who have bounced back from flaky collaborations before (e.g. GSK in 2014). Also, Galapagos has shown that filgotinib is actually 3 times more selective than AbbVie’s ABT-494, so this appears to be AbbVie’s loss. Indeed, despite share value price dropping as much as 39% in Amsterdam (NL – one of the two EU countries in which Galapagos are listed), and 18% on NASDAQ, Galapagos is sure to re-build what it has (temporarily) lost.

Galapagos says that discussions are underway with up to half a dozen potential new collaborators, who are eager to get in on their filgotinib drug. So, don’t freak just out just yet – the stock market should level out soon.
de schrijver weet kennelijk niet dat abt 494 en filgotinib allebei binnen korte tijd aan fase drie zullen beginnen en abbvie zelfs sneller..

SirBalvenie schreef op 28 september 2015 19:38:

which will surely have a new biotech sponsor in their place by the end of the week.

Vooral die laatste zes woordjes spreken mij wel aan .....

plaatje erbij...

asti schreef op 28 september 2015 19:46:

de schrijver weet kennelijk niet dat abt 494 en filgotinib allebei binnen korte tijd aan fase drie zullen beginnen en abbvie zelfs sneller..
What was AbbVie thinking? Backing out of a $1.4Bn deal to support Belgian biotech Galapagos’ rheumatoid arthritis candidate through its phase III, means NASDAQ stock is plummeting in value since Friday.

asti schreef op 28 september 2015 19:41:

nou nou nou valt wel mee toch. als je lezers niet genoeg respecteerd om eerlijk te zijn dan permiteer ik me om met minder respect iemand aan te spreken als dat ik gewoonlijk doe, ongeacht verschil van mening.
Het ging mij om de overgang van mafkees naar mafklapper, waar iets van het woord klappen in doorschemert :-)

flosz schreef op 28 september 2015 19:48:

plaatje erbij...
by the end of the week XD.. plus de onwaarheden over tijdsverschil, als ik een paranoide complotdenker was zou ik bijna denken dat het bedoeld is om onrust te stoken zo een artikel

SirBalvenie schreef op 28 september 2015 19:52:


Het ging mij om de overgang van mafkees naar mafklapper, waar iets van het woord klappen in doorschemert :-)
AB voor de poging tot geintje sir balvenie haha

flosz schreef op 28 september 2015 19:48:

plaatje erbij...
Het is bijna niet te zien maar volgens mij is dat zinkende schip eens Abbvie gedoopt LOL

SirBalvenie schreef op 28 september 2015 19:55:


Het is bijna niet te zien maar volgens mij is dat zinkende schip eens Abbvie gedoopt LOL
Haha en de filgotinibjes zitten met zijn allen in de roeiboot!
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