Vivoryon Therapeutics « Terug naar discussie overzicht

Probiodrug 2019

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Gala-diner schreef op 3 juni 2019 16:20:

Nou ja, oud...
Dat valt wel mee dacht ik, ik zag alleen een link en daarom heb ik het geplaatst.Ik zie het als een bevestiging van mijn visie op Probiodrug dat er recentelijk 2 nieuwe grootaandeelhouders zijn bij gekomen.
Per saldo zijn er niet meer aandelen in handen gekomen van grote beleggers, dankzij de grote verkoper.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 3 juni 2019 17:21:

Per saldo zijn er niet meer aandelen in handen gekomen van grote beleggers, dankzij de grote verkoper.
Nu ik jouw secretaris heb gezien, ongetwijfeld weer een broodje-aap-verhaal. Lol

fd183 schreef op 3 juni 2019 18:40:

Nu ik jouw secretaris heb gezien, ongetwijfeld weer een broodje-aap-verhaal. Lol
Ik heb die aap ontslagen wegens geknoei met de boeken en heb een nieuwe secretaris:

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 3 juni 2019 19:10:

Ik heb die aap ontslagen wegens geknoei met de boeken en heb een nieuwe secretaris:je bent op tv bij de zwakste schakel en je ligt er wederom weer uit
Bridget zegt u bent de zwakste schakel u kunt gaan
Je bakt er niks van man je hebt alles fout
Zit ik weer mn tijd te verdoen om naar je onzin te luisteren

neet schreef op 3 juni 2019 22:44:

Je bakt er niks van man je hebt alles fout
Zit ik weer mn tijd te verdoen om naar je onzin te luisteren
De beste man leeft in een duistere fantasiewereld, daar zijn wel pilletje voor.
Maar heeft het zelf niet in de gaten.
Het is ongetwijfeld een eenzaam persoon.
Best sneu eigenlijk.
Zijn 'secretaris' heeft nu met zijn Pinkeltjes-boeken geknoeid las ik..
Hopeloos geval.
Hij zit er inderdaad bijna altijd naast met zijn 'visie' op verschillende aandelen.
Als ik een keer tijd en zin hebczal ik eens een mooi overzicht maken van zijn missers, worst wel paginavullend.

Gala-diner schreef op 3 juni 2019 23:05:

De beste man leeft in een duistere fantasiewereld, daar zijn wel pilletje voor.
Maar heeft het zelf niet in de gaten.
Het is ongetwijfeld een eenzaam persoon.
Best sneu eigenlijk.
Zijn 'secretaris' heeft nu met zijn Pinkeltjes-boeken geknoeid las ik..
Hopeloos geval.
Hij zit er inderdaad bijna altijd naast met zijn 'visie' op verschillende aandelen.
Als ik een keer tijd en zin hebczal ik eens een mooi overzicht maken van zijn missers, worst wel paginavullend.
dat wordt een dag taak Gala

neet schreef op 3 juni 2019 22:42:

Je mag mijn teksten niet veranderen dmv een quote.

DeZwarteRidder schreef op 4 juni 2019 15:23:

Je mag mijn teksten niet veranderen dmv een quote.
Waarom niet? Hij aapt jou alleen maar na, heeft ie van jouw secretaris geleerd.
June 2019

3 – 6: BIO International Convention, Philadelphia, USA
Probiodrug aanwezig.

Gala-diner schreef op 5 juni 2019 08:15:

June 2019

3 – 6: BIO International Convention, Philadelphia, USA
Probiodrug aanwezig.

BIO 2019 - June 3-6 - Philadelphia, PA
Join us in Philadelphia, PA, June 3-6, 2019 as more than 16,000 attendees from around the globe gather for unparalleled partnering, education, networking, and to see all that tri-state area has to offer. The region's vast array of leading universities and research institutions fosters a collaborative environment.

The key benefits of attending the 2019 BIO International Convention are access to global biotech and pharma leaders via BIO One-on-One Partnering, exposure to industry thought-leaders with over 500 education sessions at your fingertips, and unparalleled networking opportunities with 16,000+ attendees from 67 countries.

Go4profit schreef op 6 juni 2019 17:36:

Lijkt mij een geweldige performster op het galadiner (na sluitingstijd 17 juni 2019).
Probiodrug AG becomes Vivoryon Therapeutics AG
DGAP-News: Vivoryon Therapeutics AG / Key word(s): Corporate Action

12.06.2019 / 07:00
The issuer is solely responsible for the content of this announcement.

Probiodrug AG becomes Vivoryon Therapeutics AG
Healthy Aging - Pioneering Innovation

HALLE (SAALE), Germany, 12 June 2019 - Probiodrug AG (Euronext Amsterdam: currently PBD, to be changed to VVY, ISIN: DE0007921835), focusing on the discovery and development of drugs acting on enzymes which modulate the activity of cellular signalling pathways connected to human diseases, announced today that with entry into the commercial register Stendal the Company has now officially changed its name to Vivoryon Therapeutics AG as of June 11, 2019.

Dr. Ulrich Dauer, CEO of Vivoryon Therapeutics AG, explained that the new name is representative of the evolving commitment of the Company to promote "Healthy-Aging - Pioneering Innovation", adding, "Vivoryon, composed of 'Vivid Memory On', expresses our strong commitment to develop a transformational therapeutic option for patients with Alzheimer's Disease (AD) against the backdrop of multiple late stage industry disappointments. With our proprietary Glutaminyl cyclase (QC) inhibition platform we are technology leaders in this field which has also opened up new opportunities to bring scientific excellence for the benefit of patients to other indications, as we currently see in immuno-oncology."

The name change is a result of a shareholder resolution passed at the Company's Annual General Meeting held on May 29, 2019. In the past year, Vivoryon Therapeutics, has mastered important steps for a successful future. With new management, the Company is well positioned to tackle the next developmental stages of its lead candidate PQ912, a first-in-class, highly specific and potent inhibitor of Glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase protein (QPCT), which is highly relevant in the brain and the AD-process, and its isoenzyme, the Glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like protein (QPCTL), which is relevant in immuno-oncological signaling processes.

Vivoryon Therapeutics will continue to focus on therapeutic solutions for AD, a complex neurological disorder, which is the most common form of dementia. There is currently no cure for Alzheimer's and approved medication only treat some symptoms of the disease. Vivoryon's lead molecule PQ912, which inhibits QPCT as the crucial enzyme for the generation of highly neurotoxic pyroglutamate species of Abeta in the brain, will be investigated in two clinical Phase 2b trials in Europe and the U.S. for the treatment of AD.

The Company, is also exploring options to expand their research into the field of immuno-oncology, the study and development of treatments that take advantage of the body's immune system to fight cancer. Glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like protein (QPCTL), a posttranslational modifying enzyme that is responsible for the pyroglutamate formation on crucial signaling proteins in oncological immune responses, has recently been identified as a potential oncological target. Inhibitors of QPCTL, like PQ912 and other small molecule compounds protected under Vivoryon's patents have been shown to silence the checkpoint signal from the CD47/SIRP alpha axis between cancer cells and cells of the innate immune system, and thus are offering a novel strategy to augment the efficacy of various antibody therapies in cancer.

As such, the name Vivoryon Therapeutics will highlight the new positioning of the Company's key strengths as a leader in the development of post translational modifying enzymes.


For more information, please contact:
Vivoryon Therapeutics AG
Dr. Ulrich Dauer, CEO

MC Services AG
Anne Hennecke, Susanne Kutter
Tel: +49 (0) 211 529 252 27

Notes to Editors:
About Vivoryon Therapeutics AG
Headquartered in Halle (Saale), Germany, Vivoryon Therapeutics AG (Euronext Amsterdam: currently PBD, to be changed to VVY) is a clinical stage precision medicine company focused on bringing first-in-class therapies to patients suffering from age-related diseases. The company has a successful track record in bringing drugs targeted to post-translational modifying enzymes to the market. Current projects are focusing on the two isoenzymes of Glutaminyl cyclase, QPCT and QPCTL. QPCT is the crucial enzyme for the generation of highly neurotoxic pyroglutamate species of Abeta. Its inhibition by Vivoryon's lead molecule PQ912, has successfully completed a Phase 2a (SAPHIR) study and the Company has initiated a Phase 2b core program for the treatment of Alzheimer's disease (AD). Whereas QPCTL has been identified as a potential target in cancer therapy. Blocking the enzymatic function of QPTCL by small molecule inhibitors is a novel therapeutic approach to silence the CD47/SIRP alpha signal in cancer immunotherapy. Vivoryon has a unique and exceptionally strong patent position on QPCT and QPCTL inhibitors.

About PQ912
PQ912, is a first-in-class, highly specific and potent inhibitor of Glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase protein (QPCT), the enzyme that catalyzes the formation of highly neurotoxic pGlu species. PQ912 has shown therapeutic effects in AD animal models. A Phase 1 study in healthy young and elderly volunteers revealed a dose dependent exposure and showed good safety and tolerability up to the highest dose resulting in >90% target occupancy in the spinal fluid. In June 2017, Vivoryon announced promising top-line data of the Phase 2a SAPHIR trial of PQ912 and presented the study results at CTAD 2017. Results strongly support that pGlu species of Abeta are especially neurotoxic and correlate with AD disease progression. The SAPHIR study provides important guidance on how to move forward with the development of PQ912 as a disease-modifying drug for AD. Altogether, the results make the program highly attractive for further development; the company has initiated the preparation of a Phase 2b core program.

About Alzheimer's disease
Alzheimer's disease is a neurological disorder, which is the most common form of dementia. Today, 50 million people live with dementia worldwide, and this number is projected to triple to more than 152 million by 2050. Dementia also has a huge economic impact. Alzheimer's has an estimated, global societal cost of US$ 1 trillion, and it will become 2 trillion-dollar disease by 2030. (World Alzheimer Report 2018).

Glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like protein (QPCTL)
Glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase-like protein (QPCTL) is a posttranslational modifying enzyme that is responsible for the pyroglutamate formation on CD47 a crucial receptor protein in the immune response to cancer. QPCTL is an isoenzyme of QPCT and can be inhibited by Vivoryon's lead candidate small molecule PQ912 and other compounds protected under Vivoryon's patents.

Cancer immune checkpoint inhibitors
Checkpoint inhibitor therapy is a novel kind of cancer immunotherapy. This therapy targets immune checkpoints, key regulators of the immune system that stimulate or inhibit its actions, which tumors can use to protect themselves from attacks by the immune system. QPCTL inhibitor therapy can silence inhibitory cancer checkpoints and thereby restore beneficial immune system functions
Probiodrug nu officieel Vivoryon Therapeutics

Gepubliceerd op 12 jun 2019 om 07:15 | Views: 1.156 | Onderwerpen: biotechnologie

Probiodrug 12:35
5,19 -0,09 (-1,70%)

HALLE (AFN) - De in Amsterdam genoteerde Duitse biotechnoloog Probiodrug heeft zijn naam officieel gewijzigd in Vivoryon Therapeutics. Nadat eerder al aandeelhouders akkoord gingen met de aanpassing, is deze nu ook doorgevoerd in de registers van de Kamer van Koophandel.

Vivoryon werkt aan een geneesmiddel tegen de ziekte van Alzheimer. De nieuwe naam is samengesteld uit 'Vivid Memory On'.
Inclusief aanstaande maandag zitten er 2 maanden op.
De uitslag is 56% van de dagen ---- 4,90 of eronder en 44% boven de 4,90.
De voorspelling van mij was dominant zwabberen onder de 4,90 in deze twee maanden maar ik matig mij aan dan zou het percentage onder de 4,90 boven de 80% moeten liggen.
In die vergelijking heb ik het dus onjuist gezien echter de koers is bij 5,23 (momentopname) slechts >= 0,33 euro er boven dus zo ver is mijn schatting nou ook weer niet weg van mijn geschatte doel.
De schatting van Gala-diner binnen 2 maanden ---- 15 euro is natuurlijk een sprookje gebleken en daar valt geen speld tussen te krijgen.

Ik heb geen aandelen VT-AG (Probiodrug) en ben niet van plan VT-AG stukken aan te schaffen dus blijven posten is eigenlijk energie_verspilling.
Ik neem bij deze dan ook afscheid van dit forum en wens een ieder succes !
Vantage - March 20, 2019 - Madeleine Armstrong

Probiodrug wins a market cap-sized grant for Alzheimer’s trial

Probiodrug grabs $15m, but it will need more to fund phase IIb development of its Alzheimer’s candidate, PQ912.
White silhouette of head, as a jigaw puzzle with a piece missing, against black backgroud
Raising money is nothing new for biotech companies. But in scoring a grant worth nearly as much as its market cap, Probiodrug has something to write home about. Investors sent the German company’s shares up as much as 36% today on news of a $15m award from the US NIH; yesterday the group was valued at €16m ($18m).

Probiodrug might now finally be able to start a US phase IIb trial of its Alzheimer’s disease candidate PQ912, but it is not out of the woods just yet. The grant will not fully fund the study and, at last count, the group had just €5m in the bank.

More money more problems

Probiodrug’s chief executive, Ulrich Dauer, told Vantage that the company did not want to start the trial without having the funds to finish it, or at least get to a “reasonable point”.

That reasonable point could be the end of a dose-escalation phase, he suggested. Probiodrug has not nailed down the exact design of the trial, but the current plan is to start with a PQ912 dose of 150mg, before upping this to 300mg, and then 600mg. The company would then pick the highest tolerated dose to take into the chronic part of the study.

With this in mind, the chief exec said it was premature to speculate on the minimum amount of money Probiodrug would need to start the trial. Mr Dauer also would not disclose how much the $15m NIH grant might cover, and how much Probiodrug would have to fund itself, although he did admit that the company could be on the hook for a substantial amount.

The study is slated to enrol around 460 patients in the US and Canada with mild cognitive impairment or mild dementia due to Alzheimer’s, who would receive PQ912 or placebo for 18 months. Phase II Alzheimer's disease trials typically cost around $23m, according to EvaluatePharma Vision, though as Probiodrug is talking about a larger phase IIb study, the final bill would probably be significantly higher.

This makes the NIH funds start to look like a drop in the ocean, particularly when considering that Probiodrug also plans to start enrolling patients into a phase IIb European trial, Saphir 2, by the end of this year.

Current funds are only expected to keep Probiodrug going until the third quarter of 2019.

Searching for a partner

The company therefore needs to find more cash, with partnering or an equity raise at the top of the agenda, the chief exec said.

He maintained that there was still interest from potential collaborators, despite the mounting casualty list of Alzheimer’s projects, most recently Roche’s anti-beta amyloid antibody crenezumab.

Although Probiodrug is also targeting amyloid, the company might benefit from taking a slightly different approach. PQ912 is a small-molecule inhibitor of glutaminyl cyclase, the enzyme that converts beta-amyloid into what the company calls the toxic pGlu-Abeta form.

The most similar project in development is Lilly’s LY3002813, an antibody that binds directly to pGlu-Abeta. Notably, Lilly kept faith with this project when it cut back its Alzheimer’s pipeline last year, something Mr Dauer said he was pleased about because it validated Probiodrug’s strategy (Eli Lilly backs away from Bace but not from novel Alzheimer’s targets, 14 November 2018).

Still, LY3002813, which had once been behind PQ912, is pushing ahead fast. LY3002813 is in a phase II trial, Trailblazer-Alz, which is due to complete next year, according to

The NIH money is a start, but Probiodrug needs more than $15m if it wants to keep going with PQ912, let alone keep up with a bigger rival.

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