Tilburg013 schreef op 12 november 2020 11:30:
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Ik ben erachter gekomen dat Avantium deel neemt aan het EU-project:
Sun Co2 Chem waarbij het onder andere samenwerkt met de chemiereuzen Dow en IFF.
Sun Co2 ChemSunCoChem project addresses the need of the European Chemical Industry to reduce their dependence on carbon feedstock by producing highly competitive and integrated solutions enabling the carbon-neutral production of energy and high-value chemicals.
SunCoChem will provide a solution based on a competitive tandem photoelectrocatalytic reactor to efficiently produce oxo-products from solar energy and CO2 emissions from the European Chemical Industries. This will be achieved by process intensification coupling a solar-driven carbon dioxide reduction to CO/water oxidation to O2 with CC bond carbonylation reaction catalysed by novel multifunctional hybrid photoelectrocatalysts.
The project will deliver materials with improved catalytic performance from cheap and earth–abundant raw building block with application in the solar-driven chemistry to produce chemicals by using renewable energy (sunlight) and renewable carbon sources (CO2).
SunCoChem is focused on the production of 3 main oxo-products of interest for three important chemical industries in Europe: i) Glycolic Acid, used as polymers building block and of interest to AVANTIUM CHEMICALS BV; ii) Valeraldheyde, a flavor ingredient of interest to and produced by DOW CHEMICALS; and iii) LimoxalTM a fragrance ingredient of interest to and produced by IFF.
AvantiumContribution to SunCoChem
Avantium will contribute with the development of electrocatalysts and electrochemical reactors, as part of the photoelectrocatalyst system for carbon dioxide reduction. Based on its expertise in catalysis for the chemical industry, as well as its experience in developing its own sustainable chemical processes, Avantium will contribute to the development of the process to make glycolic acid and in the selection of the operative conditions.
Looptijd project:
1 mei 2020 - 30 april 2024EU-bijdrage:
6.617. 645 EUREU-bijdrage Avantium:
518.487,50 EURBron: