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Although I have extremely bad experiences with TomTom’s Investor Relations I will have another try at it. If only to document the unwillingness of TomTom to provide private investors with adequate information to base their investing decisions on.
This question and your answer will be filed for future reference if needed.
At day two (16 march) of the Bosch ConnectedWorld, the day devoted to a.o. connected mobility and autonomous driving the Grand stage keynotes are presented by:
09:00 – 10:15 | GRAND STAGE
The future of mobility
Dr. Dirk Hoheisel
Chairman, Bosch
Jen-Hsun Huang
Co-Founder, President, and CEO, Nvidia
Edzard Overbeek
13:40 – 14:30 | GRAND STAGE
Elmar Frickenstein
Senior VP, Autonomous Driving, BMW
Prof. Amnon Shashua
Co-founder, CTO, and Chairman, Mobileye
Is there any significance to the fact that HERE instead of TomTom was asked to speak as a keynote presenter? Is TomTom present at the event at all? Do you know of upcoming announcements by Bosch, NVidia or HERE that could impact the business prospects of TomTom? How does this invisibility of TomTom relate to the partnerships of TomTom with Bosch and NVidia? Are there any other combined presentations planned by Bosch/NVidia/TomTom in the upcoming 2 quarters?
Hoping for an adequate answer,
--- Xynix ---
Private TomTom investor