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PB 25-08-2016

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Results for the 6 Months to 30 June 2016

Sopheon plc, the international provider of software and services that improve the return from innovation and new product development investments, announces its unaudited interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2016 together with a business review and outlook statement for the remaining part of the current year


Revenue: $11.5m (2015: $8.4m)

EBITDA: $2.9m (2015: $0.9m)

Twenty license transactions were closed in the period from new and existing customers. Revenue visibility* for full-year 2016 now stands at $18.4m compared to $15m at this time last year.

Activity with enterprise class customers continues to expand.

Two product releases since the start of the year.

Continued engagement and interest with the business analyst community.

Sopheon’s Chairman, Barry Mence said:

“The momentum shift we first noted in our interim report a year ago has delivered a strong performance in 2015, as well as a strong first half for 2016. This shift has been made possible by the strategic and operational changes we initiated two and a half years ago, in reaction to market conditions that we could see were beginning to evolve – as increasingly now evidenced by third party validation from industry analysts. We believe that Sopheon is well positioned to capitalize on the opportunities and deliver continued progress.”
Results for the 6 Months to 30 June 2016

Sopheon plc, the international provider of software and services that improve the return from innovation and new product development investments, announces its unaudited interim report for the six months ended 30 June 2016 together with a business review and outlook statement for the remaining part of the current year

Revenue: $11.5m (2015: $8.4m)
EBITDA: $2.9m (2015: $0.9m)
Twenty license transactions were closed in the period from new and existing customers. Revenue visibility* for full-year 2016 now stands at $18.4m compared to $15m at this time last year.
Activity with enterprise class customers continues to expand.
Two product releases since the start of the year.
Continued engagement and interest with the business analyst community.
Sopheon’s Chairman, Barry Mence said:
“The momentum shift we first noted in our interim report a year ago has delivered a strong performance in 2015, as well as a strong first half for 2016. This shift has been made possible by the strategic and operational changes we initiated two and a half years ago, in reaction to market conditions that we could see were beginning to evolve – as increasingly now evidenced by third party validation from industry analysts. We believe that Sopheon is well positioned to capitalize on the opportunities and deliver continued progress.”

Gross margin rose to 71.4 percent, compared to 69.3 percent in 2015. Service team costs have expanded to meet the higher demand for delivery work, and this includes some product development resources which were applied to certain projects. This has had a corresponding effect on the level of capitalized product development which was $0.9m compared to $1.2m in the first half of 2015, as further detailed in Note 6. This was below the corresponding amortization charge of just over $1m (2015: $1.2m).

Headcount at 30 June was 110, higher than the 2015 average of 105. Our plans called for expanded staffing to underpin our growth strategies, however recruitment has proved tougher than expected, resulting in cost savings compared to plan during the first half. Several of the hires are now in place, and we expect headcount and associated cost to rise in the second half of the year. Total overhead costs are modestly above prior year levels. This does include the effect of an approximately $0.2m exchange gain recorded in corporate administrative expenses that has arisen largely due to the sharp rise in other currencies against Sterling following the UK’s EU membership referendum.

The overall profit before tax reported for the half year period was $1.6m (2015: loss of $0.5m). This result includes interest, depreciation and amortization costs amounting to $1.3m (2015: $1.4m). The EBITDA result for the first half of 2016, which does not include these elements, was a profit of $2.9m (2015: $0.9m).
Balance sheet and Corporate
Net assets at 30 June 2016 stood at $7.3m (2015: $3.8m), with cash resources at the end of the period rising to $8m (2015: $4.8m). Approximately $6.4m was held in US dollars, $1.5m in Euros and the balance of $0.1m in Sterling. Intangible assets at 30 June 2016 stood at $5.4m (2015: $5.9m). This includes (i) $4.4m being the net book value of capitalized research and development (2015: $4.9m) and (ii) $1.0m (2015: $1.0m) being the net book value of acquired intangible assets. The reduction in development reflects the effect of lower capitalization described above, offset by amortization charges that remain at historic levels.

In 2014 the Group established new bank facilities with the London branch of Silicon Valley Bank. These facilities comprised a term loan of $0.5m repayable in 36 equal monthly instalments, and a $3m revolving line of credit. These facilities were this year renewed by Silicon Valley Bank for a further three year period through to January 2019, including a reset and restart to the term loan repayment schedule. Both facilities bear interest at rates of 2.75 percent over Wall Street Prime, resulting in a current effective rate of 6.25 percent. The facilities are subject to covenants based on working capital ratios. The drawdown mechanics and interest rates are also subject to working capital ratios.

The group’s long standing £2m convertible unsecured loan stock is held by a group of investors including key members of the board and senior management team. In April this year these investors agreed to extend the maturity date through to January 2019. The conversion price of the loan stock remains unchanged at 76.5 pence per share.

Strategy and Product
Two and a half years ago we embarked on a strategic growth transition to migrate from delivering process automation tools to delivering enterprise class innovation management solutions. We made substantial progress in 2014, but not without some disruption to business momentum, which continued into the first half of 2015. In spite of these short-term financial consequences, we remained confident in our path during the transition and continued to lead the market in vision, experience and capability that today in our opinion remain unmatched by competitors. Our dual market segmentation focus on both the complex global enterprise and the simpler, “out-of-the-box” Express model for quick time to value, continues to gain traction. This view is validated by the naming of Sopheon in Gartner’s 2015 Market Guide for Enterprise PPM Software and in recent Enterprise Innovation Management research conducted by CIMdata.

We continue to maintain the pace of new product releases consistent with our Agile methodology, last year releasing Accolade® 9.3 in February, 10.0 in June and 10.1 in September. In 2016 we have so far released versions 10.2 in January and 10.3 in May. These new releases include a number of customer driven features as well as advances against our strategic roadmap. We have been taking action to enable world-class adoption of our solutions for some time and we are now seeing the benefits in our performance metrics in both of the market segments mentioned above. Moreover, in 2014 and 2015 delivering “customer centric value” has been a core theme of all of our product release efforts, and of the restructuring of our sales and services organizations. In addition to the recent Gartner and CIMdata reports mentioned above, third-party validation of this effort also includes recent recognition as customer satisfaction leader by the executive readership of Consumer Goods Technology Magazine; and for the sixth consecutive year, as one of their top ten solution providers in the new product development and introduction category.

We see a continuing convergence of the business, economic and market trends that play directly into Sopheon’s market position, solutions and investments. These are: business transformation to deal with digitization; the changing cadence of the operating planning cycle; and growth through sustainable innovation. We believe that Sopheon’s Enterprise Innovation Management platform remains uniquely positioned to leverage these three major industry trends. Accolade was designed to provide connectivity, manage complexity, and enable even the largest global corporations to operate rapidly and nimbly in response to market disrupters which are occurring with increasing velocity. Accolade connects the enterprise so that board-level strategy is driven, propagated, managed, tracked and realized through all areas and levels of the organization with speed. It enables visibility across the entire innovation life cycle, which supports the nimble decision making capabilities companies require to compete. None of this can be achieved without an Enterprise Innovation Management system in place.
Over recent years, Sopheon has been steadily implementing a program of strategic, operational and corporate changes that transition to the emerging enterprise class market opportunity, and to enhance our investment profile. Our product set has been extended and re-engineered with a new platform that has moved us from being a tool vendor focused on R&D to an integrated enterprise class solution focused on the wider innovation and planning market. We are consistently delivering three new functional software releases per year, maintaining and extending our product leadership. Our sales, marketing and delivery teams have been restructured, reorganized and expanded under new management. Market recognition is rising with major business analysts citing Sopheon as a leader. On the corporate front, we have focused on our AIM listing, implemented a capital restructuring, brought on new debt facilities, and extended existing long-term facilities.

Our growth strategy is based on continued execution of our core business model, overlaid by four over-arching initiatives as outlined in our annual report: increase our industry-specific orientation; introduce new offerings to leverage growth from the customer base; transform the Sopheon client experience; and expand our partner ecosystem. We continue to move forward in all these areas.

The momentum shift we first noted in our interim report a year ago has delivered a strong performance in 2015, as well as a strong first half for 2016. This shift has been made possible by the strategic and operational changes we initiated two and a half years ago, in reaction to market conditions that we could see were beginning to evolve – as increasingly now evidenced by third party validation from industry analysts. We believe that Sopheon is well positioned to capitalize on the opportunities and deliver continued progress.

Barry Mence
24 August 2016

The EBITDA result for the first half of 2016, which does not include these elements, was a profit of $2.9m (2015: $0.9m).
Cijfers absurd goed naar mijn bescheiden mening. Winst nu al $2.1M hoger dan vorig jaar. Die gaat dus zeker verdubbelen. Ik gok dat we uit komen op winst van zo'n $3M+ voor het hele jaar, wat een koers van 5 pond rechtvaardigt. Als je dan vooruit kijkt naar 2017..
Daarbij ook nog toename EBITDA, toename net assets en toename cash. Nogmaals, cijfers H1 zijn absurd goed.
De full year visibility is wat minder dan wat sommigen hier van de week als verwachting hebben uitgesproken maar ik begreep al niet helemaal waar die verwachtingen op gebaseerd waren. Er zit maar krap 2 maanden tussen nu en de laatste visibility update en dit is ook nog de rustigste periode van het jaar. Visibility is alsnog 23% hoger dan vorig jaar op ditzelfde tijdstip. Als je e.e.a. doortrekt kom je op full year revenue van ~ $26M, $5M meer dan vorig jaar. Let ook op dat zowel de winst als EBITDA vorig jaar in H2 veel harder zijn gegaan. Dus als er nu voor H1 alleen al $1.6M en $2.9M staat...
profit van 21,81cent per aan deel voor het half jaar dus nu kw 10 dus kunnen we stijgen denk ik.

Al viel de outlook en gerapporteerde omzet me een beetje tegen maar de winst is super


de winst en visible volledig geent op sterk einde 2015 en eerste half jaar 2016.
juli en augustus zijn altijd de minste maanden.
Dus zeer goed, die winst ia alvast in the pocket.

vind een goed bericht,kan alleen nog maar beter worden,de laaste 6 maanden van het jaar.
ebitda ook flink gestegen,
theophiel bedankt voor het plaatsen.

[quote alias=Manjana id=9546533 date=201608250849]
de winst en visible volledig geent op sterk einde 2015 en eerste half jaar 2016.
juli en augustus zijn altijd de minste maanden.
Dus zeer goed, die winst ia alvast in the pocket.

gebaseerd hierop kun je erop rekenen dat zoals gebruikelijk het jaar einde ook weer fantastisch zal zijn en er wellicht naar de 30 miljoen kunnen opstomen.
zou me niks verbazen.

heel mooi allemaal.
ik ben zeer content met het resultaat.

Lord Enki
Ik heb het laatste half jaar veel gelezen, maar niet gereageerd.
Ik denk dat ik het voor menigeen wel goed verwoord als ik zeg dat ik, dat wat nu gebeurt, eigenlijk 8 jaar teug had verwacht.

Anyway, het lijkt erop dat het momentum eindelijk daar is en de Soof genoeg body heeft om door te groeien.
De cijfers zijn hoopgevend.

Voor iemand die alles verkocht heeft, maar slechts deze aandeeltjes heeft gehouden omdat hij heel veel in het concept ziet, kan de dag in ieder geval niet beter beginnen!

NJoy the day.

Osiris schreef op 25 augustus 2016 09:18:

Ik heb het laatste half jaar veel gelezen, maar niet gereageerd.
Ik denk dat ik het voor menigeen wel goed verwoord als ik zeg dat ik, dat wat nu gebeurt, eigenlijk 8 jaar teug had verwacht.

Anyway, het lijkt erop dat het momentum eindelijk daar is en de Soof genoeg body heeft om door te groeien.
De cijfers zijn hoopgevend.

Voor iemand die alles verkocht heeft, maar slechts deze aandeeltjes heeft gehouden omdat hij heel veel in het concept ziet, kan de dag in ieder geval niet beter beginnen!

NJoy the day.
Osiris en anderen, gefeliciteerd.
Ik zit in hetzelfde schuitje als jij, had dit al 10 jaar geleden min of meer verwacht, en heb enkel deze aandeeltjes.

De kurk kan van de fles!


ben blij dat ik me 10.000 aandeeltjes heb gehouden,2 jaar geleden zat ik met vinger nog aan de verkoop knop,
hou ze nu verlopig vast.


trinko schreef op 25 augustus 2016 10:27:

Vandaag al iemand 289,9 pence betaald :-)) die heeft vertrouwen! 6000 Stuks
hoi Trinko
finncap geeft nu een koersdoel van 3.60 pond.
Hoi allemaal

FinnCap Increases Sopheon Plc (SPE) Price Target to GBX 360
August 25th, 2016 • 0 comments • Filed Under • by ABMN Staff

Sopheon Plc logoSopheon Plc (LON:SPE) had its price target upped by FinnCap from GBX 150 ($1.97) to GBX 360 ($4.73) in a research note issued to investors on Thursday. The firm currently has a “corporate” rating on the stock. FinnCap’s price objective would suggest a potential upside of 53.85% from the stock’s current price.

Sopheon Plc (LON:SPE) opened at 245.00 on Thursday. The stock’s market cap is GBX 17.83 million. The company has a 50-day moving average price of GBX 177.37 and a 200 day moving average price of GBX 112.25. Sopheon Plc has a 12-month low of GBX 45.30 and a 12-month high of GBX 245.00.

En Finncap CONSERVATIEF gebleken



[ 25 Aug 2016 08:12 ]
LONDON (Alliance News) - Software and services provider Sopheon PLC Thursday said it turned to a substantial profit in the first half of 2016 after a significant lift in revenue and better gross margins and said its revenue visibility for the remainder of the year has also improved.

Revenue in the half to the end of June amounted to USD11.5 million compared to the USD8.4 million generated a year earlier, sending gross profit upward to USD8.2 million from USD5.8 million.

Sales and marketing costs rose, as expected with the 25% lift in sales, to USD3.3 million from USD3.0 million whilst research, development and administrative costs were all broadly flat from a year ago. Sopheon booked an operating profit of USD1.7 million after turning from a USD354,000 loss.

Sopheon said 20 licence transaction were completed in the period compared to only 15 last year.

"This included a very substantial order from an existing enterprise tier customer - as a result, although licence deal volume has increased by a third, licence revenues have doubled. Furthermore, services revenues have increased by over 50%, largely through delivering implementations on the back of the substantial deal activity in the final months of 2015 - a number of which are with enterprise class customers," said the company.

"Maintenance and hosting revenues remained more stable, reflecting the high recurring nature of this business. The overall revenue mix between licence, service and maintenance has accordingly shown a substantial shift in emphasis to 26:38:36 respectively, compared to 18:35:47 in the first half of last year," Sopheon added.

That improvement went down to the bottom line and allowed a pretax profit of USD1.6 million to be booked in the first half, leaving the red as it turned from a USD354,000 loss last year.

The outlook has also improved as Sopheon said its current revenue visibility for the full year stands at USD18.4 million compared to visibility one year ago of USD15.0 million. To put that into perspective, Sopheon generated a total of USD20.9 million in 2015, which in turn had risen from USD18.3 million in 2014.

"The momentum shift we first noted in our interim report a year ago has delivered a strong performance in 2015, as well as a strong first half for 2016. This shift has been made possible by the strategic and operational changes we initiated two and a half years ago, in reaction to market conditions that we could see were beginning to evolve - as increasingly now evidenced by third party validation from industry analysts," said Chairman Barry Mence.

Sopheon shares were up 4.5% to 244.50 pence per share on Thursday.

By Joshua Warner;; @JoshAlliance

Copyright 2016 Alliance News Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Arie de Beuker
Mooie cijfers, cash loopt vol, bruto marge van 71%.
wat ik eigenlijk al een tijdjeis zijn de terugkerende inkomsten, daar wordt geen melding meer van gemaakt.

Arie de Beuker

Arie de Beuker schreef op 25 augustus 2016 13:04:

Mooie cijfers, cash loopt vol, bruto marge van 71%.
wat ik eigenlijk al een tijdjeis zijn de terugkerende inkomsten, daar wordt geen melding meer van gemaakt.

Arie de Beuker
Jawel hoor, goed lezen.

De recurring staat nu al op $9 Miljoen voor 2017, $8 Miljoen voor 2016.

PS dus ook dat loopt op rolletjes
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