SNSN schreef op 24 januari 2018 19:22:
Take it easy.
We just provide an objective info. This may be either positive, or negative (as well as just neutral). You know well, diff people may see the same (objective) info in diff ways: 'positive', or 'negative'. It's as usual --> 'one size doesn't fit everybody'.
For instance, you were informed the first (potentially) bearish reversal signal - 'spinning top' - was received on Jan 19, followed by the second bearish reversal signal - 'shooting star' - on Jan 22 (just take a look at recent posts for details).
Sure, by some 'investors' the above mentioned writing could be considered as a 'negative' one (even if that was just an 'objective' info, nothing more). Though, some other people (prof traders) just knew that very well, and did acted properly.
Well, you can see the consequences now, and can validate whether the early warning - bearish reversal signals were correct or not.
Moreover, based on company fundamentals - the stock is really overpriced - almost twice above the 'fair value' (read old posts).
However, the actual problem is that we, seems, indeed identified some events that could be interpreted as (systemic) 'upwards price manipulations'. Some checks are still needed, and we'll be back to the issue later on.
Take care.
PS. Just don't forget that even if you do not like some info, this still doesn't mean that the particular info is just wrong. Though, you know well that ALL market-related info's have 'probabilistic nature', as the stock price dynamic is just a 'stochastic process' (moreover, it's NOT stationary)