harryvanluik schreef op 30 mei 2016 11:07:
Er is blijkbaar een overnamebod geweest op MDXH waarop het Management van MDXH overweegt desnoods de mogelijkheid te creeëren om dit vijandig bod te counteren door -als het echt niet anders kan- het aantal aandelen sterk te verhogen. Dat is vooralsnog niet gebeurd maar deze defensieve-taktiek zal aan de Aandeelhoudersvergadering worden voorgelegd.
Er zal zeker in de volgende jaren meer en meer belangstelling komen voor een overname van MDXH. Gelukkig zit ongeveer 60 à 70% van de aandelen verspreid over de markt. Als iedereen dus voet bij stuk houdt en zijn aandelen zeker niet aan deze belachelijk lage prijzen weggeeft, dan kan de koers nog veel hoger.
Hierna vogt een heel stuk dat werd overgenomen uit een ander forum:
Overgenomen uit BeursForum:
? (met dank aan Munnybonny):
Agenda and proposed resolution: The agenda and the proposed resolutions of the extraordinary general shareholders' meeting of the Company which, as the case may be, can be amended at the meeting on behalf of the Board of Directors, are as follows:
Special report
Submission of, and discussion on, the special report of the Board of Directors prepared in accordance with Article 604 of the Belgian Companies Code in relation to the proposed renewal and amendment of the powers of the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company under the authorized capital as set out below in item 2 of the agenda of the extraordinary general shareholders' meeting.
Renewal and amendment of the powers of the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company under the authorized capital
Proposed resolution: The general shareholders' meeting resolves to renew and amend the powers of the Board of Directors to increase the share capital of the Company under the authorized capital as further explained in the special report of the Board of Directors prepared in accordance with Article 604 of the Belgian Companies Code and, as a result, the general shareholders' meeting adopts the following resolutions (whereby the amounts and date referred to in the subsections between square brackets shall be determined at the time of the approval of the proposed resolution in accordance with the proposal set out in such subsections):
(a) Article 6.1 of the Company's Articles of Association shall be restated as follows: "By virtue of the resolution of the extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting held on [date of the approval of the resolution], the board of directors was expressly authorized to increase the share capital in one or more transactions by a maximum amount of [100% of the amount of the share capital as at the time of the approval of the proposed resolution] (the “Authorized Capital Amount”).
The board of directors may exercise this power for a period starting on the date of the publication of the relevant resolution of the extraordinary general shareholders' meeting in the Annexes to the Belgian Official Gazette and ending on the date of the annual general shareholders' meeting to be held in 2021, which shall resolve on the annual accounts relating to the financial year ending on December 31, 2020.
This authorization may be renewed in accordance with the relevant legal provisions."
(b) All the paragraphs of Article 6.2 of the Company's Articles of Association shall remain unchanged, except for paragraph d) of Article 6.2 of the Articles of Association that shall be restated as follows: "By virtue of the resolution of the extraordinary general shareholders’ meeting held on [date of the approval of the resolution], the board of directors was also expressly authorized to increase the share capital in one or more transactions
following a notification by the Belgian Financial Services and Markets Authority that it has been informed of a public takeover bid for the company’s financial instruments, through contributions in cash with cancellation or limitation of the preferential subscription rights of the shareholders (including for the benefit of one or more well defined persons who are not employees of the company) or through contributions in kind, with issuance of shares, warrants or convertible bonds, subject to the terms and conditions provided for in the Belgian Companies Code. The board of directors may exercise this power for a maximum period of up to three years as of the date of the aforementioned resolution."
(c) Article 6.3 of the Company's Articles of Association shall be restated as follows: "The board of directors has not used its powers under the authorized capital provided for in article 6.1. As a result, the available amount for a share capital increase under the authorized capital is equal to the Authorized Capital Amount."
3. Amendment of the Articles of Association
Proposed resolution: The general shareholders' meeting resolves to amend the first paragraph of Article 42bis of the Company's Articles of Association in order to align it with Article 550 of the Belgian Companies Code and, as a result, the general shareholders' meeting resolves to restate the first paragraph of Article 42bis of the Company's Articles of Association as follows: "If the convening notice so provides, a shareholder may vote by distance prior to the general shareholders’ meeting, by mail or via electronic means, using forms, the contents of which shall be specified in the notice and which will be made available to the shareholders."
- See more at:
beursig.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&a... door ?Rolling Stone 70 » 28 Mei 2016 15:58
Ik denk dat je behoorlijk goed zit gezien die melding van de fsma. En dat verklaart uiteraard ook de manipulatie om de koers absurd laag te houden, iets dat nu al meer dan een jaar bezig is. Hopelijk doet het management alles wat ZE kan om dit te vermijden want een bod op heden zou sowieso veel en veel te laag zijn vergeleken met de echte waarde van het aandeel. Bij mij is de twijfel nu alleszins weg. Maandag koop ik nog eens mij aan deze waanzinprijzen. Ik kan de verkopers begrijpen gezien de miserie van het laatste jaar maar finaal hebben ze de verkeerde keuze gemaakt. Dit met uitzondering van zij die toch nog winst hebben gemaakt... Toch ben ik er nu behoorlijk zeker van dat dit aandeel maar aan een fractie noteert van de werkelijke waarde. Ik hou ze minstens nog een jaar, misschien zelfs nog een paar jaar. Totaal geen haast om te verkopen. sic Rolling Stone 70