Met Loukisha gaat het steeds beter, wellicht ook doordat ze meer praktijk ervaring heeft met het toedienen van het infuus. In elk geval RUCONEST werkt prima! Hier haar ervaring van gisteren;
Hi everyone!
I don’t know about you, but this week seemed to drag on. I hope you’re all well, and thanks for coming back for Thursday's Ruconest Infusion. Tonight’s entertainment was videos from my watch later list on YouTube. We watched a variety of videos from how to make a giant wool blanket, holiday desserts, to parodies of current and past music.
My daughter and I are on a quest for another series/show to watch. We’ve gotten some great suggestions like Chopped, Iron Chef (dubbed Japanese version of course), Good Eats, and a couple of Korean and Japanese Dramas. Well tune in Monday night to see what we picked. If you have more suggestions of shows/movies with ratings of G, PG or PG-13. Please share your recommendations in the comment section below.
Tonight’s Ruconest infusion went very quickly. I don’t know if the planets were in perfect alignment, granting me special IV powers. Or perhaps I’m just getting better with the right amounts of lidocaine cream, ice and needle placement. Last week I just could not get a good needle placement and it hurt like a muther muther ( Thought I was going to cuss? lol). These little hiccups have nothing to do with Ruconest, I just chalk it up to being human. A day falls into categories of Great, Good, Meh, Bad,What The French Toast, and the 9th level of Dante's Inferno. Do you experience variations in your infusion days? Is there a pattern in your infusion schedule, where it will go well, while other times will be difficult? I would enjoy hearing from you, please share them in the comments below. Always remember that everyone has a story to tell, don’t be afraid to tell yours.