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Largo Resources - vanadium, titanium en wolfram

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The Maracás Menchen Mine

The Maracás Menchen Mine property totals 17,690 hectares and is located in the eastern Bahia State of Brazil. The mine is roughly 250 km southwest of Salvador (capital of Bahia) and 813 km northeast of Brasilia (capital of Brazil). The Maracás Menchen Mine has excellent access by road from Salvador to the mine via 405 km of paved secondary road from the main costal highway in Bahia and via a direct project access road of about 50 km west of the town of Maracas. The town of Maracás has a population of approximately 30,000.

The Maracás Menchen Mine boasts one of the highest-grade vanadium resources in the world and is one of the lowest-cost producers of the material in the vanadium market. Construction at the Maracás Menchen Mine began in June 2012 and initial production of vanadium flake commenced in Q3 2014. Largo currently has a contracted take-or-pay off-take agreement with Glencore International AG for 100% of its vanadium material which expires April 30, 2020. The mine is projected to produce between 10,000 and 11,000 tonnes of vanadium pentoxide in 2019 which is inclusive of high-purity flake and powder powder. The Company announced in April 2018 plans to expand production capacity by 25% at the mine with construction which began in June 2018. The enhanced production rate at the Maracás Menchen Mine is expected to result in an additional 200 tonnes of V2O5 being produced per month totaling 1,000 tonnes per month beginning Q3 2019.
maracas menchen mine
Geology, Mining and Processing

Vanadium at the Maracás Menchen Mine is contained within a massive, titaniferous magnetite and possesses very low levels of contaminants, like silica (SiO2). The entire strike length of the Maracás Menchen Mine property is rich in vanadium, hosting many deposits of vanadium-rich titaniferous magnetite mineralization, particularly at the Campbell Pit and other deposits such as Novo Amparo Norte, Novo Amparo, Gulcari B and Sao Jose. Ore from the mine will be crushed, milled, and sent through a magnetic separator to create a concentrate. This concentrate is then processed into vanadium pentoxide, high-purity vanadium or vanadium powder where it is then bagged or packed into barrels for sale. It is important to note that Largo is utilizing industry proven equipment and processes to produce vanadium.
The Campbell Pit Mineral Reserves Statement - Effective May 2, 2017
(kt) V2O5
Head Grade
(%) V2O5%
in Con.
Proven 17,570 1.15 3.21
Probable 1,440 1.26 3.20
Total in
pit reserve 19,010 1.15 3.22
Secondary Projects
Operations / Secondary Projects

Campo Alegre
Region Brazil
Metal V, Ti, Fe
Stage Exploration

Diamond drilling planned for 2019.
Seven concessions covering 9,275 hectares, hosting a large, potentially world class iron, titanium and vanadium deposit
Campo Alegre Image
Northern Dancer
Region Yukon, Canada
Metal Tungsten
Stage PEA Complete

One of the world’s largest undeveloped tungsten-molybdenum deposits
M&I: 223.4 million tonnes, grading 0.102%,WO3and 0.029% Mo

Northern Dancer Image

Mineral Resources, and Inferred Resources for Northern Dancer Project published on June 1st 2009. Please refer to report entitled: Northern Dancer Project, Mineral Resource Estimate Update, 1 June 2009.
Currais Novos
Currais Novos
Region Brazil
Metal Tungsten
Stage Care & Maintenance

Currais Novos is a tungsten tailings operation
Production commenced in December 2011 and plant optimization continued through 2012
Production suspended in 2013 due to a severe regional drought

Evraz PLC

(ABM FN-Dow Jones) De populariteit van vanadium stijgt, nu staalfabrikanten de vraag naar dit metaal weer opvoeren. Dit zegt althans Evraz, de grootste producent van vanadium buiten China, volgens persbureau Bloomberg.

De prijs van vanadium, in 2018 nog op een piek, daalde dit jaar met circa 75 procent, vooral door een teruggelopen vraag uit China waar nieuwe regels ten aanzien van het gebruik van het metaal van kracht werden. Staalfabrikanten weken daarom uit naar alternatieven zoals bijvoorbeeld niobium en titanium.

Volgens Bloomberg zou de topman van Evraz hebben gezegd tevreden te zijn met de huidige prijs voor vanadium van 30 tot 40 dollar per kilo.

Het in Amsterdam genoteerde AMG produceert vanadium, net als titanium en niobium.

© Copyright ABM Financial News B.V. All rights reserved.
Vraag naar vanadium stijgt na prijsval'
Gepubliceerd op 26 aug 2019 om 09:01

MOSKOU (AFN/BLOOMBERG) - De vraag naar overgangsmetaal vanadium, dat onder meer wordt gebruikt voor de vervaardiging van roestvrij staal en het harder maken van staal, zal stijgen. Volgens de Russische producent Evraz grijpen staalmakers weer naar het metaal nadat de prijs ervoor dit jaar met 75 procent zakte.

Eind vorig jaar piekte het metaal nog op een prijs van 120 dollar per kilo. De prijsstijging kwam met name door strengere Chinese bouwregels. Onder meer in huizen en bij infrastructurele projecten moest gebruik worden gemaakt van harder staal. Dat zorgde voor een vertienvoudiging in de vraag naar vanadium. Veel staalmakers grepen op een gegeven moment naar alternatieven voor vanadium zoals niobium en titanium.

De huidige prijs voor vanadium ligt tussen de 30 en 40 dollar per kilo. Evraz zegt tevreden te zijn met het huidige prijsniveau, omdat deze nog altijd boven het langjarige gemiddelde ligt. Evraz, buiten China de grootste vanadium-producent ter wereld, is goed voor circa 15 procent van de vanadium-leveringen wereldwijd.
The Company recorded a net loss of $20,501 in Q2 2019, compared with net income of $90,735 in Q2 2018.This movement was primarily due to a decrease in revenues of $73,859 from $103,321 in Q2 2018 to $29,462in Q2 2019, an increase in operating costs of $3,064 from $30,220 in Q2 2018 to $33,284 in Q2 2019, an increasein finance costs of $2,474 and an increase in exploration and evaluation costs of $1,130. This was partiallyoffset by a decrease in the foreign exchange loss of $5,135, an increase in interest income of $4,052, a decreasein income tax expense of $5,301 and a decrease in deferred income tax recovery of $45,953, from a recoveryof $45,593 in Q2 2018 to an expense of $360 in Q2 2019. For the six months ended June 30, 2019, the Companyrecorded a net loss of $22,669, compared with net income of $136,579 for the same prior year period. Thismovement was primarily attributable to the same factors as above.Sales·The Company recognized revenues of $29,462 in Q2 2019, compared with $103,321 in Q2 2018, withproduction for Q2 2019 of 2,515 tonnes of V2O5 being 57 tonnes higher than the 2,458 tonnes produced in Q22018. Vanadium sales from a contract with a customer (note 19) was $75,786 in Q2 2019, compared with$100,664 in Q2 2018. This decrease is primarily attributable to a decrease in the V2O5 price, with the averageprice per lb of V2O5 of approximately US$8.59 for Q2 2019, compared with approximately $15.44 for Q2 2018.For the six months ended June 30, 2019, the Company recognized revenues of $73,776 ($194,414 in the sameprior year period), with vanadium sales from a contract with a customer (note 19) of $177,189 ($167,223 forthe same prior year period). Revenues are related to the Mine properties segment. Refer to note 4(c) part 8 ofthe Company’s audited annual consolidated financial statements for the year ended December 31, 2018 forthe Company’s vanadium sales accounting policy.·The following table summarizes the revenues earned by the Company on a per unit basis for the three and sixmonth periods ended June 30, 2019 and 2018:Three months ended Six months endedJune 30,2019June 30,2018June 30,2019June 30,2018Revenuesper poundsold1, 2$5.39$18.91$7.31$18.77Revenuesper poundsold1, 2(US$)US$4.02US$14.62US$5.47US$14.65Vanadium salesper poundsold1, 2$13.86$18.42$17.55$16.14Vanadium salesper poundsold1, 2(US$)US$10.33US$14.24US$13.13US$12.60Revenueadjustmentper pound1, 2$(10.15)$0.49$(10.24)$2.63Revenue adjustmentper pound1, 2(US$)US$(7.57)US$0.38US$(7.66)US$2.061.The revenues per pound, vanadium sales per pound and revenue adjustment per pound reported are on a non-GAAP basis. Refer to the “Non-GAAP Measures”section of this MD&A.2.Revenues per pound sold and vanadium sales per pound sold are calculated based on the quantity of V2O5 sold during the stated period. Revenue adjustmentper pound is calculated based on the quantity of V2O5 sold that is subject to re-measurement. This may or may not differ to the quantity sold. Accordingly,these three measures may not, and are not intended to, sum.·As a consequence of the negative revenue adjustment per pound1 realized in Q2 2019 and the six monthsended June 30, 2019, the Company’s trade payables balance at June 30, 2019 (note 9) was $67,401 (December31, 2018 – trade receivables (note 5) of $55,011). At June 30, 2019, the revenue adjustment payable1 was$78,902. Assuming V2O5 prices remain the same as at June 30, 2019 (refer to “Liquidity and Capital Resources”section of this MD&A), the Company’s estimated revenue adjustment payable for V2O5 sold1 to June 30, 2019is $94,860. At the date of this MD&A, the Company’s estimated revenue adjustment payable for V2O5 sold1 toJuly 31, 2019 is approximately $99,507.1 The revenue adjustment per pound, revenue adjustment payable an
• Record V2O5 production of 2,952 tonnes in Q3 2019, an increase of 17% over Q2 2019 and 15% over Q3 2018
• Global V2O5 recovery rate2 of 78.1% in Q3 2019 compared to 79.1% in Q2 2019 and 77.1% in Q3 2018
• Average annual cash operating costs excluding royalties1 guidance lowered to US$3.30 to $3.40 per pound of V2O5; Production guidance maintained
• Expansion project in final stages of commissioning; Expected to conclude in October 2019
• Q3 2019 operational and financial results conference call: Thursday, November 14th, 2019 at 10:00 a.m. EDT

TORONTO, Oct. 15, 2019 /CNW/ - Largo Resources Ltd. ("Largo" or the "Company") (TSX: LGO) (OTCQX: LGORF) is pleased to announce third quarter 2019 production results from its Maracás Menchen Mine highlighted by a new quarterly production record of 2,952 tonnes of vanadium pentoxide ("V2O5") produced at an average global recovery rate2 of 78.1%. In addition, the Company has lowered its 2019 annual cash operating cost excluding royalties1 guidance to the range of US$3.30 to $3.40 per pound of V2O5.

Total production in Q3 2019 from the Maracás Menchen Mine was 2,952 tonnes of V2O5 representing an increase of 17% over Q2 2019 and a 15% increase over Q3 2018. Production in July was 1,042 tonnes, a new monthly V2O5 production record for the Company. Higher production in July was a consequence of the start-up of the second deammoniator as part of the expansion project in addition to the consumption of intermediary stockpiles. Production of 975 tonnes of V2O5 in August was slightly above budget and was aligned with the ramp-up schedule for the expansion project. Production of 935 tonnes of V2O5 in September was impacted by leaching area availability.

In Q3 2019, 267,257 tonnes of ore with an effective V2O5 grade3 of 1.52% were mined and the crushing unit was fed with 329,024 tonnes with an effective V2O5 grade3 of 1.15%. Lower grades seen in the crushing feed are primarily due to processing lower grade weathered ore stockpiles built up during the first years of the operation. The Company also produced 92,629 tonnes of concentrate ore with an effective V2O5 grade3 of 3.26% compared to 88,075 tonnes produced in Q3 2018 with a grade of 3.30%.

Global V2O5 recovery rates2 averaged 78.1% in Q3 2019 which compares to 79.1% in Q2 2019 and 77.1% in Q3 2018. Global V2O5 recovery rates2 were down slightly quarter-over-quarter in 2019 primarily as a result of processing low-grade ore stockpiles fed and some process variability during the expansion ramp-up phase. The Company expects global V2O5 recovery rates2 to average approximately 79.0% in Q4 2019.

The Company's expansion project is in the final stages of commissioning following the start-up of the new ball mill in September and expects to reach the new nameplate capacity of 1,000 tonnes of V2O5 in October.

seadoc schreef op 4 november 2019 20:42:

mijn instapniveau van 1,20 komt langzaam maar zeker dichterbij.

Waarom niet al kleine beetje inkopen? Of heb je niet zoveel vertrouwen in het aandeel?
Zou kunnen. Maar nope, ik houd me aan mijn strategie. Ik hoef ze niet per se te hebben. Aandelen genoeg op deze wereld :-).
Ik vind het overigens wel een goed bedrijf, edoch:


seadoc schreef op 5 november 2019 20:03:

Zou kunnen. Maar nope, ik houd me aan mijn strategie. Ik hoef ze niet per se te hebben. Aandelen genoeg op deze wereld :-).
Ik vind het overigens wel een goed bedrijf, edoch:

Kan ik me in vinden. Aandelen genoeg indd. Emoties erbuiten laten (voor zover mogelijk).

Benieuwd of het de 1.20 raakt. Kijkend naar de vanadium prijs de laatste maanden gaat dat wel lukken
TORONTO, Nov. 13, 2019 /CNW/ - Largo Resources Ltd. ("Largo" or the "Company") (TSX: LGO) (OTCQX: LGORF) announces its third quarter 2019 operational and financial results highlighted by 2,952 tonnes of vanadium pentoxide ("vanadium" or "V2O5") produced at a cash operating cost excluding royalties2 of US$2.81 per pound of V2O5.

Paulo Misk, President and Chief Executive Officer for Largo, stated: "Operations at the Maracás Menchen Mine performed well in the third quarter 2019 following increased production from the expansion project. Cash operating costs excluding royalties2 were US$2.81 per pound V2O5 in Q3 2019 representing a decrease of 8% over Q3 2018. Although the Company achieved lower operating and unit costs during the quarter, profitability continued to be impacted as a result of lower vanadium prices combined with the Company's re-measurement of trade receivables / payables as a result of its current off-take agreement and consequently, the Company recorded a net loss of $8.6 million in Q3 2019. The Board realizes that the share price does not currently reflect the business value of the Company and is considering instituting a share repurchase program by way of a Normal Course Issuer Bid."

He continued: "The Company believes that vanadium prices are unsustainably low and expects sentiment and prices to improve as evidenced by the recent price increase for ferrovanadium in Europe. Despite greater vanadium consumption in China over the last two years, the current price environment is largely attributable to high iron ore prices and a dramatic increase in Chinese V2O5 slag production earlier in 2019 from vanadium-titano magnetite (VTM) deposits. The increase in Chinese vanadium supply, combined with greater than anticipated niobium substitution put vanadium prices under pressure throughout 2019. Going forward, we expect vanadium market sentiment to improve following current shutdowns from high cost stone coal producers, a decline in V2O5 slag production and a reverse in niobium substitution on the back of lower vanadium prices."

"Largo is pleased to report that the Board has approved the construction of a ferrovanadium conversion plant at the Maracás Menchen Mine. Ferrovanadium is essential in the production of steel products, which make up approximately 91% of global vanadium consumption. The construction of the Company's own ferrovanadium conversion plant creates downstream advantages as it eliminates the need to convert Largo's V2O5 using third party convertors. The Company has begun the basic engineering studies associated with the construction of the plant and looks forward to providing an update to the market in the near future."

"The Company is advancing basic engineering studies to further evaluate the economics associated with upgrading the Maracás Menchen Mine's non-magnetic tailings using concentrate flotation to produce TiO2 concentrate. The Company's non-magnetic tailings are composed of ilmenite which also contain titanium dioxide (TiO2). The Company began a pilot plant study in October to prove flotation performance and anticipates results of the ongoing study in Q4 2019."

"The Company continues to advance its sales and trading business with the recently announced appointment Mr. Francesco D'Alessio as Head of Sales, Americas, who will support the Company's vanadium sales strategy in the North and South American markets. The Company has attended multiple conferences and continues to build the back-office team to support sales and ensure highest quality of service from May 2020 onwards."

He concluded: "We are also pleased to announce a strategic partnership with Boston Metal to further advance its Molten Oxide Electrolysis (MOE) testing using Largo's V2O5 to produce ferrovanadium. Boston Metal's patented metals-production process is more efficient, less costly and greener with Molten Oxide Electrolysis."
Vanaf de zijlijn
Ik wacht nog even op een goedkoper moment mocht deze zich uiteraard voordoen. Begin 2016 heeft de koers ook al eens op 0,30 gestaan.

Vanaf de zijlijn schreef op 27 november 2019 05:57:

Ik wacht nog even op een goedkoper moment mocht deze zich uiteraard voordoen. Begin 2016 heeft de koers ook al eens op 0,30 gestaan.
Toen zaten ze nog dik in de schulden, ik geloof een paar honderd miljoen.
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