Tom3 schreef op 23 september 2019 21:58:
Dit schrijft mijn gewaardeerde schrijver "Culleraa" op 17 september j.l. op Seeking Alpha:
A usual analysis would say they have three RNA-mechanism drugs in the clinic themselves + 1 spun-out. Their own three are all in the same space, so they could be a fully integrated company. They are front-runners and will be first to market by a long shot, if they work. One blind adult patient had a "biblical miracle cure" - recently played down as an outlier.
So company could be worth B not M, but isn't. Some reasons include delaying Usher readout for more patient data... they are sic. blinded here so no medical reason for loss of interest. Another was the spinout of Wings-DEB which coincided with a "back to the lab" decision and radio silence on Axiomer. IF they had never has the last mentioned activities, the stock price would likely be higher!
Lastly, they started as a CF company.. and no longer are, on the ppts anyway. That RNA drug will likely be brought back in some form, once the CF landscape has settled - if you know the CEO's history. So this is a born-again IPO.
So for the unusual. de Boer is unusual in that he was "just" a business guy. Due to his son, this Proqr is his creation. He dropped IT management and talked the industry's best into backing him on the Board and in management, when he had no track record or education in this field, like the late Henri Termeer. Given the size of the balance sheet, I think he has done more than anyone in gene therapy per dollar - more importantly for an investor (and patients) he has done it a lot faster.
17 Sep 2019, 05:07 AM