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Galapagos 200 euro per aandeel

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DeZwarteRidder schreef op 1 juni 2018 17:54:

Alle biotech-aandelen zijn gokaandelen, dus je hoeft er geen verstand van te hebben.
Het enige wat je moet doen is het aanbrengen van een behoorlijke spreiding.
Dit in combinatie met het gebruik van een gezond boerenverstand levert meestal prima resultaten op.
Met verbazing lees ik een groot deel van de reacties op de persoon O vd Stolpe zowel posief als negatief, voor mij als belegger gaat het vooral om de beoordeling van een aandeel in het geval van een biotech aandeel ook met name op de geschatte kansen op lange termijn. Voor het aandeel Galapagos zijn de vooruitzichten uitstekend en dat gecombineerd met goed management ( niet alleen O vd S) doet mij beleggen in dit zeer kansrijke aandeel en de dagkoersen zijn hier voor mij niet leidend. Graag meer aandacht voor de inhoud en minder op de persoon

inspirator schreef op 31 mei 2018 17:57:

Filgotinib Shaping Up To Be Success Story For Gilead and Galapagos

Executive Summary

Impressive Phase II data for Gilead and Galapagos’ filgotinib in psoriatic arthritis and progress into Phase III for ulcerative colitis suggest that the investigational JAK inhibitor could potentially become a market leader in the class for these and other inflammatory indications.

Filgotinib obtained a positive recommendation for another study by the DMC giving it authority to advance it to a phase 3 study to treat patients with ulcerative colitis.

Gilead Sciences Leads Its First Step Toward Pipeline Recovery With Clinical Candidate Filgotinib

Jun. 4.18 | About: Gilead Sciences, (GILD)
Geweldenaar Onno vd Stolpe geeft gas.

Die durft..

Galapagos gaat huidige waarde 10x overstijgen.
Ja heb op 19/1/18 ook galapagos gekocht want volgens beursduivel zou het een gewedig aandeel zijn.
Ik heb toen 94,88 betaald. Dus nog steeds in het rood. Ik heb me voorgenomen om niet meer naar al dat gezwets te luisteren. En als ik aandelen will kopen probeer ik eerst zoveel mogelijk te weten te komen. En dan nog is het gokken want je kan lang niet alles vertouwen wat je on line leest.
Als je ingestapt bent op 94 euro was je nog niet te laat.

Als je ingestapt bent op 10 euro (en nog niet uitgestapt) heb je inzicht.

Als je nu aandelen Galapagos bezit en beleggershorizon hebt tot 2020 wordt je schatrijk.
De winnaar in CF treatment: Galapagos

Vertex CF Competitor Proteostasis Falters, Galapagos Up Next

Ben Fidler 6/7/18

Data released Wednesday afternoon looks to have eased a potential threat to Vertex Pharmaceuticals’ burgeoning cystic fibrosis franchise, though news from another challenger looms later this month.

Proteostasis Therapeutics (NASDAQ: PTI) released data from a 49-patient Phase 1 study testing its experimental cystic fibrosis drug, PTI-801, in combination with Vertex’s (NASDAQ: VRTX) FDA-approved CF drug ivacaftor/lumacaftor (Orkambi).

In a press release, Proteostasis pointed to statistically significant changes the drug combo produced in patients’ “sweat chloride,” a surrogate marker for a therapy’s effect on CF patients. But the PTI-801/Orkambi combination didn’t lead to a statistically significant improvement in lung function—the gold standard for a CF drug’s effectiveness—over Orkambi and a placebo. Specifically, patients on a low dose of PTI-801 and Orkambi saw a 1.9 percent improvement in lung function after 14 days, compared to a 2.5 percent increase on a medium dose, a 0.6 percent increase on a high dose. By comparison, the lung function of patients on Orkambi and a placebo improved by 1.7 percent.

On a conference call Wednesday afternoon, Proteostasis executives pointed to a post hoc analysis showing that an acute drop in lung function occurred in many patients on Orkambi. Those that didn’t have the same reaction performed much better, meaning Orkambi may have masked the benefits of Proteostasis’ drug. “We regard this post hoc interpretation of the data as largely spurious, and still not quite competitive,” wrote Leerink Partners analyst Geoffrey Porges, in a research note.

Proteostasis shares fell 24 percent in pre-market trading, to $3.71 apiece. The company went public in February 2016 at $8 per share.

Proteostasis is one of the companies trying to challenge Vertex, which has remade itself into the CF market leader over the past several years after its hepatitis C franchise was wiped out. Since 2012, the company has won FDA approval of three drugs: ivacaftor (Kalydeco), Orkambi, and ivacaftor/tezacaftor (Symdeko). Known as CFTR modulators, they are the first approved drugs to treat the molecular malfunction underlying the disease, which causes a steady buildup of thick mucus in the lungs and pancreas that leads to infections and other health problems.

These drugs aren’t cures, but they help improve lung function in segments of the CF population. Vertex has been developing a variety of multi-drug “cocktails” to treat a wider swath of patients—and dominate the CF landscape. It currently has two three-drug regimens in late stage testing, for instance, that, if effective, could help treat up to 90 percent of people with the disease.

Others are trying to break in with similar plans, among them Proteostasis. PTI-801 is part of two multi-drug regimens—a two and three-drug cocktail—set to begin Phase 2 testing shortly and produce results later this year. AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV), through a partnership with Galapagos (NASDAQ: GLPG), is also in the mix. This month, Galapagos will report data from a Phase 2 study, PELICAN, that combines its experimental CF drug GPLG-2737 with Orkambi.

Today’s data lessens the likelihood that Proteostasis will threaten Vertex, Porges wrote. Sweat chloride reduction “has never been accepted as a surrogate endpoint for approval,” as opposed to lung function changes, he wrote. Porges deemed PTI-801 “a marginally effective CFTR modulator” that “will not be competitive” with Vertex. “We also believe this result challenges Proteostasis development plans for a proprietary triple [combination]…which would be the company’s only avenue to compete head-to-head, rather than be a complement to Vertex,” Porges wrote.

Here’s more on Vertex, Proteostasis, and the landscape of cystic fibrosis drugs.

inspirator schreef op 7 juni 2018 15:29:

De winnaar in CF treatment: Galapagos

Vertex CF Competitor Proteostasis Falters, Galapagos Up Next

Ben Fidler 6/7/18

Data released Wednesday afternoon looks to have eased a potential threat to Vertex Pharmaceuticals’ burgeoning cystic fibrosis franchise, though news from another challenger looms later this month.

Proteostasis Therapeutics (NASDAQ: PTI) released data from a 49-patient Phase 1 study testing its experimental cystic fibrosis drug, PTI-801, in combination with Vertex’s (NASDAQ: VRTX) FDA-approved CF drug ivacaftor/lumacaftor (Orkambi).

In a press release, Proteostasis pointed to statistically significant changes the drug combo produced in patients’ “sweat chloride,” a surrogate marker for a therapy’s effect on CF patients. But the PTI-801/Orkambi combination didn’t lead to a statistically significant improvement in lung function—the gold standard for a CF drug’s effectiveness—over Orkambi and a placebo. Specifically, patients on a low dose of PTI-801 and Orkambi saw a 1.9 percent improvement in lung function after 14 days, compared to a 2.5 percent increase on a medium dose, a 0.6 percent increase on a high dose. By comparison, the lung function of patients on Orkambi and a placebo improved by 1.7 percent.

On a conference call Wednesday afternoon, Proteostasis executives pointed to a post hoc analysis showing that an acute drop in lung function occurred in many patients on Orkambi. Those that didn’t have the same reaction performed much better, meaning Orkambi may have masked the benefits of Proteostasis’ drug. “We regard this post hoc interpretation of the data as largely spurious, and still not quite competitive,” wrote Leerink Partners analyst Geoffrey Porges, in a research note.

Proteostasis shares fell 24 percent in pre-market trading, to $3.71 apiece. The company went public in February 2016 at $8 per share.

Proteostasis is one of the companies trying to challenge Vertex, which has remade itself into the CF market leader over the past several years after its hepatitis C franchise was wiped out. Since 2012, the company has won FDA approval of three drugs: ivacaftor (Kalydeco), Orkambi, and ivacaftor/tezacaftor (Symdeko). Known as CFTR modulators, they are the first approved drugs to treat the molecular malfunction underlying the disease, which causes a steady buildup of thick mucus in the lungs and pancreas that leads to infections and other health problems.

These drugs aren’t cures, but they help improve lung function in segments of the CF population. Vertex has been developing a variety of multi-drug “cocktails” to treat a wider swath of patients—and dominate the CF landscape. It currently has two three-drug regimens in late stage testing, for instance, that, if effective, could help treat up to 90 percent of people with the disease.

Others are trying to break in with similar plans, among them Proteostasis. PTI-801 is part of two multi-drug regimens—a two and three-drug cocktail—set to begin Phase 2 testing shortly and produce results later this year. AbbVie (NYSE: ABBV), through a partnership with Galapagos (NASDAQ: GLPG), is also in the mix. This month, Galapagos will report data from a Phase 2 study, PELICAN, that combines its experimental CF drug GPLG-2737 with Orkambi.

Today’s data lessens the likelihood that Proteostasis will threaten Vertex, Porges wrote. Sweat chloride reduction “has never been accepted as a surrogate endpoint for approval,” as opposed to lung function changes, he wrote. Porges deemed PTI-801 “a marginally effective CFTR modulator” that “will not be competitive” with Vertex. “We also believe this result challenges Proteostasis development plans for a proprietary triple [combination]…which would be the company’s only avenue to compete head-to-head, rather than be a complement to Vertex,” Porges wrote.

Here’s more on Vertex, Proteostasis, and the landscape of cystic fibrosis drugs.

Opkikker voor Galapagos.
Koers had op dit bericht ver boven 90 euro moeten stijgen,
Gilead laat zich positief uit over Filgotinib.

Next growth opportunity that I want to touch on is with anti-inflammatory. There's a drug called Filgotinib that Gilead is working on with their partner, Galápagos. It's a JAK1 inhibitor, so it's kind of similar to a drug called Xeljanz, which was already approved back in 2012 for rheumatoid arthritis patients. Rheumatoid arthritis is a disease where, it's fairly common, it's an inflammatory disease that is not always adequately controlled by the standard of care. That's why you get these new JAK inhibitors and other approaches to treating the disease. If the drug reaches the market, which would be in a few years, if all goes well, peak annual sales are estimated to be between $2-3 billion.

inspirator schreef op 8 juni 2018 00:51:

Filgotinib de hemel in geprezen door Gilead tijdens healtcare conference
Filgotinib is de gouden pijplijn voor Gilead.
Te beluisteren vanaf 9 minuut 30
JAK Inhibitors' Prospects Strong: 4 Stocks Ruling the Space

Given the growing interest in JAK inhibitors, let's take a look at some pharma and biotech companies that are looking to change the way autoimmune diseases are treated.

Galapagos NV GLPG is developing its JAK inhibitor candidate, filgotinib, in collaboration with Gilead Sciences, Inc. GILD . Separate late-stage studies are evaluating the candidate in RA, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Moreover, several mid-stage studies are evaluating the candidate in multiple autoimmune indications including ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis and cutaneous lupus erythematosus among others. Data from a mid-stageI study evaluating filgotinib in psoriatic arthritis showed significant improvement in patients.

inspirator schreef op 11 juni 2018 18:37:

JAK Inhibitors' Prospects Strong: 4 Stocks Ruling the Space

Given the growing interest in JAK inhibitors, let's take a look at some pharma and biotech companies that are looking to change the way autoimmune diseases are treated.

Galapagos NV GLPG is developing its JAK inhibitor candidate, filgotinib, in collaboration with Gilead Sciences, Inc. GILD . Separate late-stage studies are evaluating the candidate in RA, Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis. Moreover, several mid-stage studies are evaluating the candidate in multiple autoimmune indications including ankylosing spondylitis, psoriatic arthritis and cutaneous lupus erythematosus among others. Data from a mid-stageI study evaluating filgotinib in psoriatic arthritis showed significant improvement in patients.
Het Galapagos goud ligt voor het oprapen.

Echter Gilead wil het Galapagos goud zelf delven.
Van beursig forum olleke bolleke

Vandaag wederom te zien . Shorters en KT ers die de koers bepalen . Een hele grote blunder van Onno om te zeggen dat GLPG niet te koop is . In mijn ogen altijd dit verhaal open houden als CEO en er bij vermelden dat alles te koop is , maar wel tegen de juiste(terechte ) overname premie . Hij kan er dan altijd nog bij vermelden dat ie zelf het liefst ziet dat GLPG zelfstandig door gaat omdat er veel meer uit te halen valt . Dat nu de koers van een ARgen-X ( met nog geen enkele fase 3 ) met kleine omzetten dagelijks met vele euro's stijgt en nu zelfs hoger staat in koers dan GLPG had volgens mij niemand verwacht . Denk toch dat Onno voor een deel daar voor verantwoordelijk is . Een groot aantal beleggers is heel gevoelig voor kansen op overname van een bedrijf . Het zorgt juist voor hogere koersen , waardoor juist een overname of moeilijker wordt of duurder wordt ( voor een overnemende partij), waardoor de beleggers in beide gevallen beloond wordt . Nu is het een frustrerende performance aan het worden .
Lees meer op:
Opop schreef op 13 jun 2018 om 00:26:

Van Herk heeft fors uitgebreid:
Van 4.457.147 naar 5.133.958 stuks
Melding vandaag op:
SC 13G/A file:

Dus van Herk zit boven de 10%.

Nu ook van Herk een meerderheidsbelang heeft van meer dan 10%, is een overname van Galapagos (tegen huidige veel te lage koers) van de baan.
Galapagos gaat voor de de maximale waardering.
Shorters zullen nu hazepad gaan kiezen.

Van Herk verwerft sleutelpositie in Galapagos

Van Herk koopt voor bijna €60 mln Galapagos

Inspirator en Aat gaan voor waarde 200 euro per aandeek Galapagos
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