Ik dacht al ... wat zal er toch van Karen Berg, onze voormalige directeur IR en secretaris van de RvB PostNL zijn geworden. De protégé van HV, want ze kenden elkaar uit de SNS periode. Het plotselinge vertrek en de aankondiging daarvan tijdens de Q2 2018 ( één van de laatste zinnen)
Zij heeft per 17 september 2018 de overstap gemaakt naar Bird&Bird LLP. Je weet wel, Het advocatenkantoor dat PostNL (naast Allen&Overy) bijstond in de procedure bij de CBb en in 2016 PostNL hielp bij het herzien van de strategie in Duitsland. Fijn dat het jongens- en meisjesnetwerk nog bestaat.
(Bron: site Bird&Bird LLP)
Karen has extensive experience when it comes to financial regulation, having worked in-house, and is known for her pragmatic approach.
Karen is counsel in our Commercial practice and is based in The Hague.
Focusing on all aspect of financial regulation, her expertise combines (board) advice, managing complex and time-sensitive projects, investigations, negotiations and discussions with regulators and legislators. Karen combines a wealth of experience advising a broad range of financial institutions as an external lawyer on regulatory matters and high-profile projects and working in-house in financial institutions and corporates at board level. She is not only an excellent lawyer, but also has in-depth knowledge of board dynamics and of looking at matters with a cross-functional approach.
Before working with Bird & Bird, Karen was corporate secretary at SNS REAAL and PostNL, worked as an investment banker at Fortis/MeesPierson and started her legal career at a top tier Dutch law firm, working in their offices in the Netherlands, London and New York.
Karen was first admitted to the bar in 1998 and again in 2018.