Arcelor Mittal « Terug naar discussie overzicht

Arcelor Mittal Februari 2019

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Hoe deed Arcelor het deze week t.o.v. de andere AEX fondsen?

KPN* 2,749 +9,04%
Royal Dutch...* 27,200 +4,58%
Heineken* 79,200 +4,57%
ArcelorMittal* 20,900 +4,29%--> Heel erg fraai dus!
RELX* 19,410 +3,82%
Philips Kon...* 33,805 +3,63%
UNIBAIL-ROD...* 157,020 +2,86%
DSM* 82,720 +2,15%
Wolters Kluwer* 54,480 +1,30%
Aalberts* 30,420 +1,00%
SIGNIFY NV* 21,410 +0,85%
Unilever Cert.* 47,135 +0,72%
ASML* 155,500 +0,69%
RANDSTAD NV* 43,040 +0,61%
Akzo Nobel* 75,250 +0,47%
Galapagos* 89,500 +0,11%
Gemalto* 50,640 +0,08%
ALTICE EURO...* 1,785 -0,56%
Aegon* 4,513 -0,83%
Vopak* 43,950 -0,86%
NN Group* 37,030 -0,96%
Ahold Delhaize* 22,945 -1,88%
ASR Nederland* 36,360 -2,26%
ING* 10,314 -3,10%
ABN AMRO* 21,450 -3,81%
En de YTD staat:

UNIBAIL-ROD...* 157,020 +15,97%
DSM* 82,720 +15,79%
ArcelorMittal* 20,900 +15,21%--> Ik snap niet dat er nog personen klagen! :-)
ASML* 155,500 +13,37%
Galapagos* 89,500 +11,10%
Vopak* 43,950 +10,76%
Aegon* 4,513 +10,64%
ING* 10,314 +9,61%
Philips Kon...* 33,805 +9,30%
RELX* 19,410 +8,01%
KPN* 2,749 +7,38%
RANDSTAD NV* 43,040 +7,36%
Akzo Nobel* 75,250 +6,89%
NN Group* 37,030 +6,41%
Royal Dutch...* 27,200 +6,02%
Wolters Kluwer* 54,480 +5,46%
ASR Nederland* 36,360 +5,15%
ALTICE EURO...* 1,785 +5,06%
Aalberts* 30,420 +4,72%
SIGNIFY NV* 21,410 +4,59%
ABN AMRO* 21,450 +4,43%
Ahold Delhaize* 22,945 +3,94%
Heineken* 79,200 +2,59%
Gemalto* 50,640 -0,04%
Unilever Cert.* 47,135 -0,60%
Gelukkig verdien ik weer voorlopig aardig op AM, kijken of die verdiensten ook blijven natuurlijk.
2018 was toch wel erg regenachtig bij mij hier met de AM'tjes
Beursblik: lagere winst verwacht bij ArcelorMittal

20,90 0,705 3,49 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal zal in het vierde kwartaal van 2018 vermoedelijk een lagere winst hebben geboekt dan een jaar eerder. Dit bleek vrijdag uit een analiastenconsensus die de staalreus zelf publiceerde.

Gemiddeld rekenen de 20 analisten die bijdroegen aan de consensus op een winst voor aftrek van rente, belastingen, afschrijvingen en amortisatie van goodwill (EBITDA) van 1.958 miljoen dollar.

In het vierde kwartaal van 2017 kwam de EBITDA uit op 2.141 miljoen dollar en in het derde van 2018 was dit 2.729 miljoen dollar.

ArcelorMittal opent op 7 februari voorbeurs de boeken over het vierde kwartaal.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
ArcelorMittal announces the publication of fourth quarter and full year 2018 Ebitda sell-side analyst consensus figures

1 February 2019 - ArcelorMittal today announces the publication of fourth quarter and full year 2018 Ebitda sell-side analyst consensus figures.

The consensus figures are based on analysts’ estimates recorded on an external web-based tool provided and managed by an independent company, Vuma Financial Services Limited (trade name: Vuma Consensus).

To arrive at the consensus figures below, Vuma Consensus has aggregated the expectations of sell-side analysts who, to the best of our knowledge, cover ArcelorMittal on a continuous basis. This is currently a group of approximately 20 brokers.

The listed analysts follow ArcelorMittal on their own initiative and ArcelorMittal is not responsible for their views. ArcelorMittal is neither involved in the collection of the information nor in the compilation of the estimates.

Ebitda consensus estimates

Ebitda consensus
average $ million

4Q 2018


12M 2018


The sell-side analysts who cover ArcelorMittal and whose estimates are included in the Group consensus outlined above are the following:

ABN Amro - Philip Ngotho
BancoSabadell - Francisco Rodriguez
Bank of America Merrill Lynch - Cedar Ekblom
BBVA - Luis de Toledo
Citi - Ephrem Ravi
Clarkson – Jeremy Sussman
Commerzbank - Ingo-Martin Schachel
Degroof Petercam - Frank Claassen
Deutsche Bank - Bastian Synagowitz
Goldman Sachs - Eugene King, Kevin Hellegard
GVC Gaesco Beka - Iñigo Recio Pascual
ING - Stijn Demeester
Jefferies - Seth Rosenfeld
JP Morgan - Luke Nelson
Kepler - Rochus Brauneiser
Macquarie - Ioannis Masvoulas
Morgan Stanley - Alain Gabriel
Société Générale - Christian Georges
UBS - Carsten Riek

Zie ook de link:

voda schreef op 1 februari 2019 18:43:

Beursblik: lagere winst verwacht bij ArcelorMittal

20,90 0,705 3,49 % Euronext Amsterdam

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) ArcelorMittal zal in het vierde kwartaal van 2018 vermoedelijk een lagere winst hebben geboekt dan een jaar eerder. Dit bleek vrijdag uit een analiastenconsensus die de staalreus zelf publiceerde.

Gemiddeld rekenen de 20 analisten die bijdroegen aan de consensus op een winst voor aftrek van rente, belastingen, afschrijvingen en amortisatie van goodwill (EBITDA) van 1.958 miljoen dollar.

In het vierde kwartaal van 2017 kwam de EBITDA uit op 2.141 miljoen dollar en in het derde van 2018 was dit 2.729 miljoen dollar.

ArcelorMittal opent op 7 februari voorbeurs de boeken over het vierde kwartaal.

Door: ABM Financial News.
Redactie: +31(0)20 26 28 999

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Ik ga er vanuit dat de ebitda Q4 2018 hoger is dan Q4 2017
En Ik denk zelfs fors hoger.
Ebitda 2018 ruim boven de 10 miljard top toch daar droomden
We van.
7 februari het is bijna zo ver en dan weten we het.

Fijn weekend

ArcelorMittal Temirtau's efforts to improve the environment have received the approval of the public "Green" Council

The targeted efforts of ArcelorMittal Temirtau to improve the environmental situation were supported at a meeting of the public environmental council. The meeting discussed the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan for the improvement of the environmental situation in Temirtau. The meeting was attended by the Vice-Minister of Energy of the Republic of Kazakhstan Sabit Nurlybay, akim of the Karaganda region Yerlan Koshanov, representatives of government agencies, large industrial enterprises, environmentalists, representatives of public organizations and activists of the city.

In his speech at the meeting, the well-known eco-activist Dmitry Kalmykov, who visited with public audits at all large enterprises of the city, said: “ArcelorMittal Temirtau” is the only enterprise that has already managed to reduce emissions. ”

In his speech, the akim of the Karaganda region, Yerlan Koshanov, who moderated the meeting of the Green Council, stressed that ArcelorMittal Temirtau is carrying out real work on the implementation of the Comprehensive Plan for the improvement of the environmental situation.

The comprehensive environmental improvement plan for Temirtau for 2018–2020 included measures to reduce emissions to the atmosphere by large industrial enterprises through the reconstruction and construction of new gas and dust collecting equipment, production upgrades as part of environmental protection plans and measures aimed at improving energy efficiency in the city.

The Comprehensive Plan also provides for landscaping activities, it takes into account measures for waste management and water resources protection, environmental education, public monitoring of the environment and information work.

The planned costs for the implementation of environmental projects, according to the Environmental Action Plan of ArcelorMittal Temirtau JSC for 2019-2021, amount to more than 35 billion tenge. The cost of implementing environmental projects in 2018 amounted to 9.7 billion tenge.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
ArcelorMittal Neuwied center receives a new slitting line increasing capacity by 150,000 tonnes

At the ArcelorMittal Service Center, there is a press and two slitting lines to cut the rolls weighing several tons with wound steel strip, the so-called coils, into customer-specific widths. Now a third splitting plant has been added to expand the capacity, which supplements the current plants and can process not only steel but also aluminum.

The steel belt accelerates up to 400 meters per minute on its way through the slitting line. After slitting, the cut strips of tape are wound onto a reel at the end of the line. In order to ensure a uniform winding of different length tape strips, you need a length compensation line.

The unwound strip therefore runs on the new system after cutting through a 12-meter deep abyss - the loop pit. When building a new splitting plant, however, such a loop pit makes a lot of extra work. For in addition to the normal foundation of reinforced concrete, which must absorb the vibrations of the plant permanently, a large, 12-meter deep hole in the ground is needed here, which must be excavated and firmly connected to the rest of the foundation.

The special feature in Neuwied is the immediate proximity to the Rhine and the restriction by the height of the hall. Since the loop pit must be impermeable to water, even at high water levels, special structural requirements have arisen here. The local specialists therefore decided in favor of a so-called overlapped bored pile wall. In order to be able to accommodate the special drilling machine required for this purpose, a working level had to be created that was 1.5 meters below the existing hall floor.

At the beginning of 2017, they decided to go into concrete planning and, among other things, obtained offers in Italy and Spain and then decided on the Spanish manufacturer Fagor, which complements the two Italian systems from Fimi with its plant. A plus for the ArcelorMittal location and for Neuwied: The necessary construction work could be awarded locally. Well, after all, that in Neuwied construction of the halls in 1998 had already been planned for four plants. Where the new slitting line now stands, another system was initially planned and the foundations were already made for this purpose in 1998. This foundation had to be partially canceled. The place for the fourth plant was at least present.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Upgrade to high strength steel and reduce your carbon footprint - SSAB EcoUpgraded

SSAB said that it is convinced that good environmental stewardship also drives good business. “We are firmly committed to reducing our own carbon footprint and that of our customers. We take action in many different ways as a signatory to the UN Global Compact, through our membership in environmental research projects and organisations, and by improving our own manufacturing processes, procedures and policies. But perhaps our most important effort stems from collaborating with customers. “With its new SSAB EcoUpgraded program, customers can upgrade to high-strength steel and reduce the weight of their equipment, improve fuel economy and extend product lifetime – all factors that have a major impact on reducing their carbon footprint.

“When customers upgrade from standard steel to high-strength steel, they can cut the weight of the end product while maintaining the same strength and increasing durability and productivity. From a lifecycle perspective, this is crucial because most of the negative environmental impact comes from a product’s use phase. And because high-strength steel is stronger than conventional mild steel, less steel is needed to manufacture the product. This also reduces CO2 emissions. An SSAB EcoUpgraded product will generate CO2 savings that exceed the CO2 emitted during the production of the upgraded part. The amount of the savings varies depending on the design and whether or not it is weight-critical.”

SSAB looks at each specific application and compares the potential CO2 savings in the use phase to the CO2 emitted during production. “This way, we identify products that would benefit the most from an upgrade to high-strength Strenx® performance steel and/or Hardox® wear plate. Once the CO2 payback time is reached, the vehicle will continue to deliver CO2 savings far in excess of the original CO2 debt.”

Here’s how SSAB sees high-strength steels benefitting both the environment and its customers’ businesses:

1. Thinner dimensions of steel can be used without compromising on strength
2. Fewer resources used in the manufacture of SSAB EcoUpgraded components and vehicles
3. Less fuel needed for the same work – haul the same load in fewer number of trips
4. Lower carbon dioxide emissions over entire lifecycle
5. Meet and stay ahead of tougher environmental requirements and legislation
6. OEMs can enhance their environmental profile and gain a competitive edge

SSAB said that “Successful projects and satisfied customers bear witness to the success of EcoUpgraded on many levels. For one customer, an ultra-light tipper chassis used 610 kg of Strenx® 960 Plus to replace 750 kg of S700MC steel. And in the body, 830 kg of Hardox® 500 Tuf replaced 1,000 kg of Hardox® 450. This brought a total weight reduction of 18% for the upgraded parts. The body’s lifetime was doubled, to 12 years, eliminating the need to change the body on this chassis. And the weight was reduced by 310 kg, which increased the load capacity by the same amount.”

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Still rising imports collide with slowing steel demand growth - EUROFER

The EU steel market is estimated to have risen by 2.6% in 2018. The increase in steel demand mainly benefitted third country suppliers, owing to a rise of 12.3% in imports. By contrast, European producers barely gained from domestic growth, shipping just 0.6% more steel to the EU market. Axel Eggert, Director General of the European Steel Association (EUROFER), said “The sharp increase in imports in the second half of 2018 is proof that in spite of the justified imposition of preliminary safeguard measures by the EU Commission last July the EU market is still under siege. Market access to other regions has been blocked by protectionist measures in those places, thereby leading to a continued diversion of steel to the EU market. This diversionary trend is expected to continue in 2019 – especially as the safeguard’s quota size will be increased to by 5% in February and by another 5% in July. This ‘relaxation’ could occur even as 2019 EU steel demand is forecast to be flat and underpins even greater uncertainty for steel producers”.

EU apparent steel consumption grew by 2.6% year-on-year in the third quarter of 2018 and amounted to 38 million tonnes. Quarterly apparent steel consumption had, on average, been around 43 million in the first half of the year. Lower consumption in the third quarter can be explained from the usual seasonal slowdown in manufacturing and construction activity and some destocking in the supply chain.

Estimates for the fourth quarter of 2018 show a further deceleration in year-on-year growth in apparent steel consumption and again a lower quarterly volume as a result of seasonal destocking in the final quarter of the year.

EU steel market fundamentals are expected to remain moderately positive. Nevertheless, apparent steel consumption growth is forecast to slow down to only 0.5% in 2019 followed by 1.2% in 2020, less than one-third of the compound annual growth rate of apparent steel consumption over the period 2014-2018.

This very modest growth scenario in combination with a global steel market that is suffering from overcapacity, slowing demand – and as a consequence a flurry of protectionist measures – has the potential to develop into a major threat for EU market stability.

EU steel-using sectors
Having grown at rather vigorous quarterly rates in 2017 and the first half of 2018, production growth in the EU steel-using sectors slowed down in the third quarter of 2018. The growth moderation was particularly evident in the automotive sector.

In contrast, the only large steel-using sector that did not witness a growth deceleration was the construction industry. Total output growth in the EU’s steel-using sectors is estimated to have amounted to 3.1% in 2018.

The growth trend in production activity over 2018 confirms that EU steel-using sectors have entered the late stage of the current business cycle. While economic fundamentals will remain mildly positive, actual growth rates of production activity will slow down in 2019 and 2020.

Output in EU steel-using sectors is forecast to grow by 1.5% in 2019 and by 1.7% in 2020.

Source : Strategic Research Institute
Thailand bans steel plant expansion

Bangkok Post reported that steel plant expansion and construction of steel bar plants will be banned for the next five years in Thailand to reduce the domestic surplus. Mr Somchai Harnhirun, the acting industry minister, said the ministry expects to announce the regulation draft, then propose it to the Council of State for endorsement. He said that "The ministry hopes the rule goes in effect soon to help the domestic steel industry.”

Mr Somchai said the government calls on steelmakers to improve their technology, upgrade steel quality to meet high standards and solve the SOx and NOx emission levels to prevent outdated technology' from polluting surrounding communities.
Nava Chantanasurakon, chairman for the Association of Thai Hot-Rolled Steel Sheet, said the country’s steel industry' is suffering after the Commerce Ministry' on Jan 7 ruled out extending safeguard measures on imported hot-rolled steel sheet with alloy', both in coils and not in coils.

The ministry made the move after a probe found no harm to the domestic steel industry.

This safeguard measures will end on Feb 26. Thailand's safeguard measures on imported steel began on Feb 27, 2013.

In the past several years, domestic steel producers needed the government to resolve steel bar overcapacity, as the industry is already under threat from potential Chinese steel imports.

Thailand has 45 steel bar plants with a total capacity utilisation rate of 33.2% and can expand steel capacity in the future to meet domestic market demand. Thailand's steelmakers produce 9 million tonnes of steel bar a year for construction, while the domestic market demands about 3.45 million tonnes per year.

Source : Bangkok Post
Octavia 2
Fijn om na thuiskomst te zien dat AM steun heeft boven de 20 en dat we nu ook voorzichtig naar boven kunnen kijken. Hopelijk is de visie van Uitzender goed en beleven we volgende week ook een goede week met AM. Prettig weekend voor iedereen toegewenst !
Ik gok dat ebitda > 2.000 mln is, i.i.g boven de consensus. AM tenminste iets hoger willen scoren het lijkt me niet dat de consensus overdreven hoog is ....
GS heeft haar koersdoel verlaagd. In het verleden kwamen de koersoelen van GS wel uit, nu afgelopen jaar niet. Ik verwacht weerbijstellingen naar boven dit jaar....misschien niet 35+, maar wel tenminste 28+.
Wezullen het weer zien. Mijn focus is voorlopig weer richting 25+.
Jan Pret
Ik ga voor 23,50 euro na presentatie cijfers a.s. donderdag! Ook goede prognoses horen daar natuurlijk bij.
Ik denk dat ik maandag call opties ga kopen .
Als ik de cijfers van de vorige kwartalen bekijk waren deze beter dan de verwachting + dat er blijkbaar meer winst was door de hogere staalprijzen , + dat er enkele staalproducenten in china gingen stoppen in de tweede helft van het jaar.volgens een artikel dat ik gelezen had. Ik weet niet of hier iemand anders over denkt?
vorig jaar rond deze tijd was de koers 6 euro hoger dus bij goed nieuws (cijfers en vooruitzichten) gaat de koers denk ik wel reageren naar boven. maar je weet het natuurlijk nooit.
En toch verwacht ik geen verdere stijgingen , de € 21,- gaan we niet halen , maandag weer terug

miniature schreef op 3 februari 2019 23:15:

En toch verwacht ik geen verdere stijgingen , de € 21,- gaan we niet halen , maandag weer terug
Op basis van jouw gedetailleerde onderbouwing denk ik
Het ook :-)
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Vertraagd 21 mrt 2025 17:37
Koers 29,120
Verschil -0,380 (-1,29%)
Hoog 29,430
Laag 28,770
Volume 4.437.517
Volume gemiddeld 3.109.744
Volume gisteren 2.465.064

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