In de investor presentation maken ze gewag van het feit dat er patiënten zijn die "Stable disease" .
Dit na 2 maanden en drie maanden follow up, waarbij de levensverwachting nog 1,9 tot 3.2 maanden is met normale behandeling (!), niet te onderschatten dus.
Enig opzoekwerk leerde me:
Stable Disease in Clinical Trials and Targeted Therapies
Up until the last decade or so, clinical trials often required evidence of a 20 percent reduction in tumor size to say that a cancer treatment was actively working. This has changed, however, especially with respect to targeted therapies. Targeted therapies are drugs that specifically target pathways in the growth of a cancer to stop the growth and spread of a cancer. They do not, however, usually "cure" a cancer. When looking at these treatments, better indications of a treatment response are often "progression-free survival" and an "overall survival benefit." In other words, doctors are increasingly looking for treatments that provide meaningful outcomes for people, rather a certain percentage reduction in tumor size.
Dit is dus zeer belangrijk en positief! Bij dergelijke behandelingen op specifieke gerichte onderzoeken, waarbij ze tumorgroei kunnen stoppen in die fase, is dus zeer knap werk. Vandaar het feit dat ze durven uitspreken dat ze een "leading player" denken te worden. Zonder meer, zeer hoopvol.