seren schreef op 9 november 2016 15:22:
kijk mijn ingebeelde consortium heeft een naam, Dynamic Map Planning.
zal mij verbazen als hier deze vrijdag niet over gesproken wordt....
Over de japanse tak alleen:
Dynamic Map Planning Co., Ltd is involved with the following nine automotive manufacturers, TOYOTA, NISSAN, HONDA, MAZDA, MITSUBISHI Motors, SUZUKI, FUJI Heavy Industries, ISUZU and HINO. They joined the company partnership to make a reference standard for the development of dynamic map data.
The Japanese government considers dynamic mapping a cooperative business in the automotive industry. Therefore the government does not want competition within the automotive manufacturers. The advantage of cooperating is development cost savings for the automotive manufacturers.
However in the autonomous car map business Here (company), TomTom and Google are trying to make their own map the de facto standard. Here (company) are from Germany, their background is that they were acquired by Daimler, BMW and Volkswagen in 2015. TomTom is from Netherlands and Apple is using their map in the iPhone. Google is part of Alphabet (parent company) and they are developing their own autonomous car technology.