KONINK.BAM GP TOON.EO-,10 (BGPA) Decline -0.52% on Sep 7
September 7, 2017 - By Linda Rogers
Shares of KONINK.BAM GP TOON.EO-,10 (FRA:BGPA) last traded at 4.79, representing a move of -0.52%, or -0.03 per share, on volume of shares. After opening the trading day at 4.79, shares of KONINK.BAM GP TOON.EO-,10 traded in a close range. KONINK.BAM GP TOON.EO-,10 currently has a total float of shares and on average sees shares exchange hands each day. The stock now has a 52-week low of 3.98 and high of 5.41.
ze zijn daar al lager dan hier ;)